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I started a thread recently on the main board that proved that neither Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, nor Kropotkin or Bakunin ever called themselves "Left".

A mod than proceeded to do the following:
1. He rewrote the OP to contain literal nonsense.
2. He stickied his own rewritten OP.
3.After I pointed out all of this in said thread, he deleted the entire thread.

A) why do we tolerate mods that hinder genuine discussion?
B) how was the above mentioned not an abuse of power? The fucker LITERALLY deleted after modifying & stickying that post pertaining to communist discourse, for whatever reason.
C) I literally stated facts pertaining to Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Kropotkin, and Bakunin. How am I the bad guy here?
Thread {404} in question: https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/1033333.html

Bonus question: will there be a punishment for said mod or can he go on censuring commie diacussion forever?

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>Why do we tolerate this?
The answer is the same as always: captive audience. If we're tired of systems of power that encourage abuse, then it's time for a different image board system. We need a decentralized, federated image board where the users have a credible threat to move to another instance without any loss of community any time the mods step out of line. Power to the posters.




imageboards aren't an org dude
they're a place to shitpost, share information, discuss news, shitpost, make OC, have some laughs, and shitpost


>Imagineboards aren't an org they are a place to coom and soy post

uygha shut up.


What's the point in admitting anything when you never change? lol.


I've always noticed that people trying to shoehorn their religious beliefs into socialism get a free pass when a thread doing the same with a skin color or a gender would've been thrown into the dustbin. So why the double standards?
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they let many threads up if it gives lip service to leftism, otherwise it would be strictly politics.


Idpol is based on external behaviour/characteristics.
Religion is based on internal characteristics, just like politics.
You may argue that heterosexuality is also an internal characteristic, but i disagree because religion, just like politics, is linked to the worldview, while heterosexuals are prone to fucking that leads them to change their behaviour.
Dogmatic behaviour, if discussed, in my opinion should be banned. But, if you are talking about leftypol, i dont see people saying that eating pork is based, while eating beef is extremely bluepilled. They may instead talk about why the apologetic behaviour of the Pope toward certain groups of far-right wingers is not based on strong theological claims that would suggest that the whole christian world should be apologetic of far-right politics.


>otherwise it would be strictly politics.
on a board for politics.. that would be such a shame…


there's no politics on /leftypol/


Because liberation theology, that's why.


For the love of God, Lenin, Bakunin, and all that is holy!


Example: pic

I was just falsely banned for ridiculing a reactionary position (gays=pedos). I even fucking REPORTED the mother fucker and he was banned in the same thread. Then I get banned after the context is [deleted], and I have like what… 100-200 characters to appeal the ban?


For the love of God, give us at lest 1k character limit on appeals. Actual communists will write a small essay to explain why you mods shouldn't have banned him/her, while reactionary assholes will just write "lol, fuk u jew" in the appeal field.

TL;DR: Give comrades the space to explain the context and themselves. Otherwise we are losing valuable ppl.
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A lot of enthusiasm and words from a poster that doesn't care.

>datamines leftists

If we really want to datamine, we would at least shut off TOR.


>A lot of enthusiasm and words from a poster that doesn't care
If I actually wanted to know who OP is I'd ask him. Simple as.

>If we really want to datamine, we would at least shut off TOR.

With imageposting disabled 90% of the time you're already halfway there.
Most people are too lazy and impatient to use tor regardless, you're only missing a handful of people by keeping the tor node around.


Then you would not be able to accuse me of leaking his information, would you.

>Most people are too lazy and impatient to use tor regardless,

You seriously underestimate TOR traffic. If only you can see behind the veil.


>Then you would not be able to accuse me of leaking his information, would you.
I haven't accused you of doing this. My point regarding the leaking is that it's inevitable there'll be some mod drama that results in one of you retards leaking all the notes and fucking us all up the ass.
None of you are remotely qualified to possess the information you have accumulated, it's genuinely dangerous.

>You seriously underestimate TOR traffic.

I read a post by an admin who said tor traffic doesn't make up more than a single figure percentage of posts (iirc he suggested it was around 2%). I'm going to trust them over you.
>If only you can see behind the veil.
Yeah, that would be really cool man. Sounds like it's pretty interesting stuff!


