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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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Make a literature board plz

Here I made it, no problem.

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This site needs an I2P address (eepsite)

It already has a .onion, now we need a .i2p

11 posts and 2 image replies omitted.

eepsites can be dos'd?

yeah i need 2 pee

We already have enough cancer as is and too little manpower as is.


surprisingly, yeah they can

First I'm hearing about this. I've had a forum up on I2P and listed for a year with no problems, same with Ieftychan. And those are pretty obviously left-wing from their registered address alone.
Got any links to info? I'm pretty new to all this so I wouldn't know where to look (clearnet is just giving me resume`s of people named Kelvin Chan)

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I'm considering being a volunteer for buying the adspace on stonerchan.org to redirect to leftypol, if it happens - what banners should I use? Currently its 10$ for 3 days.
8 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

no, keep those crackheads away from here, this place is already bad enough as it is

/brg/ plox
Also given this thread.
>>>/brg/ and >>>/420/ plox

You sound like a faggot.

Also literally everyone smokes weed. The few who make it a defining feature of their personality are a minority.

It was called stonerchan but it was about literally all the drugs, as it was inspired by the original 420chan. 420 is also associated with weed, yet the site 420chan had a board for every drug known to man.

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So you removed my thread because I challenged your dogma?
you really can't argue in good faith can you?
what a shame.
24 posts and 3 image replies omitted.

Expecting leftypol to engage in good faith debate and revaluation of dogmas is expecting a lot for what is essentially a den of basement dwelling left wing /pol/tards who's sexual fixation is Lenin (or BaKKKunin) instead of Hitler.

Remember you are wrong OP because what you say is idealist juju and that idealism is wrong because it is idealism and idealism is bourgeois fascism which makes you an ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST. Materialism is correct because Karl Marx said so and I know its true because it just is. Also you are a lib kys <- average leftypol response

Well, the point of the discussion is metaphysics, not politics. I'm sure there are idealist communists, but regardless im uninterested in talking about communism or Karl Marx for the purpose of this thread. just a disclaimer for anyone misinterpreting this as an attack on communism or marxism.

Right but now metaphysics and epistemology are politics and leftypol thinks one or another position is correct not on logical or argumentative grounds but because it aligns with their tribal political identity. People here are worse than dogmatic. They are ignorant.

Hey mods let this retard make his retarded thread on the weekend so I can demolish his absurd nonsense

If it can effect whatever's above it, I suppose it'd count as matter, I'll drink to that.

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the cytube is down, maybe related to the maintenance idk
getting a cloudflare error page

There's people who use it?

Changed a thing. Is it fixed now?

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It is indeed. Many thanks, devanon!

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cytube is down again

Cytube is up again👍

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why do tripfaggots get a free pass for shitposting
12 posts omitted.

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In case nobody checks the main moderation thread I got a half year ban for calling out janny simps lol

at least theyre deleting their shit (i hope?)

Because you're a ban evader, spammer and bad faith argumentator.


poopies thread 💩

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Why is there not a recycling thread for the Ukraine conflict? We're on like thread 36
1 post omitted.

Yeah bro let's have a thread have its responses die when every 500 posts instead of having threads die when they get bumped off page 30. Cyclicals are shit.

My bad, I didn't know that

Sorry for the aggressive response.

Is there any imageboards that support thread pagination? Like what minecraft forums has?

Kissu.moe does. It's a pretty unique imageboard, running a Vichan backend but a completely custom frontend.

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It's been days. Since one certain event in Kiev, lib and /pol/ raiders have been shitting up the thread with low quality bad faith bait. Some of which even posting Banderite chants and throwing slurs with impunity. Despite reports, nothing happens.
Please ban the raiders. They are only repeating themselves after we have already debunked them time after time.

stop calling it /ukr/ it is /ukraine/
/ukr/ is a slave name imposed by jannies


Sometimes its fun, but then after waiting for new threads the new threads are just boring regurgitated shit from 2017
Everything else is just waiting for news to happen to comment on them and maybe make some memes OR redundant questions that don't deserve their own thread which can be answered by reading books on said topics

everything is kind of cyclical and has a pattern to it
15 posts and 9 image replies omitted.

And at some point it becomes more fun to larp as one of them than to express dissenting views, since most posters enjoy it so much they tend to neglect the "nonsectarian" aspect. They can't even tell bait half the time and just cheer it on.
There is no self-criticism and there will never be in their circles. There will only be eating eachother for whoever expresses less anti-revisionist takes or takes a stance against multipolarism. Seeing oneself as some sort of tactician in the choices between shit sides. Great men will remain as such - Lenin is forever pinned to remind you that he is more important than the rest. Stalin can only be questioned from a point of achievements and refuting accusations, never from a point of critique! Any dissenters are immidietly labeled fascist, liberal and undergo fed-jacketing. Be prepared to be outnumbered and shat on if you dare construct a well-written critique, the conversation will go nowhere, but you will either engage in it until you're no longer able to or automatically become "refuted" for refusing to further respond. It is cyclical in all instances. Don't like it? Go somewhere else is the answer (ironically what these individuals are told in real life when brining up communism i.e. "Go to Venezuela").

It is fun. It is extremely fun and sometimes educational. Though the illusion that posters have is that they can never be wrong through a certain school of thought. Ironically this mirrors lolbert circles in which they think that Austrian economics has long since "refuted" Marxism and fail to engage in any of it - simply relying on said written "refutations" beforehand instead of actually reading Marx and forming a critique themselves. They are afraid that they might be converted if they begin to read on it. This is also why Leninists have barely bothered with anarchist literature and instead recommend their own "refutations" in the example of The State and Revolution being parroted over and over again. The same immuno response to outsideness and difference is seen here. Try to engage with liberals as a proclaimed communist within their circles and watch as they pile up against you with one bad take after the other. You will see the exact same cynicism in here with anarchists and ultras among other views.

Does any of it matter though? I think that this in itself will result in more of what they Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

>Be prepared to be outnumbered and shat on if you dare construct a well-written critique
In the best cases. Chances are your post will get deleted by mods and maybe even banned.

Slow and boring now, bumps are all boring effortless posting. This is what happens when no drug board. Less users, less posts, less interesting stuff. Ukraine thread right now? Posters redirecting anon to go to Reddit to follow the war updates.

Spent all night bored
why won't we just have a drug board already?


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There is this one chubby femboy that spams pictures of himself. He showed up in stonerchan not too long ago and flooded the website with pics and gifs of himself too.

Please IP perma-ban that fuck, hell RANGE ban that creature, it's way too annoying.
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

He hasnt posted anything in couple days, I really hope the bastard mods havent banned him.

Can we start temp-banning people who respond to commiecat spammer?

I have posted in the past few weeks and days, but not as much because the debate created a huge MAGA wave on this website. They've banned me many times.

Can we start temp-banning people who reply to this guy as well

They probably have…. or he's had his phone taken off him

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