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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Linux thread including trends, technical knowledge (i.e. sysadmin/automation) and more
39 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

How does it compare to nushell? And again, is it safe to use MS's official repo or should I compile everything from source or get the package from Nix? Also, do any of you use Nix on distros other than NixOS? How's your experience? Is it a pain to upgrade and maintain the packages? What about AppArmor profiles?

>>26344 (me)
I meant "installed software."

>Linux General
ah yes, the kernel general. imo linux with the realtime patchset makes the best kernel, realtime makes the system have exactly 0ms latency but at the cost of performance. also for mechatronics, a robot or machine having perfect 0ms latency is quintessencially important

>ah yes, the kernel general

its probably pretty safe to use MS's official repo/binaries.

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The neverending quest to rewrite vichan -

Archived threads:

the jannies may we involved in a serious effort to write a new chan using C# Blazor soon.

>The neverending quest to rewrite vichan
Why rewrite some old crappy piece of software into a new crappy piece of software?

the point is to make something better?

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ADHD anon who post thread about OCD symptoms here a while back.
i also post this thread:
i actually deleted all of my archive and all of the inside of my main folder (folder that i use for unimportant stuff like posting in ibs and e-books). i just want you guys to know so nobody have to worry about stuff here being in somebodies hard drive/computer. compass-dichotomy-isms, thread, posts and writings here doesn't get archived, so don't worry.

Hi anon, does that mean you're not worrying about your files anymore? I'm proud of you!


Post less computery hardware you think is neat or have question about.
12 posts and 5 image replies omitted.

🎨: scribblewise

Is this your OC Anon?

Nah I just think they're neat looking. Reminds me of the cover art for Knife Man - AJJ.

The sound doohicky

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This place needs an AI chatbot thead, so this is it now.

To start things off, I've made a card for Alunya: https://chub.ai/characters/xalkoi/Alunya
Fuck Fork and modify it to oblivion

Don't want to give money to capitalist but want to try it out? First download SillyTavern: https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern

Then create an account on Poe.com and follow the guide on SillyTavern to get the API key (just copy the value of the cookie)

Now download the png of the bot and import it on sillytavern, have fun.

And if you don't mind being unable to lewd the bots, you also have https://beta.character.ai/
48 posts and 12 image replies omitted.

gotta agree, the idea we will make something smarter than us by feeding it our own shit including pretty stupid one is retarded. Its an excellent bullshit generator though.

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>the idea we will make something smarter than us by feeding it our own shit including pretty stupid one is retarded.
I can't think of a better refutiation of the "AI god" tech bro fantasy than Facebook AI spam.
>The AI alignment people were the "new atheists" a decade ago.
That was more 20 years ago; 10 years ago, they were soy-facing over blockchains.

Pitbull Jesus goes hard

Pitbull ai jesus will fuck you and your 13 fingers up

RIP pictures.

Anyway, check this out: https://www.bullshitremover.com/
Input corporate speak, get normal-language output. It's not supposed to be a chatbot, but close enough to the topic so I'm not making a new thread just for this.

(Would be interesting for making site descriptions for a search engine, but probably eats too much energy for that.)


what masks would you recommend to someone that will attend a gathering during which he will be recorded from all angles? itt we discuss such things, potential ways to mask ourselves in a way that makes it as hard as possible for future algorithms to: a. reconstruct the face; and b. match the face with already existing databases.

bonus points if the mask allows the person to view clearly without exposing too much of the eye area

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very affordable option but unfortunately not satisfactory enough.
i was curious about the chinese "solutions" to this, assuming there are any chinese posters here… my initial thought was to google for it in chinese, on chinese search engines, but i fail to find almost anything.

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In Ukraine people are wearing masks like these to avoid conscription

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Every few months, people come up with an idea to create a new imageboard, since mostly everyone is dissatisfied with the state of vichan/lainchan, or thinks they can do it better. Having better software would greatly enhance the experience for both regular users and mods, and have more crossover appeal to “normies”. The problem is that no one can agree on the technical or more importantly non technical decisions on how one would go about making an actual, usable replacement for lainchan.

In fact, people don't even agree on whether the imageboard replacement should be an imageboard at all. This thread is a merged, consolidated, megathread of all the various attempts at answering this question that people have made.

Previously, there was a thread on outreach to lainchan, including a strawpoll:

The poll determined it should be built in Java, but a significant minority wanted to use a functional programming language, esp. Haskell, or Clojure/Lisp.

The only way a new imageboard will be built is if multiple people, technical jannies and lurker-programmers, from here and lainchan and even elsewhere, actually collaborate on a single project and concentrate their efforts on this.

There are important technical and non technical questions to be answered.

Namely, do we even want an imageboard?

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
603 posts and 89 image replies omitted.

>Anon making a board in C++ with a team here, we need name ideas for the imageboard and for the company/organisation that makes it
Chan++ ?

Seems like some play on anonymous would be the way to go

geg, maybe 5chan. However, the fact it's written in C++ is just a detail, this wont be another gochan or jschan. >>26036 is our goal, we still have to make it clearer though.
(at least we hope so)

I also proposed "anoncodes" but "priva(te)ware" is my favourite so far

Make it something memorably unremarkable, like NGchan, quickboard or anond.

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This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues (bug reports, suggestions).

Mobile Support:
Thread For Mobile Feedback: >>>/tech/6316

Matrix rooms:

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible

Archived thread:
560 posts and 122 image replies omitted.

Works on my reader (Flym)

In light of the recent bot swarm, what is the Dev team's thoughts on closing the Gitea register to stop the spam of bots? Instead perhaps we could allow approved users to make an account.

When are you gonna fix the pdf uploading system!? How can I upload documents and have them look like file rel when uploaded?

When I find out why it's broken

Moved to >>>/meta/34491.

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So Marxism-Leninism is obviously opposed to abstraction since it's idealism, but what will be the fate of programming languages that have their entire root in abstractionism like Python and R? I know biotechnicians base a lot of their technical knowledge in these languages which is basically called for since a large portion of biology nowadays is dominated by mendelian idealists who think lysenkoism is wrong and bad, so clearly programming languages have suffered from the same kind of idealistic penetration as biology itself. Will communism destroy idealistic programming languages like python and R?
18 posts and 7 image replies omitted.

Remember in my math classes constantly looking back to the set theoretical definitions and theorems; there is something to be said for having these abstractions which none the less allow you to trivially bias them to get more work done, and more understanding of the topic.

>abolish spoken languages
On this point words like "Marxist-Leninism" conveys almost nothing to the average person (it doesn't even have an entomology), and vast quantities of commonly used categories or names are completely misunderstood or are so poorly defined as to barely exist in the first place.

If there was definitive proof communism would destroy Python, R, FP based languages, and stinky CS PHD's, all my friends that are not juniors would support it.

Well instead they support it based on facts and logics. Funny how every one in C++, including me, is some sort of anarchist/libsoc. Freedom from the bourgeoisie, the state, and the compiler, or death!

>abstractions are idealist
Vulgar Marxism be like, smh.

Economic classes are themselves abstractions. Our natural languages are based on abstractions. We literally cannot think without using abstractions. Just stop.

Abstract programming languages are compatible with Marxism. And I would claim they're the only truly proletarian languages since they're easier to learn and understand for the non-programmers. And the more abstract they are, the easier they are to understand which means more contributions to FLOSS projects and more eyes on the code.

Now which is better: Python or Lisp?

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is there one that searches through pornhub and xhamster and all them free porn sites at the same time?

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You could have posted anime tiddies, but choosed a lizard instead.



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