>It wasn't for just making a joke, he said something fucked up, tho I don't remember the exact comment
uber mega cope


I was just banned with the """reason"""":

Can we admit how fucked up this is? Sure, ban the fuck out of me, but WITH A LEGIT REASON, based on our FUCKING RULES. Otherwise what's the fucking point of all of this?

What processes do the posteriat have to control those who control us? You impose rules upon us, but there isn't a framework by witch we could hold mods to said rules. At the very least adopt a list of ethical guideline by which mods could be held accountable by.

"-.-" my ass.

This fucker literally deleted one of my acerbic posts, for no reason other than "-.-".
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Extremely short bans over nothing can be described as nothing less than a power tripping janny intimidating users.


first, you do not know what intimidation fucking entails
second, you don't know how much some really need to take a break from garbageposting but won't
or maybe you do


1. hurr durr
2. Don't give a shit. If you can find a way to justify this then it can be used to justify much worse behavior. Jannies either have a set of consistent rules to enforce that apply to all users universally or their power is nothing more than a conduit for personal aggrandizement.


slibbery slobe
did you read the thread?


Lmao, what, you're expecting some transparency and accountability from this modocracy? Leftypol was done for the moment 8ch was no more. There was a choice on 8ch, there was an arbitrage by somewhat neutral admins, there were general rules for the boards, there was FREEDOM.

I still remember with amusement what an absolute fucking embarassing temper tantrum BOtroon threw when he got bitchslapped by Codemonkey for breaking the site-wide rule for planning to nuke the board. It was fucking glorious, the sheer impotent rage lmao.

These jannies don't follow any rules, mate. They are just a small clique of pathetic autists, they ban because they feel like it. That's all there is to it.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Vote to change the predefined ban lengths to:

Predefined Reasons:
Length - Reason
10m - Responding to obvious bait
30m - Flaming, overly disruptive/hostile posting
1h - Spamming threads with unrelated discussion, spamming the same topic repeatedly
2h - Disruptive identity politics, reactionary thought, et cetera
12h - Samefagging, building false consensus, enflaming arguments by taking both sides
1d - Hysterical, gratituitously offensive, hateful posting, edgelordism etc.
10d - Bait topic, false flag topic, /pol/ spam topic (not machine spam)
30d - Machine spam, advertising spam, gorespam, etc (not off-topic discussion)
(double original ban length) - Ban evasion
Permaban - Illegal content

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You will never be a woman.


well, it was already clear to everyone that you're a piece of shit, you didn't have to confirm it


kek ok reddit


you are less than human


>Take your hormones faggot.

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How do I use secure tripcodes? Pic unrelated.
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There we go, thanks. I promise not to abuse this


a true king


Holy based.


From the bottom of my heart,
My deepest respects and appreciation for you. You didn't even pick a nickname.
Thank you, only good trip user on leftypol.


Most of these nerds have weird and creepy nicknames like video game character names or something, and this king just straight up uses trips as they were intended to be used

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How the fuck do I join the matrix server, it keeps spitting out an error that I wasn't invited
I'm a tech brain let help


no idea, the way we have it set up you don't need an invite


Well, what did you try?
tech 101: explain the steps you did of you want anyone to fix it

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Is there anyone that's not infected with the generation idpol that is "le Zoomer/boomer/millennial"?

It seems that all leftypol does is whine about Gen Z or Boomers.
And anyone whom disagree with them is an "Incel" or "Flashy".
Or a "libtard."
I thought leftypol was better than that l


leftypol fucking sucks, the sooner you realize this the better for your well-being.






Don't pay too much attention to the schizos, there's a couple hyper-online posters who shit up the site

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why is the anime board filled with shitposters


Here's my advice: if the mods won't do anything feel free to go full /jp/sie on the faggots infesting the board.


Please use the report function to report issues. Or at least be more specific.

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Need I say more?
Ok, I think it's authoritarianism corporatism.
See: R.A.W.'s "Non-Euclidean Perspective on Polotics, Beyond Left v Right".
In fact, if anything, 1% enjoys l v r bullshit dividing up the masses. Etc etc.
I'm sure this is not a new thought….

How everyone has a pleasant rest of their wake cycle.
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>when has leftypol ever seriously considered itself an opponent of the right

uh always?


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where? show me evidence


>I'm sure this is not a new thought….
yeah no shit, because you're preaching to the choir here



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