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Fix mobile you dickheads
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dweeb basement dweller


you dont belong here


Yeah, I actually have a job and family and I'm working class, only a phone for my lunch break


Fix mobile?
Use mobile somedays myself and it's been fine fwiw


Charge your fucking phone

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>A statement of historical truth is "L-le Glowing"
Do Jannies really?

>In November 2004, the chairman of Chechnya's pro-Moscow State Council, Taus Djabrailov, said over 200,000 people have been killed in the Chechen Republic since 1994, including over 20,000 children.[20] In August 2005, Djabrailov gave a conflicting figure of 160,000 killed, of which between 30,000 and 40,000 were ethnic Chechens.[21]
>In June 2005, Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov, a deputy prime minister in the Kremlin-controlled Chechen administration, said about 300,000 people have been killed during two wars in Chechnya over the past decade; he also said that more than 200,000 people have gone missing. Every resident of Chechnya has scores of relatives who have been killed or gone missing, he said.[22][23]
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>The American backed regime change NGOs also agreed that they majority of civilian casaulties were ethnically Russian.
Source: your ass. The Russian invasion of Chechnya were two wars of aggression waged by the Russian state against Chechnya. The overwhelming majority of the mass civilian deaths and atrocities were committed by the Russian military against Chechen civilians.
>The majority of the population in the combat zones clearly was ethnically Russian.
No, the majority of the population in the combat zones of Chechnya were ethnically Chechen. Because the war was fought in Chechnya, not Russia.
>You are just an ignorant liar
Literally everything I said ITT is true and I've backed it up with sources. You just pulled bs straight out of your ass and deny war crimes and atrocities that are inconvenient to your narrative.
>your claim is even less convincing then those of information warfare outlets that happen to be opposed to Russia.
My claims are all historical facts of the Russian atrocities committed against Chechnya's civilian population in the Russian wars on Chechnya, backed up by extensive physical/video evidence >>21060 >>21093.

>Wikipedia straight up accepts NED propaganda as being verified fact
Grozny after the Russian carpet-bombing in the 1990's was the most destroyed city on planet Earth. This is not "propaganda". It's the truth.
>so yeah anything on it relating to history and politic is highly suspect.
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Notice how the cope and seething janny provides no sources for any of their claims that "Russian war crimes in Chechnya in 1990's-2000's were not real" and "made up by NGO's". Notice how the janny even tries to deny video evidence of Russia's destruction of Grozny and war crimes against Chechnya >>21060 . The janny argues:
>"Don't believe your lying eyes".


I think all that anyone is noticing is that you are mentally ill. The guy you are referencing is not a mod and evidently not a single person has agreed with what you are saying. I'm not sure who you are trying to convince buddy


>if it's written on wikipedia surely it's true
I don't know shit about what went down there (except it was prolly cia backed islamic extremists fucking with russia, and that there was significant loyalist chechens forces), but you're not helping your case


>one country invades another country
except chechenya is part of the russian federation

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello everyone, we have recently had a new feature implemented where the ban interface has a standardised list attached to it which automatically populates ban reasons and lengths. Here is the current list (purely a placeholder).

Predefined Reasons:
Length Reason
1d Low-quality posting
1d Off-topic
10d /pol/
30d Spam
30d Ban evasion
forever Illegal content

Obviously there's a lot of stuff missing from that list and it needs to be decided upon what length these bans on the list even should be. Some people favour bans of a few hours whereas others favour bans of weeks. Obviously this inconsistency leads to possible arbitrary judgement, therefore we would like to consider how ban lengths should be standardised. This thread is for users and mods to express their ideas on this topic. Please let us know what you think should be pre-defined reasons and how long they should be banned for.
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Very few of them are mine actually, if any I can’t remember


But of course, it’s just yet another side step from you lot.


You quite literally admitted to ban evasion and still are very sour about being banned.How is that a side step?

It is very obvious you are using this thread about discussing generic ban lengths as a soapbox for your personal grievances, which probably what got you banned in the first place.


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>I've been banned for "glow" like six times
>just for my observation that ziggas are only serving as a fifth column in leftism


Yes the war thread is some bullshit, you will be banned for weeks at a time for being critical of their absolute nonsense.
it is just janoids showing their true colors again, just like they did with the whole infrared shit.

