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I believe the LGBT general should be on the main board, just perhaps without the suggestive OPs. My thoughts are such: I understand why the thread is on siberia, since it avoids the idpol discussion and puts us away from the worst of the homophobes. But this just feels like LGBT people have been quitely hidden away as to not cause drama with the anti-idpol crowd. It's a bit like someone who won't go out with their trans partner or mention the relationship to anyone because they don't want to worry about being stigmatised. There are also a lot of users who do not frequently go on siberia, so having the thread here means it isn't representing all of the queer people using the website, which is what it should be doing. There are at least as many, and almost certainly more, LGBT people who rebound away from the website because of the lack of totally clear representation as there would be socially conservative people who would shake their heads and leave because of it. Lastly, and I understand that this is just my own ideological perspective, and I even sympathis with the anti-idpol stance, but I think that minorities such as LGBT+ people should be targeted for socialist mobilization due to their marginalised positions, and we especially need proletarian queer spaces in order to achieve this. Even if it will cause trouble with a certain crowd, it is only fair to have the LGBT general on the main board.

Thanks for reading. If I could just add an adendum, I'd also like to say that there is a lot of casual misogyny across the website (I am not talking about the virgin threads). It infects people's normal speech. I know I'm sounding slightly like a dreaded SJW, but the subtle and totally unconscious misogyny is very grating. A more obvious part of it are words like 'roastie', but it is almost always much quieter than that. I'm unsure about a solution applicable to this website. Certainly, liberalism has no answer. The only real way is total revolution in society to eradicate unconscious patriarchy. If we really want to go beyond identity politics, we need total egality, and this sort of language and, more dangerously I fear, way of thinking, is not conducive to such egality. I don't like complaining about a problem and not having a solution, but I'm poasting anyway so there you go.
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There's a reason /isg/ and the war containment generals are on /leftypol/: It's the news addict board.

I feel like once we reach the point where other leftypol-like boards pop up that aren't splinters, they'll just have a /siberia/ board since it's basically sufficient to the purpose of having a /leftypol/ board while being relatively civilized and chill. Also "/[thing]-pol/: [thing] politically incorrect" is just begging for reactionaries.


Also LBGTQ+ people existing isn't idpol, so I'm partially assuming this is falseflagging, else really poorly thought out wording.


Agree on being more restrictive with misogyny around the site. Disagree with moving the thread. It's low volume and it's mostly just not political. I've tried to bring in queer Marxist theory but there isn't enough volume to keep the discussion afloat.

We need more queers.


quality over quantity


For the record: OP asked in the LGBT general and the response was completely negative.

Other posters and myself already told you why this is a bad idea. Go find another website that caters to what you want.

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Workerism and the fetishization of the third world has grown more and more on this site. To anyone with an actual understanding of marxism, it is clear these people base their entire politics out of the aesthetic liking of a specific subset of the proletariat, and sometimes not even proletariat but ethnicities or countries.

Using terms such as "firstoid", claiming vast swathes of the working class are not working class because they dont adhere to their made up standards of "real workers" despite fullfilling the marxist definition of proletariat, is a clear instance of identity politics. It is no different from sakaiists saying "white workers cant be revolutionary" or other forms of race and identity based politics.

This is a clear violation of the "no Identity Politics" rule of /leftypol/.

In accordance with this, the moderation team needs to crack down on these groups, not least because they have historically been a wrecker force to the movement and most likely to pull people into fascistic currents.
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It's a thing
I know "worker" gets a pavlovian response but


Speaking as someone who matches the description of the latter (literally all of my labor has been manual), I can tell you I've met plenty of proles that fit into the former. One such person works three jobs.


but do you wear a choker (I'm bored of this discussion). If you are the kinda person that wears a choker, I'll try to get into your pants. It's just monkey brain shit, if you dress "flamboyant", I'll think you are easy. And I like em easy.
Point is, the distinction between choker-wearers and non-choker wearers is more important than between manual and digital labor.


