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File: 1663623548760.jpg (1.61 MB, 2288x1716, 1644364880275.jpg)


Bring back the degenera(tes?|cy) => fun wordfilter.
19 posts and 2 image replies omitted.

One month and no vetos. Testing ᴉuᴉlossnW

Proposal to filter "troon" to "poltroon". Adding in a week or something if I see no objection.

>>23811 good
>>24928 alright
>>23708 ebin
>>23425 this


there is idpol from right-wingers
and there is idpol from liberals as well
"polidpol" would give the false appearance that only right-wingers commit idpol

as a maupin enjoy-er i approve

>Twitter.com should word filter to Nitter.net so users can be directed to the front end whenever a twitter link gets posted to reduce potential data collection.
If that could be selectively applied on links that would be great.
We wouldn't want to create false impressions about Nitter when people are complaining about twidder

>"polidpol" would give the false appearance that only right-wingers commit idpol
who are you replying to?

File: 1673534346960.jpg (24.32 KB, 526x235, my thread.JPG)


why did my thread get deleted? :C


if it wasn't posted in /siberia/, thats probably why

have you seen German and Japanese toilets? I'm not sure about Brazil.

That shit ain't popular in Brazil, we just have more willing porn actress.


We seem to be getting flooded with surveys. Any idea who's behind it?
So it's
>>>/siberia/357481 (highjacked)

Are these connected, and what can we do to cost them money?

Personally, I think you might be over-reading it

its just buzzfeed quizzes for gay nerds

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disabling tor killed the side boards lmao

File: 1672128556004.gif (1.23 MB, 652x368, bocchi.gif)

i have work motherfucker how many times do i have to say this

it is literally enabled retard

Look at the fucking timestamp.

It was also enabled then. I was using it.


6 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

I want to say someone did already… maybe check the /tech/ previous stickies.

PLEASE DO IT MODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL BUMP THIS FRED YEARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even crystal.cafe has this

Let's add sound support for thumbnails while we're at it


Also this but I can't find it. Could be the script for the person who had a broken (no, not outdated, actually broken) browser and couldn't display .webp thumbnails.

There is a plugin JS (client-side) option to disable animated .gifs if they are enabled. It might be worth considering enabling the server generating of .gif thumbnails and having that option available if they get abused, or if raids start happening as much as they used to, even enabled by default.


what up!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was banned because of the following scribbles: (i'm not ban evading, i have a dynamic IP)

>>349722 VERY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!! i done it, i groomed someone into becoming a furry!!!!!

>>349724 what are you going to stuff it with
>>349727 these are rly impressive, but it's not my thing, i think they look spooky. it'd be fun to use them to scare ppl though
>buy/steal a murrsuit
>groom someone into becoming a furry
>do the SÉX
>>349737 ver
yc ool

i used the word "grooming" as a hyperbole in bad taste, which made it look like I'm a reactionary or something. I said something along those lines as a ban appeal, but I don't know if I got unbanned with my appeal, because of my dynamic IP. Anyway, i just wanted to know if we good. we good, mods!?!?!?!?!?

yeah, you good
people need to look at context

muy bueno muy bueno
muy >>24239 bueno
muy bueno muy bueno

least predditory furry

Cute dog innit.


Just like on the original /pol/ (gross I know) (pic related) the ID is a random short string of letters and numbers used in one thread and then never again.

If the mods/admins could implement such a feature, that would be very cool.

Thank you very much for all the work that ya'll do.

We implemented this 3-4ish years ago and it caused so much controversy and backlash that we had to immediately repeal it. If there is popular demand for it now then maybe we can look at it again but it seems unlikely.

i dont get why there was backlash in the first place, anonymity isnt an issue since the ids refresh right?

No that glows. Back in 8chan days those could be used to calculate a user's IP. Don't remember how.

>>24219 (me)
Also me and my sister use this site and people would think we're samefagging when we're just posting from the same house.

I think there's also possibly an issue with dynamic IPs and people getting the same ID, to say nothing of, like, multiple people posting from the same coffee shop or whatever.


Can I get the dark red theme css so I can use it on other altchans?


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most of leftypol disagrees with liberalsim this is shown in the mods need to delete entire threads

Please actually learn what liberalism means, we don't use the reddit definition here.

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All the idpol-violator users had no post history except one, seems legit.

Way to out yourself in a single post lmao.



What does it mean?

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