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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Everytime you visit /edu/, post in this thread. Tell us about what you're thinking about, what you're reading, an interesting thing you have learned today, anything! Just be sure to pop in and say hi.

Previous thread >>>/leftypol_archive/580500
Archive of previous thread

Excuse me coming through
A quick note on the video @ >>>/leftypol/1538283
Also [vid related] for archival purposes

Around the 29 minute mark Peterson criticizes Marx and Engel's for assuming that workers would magically become more productive once they took over.

This actually happened historically, most of the actually effective productivity tricks work places use now were developed by Stakhanovites.

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It's super basic. The content is: There are reinforcing feedback loops and stabilizing ones. Here are diagrams for stocks and flows of a thermostat and a bathtub. The end.

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ITT: resources and tips about navigating the Internet and researching topics

Feel free to post your own resources and tips too.

I'm going to post a lot of my own that I have gathered over the years.
I ask that random chit-chat in this thread is kept to a minimum except regarding technical questions & answers on the topic matter.
This is so that resources are kept as compact as possible, and so, readable.

First I'll dump resources and tips for researching various topics.
Note: I don't even have access to or use some of these myself (e.g. LexisNexis which seems to be pay-to-use), but I figure they could be helpful in some narrow cases. I use most of these myself. If the initial things I post don't interest you, keep reading anyway. I'm going to be dumping a lot of content.

Find key terms in newspapers and magazines.
I would say this is more helpful for finding sources that do exist rather than for reading them, per se. You can try to read the articles elsewhere than PressReader if you know their titles or part of their body text. The site appears to brand itself as pay-to-use, however you can use the search tool anyway and even read some resulting articles.
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>>22276 (me)
Found a book that is quite close to that, did someone already read it? It looks exactly like what i was looking for:
"ephemera: theory & politics in organization management business anarchism"



A list of reading groups and their schedules that have chosen to advertise themselves here. Take a minute to check them out. If you would like to promote your reading group, feel free to leave a comment telling people where they can go.

>>5912 /read/

>>6162 Continental Floppa

edit: linking the old Reading Thread sticky, for easy reference: >>>/leftypol_archive/5825951
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not to mention the repressed anti de-stalinization protests that khrushev also repressed


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This is a thread for communists who are (or are planning to) study at [b]unnamed[/b] universities the world over.

The thread is to serve as a mutual intellectual support system and meta-discussion for communist students to
· share resources for picking and learning your object of study
· discuss strategies for studies
· weekly rhythms and scheduling outside of the classroom
· organizing the student-body and/or spreading artistic agitation
· all while ultimately staying safe and completing your studies

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Danke, I'll start with the recommended then. I wonder if they're in the sticky…

And I meant to say "The Ignorant Schoolmaster" :)

I started reading the schoolmaster book and the irony is that its thesis is something along the lines of “if one has the willpower to learn, they do not need a professor breathing down their neck, all they need is a book, every form of learning is translation and personal processing.” Basically a French prof had a class of people he didn’t know the home language of and he just gave them a classic text and a dictionary and they all learned high quality French by the end of the class with little to no input on his part. The empowering leftist part is that we don’t need the ivory tower carrot and sticking us to learn and to chase the dragon of mastery. We all have the power inside ourselves. In a thread like this, university is an external motivator that artificially creates the drive and willpower to study the text, but we on the left read theory from a personal motivation. Those wanting to learn how to learn can take my starting point and build from it, reject the suggested texts, or do some secret third thing. For I as a poster am but another text for you to translate yourself. Neat rec. Thanks!

>For I as a poster am but another text for you to translate yourself

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As I haven't reloaded this page yet, I still have access to the images in this thread, I hope they are useful hehe.

Memes and meme captions but irl


>class conscieness is dead, the proles remain fools and we are killed ourselves, who is to save us, the damned of the damned, all that was promised of the better world has bled to death before our parents and their parents eyes, what arts are there to distract us? what decaying culture, what hauntological traditions shall we invent? is this tragedy not too much for us? must we not become heros to become worthy of challenging this fate?
nietzsche, on the horros of the 21st century capitalist realism
repost your pdfs, request for pdfs here, im a bit disapointed nobodies done this yet other than me so far but yeah. i wish that this NEVER happens again. long live the 5th international comrades

btw, feel free to deviate from what was listed as this threads prime direction, idk much about tech and am still a big noob in this shit, espically with media sharing/archivng so if you guys wanna do something that seems more practical with pdfs in this thread that im not suggestion go ahead, you know better than me

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Drop those PDF's or else
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Can someone with a scribd account download this Biography pdf for me? :(


Any works of Gerard Bossuat?