I don't personally wear a choker. I generally dress very casually, especially at work.


It is time to bump this and congratulate myself on a job well done. I predicted this at the start of the thread almost two months ago and it went exactly according to my prognosis. How did I do that? Through the power of the prophet Marx and DiaMat of course.


Mods, what purpose serve automatic substitution of Anonymous with various names? I genuinely want to know
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Yeah it was to spite you in particular


Well you know, funny thing is I'm actually in the CIA


Cool. Do you think you can send a couple of guys to help me out knoking down issues over the codebase? I promise I won't look for telemetry


I can put in a request but it's unlikely in the next couple years. Bureaucracy, you know.


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>It's not funny
I don't believe this because I always found it funny, even when it's done at the expense of me or other leftists. Is the reason that the jannies truly hate soyjaks because of the fact that, at some subconscious level, they fear that they truly are soyjaks?

Let me elaborate, I know I might sound chinletdy here but bear with me. By this I don't mean the mods fear that they are literally the superficial pathetic, open-mouthed caricatures that characterize the myopia of right wing aesthetic "critique". Rather, I mean that I wonder whether the jannies have banned soyjak because they harbor a deep-seated internal fear that they might be the fabled half-man of outward meekness that harbors internal monstrosities; A being who believes they are good, and takes keen effort in ensuring the world sees them as good, but at a base level can be reduced to the horrors of his or her unrestrained libidinal desire. Moreover, I wonder if the soyjak gets to them because the stupidity of the average right winger that dabbles in soy-art is an impenetrable fortress, so much so that it makes critique of their artwork a psychic nightmare and an internal crisis that emerges from an inability to reconcile with the artwork's irreconcilability.

Finally, I wonder if jannies dislike the soyjak because of an unintended critique laden in soy-art, which generates, within both the right-wing creators and left-wing deriders, a fear of being castrated or of being considered among the castrated. Considering this board is majority-male, I would not hesitate to say that there is a high possibility our jannies might be among the many here who carry a neurotic fear of emasculation.

>It's shitty art

In the same way cave paintings are maybe. As a mark of human existence, soybooru is a treasure of paranoid desire and far more reflective of a universal loop of hate-agony that found a unique expression in the mind of the rightoid: Perhaps our era's version of "futurism". From my understanding, no left wing visual art project, to date, has produced the heights of brutal ecstasy and real-world affect as found in the violence-spurring hyperstitious effect of soyjaks.

I say with great sorrow that it was the soyjaks who had a part in producing Tarrant, and it was the soyjaks who had a part in producing his several copycats. One of my morbid fascinations is reading the manifestos of these Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Its lazy and demonstrably lowers the post quality the more encouraged it is
See /v/ to /qa/ to sharty


- We get raided a lot from sites whose entire palette of memes is wojak variants, doge, and Pepe.
- Making people have to think of a different image to use, or at least make OC that happens to include them, means people think a bit more about the post they're making overall.
- The inherent hostility of soys. Like they're meant to be a mean spirited caricature of the implied-to-be depicted. When that's allowed then it gets used instead of any meaningful discussion.
- Dehydratedjak is just a bandwidth inefficient sad emoji. Fucks up the vibes. If you're gonna vent at least be creative about it.

Soys are a cognitohazard by giving people the ability to just shut their brain off and spam emotes instead of articulating their thoughts they're so confident in. They put the user in a constant "guess who's on the other end of the screen" mode that fuels any reactionism they might still be holding onto.

They aren't even memes really, the CIA pushed them to have higher SEO so people would use them instead of memes. It doesn't matter if you find them funny, they persist for factors unrelated to if they're funny or not.


> the CIA pushed them to have higher SEO so people would use them instead of memes.
Whhhaaat, really?


yes, really. CIA also in my pants.


CIA shat* in my pants
god dammit

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I just got a 403 Forbidden error when trying to follow the link. Anybody know what happened?


You got a 403 Forbidden error.


