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a) When a new thread is made, do not delete the thread in the last position, and delete the least active thread (basically whichever thread has the oldest last reply)
b) Permasage cyclicals so they stop clogging the first page (they won't get deleted for being at the bottom thanks to A)
c) Automatically prune threads when they go X days without a reply, saged or not
d) Now channers will stop whining whenever sage is used too
e) Maybe increase reply limit to 1000 posts?


Oh and add links to the cyclicals in the board's description for easy access.


>Basically what happens anyways short of large-scale usage of the sage function by users
>Has been considered but denied cause visibility of generals stops newbs from instantly making shitty threads which belong in those generals. Instead, there will eventually be a tag system which you can filter generals out through.
>Also been considered, but since if there is ever a mass-bump raid deleting the posts resets the thread's position on the catalog, it was figured to be not necessary.
>Reply limit was reduced because thread load times were lagging people's computers and causing glitchy behavior from the site.


Seriously a ban to the 25th just for that?




No what?


Ah nm thanks vol


I still have no idea what you are talking about but cool

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can you guys start banning people who are clearly arguing in bad faith and shit up a thread for several posts
if you cant because that means more work for you then i understand


They often do, when they're on and the case is aggregious enough. They're light handed about it tho.


report it when you see it and its bad enough
don't report just because someone disagreed with something you agree with tho, idk its a personal thing. If I see it, i throw out lots of reports because the poster/post isnt rule breaking or messing with conversation. I do bad for disrupting convo a lot, just there's degrees. If e.g. Wvobbly sees your report first, high chance it'll get dealt with. All you can do tho is just report. We don't see every post in every thread


It's on a case-by-case basis and there's degrees to this.

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why is the default css a boring generic "dark theme"
cant we have something distinctive as the main style
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hey, that's hajime no ippo! I'm watching it right now and I'm loving it :3


the white and dark mode debate is so dumb
PARCHMENT has always been the kino background color


This thread made me realize the dark red theme is ugly af. Im now using Yotsuba, big improvement


I would like something like that actually. So far all of our image-background themes have had a little too much going on for me, but something like a space theme (maybe name it Sputnik or Yuri?) would be nice.
Tzuki is my new favorite


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maybe these would work for it?


should the war on soyjaks and poljaks go on? Poll: https://strawpoll.com/polls/kogjkk5dPZ6

I just want to see how popular this policy is
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Do any anons have a better poll site than strawpoll? If so, mods should pin it. Also, I vote to continue the war on foreign 'jaks. Keep those filthy foreigners off of my board!


The soyjak meme got popular here pretty much organically during the bunkerchan era and doesn't deserve to get banned like that.




We used to say cancer is organic.
Or at least I think we used to say that, my memory isn't perfect, I am far too old.


Mate, I didn't see the words "Soyjak Colony" in a Leftypol thread on that website's /raid/ board for no reason.

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Why are imageboard posters who only know about 4chin so scared of post IDs


This is supposed to be a borderline anarchical place for anons to meaninglessly shitpost in their spare time. But it feels like if a thread goes 'off-script' and becomes too volatile it gets nuked or saged instantly and any potential for interesting conversation dies with it.

Where's the fun in that?
16 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


gemson on the log doe


>mods cycling back and forth between banning /leftycel/ and leaving them alone
thats the best approach. You cant let the incel ideology take root but peope should also be comfortable talking about their situations


Utter bullocks the mods are always at it, I agree with OP


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Yes, the mods are "always at it". This shop is open 24/7. Or do you see a "sorry we're closed" sign ever?


Because only schizos find schizo takes interesting dicussion.

I'll take the worst shitpost over another 50+ posts of somebody freaking out about r/redscarepod or XYZ conspiracy theory

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Leftypol can barely maintain an average IP count above 300 now.
605 posts and 106 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>2 posts saying your edgy post was based


>where is the source
>provides source
>not real
Jannies are spiralling ITT lmao.


We're back over 300 for no discernible reason.
There is really not any happening (a fucking balloon). Numbers go up, numbers go down, can't explain that.
That's so Karen


karen jannies taking L after L ITT


Yeah I'm spiraling
I'm spiraling out of control
Just like these out of control super low prices
9.99$ for 20 chicken mcnuggies
4.20$ for 4 cheeseburger

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Why did me thread get deleted? I spent 9001 hours making the image :C
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Furries win because healthiest and can wear suit. (not weapon)

Weebs 2nd place because non-MMA martial arts.

Fash dies first because meme diets and quackery. Immediately starts shouting at enemies instead of fighting.


I dunno, seems dumb. I would like this answered.
Also I don't know who wins but in a three way match-up the fascists lose cause the other two groups would gang up on them.


we need to know combat stats first
i would also guess the furries have strongest armour


does it have to be kingdom heart weebs specifically or just cosplay weebs in general


Furries will win bro, some furries can unironically throw hands

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is SEX a leftypol meme? how did it happen


When two leftypolers fall in love…


Leftypol invented fucking.





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