I started a thread recently on the main board that proved that neither Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin,
nor Kropotkin or Bakunin ever called themselves "Left".
A mod than proceeded to do the following:
1. He rewrote the OP to contain literal nonsense.
2. He stickied his own rewritten OP.
3.After I pointed out all of this in said thread, he deleted the entire thread.
A) why do we tolerate mods that hinder genuine discussion?
B) how was the above mentioned not an abuse of power? The fucker LITERALLY deleted after modifying & stickying that post pertaining to communist discourse, for whatever reason.
C) I literally stated facts pertaining to Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Kropotkin, and Bakunin. How am I the bad guy here?
Thread {404} in question:
https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/1033333.htmlBonus question: will there be a punishment for said mod or can he go on censuring commie diacussion forever?
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