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I don’t get why, patriarchy is a pretty pernicious and violent hierarchical structure that negatively effects both men and women, makes female workers more easily exploitable and easier to disrupt in organizing, makes men more likely to act as class collaborators with more powerful men against women from their own class and as a whole, is consistently used as a means to establish buy-in for many men into capitalism, with many reactionary bourgeois ideologies targeting young men playing heavily on patriarchal beliefs and norms, and of course, like it or not, but part of the issue with SA and less serious but still harmful forms of gendered and intimate abuse in some socialist parties and anarchist groups like it or not likely come down to patriarchal attitudes not sufficiently critiqued and deprogrammed out of male members

I’d also say there’s no problem discussing it either unless you’re more concerned with alienating potential male chauvinist allies over basically all women that might possibly be interested in radical politics
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This was the mindset of the old /leftypol/ where everything outside of class politics is a spook


>they actually explain class
There is an objective antagonism inside each family, which is reflected in one's practical access to economic relations. The personality mentioned here is the "holder" for property rights; the term "estate" would be proper if social and cultural property were not also implicated.
<[Puritanism] was clearly hierarchical; only, in place of the endless gradations characteristic of a feudal system, one is left with a mini­mal hierarchy of two or perhaps three levels. Women, children, and servants were encompassed within the personality of the householder; and, in all but the most radical versions, of householders encompassed by the King or State.
Violence "capital" is a spook, exactly the sort expected from a "there is no society" neoliberal "Marxist". Why do you even bother.


>one part of the species having more muscle mass, being generally larger and more expendable than the other "is a spook"


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It doesn't seem like a timely critique.

>having more muscle mass

Get a load of this Paul Bunyan guy…
>being generally larger
You're assuming that translates immediately to dominance, I suppose. You are aware of the comprehensive institutions of social humiliation and routine physical violence that were necessary to reproduce the male supremacy of mediaeval europoors, generally known as "rough music", I'm sure?
As a material condition, larger means easier to hit and easier to flee from.
>and more expendable
Only for a few years per kid, and industry has evened the score.


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>larger means easier to hit and easier to flee from.

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Is there any good reason to not include country flags in /leftypol/? I feel like it would make discourse better, you can know there an anon is coming from (both literally and figuratively) without having them start their post with >as a Mexican, I […]. If privacy is a concern, you could just make them be overridden by the custom flags, or add an option to hide the flag etc.
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Just add tor flag

I don't know who you are but lower case posting is low quality posting so I'm not convinced this is a "good enough reason"


>Is there any good reason to not include country flags in /leftypol/?

Same applies for the vice versa, WHY should one use a country flag instead of saying >'as a Mexican'


it would effectively de-anonymize everyone outside the USA and maybe the UK and one or two other countries. how many posters do you think we have from New Zealand?
>but they could hide the flag
and if they forget? or if they don't want to - but wouldn't go to the effort of tripcode/tripflag use if it wasn't default?

the only possibly-funny use i could imagine would be a non default country flag option, so if someone is chatting shit in the britpol thread (for example) you could challenge them to show their flag to "prove" they're actually from the country they're talking about.


>Just add tor flag
it would misrepresent Tor


because nations are a spook

also this, it's a false sense of identity.
also, Tor is not a VPN, kiddo. VPN idenitification would probably be unreliable anyway.
Agreed. There are many countries with a single user, and having them deanonymized by default is against the mode of this site.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ITT retrieve old and currently-missing /leftypol/ flags that would be good to add back.
I found the Technocrat and snibetti snab flags. I know the Anarcho-Transhumanism flag is missing and I want to find it and have it added back if possible (t. anarcho transhumanist anon). Pics related

P.S. the "Athiesm" flag is misspelled, it's spelled Atheism.
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Can the weed flag be enabled on all boards? I like using it but it's only been available on siberia…


kinda redundant with the fed flag

just do the head if you're gonna do it




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Proposal to update the mutualism flag



Sometimes its fun, but then after waiting for new threads the new threads are just boring regurgitated shit from 2017
Everything else is just waiting for news to happen to comment on them and maybe make some memes OR redundant questions that don't deserve their own thread which can be answered by reading books on said topics

everything is kind of cyclical and has a pattern to it
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the idea of finding and reading an entire book on (say) pensions ought to be boring, boring, boring compared to discussing it freely on an imageboard where people come at the issue with a variety of perspectives and argue their case while allowing you to ask questions or throw out practical counterexamples. ought to be. you're accidentally right that it'd be better because reading a nautical almanac from 1975 cover to cover would be more novel and educational than anything you'll find here. (maybe a sailor will have annotated it on a past trip! oh, what excitement!) that is this site's failure.

i don't blame the admins, here's my theory: the people who like novelty have fucked off, leaving behind the people who're content with constant re-runs of the same basic nonsense. when you offer them novelty, they get confused, exacerbating the push for the interesting to leave and the boring to remain. since there's no major influx of new users and a slow, constant attrition of old ones, this goes unresolved and we're now at the point where i'm at my limit - but for being temporarilly bedridden, i wouldn't waste another moment here. whatever i used to see here, it is gone. if ever i provided novelty, i won't be doing it soon.

