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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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1. Disable Tor posting. Or if you're going to keep it, require some kind of verification like email + password accounts so you can keep track of people. The cons of keeping it around outweigh the pros, and I'm saying this as someone who regularly posts from Tor. People who are only here to stir up shit can and do use it to ban evade to their heart's content, and so you end up with people like Sandinistanon (picrel) who destroy every thread they touch.

2. Enforce rule 11. For the love of god, enforce rule 11. I'd be willing to wager over half the posts on this god forsaken site are in violation of that rule, but for whatever reason they're allowed to stay up. If you allow people to make sling shit and argue in bad faith, they're inevitably going to; it's simply the path of least resistance.

When I ask a question, even if it's a bad question, I want to see people try their best to answer it. When I make an argument, even if it's a bad argument, I want to see people try their best to refute it. Right now, the response I get to both is "you're retarded" + an insipid reddit-tier reaction image.

Giving this its own thread because I think it's important. Things need to change. Because otherwise, I can't see myself staying here for much longer, and I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one.
13 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

I mean even when I'm just asking questions. Just asking for clarification about something simple gets at most a few comedians memeing at you for not already knowing the answer. Asking the same question, while also calling Stalin a stupid moron who smells like farts will get you at least one multi-paragraph reply where someone answers in great detail out of spite.

honestly when i want to have a conversation or learn a new subject i just put the topic in some AI generator and then search to see if the information is accurate. It sounds very dumb and depressing but it does the job. Don't do it with politics though, Lenin AIs and similar communist character.ai are so lib suc dem it pains any response they give.
Like, i like to judge things based on statistics, analyze the data, and come to my own conclusions. The context and the reasoning you can get from books and debates. Almost everything anons know comes from the internet and life experience. You have the internet, and all other new tools.
I believe everyone says i am dumb, no matter who i am talking to, because i truly an dumb and it makes other people uncomfortable, so i can either accept their judgment and that i am truly very slow, or try to find information myself. Both options admit that is not the world that is wrong, but the self, even if it that is not the case, it is easy to live like that. Just not go on a depressed crises or you will be in big trouble.

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Alright well im sorry to hear that, when I see someone with a genuine question I usually try to answer it if I know the answer

fuck ya mudda

what if you upvoted it and sucked the posters dick too while you are it

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While fucking around with using 4chanX and OC I noticed that OC =BALEETED= the [Options] button, meaning there's no way for me to disable either of them now. 4chanX doesnt work perfectly with Leftypol and a number of features are boned by it. Is there any way to get around this? Or am I fucked for all eternity?

Using the what and what?

Datamining plugin

4chanX works on leftypol? how? when? where?

it works for me but it has always been scuffed.


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This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues (bug reports, suggestions).

Mobile Support:
Thread For Mobile Feedback: >>>/tech/6316

Matrix rooms:

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible

Archived thread:
600 posts and 107 image replies omitted.

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will there ever be a new fucking math question in the thread creation menu I'm not being mentally stimulated enough

Did someone save the marxist trivia quiz i made?

Next time the pope dies

The word filter to turn two -'s into an em dash (—, U+2014) is messed up, turning it into an en dash (–, U+2013)

oops I used the old thread

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How the fuck are these morons not banned on-sight? They have genuinely terrible arguments and do nothing but spam about "demcels." They basically wreck every thread they enter by astroturfing and pushing the dumbest talking points imaginable

Is this some kind of dumbfuck op by terminally online losers? Are the mod teams sympathizers?

Can you show evidence of what you're talking about?

Look in a mirror

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On September 21st 2014, /leftypol/ was created!

What are your favorite /leftypol/ moments and memories?
Share them on this thread!
208 posts and 61 image replies omitted.

I want to cum inside Rodina

>We took Cultured Thug down
really? and did he know it was us?

I don't have any, it sounds fun

I miss Batko

Can someone explain the relationship between lainchan and here? All I know is that we largely operate off of site code that runs there Does that relationship go back to the old 8chan leftypol days when the bunker was being designed?

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So now that not wanting black Americans in death camps is a bannable offense, is Leftypol officially openly fascist?

