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 No.742065[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Techno feudalism is increasingly becoming a bigger threat than fascism.


it's the same picture

 No.1574396[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Leftypedia lived - Leftypedia lives - Leftypedia will live!

Greetings, comrades. Leftypedia, the radical encyclopedia, should be back in a usable state. We have more moderators, which will help with spam from now on, and images are slowly being repopulated for your viewing pleasure. The new domain has been up and running for a while at https://wiki.leftypol.org, and we've imported the vast majority of content that was on the old site while adding a lot of new stuff. I hope that Anons can come back and fill in any content that was lost.

For those unaware, Leftypedia is an original /leftypol/ project dedicated to combating the disinformation of mainstream media and academic sources, as well as discussing leftist history, theory, and practice from a multi-sectarian viewpoint. We welcome additions from different leftist perspectives provided that they are properly sourced and well argued. In addition, we maintain a separate space, tentatively titled "Essays", for more subjective or polemic work.

The original thread is here: >>>/edu/3780
You can find Leftypedia at: https://wiki.leftypol.org
Help for new editors: https://wiki.leftypol.org/wiki/Leftypedia:Community_portal
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Yep, should work! OGG, MP3, probably others too. See if it works for ya:
I will add that YouTube embeds are also a newly restored feature that, I'm told, should be easy to use.


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RedParabola is a new user who's been making great contributions to the site's general look, including the front page and the Vector skin itself, as well as finally implementing a Featured Page functionality. We hope to keep customizing the way the site works and looks and are open to feedback. Thanks also to the Devs for their help in making this possible

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>in 20th century there was a huge number of "socialist" movements that ended up being anti Soviet and secretly working for capitalists
>after 1991 a worrying portion of communist party officials went to become capitalist oligarchs
How would (You) separate genuine socialists from plants and opportunists?
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Through plenty of self-criticism.


>How would (You) separate genuine socialists from plants and opportunists?

I can't blame them, you gotta do what you gotta do to make ends meet. They made their choice, no one can force them if they think they are in a sinking ship, or if one boat is better then the other, even if momentarily. The soviets fought those so called "socialists" when they thought necessary, and others the soviets allied "liberals and socialists" in "united fronts", to combat bigger threats.
The soviet union did not shot every single white army officer, and even employed some of them into their military ranks, but they never managed to get in high positions of power at the time. It was a necessity, and sometimes politics makes you have stranger bedfellows.

Also, other point i would like to make, after the russian revolution, the popularity of "communism" in other countries increased substantially, undermine older socialist organizations, making them in direct conflict with other "socialists", like syndicalists, anarchists, social democrats, etc. Communists made actions to subvert those movements, and they also tried to subvert those communists. Divisions between socialists to the control of power is a tale as old as the labor movement was born.
One argument that communists use to despise "anarchists" is the example of what happened in Cuba. Initially, the anarchists joined the M-26 in the fight against the dictator Batista, but after many expulsions of syndicalists from power by orders of Fidel, and the exile of said anarchist, many of them were accused of being "anti-communists", pawns of the CIA to destroy the Cuban revolution.

>While Cubans exiled in the U.S. were trying to raise money to support anarchists imprisoned in Cuba, the MLCE was being denounced by anarchists in the U.S. and other countries as puppets of the CIA, and "mere anti-communists". The anarcho-pacifist periodical Liberation printed pro-Castro articles, leading to a protest at their offices by the MLCE and Libertarian League. But in 1965, the MLCE sent Iglesias to Italy to present the case against Castro to the Federazione Anarchica Italiana (FAIT). The FAIT was convinced, and published condemnations in Italian anarchist periodicals such as Umanità Nova, and collected signatures to the condemnation from the
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Radical transparency by way of 1984-tier panopticon surveillance of bureaucrats so their actions serving the people can be evaluated on a continuous basis. Regardless of the reasons (although they should still be diagnosed) they shouldn't be doing things that aren't in the interests of the workers.


sounds great, but whose doing the monitoring and who is the monitoring made available to? if its a dedicated professional group thats just creating and empowering another bureaucracy, if its viewable by everyone theres some genuine risks of sabotage


Literally the "who watches the watchmen" question.