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why cant i delete my own threads

if youre gonna prevent us from doing so at least make it so we still can do it if the thread has under 3 replies or whatever


You gonna tell us what happened to the images?





tl;dr we were tinkering with the way images are saved and loaded from the server to try and make it more efficient and there was a slight problem we had to fix, one of them was that a few recent-ish images were broken and we didn't want to restore a backup cause it'd delete a few posts

so the techies fixed it on the fly and to stop the issue from continually happening until we fixed it all we had to disable image-posting for a little while

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What are your guys thoughts on archiving threads ppl like and wanna save and how it is done so far? How could it be improved? What is working well atm?

Also what do we think about an /alt_archive/ board to store threads from /alt/ such as hobby, games, or music? We have one for siberia >>>/siberia_archive/ and one for leftypol >>>/leftypol_archive/ already that you may wanna check out.

Are there any alternative archiving methods or past archives of leftypol projects that you would like to discuss?
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It's a good way to preserve threads that have tons of images. Just like i intend on having the reaction images thread on /siberia/ archived when it gets filled.


If I wanted my posts to last forever I'd join social media.


>i dont want my stuff lasting forever because of the whims of a few assholes
Then that should motivate you to make better posts you're not ashamed of.
>if someone really likes a post for whatever reason they can press ctrl + S
That's selfish. The point is redundancy and making things available for people to search back to. The entire Ukraine videos thread'd be lost alongside all its content because archive.is and wayback don't archive videos at all and cannot archive pdfs from leftypol due to robots.txt


This isn't N00bshit you cancerous autist.


That's not the point of archiving threads.


Well, we all started somewhere.

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do we have a big ol image of all our flags like this? I think that would be pretty cool x3
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*shits uncontrollably*


thank you babe


>I identify as… Anonymous from 4chan


we should add these flags


Oh fuck, /pol/tard raiders have discovered /meta/

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thoughts on generals?
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Next April fools, lock every board and only allow one mega thread


I understand the reason so many people make retarded pointless split threads… even the fucking mods can't use fucking catalog search… fucking amazing. >>>/anime/1822 is the main active Berserk thread on the site. Learn to read.



Sounds dope. Maybe for Halloween


It is the main thread but it is not a general and I wanted to ask for more opinions before I move anything due to all the sand getting inside genitals about this topic lately.

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Evidence of a junko denying the genocide of Palestinians by the imperialist Israeli government, repeating talking points made by hardline Zionists in the Israeli and US governments, as well as spouting schizo religious sectarianism that doesn't belong anywhere near leftist spaces.

Over the last few months we have seen countless anons banned for being "glowies" after making much more moderate and less sus posts abut Ukraine. Junko's posts break both the site idpol rules and past precedent set by mods. I can only assume that she is permitted to post stuff that regular anons would get banned on sight for simply because she is a tripfag and friends with the mods. I sincerely hope this is not the case and would like to be proven wrong.
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I did. I mean she confessed that her ex boyfriend was a /pol/tard and she used to watch Agent Kochinski of all people. Junko has never been particularly smart regarding politics anyways it makes sense she'd become some liberal basic bitch zionist especially with all the lead the Americans keep putting in the water and all the mainstream media she keeps consooming. She's probably already suffering from early onset brain damage from the lead.

Btw Junko if you go to visit Israel one of the tricks they use is to staff their tours with the hottest people they can find to psyop jews into thinking it's going to be great when they immigrate over. Sadly I can already tell you're going to fall for it even after I've given you this heads up.

t. knew a Jew who got out of Israel and escaped the brainwashing through sheer willpower


Yes they do you twat
If you'd send reports instead of impotently whine you'd actually effect something


you know nothing and are lying your ass off
reflect on the life choices that brought you to this place


so you know nothing and are lying

first, one does not follow from the other
second this exactly implies that while whoever does not care about whatever original incident we have now gone beyond that, so exactly the opposite of your claim
what has twisted you into this?


Just came out of an Israel thread with tons of deleted posts from Junko; anyone know what she said? (besides zionist shilling ofc). I want some laughs.

