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post meme templates and objects with transparent backgrounds, etc. for our OC makers to use.
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RIP this thread
posting israeli diaper force as I mourn


За Победу!

Post photographs, videos, documents, maps, medals and stories relating to the Great Patriotic War.
Post about WW-II history you know or want to know about. Primarily Soviet focused but includes others too.

If you have a soviet veteran in your family history, feel free to create an account and register their name, photo and any other information at http://moypolk.ru
No shitposting
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Part of it was translated here >>21443
I'll translate the rest later in the >>>/edu/ translation thread.

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Previous thread: >>36889
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I suffer from same issue, 90% of my wardrobe is black, and the 10% remaining is summer clothing, so for cold season its all black all the time. Personaly I dislike eath tones, and white is impractical as it stains too easily. I like dark red/purple/pink/grey, but am genuinely struggling finding clothing, the black and earth paletre seems to completely dominate contemporary fashion.

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fake fades are so gross tbh

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Realizing that a lot, if not most, of interior design gets carried entirely by the size of the place, the walls and the flooring.

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>check /r/malelivingspace
>it's all barren American Psycho-esque shit, maybe a Funko Pop collection or gamer garbage somewhere
>check /r/femalelivingspace
>it's all disorganized furniture by hoarders bordering on Diogenes syndrome shit
This is what I get for going to Reddit for "realistic" inspo.

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< The very essence of stereotypical middle-class decor, the object as a mask…
Richard III (1985) by Philippe Stark for Baleri Italia.


I love you guys lol
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I feel bad for the robber guy though, the guard punishment assignment clearly needs to stop

>rob a qt? the punishment is DEATH

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Was she a Stalinist? She sure as hell never did anything wrong.
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I think he submitted to Echidna out of fear more than anything else.
Also, NTA but
>I don't really know why Worm is considered 'rationalfic'
Because it gets dark and edgy and "real". Honestly I reiterate that I find fanfiction of Worm written better and more compellingly than the actual Worm series. It's kind of like RWBY in that regard, where the initial idea had merit and pulled people in but then it slowly degraded into a complicated mess. Only in the case of Worm (and Ward and so on) they don't have the excuse of Wildbow dying and having someone else take over the project.

Perhaps, but my point is that I never truly hated the character.

Yeah I still don't truly understand how the fuck his powers work TBH.

>I can't even think of one instance where serial killers worked as a team in real life.
Pic rel or any other US special ops team… or the interrogators of Guant*namo. Besides I found their dynamic interesting and it seemed plausible to me within the story's reality, even if not necessarily in ours, it's just how vile they were as people that made me loathe them. I would approach S9 as more of a criminal/merc group with a serial killer leading them, rather than a group of serial killers. The characters may have various serial killer tropes but most of them aren't like Jack Slash

because the retards that read "rational fic" found it when it was new and misunderstood it hard.

Pretty much. From what I remember it was specifically the author of that rational harry potter fic recommending Worm that lead to a lot of people flocking to it.

what do you people think about Pact? I have not finished it yet, but it seems like another work with interesting ideas, some cool moments but also a lot of flaws.

I like the setting and the magic but I just think Pact as a story wasn't very conducive to actually exploring them with Blake/Rose being limited on what they could learn and what they could do. The latter plot developments don't help this. The pacing is the big thing people have issue with where things escalate insanely fast but also drag out forever. Personally, I also felt the main conflict could've been done better. It's been awhile since I read it so I might be forgetting things, but I feel every practitioner in Jacobs Bell immediately gunning to kill a Thorburn the moment they awaken instead of taking any other route to deal with them was kind of ridiculous.

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Something that seems to be gaining more popularity lately is sample free vaporwave, or vaporwave which samples original composition as opposed to pre existing music. Besides the common criticisms against it such as; it goes against the very nature of the genre, or defeats the whole purpose, I think it's particularly interesting from a leftist perspective.
Vaporwave started off being made and shared anonymously online by working class people with no regards for copyright infringement. Essentially, it was a big middle finger to the very idea of intellectual property. Then you get into the genre's critique of capitalism, satire of consumerism, and so forth. Anyway, the genre gradually died out, losing its relevance along the way, and around the same time an enigmatic album called "virtua.zip" was released. Meet George Clanton, now multimillionaire record label owner/petit bourgeois hipster, the progenitor of sample free vaporwave. This album challenged the foundations of vaporwave, but also paved the way for the eventual commodification and subsequent recuperation of the genre, the very thing it was critiquing in the first place.
Since vaporwave had been growing increasingly popular, this also meant it was quickly transforming into a marketable product. Pioneering the forefront of this was George Clanton, who quickly rose from a nobody from Virginia into a small-time superstar. He found success in starting one of the first vaporwave record labels, transforming vaporwave into a "brand", as well as hosting the first ever vaporwave music festival (which insisted it was a "safe space" for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ folx despite selling out 100$ tickets to white hipsters anyway) among other things. At the same time the genre saw a shift away from its roots towards original composition and a more "experimental" sound, which in turn increased the rate of its commercialization even faster. Fast forward to today and you have vaporwave labels by the hundreds, endless vaporwave "fashion" (including an actual in-store location in LA), and the transition away from a loosely interconnected movement into a DIY "scene". Not to mention vaporwave aesthetics ironically being appropriated by corporations like Facebook and MTV among other things.
Among these sample free vaporwave artists, the majority come from a petit bourgeois background, having access to thousands of dollars worth of instruments, equipment, and gear. As you might guess, there's an air of elitism among them, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

