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/music/ - Music

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Mfw Siivagunner has better production than 99% of modern producers.


Post music that very few people know about but is still good or at least OK.
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Ukulele girls are asinine.



dumb dowggg


Can we get my girl Astrid some listens?


i heard this before
i like the beat and the vocal fx

File: 1674145596575.png (5.8 MB, 1497x2400, topsters2-1.png)


Post and discuss conscious/political hip hop
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File: 1700337412559.webm (18.32 MB, 540x540, alunya_rises.webm)



Can anyone identify this, sounds like red army choir?


Use the catalog: >>3091


Finally found it, no thanks to TOGGAFREGGIN >>10110
Песня неуловимых мстителей

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 No.130[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

No boring ass woody Guthrie singing about how sad it to be from Oklahoma while strumming his guitar. I want synthesisers, fast rhythms, weird ass instruments you’ve never heard before. I want shit that would make you want to get up and dance in your local town square with other third world peasants.

Is its leftist? cool. Is its advocating for the genocide of some ethnic minority or the establishment of a global caliphate? I don’t give shit as long as the music is fire.
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>"马步芳抓壮丁" - Ma Bufang Conscripts the Young Men (Xibei San Ma Qinghai Folk Song)



Glory to the peoples struggles of western southeast Asia! The Tatmadaw must be smashed as well as the international capital that strengthens its reactionary junta!


Ain't Done Nothing If You Ain't Been Called A Red (Live / 1984)



This thread is for discussing what can only be described as "stoner" music
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Dirt from The Stooges, Funhouse (1970)

Genre(s): Blues Rock, Acid Rock, Heavy Psych | Garage Rock



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Any fellow leaves (or First Nations comrades) on this board want to weigh in on the Buffy Sainte-Marie controversy?

She’s a huge pop culture icon in Canuckistan largely due to her claims of being FN/Cree yet now it turns out she was never Canadian or FN.

We were lied to.
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im canadian and i never heard of her
i know like this land is your land from school but that's about it


What province are you in? Because my mother is from BC and she was devastated at the news.


>that obvious fake tan


im not a boomer, so


Here's a good perspective from an actual First Nations woman in Canada.


Frank Zappa, history's only anti-racist libertarian.


thats because in the 70s libertarian was more related to the counterculture and less just disgruntled conservatives


Not hard to be when you just say it's IQ and not correlated with race


not rlly, the goldwater type libertarians were already a thing by then


goldwater was proto reaganist not libertarian


I keep seeing videos about how "pop is dead" "hip hop is dead" and of course, the now venerable "rock is dead" and how catalog music is outselling new music and every record label is just surviving off the copyright for elvis and aging rock/pop stars from the 70s/80s. About how new music sales declining.

crosslink hip hop is dead: >>8913

>Old songs now represent 70 percent of the U.S. music market, according to the latest numbers from MRC Data, a music-analytics firm. Those who make a living from new music—especially that endangered species known as the working musician—should look at these figures with fear and trembling. But the news gets worse: The new-music market is actually shrinking. All the growth in the market is coming from old songs.

is it possible we have exhausted all possible music at least in popular genres? that everything will be a throwback like Olivia Rodridgo larping as paramore or jack white playing the blues?

Is this just the spiritual exhaustion of late capitalism like mark F said? Or are we really done? Will people still be making led zeppelin cover bands 100 years from now?
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rofl its more alive than its ever been


I too was obsessed with the situationists once long ago but I think Deleuze provides a better but similar theory of art. The situationists were cooking tho. It just feels like a lot of their ideas are a mishmash of ideas going around at the time rather than a coherent philosophy.


I think the problem lies in the fact that music have just become consumer products like they don't care about putting genuine emotions or feelings into the music, mainstream music groups just keep making the same generic love songs over and over again it's capitalism bleeding into our lives


>music have just become consumer products
OP's whole claim that "all music has been made" is based on sales numbers.


all products are consumer products lol

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