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/music/ - Music

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remember when phonk thumbnail have one of the most lust provoking bitches in their thumbnail? (say yes i know you know).

im searching for that one channel who have hot babes but also link the artist deviantart page. i don't remember if the girl are black and white or full color. can anyone here help me find the channel and artist im looking for? also, link other deviantart, pixif, youtube links and etc of other channel and artist that have those hot phonk women. also, is there any other IB's to ask about this? i'm thinking lainchan and whatever the current day equivelant of 420chan (that stoner ib) is.

Post it if you find it I'm intrigued

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Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdBvAbB9kV4&ab_channel=WhinfpProductions

It's a bisexual Marxist-Leninist critique of capitalism, the political system, and the generation gap.

Well I'm glad we got another leftoid passing their hobby as communism.

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Why are you posting on /leftypol/ if you aren't a leftist? I don't care. I'll still continue making my queer commie music.


what are some good EDM songs you'd recommend?

ty anon, i will check it out :)

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A place to post your own songs or ask questions and discuss music making.

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made this on bandlab :) advice would be nice i suppose, i'll try and leave feedback


I have some detroit style trap here.. hope you ike!

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>Listen to sabashit song about the failed siege of Gallipoli where the Turks pushed out the Allied invaders
>song be like: "boohoo there's no victory, no goal, only sadness from westoids who lost their sons"

In comparison songs about the siege of Vienna and the six day war fully glorifies the Poles and zionists and portrait the other side as subhuman filth

Any other shit bands that are blatantly White supremacist and imperialist propagandists?
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>they're obviously rightoid war cultists
<Attero Dominatus
<Panfilov's 28
<Night Witches
<Defense of Moscow (cover)
Yeah wow, such rightoids, making songs about the Nazi invasion and the Soviet destruction of fascism. They make songs representing the legend of the subject involved, they'd be political if they actually believed in the poltics about which they sang, because otherwise, they're america-patriotic turkish nationalist Communists based on your retarded, cherrypicking narrative.

Fuck off.

The band sucks ass just get over it.

I hate to have to be the one to tell you this but you can be right wing without being a Nazi

They have songs glorifying Nazi soldiers too, for example in Ghost Division they are very blatant about it. Admiring the Red Army for its military prowess fits into the rightoid war cultist worldview.

>unironically saying shit like "westoid"
/pol/ converts never stopped being a thing, they just updated their lingo

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This is a very mainstream surface level metal band with pop music like sound and song structure. It’s not like the more extreme types of metal that break the traditional pop song structure and where you actually have to train your ears by listening to metal for a long time to appreciate it.

Of course the worst part about this band is the lyrical content. It’s very safe and politically correct. It doesn’t stray from the liberal worldview. Pretty much every song is about how the west are the good guys. They even have a song about the poor 9/11 victims and the evil Muslim terrorists. The few songs they have about the Soviets have lyrics in them about how Stalin is evil and communism is oppressive. Weird how none of the songs about america have obligatory lyrics shitting on the country.

All around dogshit band for people who don’t actually love metal and probably only listen to Metallica and Pantera.

Also this: >>11647


Can someone who is a fan or something explain what this guy's fucking deal is? Why is he releasing albums on major labels while prancing around with Wolfsangels and other pseudo-swastikas?
People say it's all full of double meanings, but his music is so unpleasant to listen to, it's such a celebration of anti-intellectualism and being braindead that I end up too disgusted to even listen to it.
Before you immediately assume I'm not "in on it" I'm a big fan of Genocide Organ, who have a similar approach of using reactionary symbols as a weapon against reactionary ideology. When it comes to this guy, I mean, he's hanging out with Tom Metzger and Bob Heick. Stewart Home, who seems like a pretty cool guy, directly accused him of being a Nazi, in an article that is here but I have yet to read it
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I liked this article from some years ago about navel-gazing "apoliteic music" and how that ties into post-war fascism. Like "oh boo hoo, woe is us, Evropa is lost, but maybe one day the phoenix will rise again…"

