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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.


Old Moderation Thread:
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Can you lock this thread pls? It's about a book that does not exist yet in any other language than Japanese and the entire thread is just people making shit up to get mad about.


>>22588 (me)


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Ok, let's see if I'm not banned from "the appropritate channels"

You know you're not winning anyone over transhumanist jannies. You're only making this place look look more like a clown forum to 99% of the population,.

I'll make my post again. Can we just ban all threads discussing LGBT or trans issues because it's clear that the jannies will only allow circle jerk posts. They don't want a discussion so why have the thread in the first place?(one can very well have a discussion without reactionary garbage people, in fact it enhances the discussion)


>(one can very well have a discussion without reactionary garbage people, in fact it enhances the discussion)
Butthurt transhumanist janny, you're only showing your hand more by showing off your blue text powers instead of just making a regular reply with a mod tag.(lmfao)


Lol all you want. Only libs that 99% of this board hate are impressed with your pathetic shows of authority.(what do you know of the board? nothing)


Recommend removing (you) functionality to further disorientate and confuse the incoming kf rapefugees

This will make them more open to suggestion
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>Counter-proposal: Adding a big and colorful (me) when people link to their own posts without manually adding the (me).
I really like this proposed feature


mmmh it double as anti samefag measure too. why not


>Adding a big and colorful (me) when people link to their own posts without manually adding the (me)
That is actually a good idea.


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>Adding a big and colorful (me) when people link to their own posts without manually adding the (me)
good idea anon


>Counter-proposal: Adding a big and colorful (me) when people link to their own posts without manually adding the (me).
Hey I like that, I self reply a lot for multi part posts and because I'm too stupid to edit posts with spelling mistakes.

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Wordfilter 4chan to: "Loserchan" or "Noobchan." Are they both sound good?
11 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


I think word filters are dumb and encourage redditoid euphemismspeak. Let people come up with their own jokes if they wanna make a joke, don't force jokes on people trying to have serious discussion.


>Cope and seethe
Ok projector
I've probably gotten more Gets than you.
>Linking to cancer central is based apparently
Nice scarecrow you got there.


filter ‘cope’ to ‘good point’


>good pointing mechanism
Word filters should be for discouraging reddit memes and slurs, not English normal words.



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Can you fucking ban the socdem asshole who keeps spamming the latinamerican thread with anticommunist rhetoric already?


Done for now, we will have the Spanish speaking mods keep an eye on it.


Thanks, sorry for the hostility in the OP.


He's at it again calling anyone asking for sources and who doesn't like socdems /pol/

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<Reject ultraleftism. Embrace the middle path. Ensure quality cadre.

Mods get a ton of shit. But I think we should show a bit of gratitude.

What they're doing is a thankless job, and they're the only thing stopping Leftypol from turning into a literal glow op like some other chans.

>Follow the comfy posting. Long live the mods

https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/liu-shaoqi/1939/how-to-be/(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)




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I guess you're not in a talking mood, that's cool. Your OP is funny though, 6/10 for effort.


My man Liu deserved better.

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Bombard the headquarters.

Expose and defeat people in positions of power (i.e., mods) taking the capitalist road.

Keep in mind, mods and gatekeepers taking the capitalist road are always metaphorical compradors. They hold no real power themselves. Instead, they slavishly toe the line of the international monopoly capitalists. Their role is always to work within revolutionary movements to stifle the people's resistance to monopoly capitalism. Discuss.
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>"websites aren't potential circuits of capital"


who are you quoting
doubly, for some reason


>w-w-whoo are you quo–


bit much I suggest turning it down a bit


forum moderator is the most counterrevolutionary role you can fulfill.

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since anons don't seem to know how to sage, I propose that sage should be the default and bump be put in the email (and/or name) field to bump a thread
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This isn't a Japanese board. Bump behavior should be default and look like this on the post form:


it's pronounced saw gay


OP has read the relevant literature on this topic☑


It should be age because it's 3 letters so less typing and more obscure



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Keep Gorbachev (pizza) theme as a permanent theme for the site even after today. This theme is so comfy that it will cure my depression




the theme is broken as fuck
you can tell it was made in like 5 minutes or something


I really like this theme.
It’s so vibrant and happy.
Also request to rename leftypol to pizzapol

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Here we suggest themes for next month's /roulette/ board topic.

/roulette/ topic for the month of December is:
/spoox/ - Paranormal, horror and the occult

/AK-47/ was made into its own board: >>>/AKM/

Proposals for January:

1 - /long/
OP's must be over 300 characters long and replays must be over 150 character long, maybe do not allow images.

2 - /lifestyle/
basically taking stuff like cooking, fitness, being outdoors, ect and make it into its own distinct thing, which would free up /hobby/ to be mostly about tv, movies, comics, ect

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and some people start nowhere and go nowhere
such is life



Let's assume that a board to discuss praxis will be made. In an ideal scenario, what would you want to see posted there?


So is there going to be a new roullete board or no?


It'd be great if there was, but mods seemingly gave up on the idea. Damn shame, as i had many board suggestions.

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Why does /leftypol/ have the tagline Leftist Politically Incorrect when we are in fact correct? I propose Always Correct


its a funny shitpost but unfortunately have to move it anon


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