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R: 0 / I: 0

OG Fallout is fine; just fine.

It’s a fine game, but that’s all there is to say about it. As a Fallout game, it’s pretty average. The gore and feeling of dread in the visuals and audio is still the same as in every game made before New Vegas, the gameplay still has the player running around like a bitch for fucking anything, and the main storyline plays like any of Fallout 3’s and New Vegas’ DLCs. What makes it stand out is the difficulty, because the tabletop elements, enemy spam, limited playtime, and finite resources keep the player from becoming stupidly overpowered the moment they get past the first few levels. Additionally, the visuals are somewhat unique even to the other top down releases, because they’re slightly more grounded in reality than in what’s seen in other retro sci fi works. Otherwise, the game is like any other Fallout game, and that’s okay.
R: 26 / I: 4

World of Warcraft’s world building is so bad

“The entire orc race was crafted by gods and they have a super huge civilization that has survived multiple battles against magic and massive armies.” “oh by the way there capital has a population of a few thousand.”

“Stormwind is a massive industrial capital with the capabilities of equipping its army’s soldiers with fully ornamented metal armour, magic and even guns.” “Also the entirety of the alliance is in the medieval era of technology somehow for… reasons.”

“There are actual gods and people with access to time travel and teleportation that can casually obliterate Azeroth and all the other dimensions at any time but won’t, because the writers only need to acknowledge this when it’s convenient for any expansions.”
R: 81 / I: 13


Was she a Stalinist? She sure as hell never did anything wrong.
R: 24 / I: 6

Riot Self-Defense

What it says on the tin - I've seen a couple threads about preparing for a Guerrilla war or whatever, but not much about defending yourself and others at a demonstration or during a riot, which is obviously a much more common situation to find yourself in. I specifically had defending from riot police in mind, but anything would be interesting/useful.
R: 3 / I: 0

“It’s just not necessary”

I think the only technology with any real-world practicality that’s also popular in science fiction is power armour; more specifically, the exodus they are built on top of. The necessity of those suits in warfare would likely be for transporting riflemen around hard-to-navigate terrain. Even then, it’s likely that such a technology would be used sparingly for small patrol missions than in actual combat. Why am I bringing up exo suits in a thread with such a specific quote? Because it’s often overlooked by writers how unbelievably broken some of their in game weapons are.
If Xeelee Sequence, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, EVE Online and Gothic Fleet Armada got anything correct about sci fi, it’s that the best tactic in any war of attrition is to spam your opponent with only the most broken weapons available to you in your kit. There’s absolutely no reason to use any other technology, if any faction can just blast someone else with endless space lasers, auto cannons, and large bombs until they inevitably win a battle. Especially if the technologies available are cheap to make and mass produce. If this wasn’t true, NATO wouldn’t still be relying on shitty and possibly rusty m4 carbines, Leopard 1s, and Apache-64s to fight in every fucking battle they’ll ever participate in regardless of context. Similarly, there wouldn’t be so many countries using Ak-74us, and armoured single-machine-gunned trucks to supply their armies.
In fiction this brainless approach to mechanized combat is even more apparent in the galactic empire’s (the Star Wars one to prevent confusion) over usage of the death star and their star destroyers whenever they start losing basically any fight, the interim coalition’s tendency to favour its space navy during its alien-genocide campaigns, or the Necron’s haha funny star- and planet- destroying super weapons. Literally the only time a cool sci fi faction decides to use a technology that isn’t brain dead simple and cheap is if that faction is complete shit. Examples of this relationship between technologies usage and a faction is apparent in the Terran federation, the UNSC, the Imperium of man, Gundam’s Earth federation, Supreme Commander’s Earth federation, every house in Dune, and more—no I don’t care that all of those factions consist exclusively of humans.
Looking back at all of this, any sci fi fan has to wonder. Are all fictional—and by extent real—wars doomed to always fall into being series of brief battles determined by who has the deadlier but cheaply produced weapon? If not, where can an avid sci fi enthusiast find a series where the wars fought are complex, but aren’t fought between primitive space-faring societies.
R: 79 / I: 29

Victoria 3

I'm pretty new to victoria 3, and I'm looking for some advice. What are some fun countries to play as while still being a beginner? Also, what are the best mods I should get?
R: 49 / I: 12

/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General

This place needs an AI chatbot thead, so this is it now.

To start things off, I've made a card for Alunya: https://chub.ai/characters/xalkoi/Alunya
Fuck Fork and modify it to oblivion

Don't want to give money to capitalist but want to try it out? First download SillyTavern: https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern

Then create an account on Poe.com and follow the guide on SillyTavern to get the API key (just copy the value of the cookie)

Now download the png of the bot and import it on sillytavern, have fun.

And if you don't mind being unable to lewd the bots, you also have https://beta.character.ai/
R: 197 / I: 222

Draw Alunya 2

We anons humbly request Alunya artwork from drawfriends
As Alunya art would be for all leftyanons' sake & .org
Especially from new drawfriends|
This time a 2nd time.
R: 121 / I: 23

Why do /pol/acks hate rap?