Especially considering support for Trump is permissible but not any criticism of the board?

After all, I basically get called a Jew for not celebrating the Trump win, and get told since I’m a stinky American nighur I deserve death, you people cannot even deny it, genocidal racism towards black Americans is simply permitted now

Correct behavior would be finding you and putting a shotgun in your mouth janny

>goes to maga communist image board
>shocked when regarded shit happens


bring back 200 character minimum in /leftypol/ OP's please. Since decycling the shitposting and siberia tier spam has been out of control.

the 200 character limit was never supposed to be removed, it just accidentally happened after the server crashed
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this is meta

Oops I was in the overboard my bad

Tried to make a /political economy/ general with the following text and got "Body Too Long" as reported above by others.

A general thread dedicated to political economy.

Youtube Playlists
Anwar Shaikh - Historical Foundations of Political Economy
Anwar Shaikh - Capitalism: Competition, Conflict and Crises
Anwar Shaikh - Capitalism
Andrew S. Rightenburg - Human-Read Audiobook (not AI voice or TTS voice) of Capital Volume 1
Andrew S. Rightenburg - Human-Read Audiobook (not AI voice or TTS voice) of Capital Volume 2
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

We've been asking for min-char-limits on OP's for a year and they ignore it, finally they for no reason lower the max-char-limit.
It's peak retardation.
Wonder how long we have to berate them until we get this.
We have legitimately the dumbest jannies.

>just make posts smaller
<spend an extra 25 minutes doing gay little puzzles, getting 'flood detected' constantly and having to alter the text periodically to avoid a broken spam filter.
How about minecraft yourself.

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What do people think of the idea of making /leftypol/ the name of the overboard and splitting the topics into multiple boards? as per >>37094 :

>/leftypol/ itself should be deleted and split into multiple boards. E.g.

<News is where the /ukr/ and /palestine/ generals would go. Theory is for actual read-a-fucking-book theory and organizing tips.
</int/ would be for threads like /prc/ and /britpol/. Or merge /int/ and /news/ but keep /theory/ separate.
/leftypol/ can continue to exist as an overboard filter linking /news/, /int/, and /theory/.

or something similar.
1 post omitted.

Me and a lot of other posters have advocated for such a change many years now. You must face the fact that to the mods, this site is a place where their matrix clique hangs out and these people have always wanted their circlejerks to be the top threads on /leftypol/, the "main board". Creating a containment board for generals threads fundamentally goes their vision of this site. If the janguard had owned bunkerchan, we would likely never have gotten /siberia/ or many of the /alt/ boards.

There are some technical issues in the way: https://gitlab.leftypol.org/leftypol/leftypol/-/issues/33

Just use /edu/. It's broader in its domain, already exists, and the organizing stuff you mentioned fits better there. Putting it on a /leftypol/ overboard could get it more traffic too.

Could posts on /overboard/ and /alt/ be submitted to their own hidden board that also shows up on both overboards. Seems like a fun experiment.

Terrible idea. We dont even have enough posters for the boards we already have. Instead of making more niche boards that no one posts on you should merge the slow boards.

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as far as I know, H*z, infrared, and all mentions of him are still banned on the site and should be removed and any posters of him banned for spamming. Please enforce, this guy is not only a fascist lolcow but pedojacketed the site.
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>muh deep state
trumpfags have to seethe about muh deep state non stop because they're incapable of talking about the bourgeoisie since they worship one

bait or retarded?

Like where lol? Cuba has gay marriage, China has openly trans celebrities.
>I'm so radical for siding with other homophobic liberals against lgbt workers!
You're a clown

I still think he's probably an agent but you can't deny his influence at this point.

>completely adhered to Soviet party line,
comparing 1980s soviet policy to 2020s policy

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I know this might be an unpopular opinion, but I like degeneralization. In generals, it's very easy for a topic worthy of discussion to get lost in the shuffle because some autist decided to hijack the thread. It's also easy for the opposite to happen, where the same topic comes up up over and over again because older posts go away too fast and people don't read the whole thread anyway. I've personally seen both happen on multiple occasions within the same day and at the same time

is this opinion unpopular? most people seem ok with it

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