I never really saw vapourwave as a critique of anything, just a nostalgia trip


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The real answer is the creator's dad is a billionaire, that's pretty much all you need to know

This. The creator is a failson who made a money laundering scheme and got all his entertainment industry friends a paycheck. Making it something controversial just ensures it gets plenty of attention and therefore multiple seasons.

Eh, I liked what I did watch of it, didn't torrent the whole thing yet. Mainly talking about Aggretsuko but I wanted to give more than one example.

Honestly, Star Trek: Below Decks is goated. The first season, as with every other Star Trek show, is rough. But it gets really good later on.
F to a real one.

Lower Decks*

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Thread for discussing ATLA and LoK or rather analyzing both, appreciating the effort of creating the former and shitting on the lazy liberalism of the latter
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That would also be a payoff to the globetrotting stuff throughout the series, bringing back the side characters for some kind of spirit vision he forcibly takes Ozai on. It would be like how Roku had done with Aang throughout the show, demonstrating Aang fully becoming the Avatar's role as a guide. The climax of Aang's spiritual character arc being just another neato power is a lot less interesting than some kind of empathy based power that uses his connection to the "world spirit" to "fix" Ozai by re-connecting him to everyone else. Even if he still technically wins just because the experience overwhelms and incapacitates Ozai until the comet passes.

Started watching Avatar with my gf. The episode with the "freedom fighters" plotting to take out a dam caught me off guard. I was not expecting a kids show to touch on such topics, even through a liberal lense.

Australians are asiatic

A post about ATLA characters in the Chunin Exams >>>/anime/24750
What do you think would the power disparity be like for some of the non-mentioned characters be like?

Just found out there was an actual White Lotus secret society in China that lasted for centuries.


Any leftists in the Yugioh community? Been getting back into the game heavily lately, played Edison to Dragon Rulers back in the day, but I mostly play goat format now.
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I watched one video on the current state of the game after playing it as a child and the meta is fucking nuts. The game is unplayable.

All i do is collect, playing this tcg is a nightmare nowadays. I have a binder full of majority of dark magicians and blue-eye cards. Next goal is to collect all jinzos

My childhood deck had a Jinzo (blocks traps) with a Horus (blocks magic spells).

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I have been thinking of getting into Tengu Plant, no one plays Meadowlands online :C

Modern YGO seems just as cancerous as it was when I left in 2016, buy the new game warping cards for a few hundred bucks every 6 months or get fucked. It's a terrible value proposition when fighting games exist.



I have never seen a show cause more butthurt on /tv/ than this. What are leftypols thoughts?
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I disagree. S1 was good, s2 was fumbled hard. Every time bigbrain came on screen I sighed, and there was no ending to the series. It just kind of stopped right as it had started building up some momentum. It took me about two weeks to realise that the last episode was the series finale; I thought something went wrong with the streaming service I was using and it wasn't updating the episode list anymore.

>Invincible is about growing into manhood and fatherhood.
Viltrum is a metaphor of the US obsfuscating its ruthless imerialism as bringing civilization/democracy to its targets.

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When the show first came out and they pretty much confirmed show Black Noir was black, just like the stuntman in the suit, source material be damned, it was heavily rumored that it was a mandate ordered by Amazon that they needed more than just one black guy on the Seven and Kripke race flipped BN without bothering to do research on the character, to appease Amazon's demands for diversity quotas.

However, Kripke recently gave an interview where he gleefully admits that he race flipped BN (and made Homelander a rapist instead of being framed for rape) because he was THAT fucking pissy that Garth Ennis wussied out on making Homelander be King Satan with the twist that Black Noir was his clone and had framed him in order to gaslight him into going evil so BN could kill him.

Dude fucking hates Homelander THAT fucking much.

Yeah probably but in a greater sense Viltrum represents the past of Mark's father that he has to reckon with on the path to manhood. His father ceases to be a hero figure for mark to idolize and instead a tyrant figure that must be overcome.

Oh and The Savage Dragon shows up sometimes.

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