Rap is extremely politically incorrect, liberally uses the gamer word, glorifies guns, thug, culture, and misogyny. It's everything /pol/ loves. Is it just because they hate blacks more?
R: 5 / I: 0

Metal Gear Solid is not “based” it’s actually liberal garbage

Every single game you are just killing Soviets or other evil Russians. The Soviet Union is pure evil in the games. I fail to see how this overrated dogshit series is “based”. The only game that’s actually based is Peace Walker since you are killing CIA agents instead of Russians like in literally every other game. Or in MGS4 when you get to kill Blackwater mercenaries but even in that game the US military are portrayed in a positive light. Hideo like most Japanese are massive cucks and suck USA dick. Most of the villains are actually based. Skull Face talks about how evil America is and how he wants to overthrow the Amerikkkan world order. Solidus is also based but these are supposed to be the “bad guys” for some reason.
R: 84 / I: 27

Propaganda is the reason we lost

It is no exaggeration to say the reason we are heading towards catastrophe and possible extinction is due to losing the propaganda war.

Its not that the system is so oppressive that people cant rebel. Police violence. Threat of homelessness and hunger. Rent. Fear. People can overcome all of this and more. History has shown this. Information is where the true battle takes place.

The reason the revolution does not happen is because the masses are severely brainwashed. Most people believe Capitalism is natural and unavoidable. That humans are inherently evil. And thus a better society is impossible.
Schools and media have perfectly done their job.

Deprograming takes too much individual, conscious effort and time to pretend to reeducate the masses. I can not see the way out of this bros
R: 506 / I: 120

HoI4 + HoI4 modding thread

By Blood alone waiting room edition.


I didn't realise they also reworked the Far-Eastern Collapse.
If Kerensky fucks up the Manchu's still take over the West, Republicans run off to Transamur and Vladivostok and then either become one of two different flavours of authdem, Ukrops spawn in the north, but can either be SocDem or Banderites who are now properly set to reactionary.
Harbin proper gets to keep some of the south now, Its either led by Gastev who calms down his autism a bit and becomes PopSoc

R: 17 / I: 2

Racial Fears

How does capitalism, and its most retrograde right wing layers, even keep the idea about race in the public discourse to begin with? I don't think "race" is even really an apolitical and scientific concept to begin with, but if we take science as mediated through the superstructure, then something like race may be naturalised and justified through "genetics" and ancestry/genealogy databases.
R: 13 / I: 8

Tools, Gizmos and Contraptions

Post less computery hardware you think is neat or have question about.
R: 23 / I: 1

Linux General

Linux thread including trends, technical knowledge (i.e. sysadmin/automation) and more
R: 39 / I: 4

I have given up on communism

Last weekend I got totally socially destroyed by people in my orgs with a whole load of lies, emotional appeals, etc. They had secret meetings to talk to a lot of key people to convince them of these lies in advance. They then sprung all of this on a national meeting, throwing me under the bus among borderline rape allegations against friends of mine who arent even members and they never interacted with to any capacity, all in an effort to put their candidate in a light on a platform of "fighting sexism" and take down the opposing candidate in the process.
The party I spend 3+ years of my life in a near full time manner building up, of which i build up the entire chapter from zero to dozens of members, including the people who fucked me over, all of it is taken away from me.
The people in the org were easily swayed by a very obvious plot. Nobody opposed a showtrial without any evidence in which people were attacked by name, despite them not having mentioned any of these issues before to the confidants or the board. People, including those who said they would have my back, didnt dare to intervene.
A moscow trial was conducted in an org of only a little over a hundred people.

If communists are unable to defend and see such snakes and opportunists even at this level, and are so easily swayed, and if even this small a scale is enough to invite full on throwing comrades under the bus for your own gain, then all is lost. The opportunist powerplays that happened in the soviet union are inevitable. Democracy and workers power is an impossibility. The left can never win because it is unable to even have a functioning democracy beyond 150 people without falling to unopposed opportunism.

I am done with politics, i'm going back to my life with people I actually can trust, and im just gonna grill. The Marxist ideal is an illusion, even the smallest level politics gets easily corrupted by opportunists.
R: 10 / I: 0
>Hey guys do you think the AAA games industry are too sexist to female protagonists because they constantly get the ever living shit kicked out of them? Here are examples of games I hate where there's danger and death everywhere so you'll obviously get the ever living shit kicked out of you.

The absolute state of this guy.
R: 560 / I: 121 (sticky)

/ttg/ - Tech Team General

This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues (bug reports, suggestions). Otherwise use /meta/.
Public Repo:
If you have any grievances you can make a PR.

Mobile Support:
Thread For Mobile Feedback: >>>/tech/6316

Onion Link:


Matrix rooms:

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible

Archived thread:
R: 503 / I: 104

House of the Dragon (HotD) Thread

Post general thoughts, comments and marxist or any analysis on the show.

Ep 1 and 2 is out, Ep 3 comes out today.

Never seen GoT and enjoying the show so far, decent political intrigue so far.
R: 3 / I: 2
Nihilism will have to manifest itself as a psychological condition, first when we have sought in all that has happened a purpose which is not there: so that the seeker will ultimately lose courage. Nihilism is therefore the coming into consciousness of the long waste of strength, the pain of "futility," uncertainty, the lack of an opportunity to recover in some way, or to attain to a state of peace concerning anything—shame in one's own presence, as if one had cheated oneself too long…. The purpose above-mentioned might have been achieved: in the form of a "realisation" of a most high canon of morality in all worldly phenomena, the moral order of the universe; or in the form of the increase of love and harmony in the traffic of humanity; or in the nearer approach to a general condition of happiness; or even in the march towards general nonentity—any sort of goal always constitutes a purpose. The common factor to all these appearances is that something will be attained, through the process itself: and now we perceive that Becoming has been aiming at nothing, and has achieved nothing. Hence the disillusionment in regard to a so-called purpose in existence, as a cause of Nihilism; whether this [Pg 13]be in respect of a very definite purpose, or generalised into the recognition that all the hypotheses are false which have hitherto been offered as to the object of life, and which relate to the whole of "Evolution" (man no longer an assistant in, let alone the culmination of, the evolutionary process).