that would be a complete waste. if you have interesting thoughts it's better to keep them to yourself then to see them (a) ignored or (b) bombarded with inane replies from people who clearly made no effort to read or understand them, instead quickly snapping to a response after seeing a key word or two.

every moment i spend here i become more anti-communist. not because i've lost faith in the idea of communism, but because this site is a constant monument to both the inadequacy of so-called communists and, worse yet, a constant reminder that not all inadequate communists are well-meaning radlibs brain poisoned by twitter or boomers indoctrinated into a cult with red flag aesthetics: no, a lot of so-called communists are just cunts. worse: they are boring cunts, the worst kind of cunt. i could take the worthless arrogant posturing from a gaggle of inadequates if they at least provided novelty, but you won't find novelty here. you will find nothing that cannot be better found elsewhere. if you want to run on thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>every moment i spend here i become more anti-communist
This is what happens when the board is overrun with bloodthirsty MLs who hate anarchists and ultras


And at some point it becomes more fun to larp as one of them than to express dissenting views, since most posters enjoy it so much they tend to neglect the "nonsectarian" aspect. They can't even tell bait half the time and just cheer it on.
There is no self-criticism and there will never be in their circles. There will only be eating eachother for whoever expresses less anti-revisionist takes or takes a stance against multipolarism. Seeing oneself as some sort of tactician in the choices between shit sides. Great men will remain as such - Lenin is forever pinned to remind you that he is more important than the rest. Stalin can only be questioned from a point of achievements and refuting accusations, never from a point of critique! Any dissenters are immidietly labeled fascist, liberal and undergo fed-jacketing. Be prepared to be outnumbered and shat on if you dare construct a well-written critique, the conversation will go nowhere, but you will either engage in it until you're no longer able to or automatically become "refuted" for refusing to further respond. It is cyclical in all instances. Don't like it? Go somewhere else is the answer (ironically what these individuals are told in real life when brining up communism i.e. "Go to Venezuela").

It is fun. It is extremely fun and sometimes educational. Though the illusion that posters have is that they can never be wrong through a certain school of thought. Ironically this mirrors lolbert circles in which they think that Austrian economics has long since "refuted" Marxism and fail to engage in any of it - simply relying on said written "refutations" beforehand instead of actually reading Marx and forming a critique themselves. They are afraid that they might be converted if they begin to read on it. This is also why Leninists have barely bothered with anarchist literature and instead recommend their own "refutations" in the example of The State and Revolution being parroted over and over again. The same immuno response to outsideness and difference is seen here. Try to engage with liberals as a proclaimed communist within their circles and watch as they pile up against you with one bad take after the other. You will see the exact same cynicism in here with anarchists and ultras among other views.

Does any of it matter though? I think that this in itself will result in more of what they Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>Be prepared to be outnumbered and shat on if you dare construct a well-written critique
In the best cases. Chances are your post will get deleted by mods and maybe even banned.


Slow and boring now, bumps are all boring effortless posting. This is what happens when no drug board. Less users, less posts, less interesting stuff. Ukraine thread right now? Posters redirecting anon to go to Reddit to follow the war updates.

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♪ \(^ω^\ )


( /^ω^)/♪♪

Help us reach 4k!!!: https://twitter.com/leftypol_org
Appreciate everyone who has been supportive and contributive to the account <3
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I love Elon Musk. imagine if he RT'd leftypol. shit would be so cash.


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>not even hiding the patsoc radlib shit


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<IPs last hour 33
I feel like this site has been dying over the last few weeks
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also wtf is this shit lmao
>our worldviews are closer to humanity's in general


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>generals getting 1 reply per 30 mins / hour avarage
Holy fucking shit its slow.


no anon, you don't understand: it's quality over quantity, can't you feel the extra effort that goes into every reply now that threads are slow enough for people to think before posting? PPH isn't important, it's like Stalin said: better fewer, but better!
yes, i'm joking. yes, the bit where I misattribute a lenin quote to stalin is part of the joke.


> putting an end to the early era where a good chunk of the userbase had diverse ideologies and - more importantly - wore ideology flags. Using flags in that way was both a great way to stimulate ideological discussion and provide context for a given post, and also a novel way of using imageboards
the culture's too toxic now for that to work. if you say anything controversial with a flag, it will begin to damn all future posters of that flag. people will construct narratives about the kind of fucked up or embarrassing things certain flagposters say. it's the somewhat fuzzier equivalent of redditors digging through your comment history when you posted something they didn't like.


> if you say anything controversial with a flag, it will begin to damn all future posters of that flag.
There's people who will start fights over totally innocuous things based on flags, and often based on assumptions about what someone's ideology is even when there's no flags involved.