>Although fascism is an enfant terrible of the twentieth century, its socio-political lifespan is not bounded by ᴉuᴉlossnW’s and Hitler’s regimes. After the joint forces of the Soviet Union and the western liberal democracies had crushed fascism’s war machine, it was forced to evolve or, rather, mutate into three distinct forms. The groups that still wanted to participate in the political process had to dampen their revolutionary ardour rather dramatically and translate it ‘as far as possible into the language of liberal democracy’. This strategy gave birth to new radical right-wing parties that have become electorally successful in several countries over the last twenty-five years. Revolutionary ultra-nationalists, on the other hand, retreated to the margins of socio-political life and took the form of small groupuscules that kept alive ‘the illusory prospect of having a revolutionary impact on society’. The third form of post-war fascism was conceptualized in the teachings of two fascist philosophers, Armin Mohler and Julius Evola. In Die konservative Revolution in Deutschland 1918-1932, published in 1950, Mohler argued that, since fascist revolution was indefinitely postponed due to the political domination of liberal democracy, true ‘conservative revolutionaries’ found themselves in an ‘interregnum’ that would, however, spontaneously give way to the spiritual grandeur of national reawakening. This theme of right-wing ‘inner emigration’ was echoed by Evola in his Cavalcare la tigre (Ride the Tiger), published in 1961. Evola acknowledged that, while ‘the true State, the hierarchical and organic State’, lay in ruins, there was ‘no one party or movement with which one can unreservedly agree and for which one can fight with absolute devotion, in defence of some higher idea’. Thus, l’uomo differenziato should practise ‘disinterest, detachment from everything that today constitutes “politics”‘, and this was exactly the principle that Evola called ‘apoliteia’. While apoliteia does not necessarily imply abstention from socio-political activities, an apoliteic individual, an ‘aristocrat of the soul’ (to cite the subtitle of the English translation of Cavalcare la tigre), should always embody his ‘irrevocable intern
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Rice confirmed for Nazi apologist.

>electronic music is very white just by its very nature
>non whites dont listen to electronic music
this interview was in 1986 too



I don’t get it. Five years ago we were told this girl was going to save pop music. She made an album where she blended art pop with trap, industrial and dark ambient. She was single-handedly usurping the control if the major labels. She is also extremely socially conscious and leftist, basically the zoomer Joan Baez. Now she’s only released one song in the past two years and it’s bland as hell. Why
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£380 is $500 USD in case anyone is wondering.

No time to buy

this is industry-wide though, ticketmaster singlehandedly killed the post-pandemic festival/concert fever, lots of people felt scammed yet tickets remain inflated

Taylor’s ticket prices were way lower than this though and her shows go for over three hours.

I dont give a shit if these people died from tuberculosis and polio


What do we think of Chappell Roan?

She’s openly queer, neurodivergent, pro-Palestine, has songs glorifying sex work, and seems pretty progressive overall.

Does her rise to fame signify any cultural shift we should be paying attention to?
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Interesting, because Eyelash's latest album seems to have flopped compared to her previous two. Meanwhile, Chappell was a literal who two months ago.

>hurr lemme make a slippery slope argument becuz I wanna simp for this dime-a-dozen popgirl
Get better taste.

Amazing she doesn't know who Elton John is.

zionism is the new counterculture bros
wtf there are artists that are known now but weren't known in the past…?? NAD THEYRE WOMEN..??!!1??1!! is this becuase of the cia, bros

More like, “alt” white woman pop stars are easily replaceable even if they’re hyped up as game-changers.

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With this one, you can make actual songs.
Hearing right now to the international as an anime opening.

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Made a song about Grace beating Alunya in a duel + love songs

^to make your own songs using prompts.
(I advise not using key words mainly, but a synopsis or prompt like "Alunya beats Grace in a duel") with an addition of key words & descriptions like "Grace has emerald eyes").
(you get 5 songs per day)
To get a genre, write it in front of the prompt like gangsta rap or diss rap or diss track or rap battle or rap song or ballad or medieval ballad or musical or punk or blues or happy pop song or bluegrass – (there are more I think).

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To download your song, click the 3 dots & click video. Sometimes you have to wait or refresh the page to get the video download ready.

the audio quality is shitty but the composition ain't bad. I'd love to hear some of these handed over to real big bands to be played

ei tällästä enää pliis

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