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Recent events (particularly the Ukraine threads) have revealed just how many bad faith actors relentlessly shilling and promoting Western talking points have joined up on this board. This is a phenomenon that will only become increasingly difficult to deal with if we continue current population growth trends and become more and more "mainstream" (as is already evident by multiple people coming over from Reddit).

To bring up just two of our most notable examples, namefags such as King Lear and Grillpilled Schizo have made posts bragging about
A) How America will handily defeat Russia in a real war and how it would be good, and
B) Critical Support for Azov Battalion.

And that's just the namefags. The anonymous posters are also full of people quoting out of context, trying their best to regurgitate demoralization /pol/ memes but without the racism ("OH NO NO NO RUSSIAN BROS HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?", "Putin is FINISHED", etc.), and even just re-posting stuff straight from Ukrainian or Western MSM without even bothering to first re-package it in an ultra-"left" critique.

How do we stop the glowies? Simply range banning American IPs won't fix this; they'd just fire up their VPNs and be back the next day. There must be a systemic and concentrated effort to puzzle out how to fix this, preferably BEFORE we become a popular forum and not AFTER.
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>3 months
No it took me 5 mins after coming back the 3 months were all yours and like I said I'm disappointed that you came up with so little.

>Germany isn't deficit financing countries it was just a hypothetical

Ok so you admit that you don't even have a real concrete example of this occurring thanks for admitting that your argument has no basis in reality.
>Large imperial powers don't outbid each other for third world contracts?
Do you even know what the IMF is? Do you even know what the World Bank is? How can you be this ignorant - oh that's right you don't understand anything concerning economics and how it has been a deliberate strategy of the American order to keep countries underdeveloped and in poverty no wonder. When America wants a contract signed they get their comprador stooge into power and get it done that way. There is no such thing as American "competition" for development anymore. China is single-handedly providing all avenues for development because the West is not even bothering to compete like they did the past and is fine sitting back and blowing up anyone they don't like or subjugating them to unplayable debt burdens.

>There is a distinction between the movement that comes to power and the eventual lending to government of that movement for infrastructure.

If you read the study you would realize that the study stated that China only accelerated lending after relevant left wing governments came into power but that's what you get for being illiterate. Here is one key sentence from one of the very first few paragraphs:
>I thus argue that China’s economic engagement with Ecuador and Bolivia
deepened disproportionately from 2005 to 2014 due to the simultaneous rise of leftist governments in these states at the time
>which took place in a geopolitical environment conducive to China’s rise.

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">Germany isn't deficit financing countries it was just a hypothetical
Ok so you admit that you don't even have a real concrete example of this occurring thanks for admitting that your argument has no basis in reality.
>Large imperial powers don't outbid each other for third world contracts?
Do you even know what the IMF is? Do you even know what the World Bank is? How can you be this ignorant - oh that's right you don't understand anything concerning economics and how it has been a deliberate strategy of the American order to keep countries underdeveloped and in poverty no wonder. When America wants a contract signed they get their comprador stooge into power and get it done that way. There is no such thing as American "competition" for development anymore. China is single-handedly providing all avenues for development because the West is not even bothering to compete like they did the past and is fine sitting back and blowing up anyone they don't like or subjugating them to unplayable debt burdens. "

in answer to all of that: yes germany was hypothetical, however, it is patently obvious large imperial nations compete and undercut each other for contracts, here is an example



here is another

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>but still feels the burning desire to argue with the professor.
and you are the proffesor in this instance eh?


Again you shift the goalposts.
To recap, we went from:
>The West deficit finances development of 3rd world nations
>The West competes for contracts for 3rd world nations
>The West competes for contracts for 1st world nations
When did Australia or Israel (the two examples you have posted with your links for contract bidding) become poor or 3rd world or non-Western aligned?

Again this is why I don't like responding because every time you are forced to concede you fall back on another angle and pretend that was your original argument as if nothing happened.

But for the record, even accepting this goalpost shift, when something is strategic the US just bulldozes anyone they want to get it done even among allies, like they did with AUKUS destroying France's successful contract "outbid" by getting their puppet Scott Morrison to help scupper the submarine deal:
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You tore Sage to shreds. I don't think he'll be coming back to this thread.

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