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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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Hello everyone. This is the thread to make proposals. Feel free to have your say whether user or mod. We have these proposals did not pass last week, but may be worthy of further discussion:

Proposal: Moderator votes remain the counted votes in admin decisions, but users should let vote using strawpolls (or perhaps polling systems built into the site?) per topic to display general user attitude to a proposal. If the majority User opinion directly opposes moderator majority vote then the proposals should be discussed and votes called on again after a break of 1-2 weeks to let people rethink positions on a topic.

Proposal: Make this the ‘official’ Leftypol channel >>>/leftypol/534666

Proposal: I think that we should also keep the current userbase engaged, making things like weekly game tournaments, actual organized debates, movie nights followed by discussion and so on. I've been thinking that a weekly leftypol podcast could be a good idea, just a couple of anons talking about what happened in the board and the world during the past week and inviting people to talk if they so desire, we could have debates there, and interviews and other things, and share it on spotify for others to see.

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I agree with both of these ideas more or less, I always thought moving mod feedback off leftypol was a mistake, however, there needs to be more clarity on what exactly mods are not allowed to say without mod tags on. For example: are mods not allowed to say like 'I think x on leftypol is pretty good' in a general non official thread? That might be going too far.


I don't really understand the first proposal as we already have a moderation feedback thread stickied on /leftypol/ >>>/leftypol/742065 unless you mean removing any feedback thread on /meta/ and redirect everything to the /leftypol/ one. However that would be quite a mistake because where, then, would someone banned on /leftypol/ could appeal and complain about the moderation? It would encourage people to break the rules and ban evade which is idiotic.

For the 2nd proposal like caballo said >>21969 what exactly would be considered 'banned speech" needs to be clarified.


>banned speech
I'd simply say such a rule is unenforceable.
Fundamentally here's my problem: I don't know how someone with political education could come up with that. Might as well say mods need to say three Hail Marys after any action.


Make a second 25% longer. A new 1 second will be equal to a current 1.25 second.


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Proposal: Put a damn catalog button on top also.


Is there any interest in something like this at all? I assume it hasn't been added because people don't care but I think it would be fun.


A single thread about fashion isn't that active so an entire board…

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every fucking thread is turning into /chinagen/ wtf is this retardation?


what's going on with this AI image spam leftychan.org ?


What uhhh…
what do you think it is?


relax anon, it was made in ms paint.



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>active new IPs last hour 21
So leftypol is dying. Where did everyone go if not reddit or 4chan?
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Such as reddit and d*scord? Hardly better :/




>This website has been bleeding numbers since like 2022.


ill take any better chances of NOT getting an aneurysm, though reddit is also barren and braindead just like imageboards. i meant more like twatter and fedcord


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ive been checking the moderation thread from time to time and from the kind of people that post there desperately asking for mod action its obvious to me only the biggest schizo autists are left on leftypol lol

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>Matrix jannies banned the IRC bridge again
what gives?
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The relay has been taken down until the issue is resolved.


looks like the spammers tuckered themselves out and left
my email provider is still 500'ing :'(


Have you tried contacting the mail provider yet?



email .onion has Bern completely dead for the last week :c

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Overboard isn't bumping in Catalog mode.

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I have been unfairly banned from /siberia/ with the reason "painfully unfunny" (which is a) not true, b) not against the rules), but the worse thing is that it does not show up in the board log: https://leftypol.org/log.php?board=siberia

What's the point of the logs if they don't show the moderator actions?
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verifiably incorrect



obvious pseud


>me? I'm verifiably smart


That post was made by a different person. Pseud.




Can we add this flag? After a year and more of shitposting here, its about time to shitpost properly.


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converted the svg to png


man leftypol is whiny as fuck recently.
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I can't wiggle them non-uniformly.


skill issue


>le smug sexual anime girl
>man you people are getting so triggered hahahaha
Endless cycle of an imageboard forum. Kill yourself.


marge i dont see anything sexual about that image doe


rorschach moment

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can he oficial leftypol twitter accoint please stop retweeting an*me cr*p, I want to read about socialism not g*y cartoons
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Is there a fedi yet?


We have been considering. Personally, not sure where to start.
We do have a bluesky though: https://bsky.app/profile/leftypol.bsky.social


Otaku culture was perhaps integral to image board culture at the beginning but it's evolved past that to the point.


/leftypol/ is on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter?


sure but it's still silly, if you hate anime then idk go on facebook or something

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