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Newfag here. Where to post about religion? There not a single thread in this whole website that discusses religion. Is it because religion is considered idpol? Even theology? Should i post on edu? Or leftypol? If i cant post it on leftypol because its idpol, can i discuss (for example) the sociological aspects of christianity (for example, how did it influence african education during the first years of european colonizzation of africa) and not it's spiritual aspects (for example, i cant post a thread on leftypol where its discussed the "turning the other cheek" christian concept and its correlation with the cleansing of the Temple)?
If i can discuss it on edu, how far can i go? Do i need to correlate it somehow to politics (for example, lavey's individualism and how it influenced the concept of capitalistic individualism) or I can completely detach myself from politics (for example, can I discuss the influence of geometry on Aquinas understanding of God)?
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Beware that religion is a touchy subject and naturally many here are atheists, but many aren't. Also not everyone in this board is familiar with the Christian tradition, being more familiar with the Muslim tradition.

/leftypol/ is for anything related to politics or socialist/leftist theory.

/edu/ is for anything that is related to studying. It can be political or not. For example: Casual music study is probably more fit for /hobby/, more serious study is probably for /edu/.

/edu/ can be political or not, it can also be socialist theory related or not. It is a slower board. There are overlaps in all boards. Just post and mods will move it if appropriate.


woah so many answers. i thought this board was much more dead.
>Beware that religion is a touchy subject and naturally many here are atheists, but many aren't.
im a newfag on this board, not to political theory
>Also not everyone in this board is familiar with the Christian tradition, being more familiar with the Muslim tradition.
why no islamic socialism flag? are mods self hating muslims on here? thats not very halal imho.
Jokes aside, thanks for explaining /edu/. looks like 4chan hasnt an equivalent board.
just for you, i think ill create one single general on /edu/, so i wont flood your favourite board with triggering imagery and disturbing content.


>triggering imagery and disturbing content
fucking projection


>why no islamic socialism flag?

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This boars is a leftist board, which is a problem. /leftypol/ should be a Marxist-only board. Unscientific socialists (i.e. LeftComs, Anarchists, Trotskyists, MLMs, etc—basically those that denounce AES) should not be allowed.
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So you admit you're a site full of utopian idealist socialists


>Says the Dengist who strawmans everyone else into Shining Path autists
Yeah, I guess we are full of utopian idealists


REEE Everyone's a revisionist except for me


That is how they act.


I don’t agree.

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what's up with the bridge?

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This happened.



nvm, it's a 'me issue'

apparently all the sites are now that way for me

ignore and/or delete


You probably have caret browsing or stickykeys or some shit like that turned on

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Man, pay attention


Yeah, not a fan of cycled threads as well.


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I believe we've learned nothing from the old "Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies" as forum sliding and topic dilution are very much present in these threads.


Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know etc. etc.

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I woke up this morning to find that my thread (the e-girl facial abuse one) had been deleted.
That was a good thread, we had done praxis and exposed some Wall Street banker's whore daughter. There was good banter about junko and her chicken farm. It wasn't a bad thread by /siberia/ standards.

However, my main concern isn't about my thread in particular. I want to know what the mods want /siberia/ to be. 3-6 months ago my type of thread getting deleted would've been unthinkable. Posting porn in /siberia/ was the norm. Being 'edgy' was the norm.
Now it seems that porn threads have a 50% chance of getting nuked and the mods are still unclear as to whether porn has to be spoilered.

My two questions for the mods are:
What do you want /siberia/ to be?
Are all of the mods in agreement over what /Siberia/ should be; have you all reached an understanding on how it should be moderated compared to the other boards?(Spoiler nsfw in /meta/)
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this may or may not have been funny in 2017


I assure you it was extremely funny




>What is Siberia?
a miserable little pile of schizos

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When I try to report someone I get an error:

Undefined index: id in /var/www/leftypol_lainchan/inc/functions.php at line 2818

Fix it so I can keep reporting the extremely obvious anti russia bot posts that are appearing in threads such as this: https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/833967.html


Cope more snitch


Context: this currently happens when reporting a post that has already been deleted.
>>>/tech/14117 (thanks based lewdposter)

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you banned TOR jannies
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How many more times are you going to ban tor for several hours you fucking retards?






>jannies don't know how tor works
top lel


Makes sense. Most of this lot struggle to locate the any key.


Moralism should be a bannable offense.
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Respect to my Polish comrades struggle.


Lmao this is cringe gold
It gets funnier every time I watch it


its a heckin unwholesome cringerinoo??


noooooo you can't just break social norms and express yourself nooo it's cringe1!1


Yes, but without the funny words.

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Staff shouldn't post outside of /meta/. If users can't bother to make a meta thread/post on the right board, they do not deserve a response. It also avoids potential derailings.


Anime pfp



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