Nihilism will manifest itself as a psychological condition, in the second place, when man has fixed a totality, a systematisation, even an organisation in and behind all phenomena, so that the soul thirsting for respect and admiration will wallow in the general idea of a highest ruling and administrative power (if it be the soul of a logician, the sequence of consequences and perfect reasoning will suffice to conciliate everything). A kind of unity, some form of "monism":' and as a result of this belief man becomes obsessed by a feeling of profound relativity and dependence in the presence of an All which is infinitely superior to him, a sort of divinity. "The general good exacts the surrender of the individual …" but lo, there is no such general good! At bottom, man loses the belief in his own worth when no infinitely precious entity manifests itself through him—that is to say, he conceived such an All, in order to be able to believe in his own worth.

Nihilism, as a psychological condition, has yet a third and last form. Admitting these two points of view: that no purpose can be assigned to Becoming, and that no great entity rules behind all Becoming, in which the individual may completely lose himself as in an element of superior value; there still remains the subterfuge which would consist [Pg 14]in condemning this whole world of Becoming as an illusion, and in discovering a world which would lie beyond it, and would be a real world. The moment, however, that man perceives that this world has been devised only for the purpose of meeting certain psychological needs, and that he has no right whatsoever to it, the final form of Nihilism comes into being, which comprises a denial of a metaphysical world, and which forbids itself all belief in a real world. From this standpoint, the reality of Becoming is the only reality that is admitted: all bypaths to back-worlds and false godheads are abandoned—but this world is no longer endured, although no one wishes to disown it.

What has actually happened? The feeling of worthlessness was realised when it was understood that neither the notion of "Purpose" nor that of "Unity" nor that of "Truth" could be made to interpret the general character of existence. Nothing is achieved or obtained thereby; the unity which intervenes in the multiplicity of events is entirely lacking: the character of existence is not "true," it is false; there is certainly no longer any reason to believe in a real world. In short, the categories, "Purpose," "Unity," "Being," by means of which we had lent some worth to life, we have once more divorced from it—and the world now appears worthless to us….
R: 117 / I: 60

New Ai tool for this dystopia has dropped.

With this one, you can make actual songs.
Hearing right now to the international as an anime opening.

R: 78 / I: 2


Post music to cry to.
R: 135 / I: 27

Fallout TV Show

so i finished watching the entire series and something made me feel uneasy. starting with episode 6 and going into episode 7 the show takes a very political turn. a turn against capitalism and an actual, intended or not, positive portray of communism. almost directly actually. at least, it takes the blame completely away from communism, portray some of the communist in the show as actually good people fighting against the evils of capitalism. at least those to be heavily hinted at as being communist. which made me very delighted but then it dawned to me, this is a amazon prime production based off a video game from bethesda who is now owned by microsoft. three massive, very capitalist, corporations that have shown time again to be very for profit.

but even if we remove the debate whether or not communist being portrayed as good did happen in the show, the show itself was extremely critical of capitalism and that makes me wonder why these billion dollar corporations that are the epitome of why capitalism is bad, be telling its viewers, the very nature of amazon, bethesda, and microsft, everything they stand for, the people who made the show and games, are bad? why would they want their consumers to hate the very thing that allows these elites, these companies, to exist in the first place?

is it some sort of chess move i don't understand? have we reached a state where capitalism could very well nuke the planet and people won't care so these companies don't care if criticism about them is made? or more wishful thinking, they think this will spare them from the revolution? i don't understand their move here. i don't expect capitalist companies to allow people to hate them.
R: 382 / I: 116
Post in this thread every time you come to this board. Post music you like here, whatever it may be.
R: 374 / I: 129

Western Animation

A general for "western" animations/cartoons.
Gonna start off with a recommendation to watch The King and the Mockingbird the 1980 version especially, absolutely comrade-pilled movie.

Good torrent sites (massive pop-up warning, put on an adblocker):
R: 20 / I: 8
No thread for the European Cup yet? First match tomorrow, Germany vs Scotland. Already met a bunch of drunk Scots on the train.
>hurr durr professional sports is capitalism
>hurr durr this is like the olympics 1936
>hurr durr cheering for national teams of capitalist states is fascism
>hurr durr it's called soccer
Let people have fun for once, this is called /hobby/. Political discussions are okay, shitting on some countries is okay, shitting on retards on and off the field is okay, but please none of the dumb stuff above.

Who do you think is gonna win? My bet is on Spain, but that's just a gut feeling. I hope none of the most boring teams amongst the faves, France and Portugal, wins. England has a decent shot this time with Bellingham. Austria could be the underdog that surprises.
R: 4 / I: 0


Thread for talking about webcomics. Share your favs, discuss latest updates.

I recently discovered "basket of guts"
A story about a lich that comes out of his crypt for world domination and find the world evolved and then quickly end on the run from a "modern" state security services.
Really liking it so far. Good mix of genres, starting from a standard fantasy world and instead of freezing it in time add societal and technomagical development. Also I find it pretty funny. Not everything translated yet sadly.

its on leftypol that I discovered Out Of Placers (apparently created by a furry artist, which explain the horniness)
Pretty interesting world building.

Finished since quite a while but at the time followed schlock mercenary. Goofy SF about a mercenary company.

On a more smutty side, I like alfie by incase.