 No.1836786[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Right now the biggest mass movement since BLM is happening in the US. This deserves its own thread because its a massive IRL protest. Next week their will be many more colleges joining. This is a massive movement.
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>The only reason it has any relevance is because rightoid culture warriors made a big stink of it
lol and /pol/ got Trump elected right?


It's probably the same people who outright spread disinformation about the CHAZ/CHOP group.


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They have some articles on their website where they're calling on people to call politicians and demand to leave the students alone. I actually think that's an important thing. Work every angle.

>We support the constitutional and democratic right for students, youth, and workers to organize and protest against the Israeli-led genocidal war in Gaza. We encourage readers to spread the word among their social networks, friends, and neighbors and to contact their elected officials and demand they put a stop to this aggression against students and workers. We echo student and worker demands for an immediate ceasefire, as well as an end to US institutional and material support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Keep the pressure on! In fact, turn it up!


>The CPUSA urges all those who love peace and justice to call their members of Congress and the White House demanding immediate de-escalation.

>Call Washington:

>202-224-3121 – name your Congressperson and get patched through

>202-456-1111 – the White House

>Vote no on, or veto, weapons delivery to Israel

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 No.805130[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

🗽United States Politics🦅

Absolute State of America Edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth.


State mandated propaganda livestreams:
CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
Bloomberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dp8PhLsUcFEegalitarianism
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Protestors disrupting the White House Correspondents' Dinner today.


They literally march against funding israel. You probably think Harvey Lee Oswald was a fed too


>You probably think Harvey Lee Oswald was a fed too
Yeah I think that was probably likely.


So? It's not because they're against imperialism; it's because they hate da jooz.


>You probably think Harvey Lee Oswald was a fed too
You probably think V*ush isn't.

 No.1793453[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

"we used to have culture" edition

come in, make friends, talk about everything Brazil related - politics, news, the arts… and shitpost, of course.

Previous thread: >>1683261
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falou woke, merece ser doxado e levar uma propaganda do feito.


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estou indo para tua casa.


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Tem alguma explicação do por que o Brasileiro médio gosta de agir como se ele estivesse vivendo em um país "desenvolvido" que é levado a sério pela mídia internacional?
Eu pergunto isso por que eu acho que a esquerda Brasileira ao todo está ficando "out of touch" com a classe trabalhadora. O PT, que se originou no sindicalismo, porém, hoje em dia se sente que está lentamente se transformando em uma espécie de Labour Party do Reino Unido.
O PSOL que se dividiu do PT em 2003 por razões similares, hoje em dia nem sobrevive sem se ligar a imagem do Lula. E fica principalmente claro com o Boulos sendo o favoritos dos ricos paulistas enquanto os mais pobres parecem preferir o Nunes, pelo menos pelas pesquisas atuáis.

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 No.1836100[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

• Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/3/8/israels-war-on-gaza-live-60000-pregnant-women-face-malnutrition-in-gaza

• Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

• The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

• Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-09-2024/ (trigger warning)

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A leader in Hamas to Al-Mayadeen:
The movement is studying the "israeli" response to the negotiations and is communicating with the leadership in Gaza to formulate our final position.
It is expected that the movement will respond to the "israeli" response within days.

A leader in Hamas to Al-Mayadeen:
The "israeli" proposal presented does not reflect a fundamental shift in the "israeli" position.
The "israeli" proposal does not give clear answers to the issue of withdrawal and a comprehensive ceasefire.
Hamas is still studying the proposal, but there are no high expectations for its acceptance unless fundamental amendments are made to it.


Students occupiers at Cal Poly Humboldt opened up "Intifada Hall" (previously "Seimens Hall") to the public after a week-long occupation, coming an hour after they rejected negotiations with the administration.
The students refused to compromise or give into the administration's threats that they should leave by 5PM yesterday. Expecting a heightened police response, the students carried out riot shield training before opening up the building.
The occupation continues, and the campus is closed for the remainder of the semester. Only a few students were arrested, but a number have received suspensions.
It should be noted that 50% of Cal Poly Humboldt students are considered "low income," with about 20% of its students living from inside their cars and a third of them being first generation students.
Inside Intifada Hall, President Tom Jackson's office has been redecorated. Messages of solidarity with Gaza, Yemen, and the oppressed of the world decorate the inside and outside of the building.
"I will no longer be complicit in genocide," a quote by Aaron Bushnell, is written inside.
"We are not scared of you. You can make us bloody, but we will bash back. Because we are many. We are more than you. We are everywhere.
From Goudi'ni to Weelaunee to Palestine - Fuck IDF, APD, all state puppetry. End genocide everywhere."

