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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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why is my anti third worldist thread saged? is this officially a third worldist/multipolarista site now?

seethe sliding westard

It's even more particular than that. It's for a fringe element of Stalinists who think multipolarity is when you launch military invasions, and the more war and chaos there is the more multipolar everything is. Productive forces? Increased diplomacy without US-style moralizing and meddling? What's that?

Are these Stalinist in the room with us right now?

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Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.


last one reached max replies
995 posts and 168 image replies omitted.

>King Lear is back
AHAHA he escaped the mental institution again!

I had a 100+ comment thread on /leftypol/ discussing under a legitimate frame of critique what the term 'incel' is.

It was deleted and I've been banned for spam for 5 weeks. Why? Because one of you saw the word 'incel' and thought 'absolutely not'.

Adding to this, this isn't the first time nuanced criticism has gone unpunished.

One of you cannot accept criticism of the LGBT movement's complicity in reproducing bourgeois values. Anytime the topic is discussed you decide that these criticisms must be an attack coming from bad actors. Why? Because you are a zealot You cannot differentiate between the politics of sexual liberation and the contemporary western bourgeois endorsment. So you ban them.

So here is a piece of advice, coming from a fellow Marxist.

Read this, and then consider the fact that legitimate criticism does not exempt from itself the scrutiny of sections of society because you hold them to be beyond judgement.


pls delet >>>/hobby/37726

I'm the OP of the thread.


Make /siberia/ the last of all clickable boards on the bar, preferably the last clickable thing
Because its name is siberia, therefore it should be the furthest away point in terms of boards if you think about it
>but thats stupid and would be pointless
It'd be funny and maybe when someone decides to go there, they might see the rest of the boards and be tempted. Also it would be funny
That is all, thank you. I hope you take it into consideration

idk, i kinda like this idea

yeah its stupid but so is siberia.

The banner on top of a board should advertise other boards and be a clickable link to that board. It would serve as a reminder that those boards exist and anons might visit them more often.

I disagree because it is the second most popular board, its placement is appropriate.

Could we bind this to a specific theme? I wanna see a siberia theme made for a special date sometime

Bump for this very awesome idea mods should implement


hello, I'm the maker of the thread about my WORLD-CHANGING game, Demolish or Die, on /games/. Thanks for sticking it ❤❤❤❤❤, but I just wanted to say that i won't be sad if you unstick it, since it's taking a lot of space and all.

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I'm seeking to get this done so Ismail's reference desk board/forum is more visible and connected to this site.
I got his consent for it: http://eregime.org/index.php?showtopic=17379&st=2130&#entry300560
This is the link to the overall subforum: http://eregime.org/index.php?showforum=719

I raised this in the /leftypol/ Congress matrix room and nobody took issue with it.
In case somebody doesn't know who Ismail is and why this change would be helpful: on 8chan he was the board owner for an associated board called /marx/ where he would answer questions random anons would ask him about Marxism. He also posted books that he uploads scans of to the Internet Archive.
Here's a sample of threads from 8chan's /marx/: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://8ch.net/marx/res/*
/marx/ was also previously linked on the old BO administration's list of associated boards.
66 posts and 7 image replies omitted.

If you want to go into other aspects of Katyn (such as arguing that German bullets meant the Soviets couldn't possibly have carried it out), you can do so, I just wanted to point out that the bit in the earlier picture about Göbbels was nonsense, because that's something I don't need to read any books and articles on Katyn (or on whether the NKVD had access to any German bullets or guns or whatever) to establish.

Much like if Yuri Mukhin were to personally come up to me and argue the moon landing was faked (as is one of his positions), I'm sure there would be many parts of his argument I couldn't reply to, since I haven't read up on the US space program and whatnot.

I'm not aware of FDR having any special insight into Katyn. Couldn't an immediate dismissal from him be more logically explained by political expediency? Given he obviously had plenty of compelling reasons not to offend the Soviet leadership in 1943-44 (and also, as he expressed at times, he was concerned about not losing Polish-American voters in 1944.)

How does it "affirm the idea of it being a Nazi false-flag"? You've already seemingly moved away from Göbbels "admitting" it was.

