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The Ukrainian spelling of cities, e.g. Kyiv, should be wordfiltered to the Russian spellings, e.g. Kiev.
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Damn, how about any of these other ideas? >>18943


The moderation team has clearly already picked their side, so why not?


Word filter "special military operation" to "geopolitical exorcism"


can we filter ‘zigger’ and ‘ukrop’ to something funny


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As fun as that would be, the main issue with doing that is that it would break links to news articles.

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Also why are Tor clearnet exit nodes blocked anyway?
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it's true in essence, but the story got twisted
yes the onion site is unusable for now, along with posting from an exit node ofc
but no, there are no accounts to dole out yet because the solution hasn't been implemented


give this site over to Ismail senpai from http://eregime.org/index.php?showforum=719


Alright, kinda sucks but thanks for the clarification.


>there are no accounts to dole out yet because the solution hasn't been implemented

its been a month already


is it up???

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there are too many fucking frogs in /siberia/


Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


draining the swamp


Or something along those lines.


No more frogs. For the best really.

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I got banned for a week by the mod wvobbly without clear reason or explanation. All his message stated was 'pol', so I can't even know what actually caused the ban. I'm obviously not pol and have been here since the 8chan days, but if you really thought I was you could have simply checked my post history. Last thing I did before the ban was argue with an ancap on a very poor quality thread and I didn't break the rules
I was banned from /meta/ as well, and my appeal was denied. So I had no way to defend myself.

I'd like an explanation because from my perspective the ban and its length don't make sense, and this wvobbly is just handing out arbitrary bans.
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Brining wobbly onto the mod team was my biggest mistake. Sorry leftypol. I tried getting him removed but failed. I failed you all.


You are a failure
That's not the reason why you are a failure


True, I should've done more to get you your anti-psychotic meds, pasq. I'm sorry.


You remain as pathetic, spiteful and slanderous as ever




Is there any way to advertise on this website? I’d like to advertise here
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it should only be for leftist causes or leftist adjacent causes otherwise this site would become a parody


dengism with imageboard characteristics?


no just take the money
if jeff bezos or whoever is dumb enough to pay for an ad spot take the money
just as long as it's not the usual website ads that track you and shit.


Yeah, I wouldn’t want to see a porn ad next to ongoing contemporary events..


User data is worth a lot. There is always a buyer out there.

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How come some bans don't show up in the log? Are some mods using loopholes to sidestep transparency?

picrels: most recent example


bans on the IP page don't show up on board logs, they do show up on the overall mod log though. usually happens because IP is getting reviewed for a D+ before banning.


>overall mod log


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It'd do nothing without a mod account anyways and it shows all IPs, so no
Here is the (IP censored) proof it does work though, the - in the board it was issued in is why it doesn't show up on the board logs, and because vichan is retarded user-side moderation logs need a board specified to list the actions.


>we checked ourselves, and found no wrongdoing
jannies got this under control. how about you fuck off with your idpol?

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We hope you like them :)

Please continue to put flag requests in the thread on /meta/ and banners in the banner thread, we will try to be more active on adding these.
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impressed with how well that one turned out


the eurasian flag was a mistake since not a single decent post has been made under it.


no no it's good because those people were already here and now they come with a warning label


No point, incredibly niche and topical. We could make hundreds and hundreds if this is how low we're setting the bar.


we need a dayum flag

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why was i banned for this post… jannies are turning retarded just because you disagree with the premise doesn't mean i should be banned for it.

Is leftypol adopting some official ideological line i should be aware of?


Discussing with the mod now thanks. Also that ban is up (was 1 minute) so feel free to post either way.


the unofficial line is "you're always one book away from having the correct line" :^) Chew on that, valued poster.

I apologize on behalf of the whole mod team for this unconstitutional ban. It was an infringement of your rights as an anonymous leftypol poster. You broke no rules.

Post free, little birdy! We can never give you back that one minute we took from you, but we will regret it for the rest of our lives. The two-line struggle is advancing within the leftypol janitor's closet, and I have been subjected to much self-criticism. Progress is coming to leftypol.org! And it was your martyrdom that sparked it. You, anonymous poster, are and forever will be a hero of leftypol.


easy on the cringe there jannie lol



correct interboard link

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See pic related. Putin retaliated with a massive missile strike on Ukrainian infrastructure. How long does Iron Felix have to deliver until he gets permabanned?
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A promise is a promise
Fiat justitia ruat caelum


This. I'm not particularly invested in the thread, I just want to see a toxx clause upheld


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Update, he delivered




>it's epic when workers are denied utilities and put in danger of their lives for borgois infighting.
You ar special needs and need to be banned for being an extreme right-winger.

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This website used to be at least remotely interesting before the moderators scared anyone that wasn't a sadsack right wing incel away with their hardline pro-Russia position
Now that the war is coming to an impasse (or whatever, not keeping up with it), the place is basically dead
Even the big generals on /leftypol/ barely get regular bumps
For shame
Mods fucked over their own website
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wuz good mane?


I think over time people on here will realise that all empires glow. The mods are trying to deter flaming, which sometimes means nodding along when the userbase psyops itself. See the nazbol situation from 8ch/leftypol/.
Things will get better. The mods are trying their hardest.




>Everyone I don't like is /pol/ and pro-Russian: A Child's guide to argument on the internet
Ok OP, cry harder.


Laughter is a good medicine

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