For the non storyline webcomics, existential comics, oglaf and SMBC are my favs.
R: 32 / I: 1

jungle/drum and bass

post jungle and drum and bass music. Anything from the 90s to today.
R: 145 / I: 134

Meme Thread

Meme thread for /AK/
Post memes, stories, funny shit and /k/ screencaps.
R: 6 / I: 0

Best Final Fantasy 11 private server

Out of the different Final Fantasy 11 private servers, I like Valhalla the most.

Valhalla has TRUSTs, 90 level cap, XP gain rate same as retail. Movement speed is increased, all Home Point crystal warps and outpost warps are unlocked. They have some nice extra content like a unique gear augment system, a few custom dungeons, Dynamis D raids are unlocked. Rise of the Zilart, Treasures of AU, Wings of the Goddess expansions are all unlocked and working properly.

So anyway if you are tried of the slow grind to 75 on the other private servers like Horizon or Eden, then come check out Valhalla.

R: 181 / I: 312
R: 29 / I: 2

Thanks Bill

So something went wrong with last Windows update, it wont boot, recover, or do anything at all, my laptop appears to be completely bricked, Ill have to do factory reset (and even then Im keeping fingers crossed it will actually work). This is the last fucking drop, Im switching to Linux. The thing is, I have virtually no IT skills, so what is your advice? What type of Linux is most noob friendly? I use computer basically just for internet browsing, some graphic software and bideo games.
R: 371 / I: 486

PDF / EPUB Dump Thread

Drop those PDF's or else
R: 18 / I: 0

Legit critiques of leftism

So /edu/ this site is full of threads debunking standard chicken headed talking points but what are some legit criticisms of leftist thought?

I found this book Black Marxism by Cedric Robinson and his thesis runs as following. Marxism and European socialism, instead of being an ideology of the proletariat, was a petty bourgeois ideology born out of a ressentiment for the bourgeoisie and the belief that the proletariat could be better managed. Leftists falsely understood capitalism as a rationalizing force which would create a homogenous proletariat, while in truth capitalism exacerbates racial differences to manage pops more efficiently. Leftists mistake nationalism and racism as essentially reactionary, while in truth it has always played a huge and sometimes preponderant part in history.

Second Kolakowski's book Main Currents of Marxism makes two important claims. Terms like "materialism" and "dialectics" are not well defined leading to ambiguity and confusion. This is why Lenin and the Russian Marxists misinterpreted Marx's materialism as an ontology of matter. Second leftist materialism is determinstic and offers a telological history in which outcomes are predetermined. This undermines human creativity and autonomy and is why the Soviets and "actually existing socialism" became totalitarian in practice. The party led by masters of Marxist theory and technocrats can guide society through more and more bureaucratization cancelling out the need for democratic participation and subordinating individual agency to the needs of the bureaucracy itself. I believe the Maoists saw this and tried to break from it but China ended up producing the same results because even the red guards embraced the same interpretation of historical/dialectical materialism.

I want bring out Carl Schmitt here for all the leftcoms and anarchists. If you have a radically open society you can easily get invaded by an influx of new people. /pol/ stormfaggot colonization of online spaces proves that anarchic environments are highly vulnerable to this type of invasion or the emergence of extremism within. Anarchist societies would not have the means to resist these invaders. Probably why the Zapatistas are scrapping their communal autonomy model because of cartels moving into Chiapas and causing trouble. The anarchist army could resist an external military force. Its been done before. But an anarchist society is prone to collapse and reversal through inability to resist demographic pressure. Lets say your anarchist liberated zone has a large population of MLs who decide to do the coup or just convert people to MLism and change the structure to a bunkerman dictatorship. You can't really stop them without effective policing instruments, surveillence, intelligence agencies but if you build those you end up recreating the state.

pic unrelated
R: 176 / I: 32 (sticky)

/edu/ checkpoint

Everytime you visit /edu/, post in this thread. Tell us about what you're thinking about, what you're reading, an interesting thing you have learned today, anything! Just be sure to pop in and say hi.

Previous thread >>>/leftypol_archive/580500
Archive of previous thread

Excuse me coming through
A quick note on the video @ >>>/leftypol/1538283
Also [vid related] for archival purposes

Around the 29 minute mark Peterson criticizes Marx and Engel's for assuming that workers would magically become more productive once they took over.

This actually happened historically, most of the actually effective productivity tricks work places use now were developed by Stakhanovites.


Reality has a Marxist bias
R: 76 / I: 19

What are your thoughts on portraying inherently evil, simple, fictional characters as revolutionarie

This isn't about the vilification of real-life revolutionaries or even characters that were from the start had any sort political context, but characters who were always meant as simple villains. For me the most obvious case is with the Decepticons and their leader Megatron. they were a toy series turned into an animated show where they were just evil for the sake of evil. It was good robots who would turn into fire trucks, ambulances, and taxis versus evil robots who turned into fighter jets and tanks. Sometime around the late 2000s, there was both a fandom and source material change to the origins of this faction, where they changed their origin to be moderately political, making Optimus and Megatron former friends and casting Megatron as someone born in the lower classes who became a revolutionary but went "too far" and caused a 4-million-year-long war which destroyed his planet
R: 9 / I: 3
Name a character with more self confidence than her. I’ll wait
R: 268 / I: 119

Lessons from the war: Military analysis

What can we learn from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and this example of relatively modern warfare? Strategy, tactics, operations, geopolitical responses, information warfare, civilian pov and response. Anything related. Not the thread to talk about "who is in the right".
R: 75 / I: 23

tf is a hypersonic missile?

