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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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Jannies persecuting TOR users for personal reasons again.
The claim to turn it off this time is so called 'low quality posting from the onion' despite the facts that most tor posting is simply various anons posting news in the Palestine threads and that most tor posts are better than your average clearnet post.
Attached are the top 3 threads in /leftypol/. This is clear evidence removing the .onion has nothing to do with 'post quality', with all of the tor posts being better quality than these 3 threads, and is personally about jannies feelings.



I take it that you haven't seen the thread sliding TOR spammer?


The tor spammer literally nuked the /prc/ thread. hundreds of posts got deleted. The "Turn off " of the tor Is only temporarily, until the situation gets resolved.


Wow if only there were some way to not let spammers delete hundreds of posts in threads


Oh my god I don't care


Hi i just found this site and im new to imageboards overall, too. I just have a few questions

1. How many anarchists are there? And which type of anarchists are typical? Like, what is the ratio between statist and libertarian left here?

2. Why Tor users are not allowed to post? You even have an .onion site, no? How people post there? Tor is required to access those links

3. How are genocides committed by the left (Hol0domor, Great Leap Forward, 1956 Hungary, under russian civil war, etc…) viewed here? Are they denied, or did they deserve it, or it was a necassary evil, or it was an unnecessary bloodshed and they were mostly innocent? (Gotta be honest, i belive in the last)
42 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>One of the main features of images boards is anononymity.
Yes, but the staff has already decided the site don't care about that lol.
>Also the system doesn't know who is a mod if they don't login.
And that's fine.


>literally posting with bauldrillard in the photo to show how polballs are stupid bullshit (like anarchism lmao)
show me youre a poser without saying it


so you literally want mods to mod tag any post they made even when not related to mod matters? I'm sure the users would love that.


Yes it's a stupid suggestion.
>mods should attention-whore outside of /meta/
No thanks!


Ideally mods would be actual members of the community they moderate and make normal posts without any identification or while logged in as a mod. That way they're not getting into arguments with people who are supposed to be anonymous and making replies to try to continue those arguments in other unrelated threads. For a purely hypothetical example.


Let's face it; leftypol and all other side boards have become more retarded ever since the theoryposters were given the ability to seclude themselves in their little book club of a board. They don't crosspost and they don't debunk jack shit because they're too busy circlejerking eachother on /edu/ to give a fuck. This is clearly one of the biggest problems with the website. Although i used to believe that /edu/ should be left alone as a repository of information, a digital library for people on leftypol.org to view once in a while to read things, while promoting crossposting using the overboard feature, the jannies have no willpower to overhaul the site. Instead i say it's time to break an egg to make an omelette by forcing /edu/ out of their little gooncave so that everybody else can be forced to get browbeaten by theoryposters. For the purposes of this thread ill admit im a theorylet myself, but if you're an /edu/ poster youre just as useless as i am theoretically if you dont DEBOONK. It's time to crack the whip on these uyghurs
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I don't care if they're dead or not, the thread discussions there are different enough compared to other boards.


Are you familiar with the psychology term 'projection'?


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Am I familiar with it? Why, I think I invented it


i dont think you know what either neurosis or projection mean cuz your post doesnt make sense. im being neurotic for telling you to stop throwing up your arms about sex? what?

nobody thinks about sex more than religious conservatives who hate themselves for being human and having those desires. and im not even a sexpositive person


No-one's complaining about sex.

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The .onion domain is borked.
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We're so back 😊


the purple suggestion for the onion link alternative
no longer shows up when you visit leftypol.org, yet it seems accessible as normal again, as it shows up when you click a .mp4 link specifically and only then


No, fucked up the http proxy config


It should be fixed now


Onion is dead again I think.

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>hmmm today i will post on /leftypol/
>write post
>reword shit to make up for the limit, post now seems more retarded and too specific
>hmm okay i'll try again
>wait a couple minutes
>post finally goes out
>thread immediately derailed by some autistic white knights for either china or some random militant group never mentioned by op


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Yeah this subreddit is very Maophobic. The thread about the maoist coup attempt in Bulgaria only got three replies. This community is too dengist and liberal.
And go ahead and downvote me all you want, I will remain a MLM until the day I die.
Long live Chairman Gonzalo and His All-Powerful Thought!!! LONG LIVE!

