With the outing of Justin Sane and several other big names in the punk movement I need help finding out who this one other abuser could be.
In vidrel, this woman mentions how she was in a relationship with a "very famous" guitarist in a DC punk band named Brian. She said he pressured her into an abortion and she went along with it because she wanted to be this "punk rock icon's wife". This abortion made her suicidal and turned her into an alcoholic for years.
According to testimony she wrote several years ago, this particular incident took place in December of 1998. She also mentions DC was this guitarist's home town. The other clue is that she and her boyfriend were heavy drinkers, so he definitely wasn't straight-edge.
https://www.standtrue.com/educate-yourself/document.aspx?docid=9433In this interview at the 14:14 mark she talks about how she was at a CD release party a few months later (so, in 1999) where she saw Brian.
https://radiomaria.us/podcast/the-gospel-of-life/january-20-2015-healing-the-shockwaves-of-abortion/(Apologies for all the anti-abortion propaganda.)
I'm asking if there's any idea of who this guitarist named Brian could be. My first thought is it was Brian Baker but he was no longer in DC in the late 90s when all of this took place. My other thought was that it was the guitarist from Bluetip but he joined the band in 1999 and wouldn't have been super-famous in DC in '98.
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