I see a lot of talk about how Russia n China could shit on the west with hypersonic missiles. which is cool af but I also don't know if thats even true or what a hypersonic missile even is(I assume it goes faster than sound?). Are they a big deal? I really do hope the hype lives up this time
R: 110 / I: 17

Future of Chinese made CPUs

Since US tech embargo on China is still in effect and US plans to squeeze Chinese tech companies by restricting their access to computer chips. China's reaction to this was to make one of their goals to have a home-grown alternative for Intel, AMD, TSMC and the like to decrease dependence on the US. So I was wondering what kind of progress have they been making lately and what are their prospects of ever having a viable alternative to Intel and AMD?

There is all this talk about SMIC, Loongson and Zhaoxin and that in early 2020 Zhaoxin allegedly published a chip comparable to 2017 level intel and AMD tech and they are planning to have parity with Intel in a few years. Then there are Some sources are saying that China is failing horribly at acquiring manufacturing tech for more advanced processors. And I really can't make any real sense out of it.

So when will I be able to buy a computer that uses a hardware that dunks on burger made tech and sends my personal data to Beijing instead of Washington, if ever?
R: 195 / I: 77

Dragon Ball Super

Who the hell is even the target audience for this cringeworthy shitshow these days? I'm seriously curious.
R: 80 / I: 21

Star Trek

Talk space socialism to me. Was recently rewatching a few series with my fiance, both old and new Trek, and we both feel like Deep Space 9 is our favorite series (closely followed by TNG).

Everything else in order from best-to-worst would be:
Deep Space 9
The Next Generation
Voyage Home
Wrath of Khan
Undiscovered Country
Picard Season 3
Lower Decks
Motion Picture
Strange New Worlds
Original Series
First Contact
Star Trek 2009
Into Darkness
Picard Seasons 1&2

Skipped a couple of the TOS movies we haven't seen cause it wouldn't be fair to rank them. Also split Picard up since the 3rd season is basically a different show both in quality and tone.

Previous thread:
R: 59 / I: 13


excavating tunnels, trenches, ditches, ramparts, moats, holes, any kind of defensive earthwork where industrial machinery isn't viable

you can get most stuff off of amazon or any hardware or milsurp store
R: 400 / I: 129

Star Wars Thread /2.0/

Star Wars thread; To discuss, laugh and meme about Star Wars

Don't be a cunt and may the Force be with you

New general since last one hit bump limit.
Previous general:
R: 596 / I: 98

Anime hot takes

Just give me your anime hot takes. I don't care if they're retarded.
R: 185 / I: 113

/mlp/ My Little Pony

Even though the fandom is pretty dead. I wanted to see what a brony thread on here would look like since I’m a newbie

What does /leftypol/ think about this franchise and the online subculture it spawned? I feel like now that the little girls who made up the target audience are young adults I’ve been seeing more zoomers tell stories about how they were “traumatized” by the adult fandom and it’s becoming more in vogue to decry the whole “brony” phenomenon as “problematic”.

On the other hand though what’s the sociological explanation for millions of grown men becoming obsessed with a little girls cartoon in spite of hegemonic Western gender norms? I’ve read a lot of conflicting theories from academics and culture critics regarding this. Is it autism? Post-Irony? Or is there something about it that just makes it genuinely appealing?
R: 10 / I: 0



A friend of mine gifted me a psvita, i used to own a psp 3000 when I was a child (i have long since then broken it), and It was honestly and still is my favorite thing, I remember the same friend back when we're little when he got that PSVITA I was very jealous. So after like 12 years he gifted it to me haha.

The best thing about my PSV is that it perfectly runs all PSP games, which i have the most memories with. Nevertheless it has a few good games and its hardware is very potent for a handheld of its age. The homebrew scene has ported a lot of interesting titles so you can have them on the go.

This is a guide if you wanna jailbreak it.


it's really ridiculous you just run some web-exploit through the PSVITA browser


I wanted to talk about which games you know, have played, of the PSVITA and how was your experience with them. Do you have any recommendations for me ?

Homebrew Scene, Technical Issues with the Custom Frimware/Exploit.

You may post about questions you have on an issue you've encountered on your process of moding it or installing a homebrew, do you have any recommendations of cool homebrews?
R: 51 / I: 6
Is gacha reactionary?
R: 248 / I: 40

The Boys

I have never seen a show cause more butthurt on /tv/ than this. What are leftypols thoughts?
R: 19 / I: 3

Repeating Crossbows

Want a gun but its impossible to get a gun license in your country? Buy a repeating crossbow. These things will nail the target in a wall behind them.

<Tactical Repeating Crossbow – Maybe this is the biggest innovation in the crossbow market ever – this weapon changes everything.

<The 7.5 inch arrows (or bolts) have screwed-on field points and reach a proud 30 joules at 130 pounds tensile weight. The arrow speed is approximately 78 m/s (256 fps), which makes the Adder accurate even at distances up to 50 meters (55 yards). In our tests, the standard field tips penetrated through several layers of clothing and a thick layer of ballistic gel, then perforated a coconut poured into the gel block. By using the special High-Penetration Bodkin tips, which have razor-sharp edges, this penetration power can be further increased.

<The removable tactical rear stock is adjustable. The weapon can also be used without the rear stock, which makes it even more compact if required. The all-metal red dot visor supplied with the weapon can be adjusted vertically and horizontally.