>How does it "affirm the idea of it being a Nazi false-flag"
By literally confirming the fact of German bullets found at the site by allied investigations.
>You've already seemingly moved away from Göbbels "admitting" it was.
What? How? He admitted to German bullets at the site.
>If you want to go into other aspects of Katyn
I don't WANT to since this is neither the thread for it, nor the board; I will simply address your arguments.
>arguing that German bullets meant the Soviets couldn't possibly have carried it out
1) Occam's' Razor
2) The lack of German ammunition in Soviet hands to have committed said execution
3) The lack of motivation to use German bullets, as that implies some 4D chess of the Soviets somehow knowing that they would lose those territories to the Germans ahead of time, when it would be simply much easier to just declare them enemies of the people and be done with them.
The timeframe of the execution using supposed German bullets makes no sense, nor the scale as the method of execution and sheer number of bullets would require a lengthy amount of time and a large amount of bullets, which makes it almost physically impossible for the USSR to have committed the executions.
All this simply from the basic information one can interpret from just the bullets found at the site. This is not including other evidence from eye-witnesses, to the actual decomposition of the corpses, letters and papers on the bodies dating to 1940 and 1941 which automatically means that at least a portion of the executions occurred after the USSR lost territory to the Germans and that the "evidence" of Soviet guilt was proven to be fraudulent fakes and more.
>I'm not aware of FDR having any special insight into Katyn
He was made aware of the situation as it was a massive propaganda move by Nazi Germany, as they 'uncovered' the bodies and immediately accused the USSR. Such a controversy would impact the alliance and so FDR would be made aware of the situation. He recognized it for what it was - a provocation to divide Allied unity with the USSR.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

As a return to the purpose of this topic, the eregime dot org domain is still going down soon (even if someone in my community buys it, it'll still take months for that to happen), so if those in charge of leftypol could replace the link to /marx/ with the following, that would be good: http://eregime.jcink.net/index.php?showforum=719

>By literally confirming the fact of German bullets found at the site by allied investigations.

I seriously doubt anyone needs to rely on Göbbels' diary for whether German bullets were found at Katyn, and I'm not aware of anyone doubting the existence of said bullets, so I rather doubt that was your intention when bringing up Göbbels "admitting" anything.

In my experience when "Germans did Katyn" types quote Göbbels' diary entry, they omit a crucial part of it ("The question of how they got there needs clarification. It is either a case of munitions sold by us during the period of our friendly arrangement with the Soviet Russians, or of the Soviets themselves throwing these munitions into the graves.") By omitting it, the quote looks far more like Göbbels admitting it was a "false-flag." By including it, it doesn't look that way at all.

>He admitted to German bullets at the site.

He clearly doesn't write as if the Germans actually shot the Poles though, let alone "admits" that the operation was a "Nazi false-flag."

>He was made aware of the situation as it was a massive propaganda move by Nazi Germany. . . Such a controversy would impact the alliance and so FDR would be made aware of the situation. He recognized it for what it was - a provocation to divide Allied unity with the USSR.

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>I seriously doubt anyone needs to rely on Göbbels' diary
Nobody said that
>I'm not aware of anyone doubting the existence of said bullets
You're not familiar with Cold Warrior Katyn hysteria of the 80s trying to dismiss any evidence of German involvement being a "soviet fake" including supposedly the bullets being not German
>they omit a crucial part of it
I am well familiar with the entire Goebbel's entry and it's intentional obfuscation
>By including it, it doesn't look that way at all.
I disagree, it only looks more suspect; German bullets were found,shit it's gonna be hard to imply the USSR in this.
>He clearly doesn't write as if the Germans actually shot the Poles
You're hyperfocusing on a single excerpt and it misrepresents the argument being made - Goebbel's entry regardless of how you take it, is an admittance of German ammunition at the site, removing any doubt that any ammunition there was Soviet as some have claimed to my knowledge. THIS alongside other evidence only confirms the main argument of Nazi guilt, not that it is proof on its lonesome. That is the argument being made.
>He did not, and could not, "recognize" who was actually responsible for the Katyn executions
Yes, he could as the very fact of the German's "suddenly uncovering" a massacre site in 1943/44 supposedly from 1939 in a territory that was under German occupation since 1941 is suspicious at best.
It is so improbable that the only logical conclusion is that the Germans were false-flagging their own massacre as a desperate measure thought of at the last minute to drum up support in Europe to fight the USSR, when it would be more logical to have unveiled the "Soviet Crime" earlier, when Soviet-Allied relations were almost nonexistent. so his words remain relevant, as the President of the United States of America, one of the 2 most powerful nations of the time dismissed a claim that they could simply have not given any attention to, as they had martial control of propaganda and news and could have simply kept it quiet. The USSR and USA wouldn't be breaking an alliance over that regardless as the Nazi threat over-ruled moralistic outcry during a war,Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

>Nobody said that
Then what's the point in citing Göbbels? Surely he can't be the best source for the existence of German bullets at Katyn.