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Why the fuck was the nsfw art request thread deleted?
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He self reported and asked to have it deleted. I obliged.


tbh I think that shouldn't be done with established threads though but eh


well the delete function exists, they just forgot the password


You can't delete your own OPs.

Shit, is there any way to temporarily recover the thread? Or at least the posts of other anons in that thread? That way people could repost the requests in the regular /draw/ request thread?


>Or at least the posts of other anons in that thread?
Would be nice if the Azov-chan archive links and reference images can be recovered. Can't be bothered to look for them again.

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Is it possible to have an option to preview or at least edit posts? I don't like having to delete and re-post after making a mistake.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


I feel like making the markup commonmark markdown would be helpful for this. Hate forgetting that double * is spoiler on here, not bold.


get filtered, redditoid


Markdown is one of the most popular markup languages in existence. It's trivial to implement a flavor that doesn't use "Reddit spacing"
This is like sticking with HTML formatting for no reason. There could even be an optional checkbox to activate Vichan-flavored markdown. Idk why nobody else instantly comes up with perfect software ideas like me. I guess we can't all be perfect and wise in the ways of the world and humble like me, sadly.


I didn't even know reddit used markdown, thanks to having never used reddit.


When you copy the text on almost any article on the entire internet, it will be copied as Markdown.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.

644 posts and 118 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Why is Tor image-posting suddenly removed for siberia? I don't recall a ton of spammers recently.


If you are loaded it would explain your emotional incontinence and other pathologies actually.


>Arguing with Nazis refines the arguments of socialists
Most people aren’t sympathetic to Nazism, they’re sympathetic to liberalism
Most people already see bolshevik style communism as better than Nazism
Few see any type of communism as better than liberalism
You need to refine your arguments against liberals that can actually present compelling arguments to people that aren’t brain poisoned by racism and inceldom
Liberals promote freedom and liberty, Nazis promote race wars, one is far more compelling to the average person than the other


Following up on this; Mods please undo the Tor image posting block. There's no spammers at the moment and it barely hinders spammers who just VPN hop instead.


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Is it internal shame from being a liberal that you have to lash out and become some meme fringe sect of a fringe ideology?

I get it, the Democrats have lied to the working class and especially marginalized groups, but unironically getting so obsessed with “cringe IDPol” so much that you invert into unironically thinking only white men that work in factories can achieve communism is even cringier.

I’ve been lurking this board awhile and I can’t tell where the bit stops and ends.

Biden is bourgeois and serves the capitalist class okay. Trump pissed off a large sect of establishment bourgeois but he himself is still bourgeois. He’s done nothing but expand and escalate the entire imperial agenda is while four years

Because gas prices are lower or muh inflation wasn’t as high doesn’t have anything to do with Trump or Biden. Unironically saying it does is just buying into Great Man Theory and exposing your liberalism.
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>ban anybody who supports voting
I agree!


We know why you pathetic democrats play enlightened centrist. You sneaky electoral-denialist conservatives just want to discourage the proletariat from removing Biden from office!
You can cite anything Trump did, but Bidler did it 1000x more or worse.

The MAGA struggle defies electoralism, but that does not mean that not voting all at doesn't mean that you're not just a democrat. A third party vote is, in effect, just a vote for Bidler. All dissent to Biden's (the bourgeoisie's) greatest threat should be banned.


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Anyway, I woke up and already knew there would be no essay on american politics. For me, it's Copmala. The way to electoral success (destabilization) is for Trump and Biden to both croak and the ascend of Copmala. I have nothing to base this on. Negative dialectics.


why is she talking to an 'a'?


I have no idea

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

There are some new banners at >>212019

Can you guys please add?
186 posts and 169 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Is this a new banner? Loved it


Russell Texas Bentley died. Someone make a banner to honor him.



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new banner suggestion

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