R: 225 / I: 51

Permaculture v2

Old thread (v1): https://leftypol.org/hobby/res/7136.html

The practice and principles of Permaculture are one of the most important tools for not only creating a sustainable socialism, but also for repairing the damage done to the global ecosystem by capitalism, and lessening your individual reliance on the current capitalist system.Permacultural practice and socialism are two very powerful allies, and learning about permaculture should be necessity for modern socialists and communists.
R: 41 / I: 3

Rising of the shield hero

Is it just Ayn Rand for weebs or is there a redeemable message in it?
R: 19 / I: 3
Did any of y'all buy any games during this steam summer sale? I wanna get something, but I have no idea what I want, and the sale is about to end. I think I want to buy something indie, since I usually pirate AAA games.
R: 352 / I: 105
One Piece is leftist
R: 9 / I: 2

What is the consensus on the lumpenproletariat?

Are they the most revolutionary class, or are they reactionary? I think they are the most revolutionary because they are the most oppressed. In fact, I don't see how you can make a revolution without the lumpen.

Especially in America, where the regular proletariat (labor aristocracy) has been fully bourgeoisified and proudly supports the imperialist bourgeoisie in everything they do.

Fuck jannies btw
R: 46 / I: 7

Next USA civil war

The talk of a new civil war has been going on for a long while now that it almost sounds like a worn out trope.
But how does leftypol feel about it? How could it start, run and end?
R: 397 / I: 95

Writing and Fanfiction General

Thread for those who like to read and write including fanfiction. Share drafts, look for beta-readers, ask for writing advice, give recommendations and do all that other cool jazz. Just remember to not bully anyone else no matter how shit their taste might be.
R: 6 / I: 0
How do you even protect yourself against your own ISP trying to fuck you over like this?
R: 17 / I: 7


ITT Post animations, WIPs, and so on.

Professional animation is usually collaborative, with different people drawing the parts of the animations, doing lines vs color or keyframes vs in-betweens, etc.
R: 515 / I: 373

ITT Big anime tiddies

itt hueg fricken 2d oppai
R: 51 / I: 1
>not a single frieren thread could be found
Someone just has to do it, right?
R: 189 / I: 55

/leftytesg/ - Elder Scrolls General

Always wanted to make this thread, but could never find time for it until now. Discuss lore, art, modding, headcanons, C0DA and other stuff related to the games.
R: 150 / I: 50

For me, it's gyarus

Recommend me anime, manga and doujins with gyarus
R: 321 / I: 70
I heard Nagatoro was adapted recently is it worth watching?
R: 296 / I: 117

Hazbin Hotel

How do you feel about it (and its creator)?
also please spam Charlie pics
R: 36 / I: 23

History and Socialism of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal

Thread on the Indian Peninsula and Surrounding Areas Closely Tied to the Country
To unite various Indian topics that cropped up: Post historical and modern geopolitical discussion, memes, photos and pdfs on the topic. Keep it civil and no bad faith dogma, spam or bait, keep that to /siberia/
Contribute to Leftypedia: https://leftypedia.org/wiki/India >>3780 thread
Articles on Britain, Pakistan and more needed.

Important Topics
>Pre-Colonial Indian History
Indian history that isn't just British colonialism. Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs warring over each other sounds way more exciting but you rarely hear anything about the era and the place. Recommend any books to easily get into the settings of the culture(s).

>Colonial India

History of British colonialism and it's exploitation and impact on the country(s). British humanitarian crimes such as the Black Hole of Calcutta are welcome to be posted.

>Modern India

Modern political, social and economic issues of India ranging from international conflict to internal turmoil. Environmental issues also welcome.
An Indian Dentist that does political writing on the state of the country and has soviet sympathies: http://bill-purkayastha.blogspot.com/

>Socialism in India

Leftist movements and areas of India and it's efforts to bring about socialism in the country and the 90s privatization and neo-liberalist arrival.
- A book from 1985 about the Indian Big Bourgeoisie: https://archive.org/details/IndianBigBourgeoisie/page/n5/mode/2up
- Kerala: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism_in_Kerala
- Indian Maoist party links: https://bannedthought.net/India/CPI-Maoist-Docs/index.htm
MLM thread >>310
R: 1 / I: 0
I think Alex Dugin is based. Not because of his tradorth-eurasianism mumbo jumbo. This is just his storefront truth to appeal to normies. Deep in his heart he is a nihilist and he knows there is no universal truth. He knows, that you can freely choose your truth how you wish. I absolutely love this interview and I've listened to it multiple times. Our existence is just larping.
R: 32 / I: 12

Fashion thread V

Previous thread: >>36889
R: 14 / I: 3
What’s your favorite anime?
R: 333 / I: 153

Furry General 2.0

I love you guys lol
R: 5 / I: 0

Bethesda bashing thread II: Bethesda doesn’t understand space

Comparing Starfield’s levels to previous Bethesda major releases reveals another flaw about the developers of that studio’s game design principles. Where as other game developers build space around the elements of their levels, Bethesda builds the elements around the space the designers already allowed. It’s no wonder to why every level, every room, every dungeon, every dlc in any Bethesda game feels like playing an early 90s dungeon crawler. The levels don’t allow enough space for either the player, the enemies, the NPCs, the objects, or anything else to move or interact with anything sufficiently, and the gameplay suffers. Just compare how much space the player has to move around in a game like Doom and Wolfenstein to fallout 4 or Skyrim. Even Redfall’s developers understood to give the player enough space to play the game right..:
R: 105 / I: 17

Stallman has cancer

Is the FSF going to die with him? That's sad to think about.
R: 33 / I: 5

Open source software is anti capitalist but pro free market

Has anyone taken the time to examine "left wing market anarchism"? and how open source software relates to it. The way I see things open source software can help entrepreneurs and small business owners make money without having to pay royalties or subscription fees to companies like Adobe and give up their right to own software. After all "capitalism" requires patents and IP law and heavy Government involvement where as FOSS is decentralized and allows anyone to profit off it without all the legal government middle man stuff.