You can't tell me, all this is made by "volunteers". We know projects like Linux or Wikipedia are backed by multimillion dollar corpos. So who is financing this site here?
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>4channers KNOW that their site is a honeypot
<they post there anyway


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we shld not be attackin OP, OP has good intentions and these are clear from their replies, it is right for them to b always suspicious. if they started to point fingers at mods in particular, shittin on Zankaria, etc. then we'd hve a problem but this is not their intention.
im w/ u on that one, riseup is 100% glow. outside of this fact, they're on record for releasing emails to the feds under threats of arrest. don't use.
>We don't know how many people are involved,
idk, if ur on the matrix, u can talk to pretty much any of the mods. they all hve usernames


big man soros of course


George Soros in collaboration with Hamas and Russian trolls.
But in reality we pull the strings.


>You can't tell me, all this is made by "volunteers".
I have a confession to make: it's Putin. This entire website is funded and ran by the Internet Research Agency in Russia with the goal of destroying NATO, Israel and the USA. I remember the big office party we had when we won the meme wars and made Hillary lose to Trump. Nothing is going to stop what's coming.

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There is no organization going on on leftypol. In truth, there is only an ongoing process of atomization. Every day our numbers dwindle and our site loses users. The fact that we are so unwilling to recognize leftypol, not as a silly hangout spot, but as a military base surrounded by enemies on all sides, is probably why glowies even keep this website from going offline completely. We're an utterly worthless leftist organization. What is all the philosophy for if all of it is stupid edrama bullshit and attempts to explain an outside world we never explore ourselves? How exactly can leftypol have any purpose in this world if we don't convert people, or seek out comrades to befriend in person, or find leftist communities we can ally ourselves with, not that there are many of those. Why can't we have raids into other online spaces, or form communities on other websites that represent our interests as online leftists? Even twitteroid leftists do more activism online. Not to mention that there's a decrepit atmosphere of paranoia and existential dread, as well as everyone on leftypol being a piece of shit fossil who denounces porn addiction and criticizes everyone who actually makes an attempt to post something interesting for once. We practically do the glowies' work for them. If 4chan can organize real life attempts to steal a flag from shia labeouf's private residence then why cant we, i dunno, form cliques and networks of people willing to actually do shit? I wanted comrades from this place and all ive ever gotten were parasocial relationships with people who only share philosophy and poke and prod at anybody who suggests doing anything at all without giving anything in return. Fuck the air of critique here. Why cant you people propose projects? What's wrong with a 5 year plan? This is why the third world is the only hope of progress in the world. You firsties all gave an internet connnection and pretend to be "socialists" but you are the most antisocial people that could have ever pretended to be "comrades". This place is designed to lull leftists into a false sense of security and community. Wake up. Start organizing on a regional basis and stop focusing on the internet. You wont find any cameraderie online and your online comrades are pure fiction. Go outside.
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Looks like that's the last one. There might be a couple more but I don't recall at this point.


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Appreciate the viddump comrade, did you just have these saved or is there somewhere they're all available?


I just had them saved. It's part of my leftypol collection from way back then.


Cool, thanks.
btw, not sure if you've used leftybooru before, and it's probably about to migrate to a new software soon which will make uploading easier, but its a great resource for sharing and tagging /leftypol/ images.


Love me some language barriers. ( >>>/music/14 )

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>(Low Effort B8)
How is this a bait? I live in global south and this is an issue that concerns me. Do jannies think I moved to Iraq just to troll them le epically? I kept engaging with the thread trying to make something out of it >>>/leftypol/1817055 granted most of the replies I got were reddit-tier strawmans and misrepresentations.
The idiot who put that there can easily check my IP. What absolute shithole this place is.
Will the next leftist from a shithole like mine be filtered for being critical of any capitalist/reactionary power that isn't shitmerica? No wonder you can count the anons from the global south with your fingers.
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>a huge part of western 'proletarians' arent actually proletarians at all
I take issue with vague statements like this, how much is "huge part"? Are we talking significant minority, or are you claiming majority of western workers do not count as proles?


Not all third -worldists are communists… but all Communists are third-worldists


western third worldists treat third worlders the way radlibs treat black americans, so it's no surprise


Eurocentric delusions


Basically same shit again >>32961


I haven't been here in years. How have things been?

Oh apparently I need 150 characters. I remember that lel. Well I'll just say despite not hanging out here I'm still a Marxist, I've just been hanging out in other places.
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The ukraine war broke this place's mind and a bunch of the userbase got alienated by duginist tryhards and left


even those godawful threads feel slow these days, so they truly shat up the whole place and then left


>Muh Dugin!!!
Oh do stop making shit up just because you're ass-mad that the majority of users did not agree with bothsideist sewage spilled out by ideologues. This shit about "le duginites" is literally the baseless narrative Western MSM claimed, about how Dugin was the ideological adviser for Putin or some shit and how he was the one directing Russian policy. The number of Duginists on this site was never high, not even in the Ukraine thread
>It's Slooow
The current thread is slow because not a lot of major new shit is happening, people discuss shit just fine, they're just not buying into bad-faith garbage attempting middle-of-the-road idealism that glowies encourage.


>Oh do stop making shit up just because you're ass-mad that the majority of users did not agree with bothsideist sewage spilled out by ideologues.

<he doesn't remember Butthole Schizo


>implying 1 schizo = the whole site
Ok, reddit-spacer

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