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There is a Brazilian forum organizing raids against the lefty since the beginning of this month. Despite being Brazilian, I suggest you block Brazilian IPs to avoid these attacks.
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Yes, it's them. They try to blame 1500chan for the attacks. This rchan.fun is a forum where 1500 banned users gather to plot against other chans.


organized butthurts


Just ban report and ban the Brazil anon's posts as they popup.


It's fine Brazilanon, we will just delete them lol. We get spammed every day. But thanks for the heads up.


are they bolsonaro shills?

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why is siberia indistinguishable from r9gay lately


Humblebrag thread.


send reports


idk about you, i think it's been fun lately if you ignore the porn

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The Ukraine thread should be cycled again and the geopolitics general thread should be deleted.


Yes, a fresh Ukraine thread was needed, not a rebrand.

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Hello comrades. It's been a while. Bunkerchan appears to be down so I came here. Has the decoy actually become the board or am I missing something?
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>>20746 (me)
*leftychan (dot) net


holy shit, what's with these schizos immediately lmao

this was never a decoy


It actually kinda was the decoy almost for a brief moment following when the bunkerchan protocol was activated at the fall of 8gag one user created an experimental imageboard with wierd activity based bump rules at leftypol

Would come up first for some searches for leftypol amusingly quarantining people who were finding the place seperate from the emergency bunker protocols

Then they got bored of writing their own image board software and handed it over to bunkerchan as a redirect 🤡🤡🤡🌍🌎🌏


it was a traditional forum


That was a later experiment I thought and we had some namefags migrate to it till it died of inactivity?

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What are some things that make you immediately discredit anything a poster says? For me it's when I see specific words only subhumans use like "halfchan"
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also posting smug anime pictures like that improves their argument


Anyone using 4chan cultural imports, apart from greentext.

nuff said.


>apart from greentext
this is one of the worst 4chan cultural imports though, use your brain cells and express yourself in a better way

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Vote: Introduce an autodelete function on /siberia/ and /leftypol/ which will delete threads which have less than 10 posts, once they reach page 10. This will reduce the number of dead threads, moved threads, or locked threads in the catalog and thereby give more space for more popular threads to last longer.

Vote ends in 72 hours.
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Voting Yes. Just to see what would happen.


Sorry for any confusion, however, individual users votes are not counted, only moderators. I was a bit disappointed by the lack of votes on this proposal, however, it did get 3 ayes at proposal stage and the previous version of this vote had 3 ayes too as I remember, but I deleted that and recreated it as I didn't wait long enough to create the vote.


>say "bro this is the least of your worries"
>refuse to elaborate


can I vote yes for leftypol bu no for siberia? If not then No


The ONLY upside to this stupid mechanism is that people will have to think twice before posting on a shitty thread.


What is this? Stop this.
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if you copy-pasted an image and then overrode what was in your clipboard (by copying something else say) then it causes that to happen.


Oddly enough, I don't believe that I have ever done that. It even frequently happens with regular text posts. Is this not a common issue, then?


Chill karen


I've only gotten that error when trying to upload a huge PDF.


just refresh and try it again
vichan has hiccups like these all the time

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How to get rid of these?

t. phoneposter


by navigating away from the website or by using the catalog.


User CSS:
div.bar.top, div.bar.bottom {
    position: relative;


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This is in Options in case you didn't know OP


Thanks it worked.

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Why in the name of fuck did I get banned for this topic? I thought this was a fucking leftist politically incorrect board? That's some real woke ass reddit tier moderation right there. Explain yourselvs mods.


Rule 14 G retard


What he said.



> be me

> be in 30s
> been around since 8chan days
> i've read marx
> i've read lenin
> i've helped organize unions
> i've attended protests
> i've done direct action

< i also think saying slurs and being reactionary in on so called "culture war issues" is cringe

< every day on this website early 20s /pol/ converts tell me i'm a "rainbow fascist" or a "redditor" or a "radlib idpolista" and "not a real communist" because i find their "sense of humor" consisting entirely of alienating and reactionary tropes, whether it's antisemitic, or misogynistic, or pro-rape, or racist, or LGBTphobic, tiresome and counterproductive.

There is a serious contingent on this website of nazbols and strasserites on this board. They say they want the working class to own the means of production. They say they want to overthrow the bourgeoisie. Good.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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And he reveals himself. I have plenty of issues with the mods, but despite their occasional idpol liberalism, going /pol/ discredits you. Keep seething on leftychan
>Muh Old BO
Old BO is based and correct, ZEETHE.
>stuck with an echochamber run by putinoid lunatics
Take your meds.
>Kurds are cia wreckers
The ones supported by the USA are
>based Asad and based russkies
>kautskyite narrative
tossing in ideological names does not make the things you claim true, theorylet.
>they have deleted my posts in a thread about kurds
I doubt that, mods only delete content concerning idpol, pedoshit/gore or blatantly bad faith posts, I'm going to guess the third option for you.


>the "think of the children" argument to justify censorship.
That at least has SOME basis to exist, it just gets done too far.


>You see it over and over. It's pathetic. I hope people like this are 17 and grow out of it when they try to organize IRL and encounter the types of people they assume are "degenerates"

The mistake ypu make is that you assume that all vulagirity is just teenagers.
This is the most common assumption everyone makes.

Adults are the ones whom create this.

Also you are right about the edgelord humor being normalized.

I think its annoying and should be minimalized.


True. It is quite amusing to see vulgarity to be attributed to teenage shenanigans, which, while somewhat true, doesn’t reflect the reality that vulgarity is present across all ages.


I do agree that it should be toned down though.

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