Am I a deviant for thinking this way because since late 2018 I always got the impression that FOSS was synonymous with free market socialism - ect anti capitalist but pro personal property rights and entrepreneurialism. Some people say FOSS is communist and I have disagreed with that; as if it were communist there would be a strong centralized government body controlling things and forcing people to work on FOSS projects.
R: 24 / I: 3

Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate

It was always weird to me that both of these exist and are so different in every way.
I think you would find nobody that prefers the first one over Ultimate.
But for me Hellsing was always great in alot of unique ways the main problem it has is story.
If you only watch Hellsing you will have no idea what the fuck is even going on for some odd reason they dont explain the most basic principles.
Hellsings Seras will always have a special place in my heart
So lets talk Hellsing(Ultimate)tankieTankie
R: 33 / I: 10

Seasonal Anime Thread

Can we get a seasonal anime thread? I really like Bocchi the Rock this season. The comedic timing is on-point and it feels like a lot of care was put into it.
R: 4 / I: 3


Green one
R: 14 / I: 0


Hi I'm looking to make my own website to host articles and stories I've written. I wanted to do Wordpress but like I found out its going to put ads on my screen. I've got no money and no time to learn programming skills. Is there an open source version of Wordpress where it doesn't monetize everything and where I can change my font?
R: 202 / I: 18

What happened?

I don’t get it. Five years ago we were told this girl was going to save pop music. She made an album where she blended art pop with trap, industrial and dark ambient. She was single-handedly usurping the control if the major labels. She is also extremely socially conscious and leftist, basically the zoomer Joan Baez. Now she’s only released one song in the past two years and it’s bland as hell. Why
R: 88 / I: 28

/swoletariat/ #4

Since nobody has made a new one and people keep asking for it I made the next one.
Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky" - http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Swole-Soldiers Edition

Previous threads on >>>/alt_archive/
R: 1 / I: 0

Creature Music

Music made by non-human fauna, flora, fungi, ect…
R: 125 / I: 86

Tank Warfare

Since tank warfare is a hot topic right now I'll drop some good tank vids.

First vid is a long one covering American tanker school.
R: 177 / I: 66

/leftyco/ - Hell taker and Homestuck edition

Comics and cartoons are the industried were the contradictions of capitalism are the most noticeableYou know them I know them.
R: 74 / I: 8
Zionist “memorial exhibit” was creation of Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande’s manager:


Should we add every artist managed by Scooter Braun to the BDS list?
R: 32 / I: 4
/tech/ + /dead/ = Techlead
This dude is so based and moralfags whine about him! Just recently I became aware of him, he is my favourite tech/dead youtuber!
R: 0 / I: 0

Automated warfare

I genuinely struggle to imagine what automated warfare would be useful for outside of defensive purposes. The idea of trying to use a self functioning machine for practical warfare feels pointless. That’s not to say automated weapons don’t exist. After all, automatic rifles, auto cannons, self propelled artillery, guided missiles, and other forms of self-firing and self-guided weapons are used all the time in warfare—hell most countries’ governments have mechanized their militaries already. However, the idea of completely relying on machines to perform every primary task a soldier would normally do, and to leave soldiers to perform all the other work necessary in wars feels as unrealistic as it would be difficult to pull off.

There’s a few questions that would have to be asked about how something like automated warfare would work. Whose gathering and analyzing all the data, what types of machines are supposed to be fully automated for combat, whose going to be maintaining and repairing the machines once they finish fighting, is it even cost efficient or necessary to automate warfare in all settings, what types of machines are going to be responsible for the things infantry men do, what are the carry limits of a machine, and more. Obviously, as humanity’s currently most used weapons incorporate more already-existing machinery, soldiers of the future can come to expect that their weapons have some level of self functioning, but the idea that wars at some point will become fully automated sounds unrealistic; it even sounds utopian even.
R: 6 / I: 1

.380 for home defense

Hello comrades I'm a transwoman who owns a Bersa in 380 (pic rel) that I purchased in more prosperous times. Is it suitable for home defense? I live in a pretty crap apartment and am concerned about over penetration and efficacy. I don't have much money for another option. Please advise.

TLDR trans femme comrade needs caliber advice
R: 181 / I: 42

Alternative Chans v2

Share other chans you frequent here, and discuss ones you love or miss…

R: 31 / I: 9

Programming Advice

Do you have advice for a software engineer?
R: 213 / I: 21

Linux Won

Microsoft is finally dropping support for Windows after the Recall/Copilot exodus, guess they're focusing on Xbox or something instead.
R: 0 / I: 0
is this a pro-zionist album?
R: 246 / I: 80

ANIMETA - Anime Meta Discussion Thread

General Thread discussing, analyzing and criticizing anime from the meta perspective of Capitalism, Media Culture (Industry) and Socio-Economics & Politics.
No shitflinging, drama, bad faith or baiting posts (e.g. "Trap is transphobic" or "Muh shounen trash" or "(all) Anime is misogynistic"). Keep it cool comrades.