Dozens of student occupiers from the Gaza solidarity encampment at Northeastern University in Boston have been placed inside police vans.
Protestors in solidarity outside the encampment are besieging the vans to prevent them from leaving in a de-arrest effort.
The raid of the encampment began 3 hours ago at 5 AM, amidst a heavy and ongoing police presence.

It is estimated over 100 students have been arrested. Paddywagons have been seen leaving campus via Leon and Forsyth Streets.

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As a student organizer at a major school who has comrades across the south and in Emory planning stuff.

This I comment section is sad. You idiots don’t organize yet have the gall to navel gaze as paint these whole protests and glowies or impotent because it doesn’t immediately result in overthrowing imperialism and Israel

You guys are embarrassing and would be laughed out of any organizing space

Mfers in here saying Lenin and Mao opposed student circles when they themselves were active in organizing student circles before they had a communist party

Shoutout to anyone on the ground. Most of y’all’s opinions don’t matter on this because you all have nothing to offer besides gotchas on how students are actually all petit bourgeois libs or something


The nothing ever happens doomerism is just at odds with political action in reality because politics is something that is done relentlessly and seemingly suffers constant set backs. If you are not paying attention it seems like Suddenly Things Changed or there is some sensational moment– a rubicon, a watershed– that unsticks history. IN reality, those don't exist and like Matt Christman would point out these are just events we use to frame history but are not actually historical forces.


one can only hope

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 No.1825226[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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michael hudson always points out the american strategy of forcing other countries to be food-dependent on them, and I'm here for it






Avdiivka front since 1st of Febuary in 12 seconds.

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 No.1662769[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

8th Edition: Failson squad assemble!edition.

Discuss anything on Southeast Asian politics. Coming 2024 Elections, open orgs, People that should be dead for different reasons running in Malaysia's elections or just random shit. There are still dozens of us… hopefully! South Asia and Oceania posters can come in to discuss their regional politics as well.

Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#!YeYeuZuLSYkegWssey:matrix.org

Last threads:
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Aung San Suu Kyi is pro-china while Karen is glowing in the dark what is going to happened next in SEA is interesting.


And now Hue is gone as well. Wasn't he the preferred candidate for Trong's successor? What happens now?


It was always in flux. Trong was ready to step down last term but all of the people in the politburo were too incompetent/laden with Mguyen Tan Dung’s Vietnamese chaebol bullshit. Thuong was thought as the successor but he was too inexperienced and also fucked up at provincial level. In my view we’re having a beria during aging stalin scenario with the head of pubsec To Lam trying to purge competitors.


Maybe I am wrong but thry outed him for relatively old things, no?
I sincerely hope this anti-corruption anti-missmanagment purges does not backfire..


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Not exactly old and more because those corporations are still causing trouble now. How they work is that they used people like Hue and Thuong to vouch for their capabilities to win big infrastructure projects. But because they’re shell companies with the ability of a town level construction company they can’t actually do those projects. So what they do is use a fraction of the contract money to hire smaller subcontractors while skimming what’s left. And since most smaller subcontractors sucked even more ass projects often takes decades. Which is why I’m pro china when it comes to construction management, fully state funded.

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Do you know Salah Jadid?
He was a Ba'athist Arab nationalist turned far-left socialist who ruled Syria for a relatively short period before being overthrown by Assad senior in a coup.
Unlike his Ba'athist contemporaries Jadid believed in class struggle, implemented radical leftist policies, assigned communists to high positions in his government, pursued close relations with the CPSU, shifted the party line from Arab nationalism to explicitly revolutionary anti-capitalist stand treating pan-Arabism as merely a means to an end (that is socialism) rather than an end itself.
After his overthrow Assad started reversing many of his policies, liberalizing the country while cracking down on leftist opposition.

