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To to mod who runs the Twitter (misato I believe). Here’s a chance for promotion lol. Qrt or reply should suffice. I would probably put something dumb like “We remember 😉”. Also a May Day tweet should be made today maybe
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Misato… what have you done!?


misato here
im really sorry i missed this, i was probably awol when this thread/tweet dropped
ill make it up somehow :(

appreciate the kind comments, it is kinda overwhelming and draining sometimes (hence why i burn out and go absent sometimes)


does more than one person have access to the twitter account? would make it easier for it to be responsive if it's not entirely shouldered by one person.


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>shouldered by one person.


It's okay Misato, you're still the best mod we've got

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Can I ask, what's the rationale for having different boards, when most are barely used? /akm/ and /tech/ for example?

As for /siberia/, what's the point?
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I know, I was pointing out OP’s false logic


>only keep the main board and meta

That's exactly what should happen.

/siberia/ attracts people who think communism is a joke and meme


Tbf so does the main board to an extent. I still think the problem with siberia is the sex and relationship general, it attracts too many incels and pedos


idc either way but ya Ive definitely wondered why like every board into merged into either leftypol or siberia and maybe hobby. edu is basically just an excuse to turn leftypol into siberia and now siberia feels pointless no? again tho im a relative new fag so take my analysis with a grain of salt.


/siberia/ is the renamed /b/ board, made for exactly that purpose, random, and less moderated posting

/AKM/ is the /k/ board for guns and weapons and shieet.

/tech/ is the board for IT work and development of the site by users as well as addressing tech issues or giving advice regarding computer problems.

The side boards are slow but they're still filled with meaningful entries and their slowness it to their advantage.

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what is it about leftypol that makes it the best imageboard BY FAR????? is it the genitally gifted mods??????? is it the lovely schizo-autistic posters?????????
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This is an imageboard?


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tbh for its problems leftypol is p cool site and fw ya'll heavy. the lack of insane right wing schizos (with some notable exceptions) is refreshing and the discussion by the standards of imageboard is high quality. It would be nice if it was a less slow board but by the standards of more obscure imageboards we're fairly active and sometimes the small poster base gives the site a cozy old school feel


I will play Marx to your Hegel:
this is site is fucking terrible, and it is still, by far, the best imageboard.



The lack of any actual posters

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it should be renamed to /incel/ or /relationshipwhining/
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They probably will since they're incels


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They do seem to do a fair job at culling spillover, and claim to have a 0 zero tolerance for it in-thread too, but design wise someone new here is going to recognize it as a containment thread and either leave upon recognising that red flag or contribute to the problem. It's a UI problem, people's pattern recogniton will take precedent even if you are vigilant about enforcing a 0 tolerance on it.


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Speaking for myself, I don't particularly check /siberia/ as much at least as of lately and, in my my experience, trying to clean up/moderate the /relationship/ threads always end up in me trying the hold the thread's hand every time so it doesnt "spillover," as you said. It can be overwhelming to deal with it.

I appreciate the constructive criticism, though. It does feel weird that the relationship general threads tends to be referred in jest as containment threads for incels. There is a place for productive and constructive discussion for these kinda topics without falling into reactionary and chauvinistic traps and derails. I'll try to keep an eye/focus on the board and the relationship generals more, I apologize

On that note, PLEASE report any instances of blatant misogyny and incel reactionary bullshit. If one report doesnt work, send another one!


I still think my idea of moving /siberia/ to the most remote part of the top bar would be a real funny move


Rename it to /relationshipwinning/.


really mods? You fucking delete every single post in the multipolarism thread?

Is it the official stance of /leftypol/ now to support multipolarism? is H*z still banned?

What the fuck. Mods nuked like half the posts just because im not sucking putins dick


Stop posting retarded shit. Rules and enforcement remain the same.


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>Is it the official stance of /leftypol/ now to support multipolarism?
[taps the sign]


Fuck your newspaper trot

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proposal to create a /wave/ board for handpicked "general" thread's, geopolitical generals, and news anon threads.
proposal to create a second /leftypol/ board and a second /edu/ board.
proposal to extend the max page number the /leftypol/ and /edu/ board we currently have.
proposal to create a archive.moe but for leftypol.
proposal to create some special archiving for threads like the wikiglow thread.
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Fuck all that shit.
Make a board called /nut/ and it's nothing but an image of some random shmuck getting his gonads obliterated.
It'd be funny.


who will do the picking?


wave board when mods ?


mods/staff with the help of user sometime yes sometime no


>proposal to create a archive.moe but for leftypol.
That's what >>>/leftypol_archive/ is for. That said, we need the same equivalent for /edu/ /hobby/ and /anime/, since those boards do not have archives.

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why is my anti third worldist thread saged? is this officially a third worldist/multipolarista site now?


seethe sliding westard


It's even more particular than that. It's for a fringe element of Stalinists who think multipolarity is when you launch military invasions, and the more war and chaos there is the more multipolar everything is. Productive forces? Increased diplomacy without US-style moralizing and meddling? What's that?


Are these Stalinist in the room with us right now?

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.


last one reached max replies
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>King Lear is back
AHAHA he escaped the mental institution again!


I had a 100+ comment thread on /leftypol/ discussing under a legitimate frame of critique what the term 'incel' is.

It was deleted and I've been banned for spam for 5 weeks. Why? Because one of you saw the word 'incel' and thought 'absolutely not'.


Adding to this, this isn't the first time nuanced criticism has gone unpunished.

One of you cannot accept criticism of the LGBT movement's complicity in reproducing bourgeois values. Anytime the topic is discussed you decide that these criticisms must be an attack coming from bad actors. Why? Because you are a zealot You cannot differentiate between the politics of sexual liberation and the contemporary western bourgeois endorsment. So you ban them.


So here is a piece of advice, coming from a fellow Marxist.

Read this, and then consider the fact that legitimate criticism does not exempt from itself the scrutiny of sections of society because you hold them to be beyond judgement.



pls delet >>>/hobby/37726

I'm the OP of the thread.


Make /siberia/ the last of all clickable boards on the bar, preferably the last clickable thing
Because its name is siberia, therefore it should be the furthest away point in terms of boards if you think about it
>but thats stupid and would be pointless
It'd be funny and maybe when someone decides to go there, they might see the rest of the boards and be tempted. Also it would be funny
That is all, thank you. I hope you take it into consideration


idk, i kinda like this idea

yeah its stupid but so is siberia.


The banner on top of a board should advertise other boards and be a clickable link to that board. It would serve as a reminder that those boards exist and anons might visit them more often.


I disagree because it is the second most popular board, its placement is appropriate.


Could we bind this to a specific theme? I wanna see a siberia theme made for a special date sometime


Bump for this very awesome idea mods should implement


hello, I'm the maker of the thread about my WORLD-CHANGING game, Demolish or Die, on /games/. Thanks for sticking it ❤❤❤❤❤, but I just wanted to say that i won't be sad if you unstick it, since it's taking a lot of space and all.

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