Animation: Treatment of Animators Thread >>617
Leftist Anime Content: Communist Anime Thread >>1417 Communist Anime Girls Thread >>964 Miyazaki Thread >>469
Anime Hot Takes >>1993 so-bad-it's-good animu >>2551
Sources and Questions: Questions and Answers >>4229
E-celebs/Social Media: Ani-tube >>3128 V-tubers >>3388
Story Ideas: /WYOA/: write your own anime thread >>4263
Shounen complaint thread >>3200
Weeb-Otaku-/jp/ thread: /weaboo/ >>4715

Basic topics and questions:
>Is anime bad/stupid/boring or good/smart/interesting?
>Is anime inherently a reactionary/capitalist product or can it be a communist or pro-communist one?
>What Tropes and archetypes are good or bad?
>Will anime be produced under socialism? Could Japan have produced anime if it had become a Soviet State in the Cold War? How would anime look like or differ under socialism?
>Why are nearly all weebs and otaku right-wing or radlibs? Why are they so cringe and self-entitled?
R: 23 / I: 4
been on the resident evil mood. it's a much better franchise than i thought!!!!!!

i played 1(hd remake), 2, 4, 5 and 7. i haven't finished 3 (ps1) yet but it's already my favorite along with the first one. can't wait to play the remakes of 2, 3 and 4

do you like any resident evil??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
R: 350 / I: 103

Harry Potter

Its about time we talk about the connection between Harry Potter, Liberalism, and idpol.

and also how JK Rowling is the biggest blair simp
R: 25 / I: 6 (sticky)

Reading Group List

A list of reading groups and their schedules that have chosen to advertise themselves here. Take a minute to check them out. If you would like to promote your reading group, feel free to leave a comment telling people where they can go.

>>5912 /read/

>>6162 Continental Floppa
R: 16 / I: 2

The new DLC for Elden Ring has sparked controversy due to its high difficulty.

A large number of players are complaining about the difficulty of "Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree."
Players from China are particularly angry, with the Simplified Chinese region currently showing only a 31% approval rating.

大量玩家抱怨《艾尔登法环 黄金树幽影》的难度
R: 26 / I: 5
Is the communist dream dead? Young people are turning more and more reactionary and even the "leftist" ones would rather want a liberal capitalist welfare state than actual communism. Back then there was the east to look at for communism. To build hope. Now 95% of the world is capitalist with no signs of stopping until the world is destroyed. Technology has gotten better to control the oppostion and dictate the narrative. Something as shameless as a genocide is everywhere on the news and the people mostly shrug their shoulders.
R: 28 / I: 3

Is yoga/buddhism reactionary?

I started being interested in eastern spirituality in general since i started training physical yoga last year. It changed my life i would say, i stopped feeling any physical discomfort caused by sedentary lifestyle and many times at the end practice, laying down on floor in "corpse pose" i felt something approaching a bliss, my mood also seems significantly lifted, i no longer give a fuck, even tho my material situation has not changed much.
This in turn caused me to get interested in eastern philosophy itself, i started reading Yoga Sutras, translation by Swami Satchenada (most popular translation from sanskrit i think, this guy was pretty famous with american hippies back in 60s).
Many of Satchenada commentaries are pretty interesting, they are modern and straight-forward, for example there are explamples including driving cars or going to the mall, there are also fragments that made me ask, is this guy reactionary? Can i reconcile at all my marxist tendencies with my interest in eastern philosophy, or are those things contradictory? All i know there is some one movement that says "actually buddhism and marxism has lot in common", are there more?
Here is the quote i am talking about:

"Suppose some people drive up in a big car, park in front of a huge palatial home and get out. Some other people are standing on the pavement in the hot sun getting tired. How many of those people will be happy? Not many. They will be saying, “See that big car? Those people are sucking the blood of the laborers.” We come across people like that; they are always jealous. When a person gets name, fame or high position, they try to criticize that person. “Oh, don’t you know, that person’s brother is so-and-so. Some strings must have been pulled.” They will never admit that the person might have gone up by his or her own merit. By that jealousy, you will not disturb the other person, but you disturb your own serenity. Those people simply got out of the car and walked into the house, but you are burning up inside. Instead, think, “Oh, such fortunate people. If everyone was like that how happy the world would be. May God bless everybody to have such comfort. I will also get that one day.” Make those people your friends. That response is missed in many cases, not only between individuals but even among nations. When some nation is prospering, the neighboring country is jealous of it and wants to ruin its economy. So we should always have the key of friendliness when we see happy people."
R: 2 / I: 0

Does Bethesda just not understand what interpolation is?

Two actions most video game developers take with their movement is to keep the player character’s velocity vector separated from the player’s inputs, and to apply some form of linear interpolation to the player character’s speed. These actions allow the player to maintain their inertia and smoothly transition between speeds. Without these features, franchises like Titanfall, Half Life, Destiny, Doom, Quake, Mario, Zelda, Warframe, GTA, and more would have janky movement and uninteresting gameplay. Implementing these features isn’t hard either—I’ve even done so myself in visual studio.
So what’s stopping Bethesda from implementing these features in their gambryo games? It’s not like gamebryo can’t handle physics, otherwise Bethesda wouldn’t be able to have rag doll physics in fallout 3 or space combat in Starfield. It’s not like implementing inertia for movement is hard either, because doing so only requires a couple dozen lines of code to work tops. Outside of movement, lerp and other interpolation curves are rarely ever used in other aspects of every major Bethesda game’s gameplay. You can see this with how static HUD elements move around, how the camera is animated in a visibly static fashion, how even the inertia on the weapons of the elder scrolls and Bethesda fallout series are clearly preanimated and lack true locomotion/interpolation. What gives?
R: 43 / I: 1

ITT: Songs you'd blast while killing the rich

Give me the most horrendous, violent and disgusting music you have. I'll start.
R: 17 / I: 2

Mozilla is an advertising company now

How do we feel about this? I'm not surprised but still pretty bummed out.