Assad Senior was an absolute buffon who wasn't committed to the Palestinian cause or socialism as he criticised Jadid for his support of Palestinians during their revolt against the Jordanian monarchy, gave the Golan on a silver platter to Israelis, funded counter revolutionaries in the Lebanese civil war, supported an expansionist theocracy in his sectarian scuffles, made a deal with the US to occupy Lebanon in exchange of supporting the Gulf War, started neoliberalizing Syria's economy in the 90s.

The only other head of state that was to the left of secular pan-Arabism is Iraq's Qasim, he to was overthrown by nationalists. As a leftist MENAoid I believe Arab nationalism has been a net negative for our region. It is a revisionist (historically and ideologically), colonial, reactionary ideology that had been used primarily to suppress class consciousness and recuperate socialism and revolution to serve bourgeois interests.
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Let's see what this means according to the inventor of that word
>It would be a still more serious mistake to forget, because of this Im-permanence, that the totalitarian regimes, so long as they are in power, and the totalitarian leaders, so long as they are alive, "command and rest upon mass support up to the end. Hitler's rise to power was legal in terms of majority rule" and neither he nor Stalin could have maintained the leadership of large populations, survived many interior and exterior crises, and braved the numerous dangers of relentless intra-party struggles if they had not had the confidence of the masses. Neither the Moscow trials nor the liquidation of the Rohm faction would have been possible if these masses had not supported Stalin and Hitler. The widespread belief that Hitler was simply an agent of German industrialists and that Stalin was victorious in the succession struggle after Lenin's death only through a sinister conspiracy are both legends which can be refuted by many facts but above all by the leaders' indisputable popularity.' Nor can their popularity be attributed Lo the victory of masterful and lying propaganda over ignorance and stupidity.
You're so full of shit that even the inventor of the word admitted that totalitarianism requires popular support (democracy)
Not a real thing. All societies are ruled by dictatorship of a certain class. Saying otherwise is liberal idiocy.
Also, "mUh aNti-ComUnISt rEgiMe!!!" Here is Lenin on anti-Comunist monarchist amnullah khan: https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1919/oct/14.htm


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What's historical materialism? What's Islamic revivalism? MENA is just sand and niqab, always was and will be. Don't read too much into it, chùd.
Based comrade Khomeini allying with the CIA (PBUH) to crackdown on labour aristocracy and the save the theocracy of the proletariat from the enemies of Islam.
While we are quoting the Lenin the Marxist infidel who massacred 3 quadrillion people according to the Ayatollah
>With regard to the more backward states and nations, in which feudal or patriarchal and patriarchal-peasant relations predominate, it is particularly important to bear in mind:

>first, that all Communist parties must assist the bourgeois-democratic liberation movement in these countries, and that the duty of rendering the most active assistance rests primarily with the workers of the country the backward nation is colonially or financially dependent on;

>second, the need for a struggle against the clergy and other influential reactionary and medieval elements in backward countries;

>third, the need to combat Pan-Islamism and similar trends, which strive to combine the liberation movement against European and American imperialism with an attempt to strengthen the positions of the khans, landowners, mullahs, etc.;[In the proofs Lenin inserted a brace opposite points 2 and 3 and wrote '2 and 3 to be united'.-Editor.]

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The solution is not militant atheism but kirchenkampf like policies. So state control over mosques, keep what is good in Quran and strongly promote it, throw ou what is bad and pretend it doesnt exist. Sorry to say but Germans got it right on that one


>Check out Ghamari-Tabrizi's book Foucault in Iran and Hamid Dabashi's Theology of Discontent which goes over the main thinkers of the revolution. You could also take a look at some of Foucault's Iran reports
While that would be interesting to read, I thought I'd share this excerpt from a lecture by Pakistani Marxist Taimur Rahman where he mentions Foucault and the Iranian revolution (39:44). I don't think he's a fan.


>no mention of sorel
it really is a controversial subject to link revisionist socialism with fascisms origin.
isnt it

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