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Can you recommend me some books that exposes the pornography addiction in modern society? I want a book that explains this phenomena by a marxist perspective, without any conservative "but tha westarn moral is dyingg!!11".
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>nofap discussion
>its another shitshow of the pro arguing vs. the anti
instead of reading books about jacking it or arguing to random strangers on the internet find out for yourself if you want to do it for not.

stop for three weeks. if you:
>cannot do this
>can just barely do it
>did it and felt much better

dont consume pornography

if you:
<did it
<did it easily
<didnt find any improvements from doing so
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just read baudrillard and come to your own conclusions. welcome to the seksu of the hyperrealo

what a load of garbage

True. I don't even like porn, but the anti-porn stuff also has its own agenda.
>synthetically generated dopamine

Not Marxist but some historical background includes

- Williams, Linda. Hard Core: Power, Pleasure and the "Frenzy of the Visible
- Kaoru Nagayama. Erotic Comics in Japan: An Introduction to Eromanga
- Kimi Rito. The History of Hentai Manga: An Expressionist Examination of EroManga

Late but a really good one is Pornography: men posessing women by andrea dworkin.

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I need books on the following countries:


>Communist Romania
>Albania under Hoxha
>Democratic Kampuchea

I'm particularly interested in the notion of autarky and how all of these countries were able to govern themselves while defying the rest of the world.

Try Bruce Cumings works on Korea
>Communist Romania
Tough one. I only know one book on socialist Romania and I haven't even read it. It's called Ceausescu: Builder of Modern Romania
>Albania under Hoxha
Coming of Age: Albania Under Hoxha by James O'Donnell
Pickaxe and Rifle by William Ash
>Democratic Kampuchea
Try Michael Vickery's works on Cambodia

>Try Michael Vickery's works on Cambodia
Are they pro or anti-Pol Pot?

Read classical economical argument on free trade and spezialization.

I don't think he's either, but right wingers will call him pro Pol Pot because he's way less biased than lib historians and rejects the claim of KR killing millions. i once saw Vickery referred to as a "pro-Vietnam revisionist".

On a similar note, are there any good pro-Mugabe books?

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Hello, i used to be a white nationalist. i don't want to be one anymore after my life went to shit when everyone found out. i was radicalized by the alt-right by my friends when they became nazis in early this year. i viewed their white nationalist rhetoric as correct. they stopped being my friend when they found out i was trans and gay, and i still held onto the white nationalist beliefs when we stopped being friends. i want to fully get rid of my white nationalism and become a leftist. i go by they/them pronouns btw.
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Look at it this way.

If your only goal is to feel the feeling of happiness, you could easily just do drugs. The chemical happiness.
But for most people, thats not what they want. Not what they claims to deserve.

When we're faced with injustice, we may feel compelled to take action. But someone might suggest that meditation and other techniques can help resolve conflicts. However, we often know that our desires are more profound than just resolving surface-level issues. They're intentional - driven by a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.

It's not the chemical happyness, its the realy thing. Something ought happen in real live.

>Machismo demands men to be eternal stunt doubles for yhe sake of women and elders.

The sexual desires and the wishes of love are not a optical illusion. Has nothing to do with machismo.

Once a criminal, always a criminal?

> OP is more asking about how not to let seeing gay furries ruin their whole day

Does right wingger really?

This is retarded irony. You are positing the very same type of reactionary essentialism which is so endemic to, and syntagmatic of, the 'right wing' which you claim to decry.

This is retarded irony. You are positing the very same type of reactionary essentialism which is so endemic to, and syntagmatic of, the 'right wing' which you claim to decry.

Frankly Anon, I wouldnt try to jump into radical politics as you get out of white nationalism. like you should take a break, work on yourself, find friends who aren't fucking nazis.

This is a really good explanation on why politically white nationalism is inocrrect.
lmao no. seriously go fucking hang out with people who are black/hispanic and you'll find that out.


Are they the most revolutionary class, or are they reactionary? I think they are the most revolutionary because they are the most oppressed. In fact, I don't see how you can make a revolution without the lumpen.

Especially in America, where the regular proletariat (labor aristocracy) has been fully bourgeoisified and proudly supports the imperialist bourgeoisie in everything they do.

Fuck jannies btw
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also worth listening to his guerrila warfare books

20 fuckin years

>Bad theorist
America take

chin take

that picture makes me want to become an upstanding member of society

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