>You're not familiar with Cold Warrior Katyn hysteria of the 80s trying to dismiss any evidence of German involvement being a "soviet fake" including supposedly the bullets being not German

No, but I am slightly familiar with the US Congressional investigation into Katyn during the early 1950s, amid McCarthyism, where the existence of German bullets was apparently uncontroversial.

>I am well familiar with the entire Goebbel's entry and it's intentional obfuscation

Then why write that "goebbels admitted in his diary that katyn was a nazi falseflag"? Did he obfuscate or did he admit?

>You're hyperfocusing on a single excerpt

As I said, there are other parts in Göbbels' diary where he brings up Katyn. I'm not aware of any of them where he suggests the Germans were responsible.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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What the literal fuck is up with jannies nowdays? I've had half a dozen threads deleted out of nowhere in a week. If you have to do this at least lock it with a warning message explaining why the fuck shit gets deleted for no reason. at this point /siberia/ is becoming better than /leftypol/


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hint: /siberia/ is better than /leftypol/

/siberia/ has become more of a general than an off-topic, with /leftypol/ being composed of a lot of containment generals like /ukraine/ and the country happenings threads. Hell, the reason /lbgt/ is in /siberia/ is because the mods knew the quality of discussion on /leftypol/ is shit enough it would only work on /siberia/.
I just browse the overboard anyway so *shrugs*

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I want an internet community to discuss literature on but I hate Reddit and 4/lit/ is like staring directly at the Elephant's Foot for your brain unless you just stick to the wiki recommendations. Would anyone else want a lefty /lit/ for book discussions or are >>>/hobby/ or >>>/edu/ good enough?
10 posts omitted.

We could just rename /edu/ to /lit/. It's basically the same.

I like the aesthetic of /edu/, maybe make the subtitle "Education & Literature" or maybe /books/? But I feel like that leaves out lectures and other forms of education. Having it be /edu/ gives an ethos of everyone wanting to better themselves.

Leftypol is full of "Nazis" though
I'm not sure how that problem would be solved here
Also it's an overtly political website and full of people that constantly have an axe to grind

I think it's more the issue of low quality posting on /lit/ that makes for 'nazi' posting
>books for x feel?
>about to read x, what am I in for?
>any books about my political ideology, x?
And every reply being some variation of sneed or what-the-fuck-ever is the popular one word KYS insult these days.

I bet 6 out of the 10 posters here would post quality content. Or at least something more than pictures of frogs.

Man, people here will drag out hundred+ post count arguments about how they don't wanna read Capital as opposed to the thousands of pages of channer drivel they read everyday
Every reading group on here fucking dies
All of this not least because of the majority of the established userbase who are very ignorant types typical of the rest of the shitty internet

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Ban incels on sight. They have literally everywhere else on the internet to tap out their white noise screeds.
46 posts and 2 image replies omitted.

Also you have to realize this place comes from 8chan. They might pretend to be nostalgic for the Soviet Union or whatever but they are what they are.

That nazi fuck ups from 8chan exchanged swatsikas for hammer and sickles when they got """BTFO'd""" by a retard on /leftypol/ saying that the material world doesn't give a fuck about race, without actually changing their attitude, actions, or world view all that much. Get a clue, moron.

Shifting focus from jews to capitalists is a big step don't underrate it

Haha yeah, we really need more hyper sectarian shitheels who want to eradicate people over civic non-issues, worship whatever retarded "hard man" the bourgies roll out, and live in permanent war delusions. Truly people worth time and effort.

>we really need more hyper sectarian shitheels

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>Created a new -15287 seconds ban on /leftypol/ for xxxx (#20328) with reason: Excessively low-quality posting. You will never post here again
Noticed this in the mod logs yesterday. How is a negative time ban even possible? Wouldn't it be pointless because negative time is time that happened before the event? It's some 4D Interstellar shit.

Probably a stack overflow, like they banned a really old post but the time is stored as a 16-bit.

>storing ban length as a signed integer
for what purpose

Mods=gods but in a literal sense

>How is a negative time ban even possible?

Probably some bug in the ban creation interface.
I'll take a look at this.

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>someone makes a thread below the minimum character limit for /leftypol/ >>427214
>it gets moved the /leftypol/ even though it's low effort because it's too serious

based, they found a loophole

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