They got a 403 Forbidden error
Say that three times



Was posting in a seperate thread, but I'd thought I should make a new thread on this.

In this thread: >>29952

After there was a fight about porn being on /siberia/ – personally think it should be hidden behind a flair/toggle, (if I wasn't struggle on the job search, I'd contribute and add that feature (if allowed) – there was then an argument on if the bulbasour images were pedophilia.

The argument basically went, as always:
>X is pedophilia
<*Insert 3-7 similar replies* it's not
>*Smugly* you guys are actually wrong.
Whenever this topic is brought up, it goes like this or something similar, and it completely derails the threads.

I understand this is abit of a slippery slope, but I think we should put bans for people who argue that those drawings are cp.
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>An increasing number of experts believe that pedophiles might not have a choice in the matter.

The fact that this was ever in debate just proves that America is a clown country


No shit. It's like those who believe only attractive people get raped.


Americans think everything is a choice and the only reason anybody is the way they are is because they are exercising freedom.
>1/3 to 1/2 of child sex abusers are children themselves
Fucking hell. This is why you have to teach kids about boundaries and consent.


>Scientifically we can observe that pedophillia generates detrimental social and economic affects, frankly in excess of even murder
>A comrade (economist/mathematician) and I actually went through the trouble of calculating the economic harm of pedophilia once and we determined that the cost born to society by a single instance of molestation or child rape can easily amount to the 8 figure range in $USD
>Scientifically, ethically and morally (from a collectivist/Marxist value system) there is no justification for offending Pedos and Pedo enablers (eg, those who defend loli and pornography) not to be put to the wall. Economic damage from physically removing/killing a person amounts to a lower dollar value in terms of economic harm even if assuming said person is young and factoring in a lifetime of labour, yes.

Show us your actual reasoning then if you want to claim that your plan for mass executions will be "scientific, ethical and moral". I'm especially curious about your "a single instance of molestation or child rape can easily amount to the 8 figure range in $USD" claim. If you assume that every victim will be disabled from working for life (not defending the crime but that's clearly not the case), the average American spends only $3.3 million over their lifetime according to ( https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/the-average-american-spends-%243.3-million-over-their-lifetime%3A-see-how-that-breaks-down ). It's not the perfect figure of course but it's enough to seriously cast doubt over your "8 figures in economic damages" claim.


>>A comrade (economist/mathematician) and I actually went through the trouble of calculating the economic harm of pedophilia
what in neoliberal retardarion

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Why do random thread OP images keep getting deleted in /siberia/?


Good question


Probably just the no unspoilered porn in the OP rule.


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I know the sex and relationship one was literally two naked people in the middle of penetrative coitus and I'm guessing the hooker one was too.


Historically the mods have just spoilered it themselves rather than completely deleting the image.


Please delete it thank you


why the fuck can't this guy be banned? how many fucking IP addresses does this guy have?
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>noticer has barely shown up at all since he let it slip that he has this place in his RSS feed and got viciously mocked for it

Did we finally find the one thing too embarrassng even for him? That's he's a weak-willed rage-addicted masochist larping as le ebin sadist?


he's been awol before, I'm sure he'll be back eventually


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Is Noticer even white? He likes to larp as an American but never posts during Burger/Aussie hours so I'm leaning towards EU Iberian mutt


Define white


When you aren't fly

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>all images shared on lemmy are webp
>/leftypol/ does not accept webp attachments
What is there that can be done for the poor, poor cross-site leftists?
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>old firefox
What? Did they remove it? The browser I use is based on a pretty recent version but allows disabling it just fine.


yes, it is the firefox tradition of removing useful features. afaik most forks can't really keep up with the bullshit so they just let it happen too I think basilisk/palemoon are the only exceptions, but those have their own, even worse problems


> Running unpatched software to protect from a security issue that has been fixed


all consumer software is unpatched software. they added a massive vulnerability when they added support for webp, so what makes you think the same isn't true for every other "feature"


so yeah, I just use whatever is more convenient (old firefox)

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