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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Global standard time notion. Follows metric larger, smaller sequencing.

Unfortunately our admin is still a retarded burger.

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We just added support for https://vocaroo.com embeds! Remember to try it out!

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An understated problem with Bernie's posing as a leftist is how fucking shit he looks. The Soviets had tons of aesthetic appreciation, and Bernie the Bomber tramples all over it and makes you miserable just looking at him.


Maybe fake, I am pretty sure it's fake news but supposedly died for Ukraine.

He seems to be first a grifter, in the sense of a career. He'll be whatever makes him money at any given time

She went half based half crazy, exiled from power circles. You may think you want crazy girl, but you dont.

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A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

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These Eye-talians better watch out for ayy-rab migrants or else their descendants might come out paler.

So he just went to a mountie honey pot and said he wants to do a terrorism? Lol.

"everything south of rome is africa"

My favorite part is around 3:15 when he's walking through a flooded zone with AK-wielding guards along with pictures of him respecting women and girls, and then that high-pitched background sound starts to chime. I forgot the name of his party but it's the Dravidian Progressive Federation. Stalin's father, M. Karunanidhi, is a big deal in Tamil politics and literature (and literature in Tamil Nadu might be bigger than politics). He's dead now but he's second from left.

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<Thank you Jesus edition

Congress still grilling the "sanctuary city" mayors right now:
Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

🛠️ Strike Tracker ⚒️

🇺🇸 Deeds of the Burger Reich 🇺🇸

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glad he got shot

your mom

shining path but with social media characteristics


rip the best wordfilter

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Join HACK FREEDOM community of hackers, programmers, freedom loves, anarchists, privacy geeks on matrix chat

We welcome all races, genders, love all in our wonderful server PLEASE JOIN US!

Glow more

Why don't you hack the sites posted on the War On Drugs thread for the lulz?

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epic. epic for the win


genuine question. whats wrong with reformism and social democracy? objectively, all marxist experiments have failed, and china is only successful because it became capitalist. these old revolutionary methods dont work. but what does work is state intervention in the economy which doesnt simultaneously erode civil liberties. marxists might think of social democracy as a means to an end, but why not an end in-itself? the rational principle of a balanced economy with representative democracy seems most acceptable with the general public, and with the demands of history. so, what exactly is wrong with social democracy?
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You have no argument.

Socdems want to continue bourgeois democracy (parliament) by any means necessary, including employing right wing death squads to kill communists. It's not hard to understand the issue here

For example, during the 1917 revolution in Russia, socdems in the beginning still had the popularity as revolutionaries, and they were elected in all kinds of people's councils and trade unions. In merely months their position reverted from anti-war, pro-worker, pro-confiscations, pro-nationalisation, pro-socialism, towards supporting the war at any cost necessary, "now that we are revolutionaries you, workers, must support our just fight against german imperialism!", towards "these capitalists are Russian patriots" and towards stripping of councils - Soviets - of powers and giving all those powers to the parliament.

I'm not exaggerating, that's how it went. They turned reactionary the moment they gained power

USSR transitioning back to capitalism killed more people than the wildest anticommunist estimates of Soviet losses in WW2. How can anyone look at China and say that Deng did the same thing as Gorby is beyond me

There is no difference

marx theorised that the collapse of capitalism was immanent.
what other "theories" are you suggesting?
>uh, socialism actually succeeded
and those "market reforms" still arose from socialism's internal contradictions. thats not what youre facing.
>countries tried to emulate the soviet union
all for the worse, i presume.
china is capitalist. north korea is a monarchy. what does any of this have to do with socialism? just sounds like you have an authoritarian fetish. you want it both ways:
>corporations plan their budget
<but markets fail due to not planning
what is it? make up your mind.
so your issue is that socdems are parliamentarians (???) and that in russia they were anti-communist?


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It's much more compact and reading speed is much faster.

many OG chinese communists agreed, and even their current system is a simplification made by them. They were apparently very close to just straight up using latin alphabet, but the wish to preserve cultural roots prevailed.

Latin? I though they were planning on using cyrillic

>The United States leads in atomic clocks, genetic engineering, … and vaccines and medical countermeasures.
Won't anymore soon in between RFK Jr., Christian conservatives that think a clump of cells about the size of a written period is a "baby" and antivax schizos that open-carry AR-15s in front of their state capitols because they had to wear a cloth mask to Arby's. Literally anybody with a brain that can afford to leave is being driven out of America.

When you have like 12 different words with the same syllables AND tone, you kind of have no choice but to keep the characters. It's just not possible to make it latin


Why do the communists "disdain to conceal their aims?" Would some subterfuge and subtlety not massively benefit the movement? In countries absolutely brainfucked by the cold war and the anticommunist emigre complex (like the burger reich), would it not make sense to attempt and smuggle Communism to the masses under another name, but the same premises? The premises of communism are very popular, but as soon as you use the name, people recoil in terror due to their programming. Does not a rose by any other name smell the same?
15 posts omitted.

It's the same issue as opportunism and taking advantage of the nationalism of the oppressors. Browderism just doesn't work. You can't do all-American better workism.

Maga communism

>all the actually existing socialist states adopting a Proudhonist republican government model.
!!!! explain!!!!
i've never heard this before!

thats how you rapidly surrounded yourself with idiots and people who hate you and delude yourself its actually secretly a good thing. at least if youre failing you should be able to recognize youre failing

well anon, it all started with the Paris Commune, whose martyrdom is the reason we have the red flag. Perhaps this video will elucidate you.

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<In one treaty, the U.S. annexed the present-day states of California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma, Kansas and Wyoming. It subsequently illegally invaded Indigenous territory in the west.

>Canada could be next — perhaps not immediately as the 51st state, but quite possibly as a U.S. territory that would deny Canadians any voting rights for Congress or the presidency, allow only some autonomy and make questions of citizenship ambiguous. The constitutional architecture exists in the U.S. to make it happen.

<That’s the wrong reading. How Trump could make good on the threat can be found in the U.S. Constitution. There is both potential and precedent for the U.S. to acquire territory through cession or subjugation.

what is the chance this happens in practice? How does NATO figure into this?
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They wouldn’t.

canada has no drone force. What dropped russia when it invaded was a swarm of drones blowing up their columns.

Why wouldn’t Turkey be willing to send them drones? It worked for Azerbaijan

I'm a Canadian and I don't hate Americans. I respect America's founding values even if I don't agree with them. What I hate is Trump and the people who voted for him in 2024. I won't blame the entire country for this, same as in Russia, same as in China. Doing that would feel xenophobic to me.

You won’t say that when your door is kicked in by green berets, a lot of Iraqis were fine with Saddam being gone until the troops decided to stay in Baghdad and Fallujah, the same would be true of Toronto and Montreal.

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