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i dont give a single fuck to you all dumb communists sack of shit

but tell me this…



Suck my dick


Peter Growpotkin


Since this redirect is probably gonna be like that for a while we probably should set up a board or two for our 420chan comrades

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how can we bring more traffic to leftypol? does it work to literally spam links to here on other imageboards?

and would it be desirable to bring more traffic
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All the more reason to not ruin it by arbitrary overmoderation.


And they just deleted the funniest thread I have seen on this site this entire year. Of course.


Remember to save the threads you like. You can just Save As… in Firefox.


Doesn't every browser do that?


No idea what you are talking about but I agree 100%
They really fell off

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is there really any difference between this site and 4chan? You'd think a website for communists (and anarchists) wouldn't be so bigoted but I digress.


>even when caught in an argument or involved in a lawsuit, we should be restrained and mindful at all times so that the mind is free of attachment. Take care not to be attached or emotionally involved. In other words, first make sure the mind is void, then argue and fight out the case to the finish. In this way, we will have the advantage. Our side will debate more cleverly, will argue more skillfully, and will experience a higher level of victory. Even in cases when we are forced to be insulting, use the usual words but do so with a void mind. This may sound funny and hopelessly impractical, but it really is possible.

I should make a debate class for trans people.
1) argue dispassionately

Stupid site


It's called "raid"


maybe don't bring up weird sex things in discussions about workers' liberation


Anyone know what happened to Leftypedia? Just checked in just now and all I got is this:
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Isn't "User:Friendlyleninist1917‎" the Wisconcom weirdo who got banned from ProleWiki?

The guy has a personal vendetta against ProleWiki, Lemmygrad, etc. It's embarrassing.


Go fix it yourself,you lazy cannuck


Could we have a dev fix image uploads so we can add PDFs and SVGs to the site?



I need a dev or admin to please message me on Matrix in either the Leftypedia room or the leftypol Congress room please. It's of major importance.



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Cope, breed, and read Capital.


After you get banned please proceed to killing yourself.
Dirty American.


You will start taking hormones and you will become a cute trans girl.


May have red the FAQs before and I guess filtering words is something common in "board culture". But I guess you're right after all.

If he transitions and becomes a pretty trap, he - now a she - should be spared.


seek rehab


>If he transitions and becomes a pretty trap, he - now a she - should be spared
<being more deranged than OP
KYS to, fetishist.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

420chan.org redirected me here. I know it got sold and it's been down for a while, but why redirect here? I don't want things to change. I want them to stay the same. Please tell me everything will be alright.
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no, sorry. i never used 420chan


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https://stonerchan.org/ best revival of 420chan so far.
Just needs more traffic…


just wait for brennan


Hotwheels shouldn't have agreed to allow Kirt to mod again


There are lots of things they shouldn't have done re:420ch
I don't know enough about the legal side of things, but from a technical standpoint it's not that hard to migrate a site, or at least to start and bring missing parts back in once you have a site to help you out.

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why tf isn't LGBT its own board but instead an obscure thread in this board's /b/ equivalent (because apparently queer folk existing isn't political enough to be on the main board despite the fact there are several country exclusive main boards there)? It's how the right-wing infested board gives us better representation a space to be among our own but the supposedly leftist one doesn't
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"We" ain't recovering squat. Not as long as I got anything to say about it.


theres tons of gay porn threads tho


And did they make any statement for Pride? Not a peep from them. Their allegiance is clear from this fact alone.
>russophile homophobe sexists
What you are seeing is a total illusion.
My educated guess is the decision-makers are majority queer. The issue is totally different. It's actually impressive how far off you are (or that's what I would say if I hadn't seen this scene play out dozens of times).
They do not have a line because they do not have the ability to formulate and follow a line. Whatever you interpret into it is your interpretation and that alone.


I very much doubt that. You have no actual backing for this claim.


>I see no good excuse for any other case
Because you're a demented retard wrecker… or a troll.


>U-r all le tankie, patsoc russkie homophobes!
This isn't reddit you monkey-fucking trollop, screaming buzzwords because you're assblasted that people aren't eating up your ideological nonsense isn't the same as homophobia.
Okay and? Even if this is the case, what is your point? Every time someone uses "russophile" they'll eventually expose their true feelings about "le subhuman slavs" or whatever, exposing the true nature of liberals, as unscratched fascists… like (You) for example.
Thanks for exposing yourself to be a faggot from 4chan.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]


PLEASE MAKE A /NSFW/ BOARD TO SEPARATE THE PORN THREADS FROM SIBERIA, IT'S DISGUSTING!!!! it's disgusting specially for people who visit /siberia/ for other threads such as the royal colony(doesn't matter if it's has softcore porn in it, it is ignorable and it is mainly for aesthetical/memey purposes anyways) and also other threads as well.

I feel like the mods have to bleach their eyes everytime they have to moderate siberia and see a goatsee equivalent every nanosecond there. mods, do yourselves a favor if you value your eyes lol.

thanks for listening to my honest REACTION of visiting siberia
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>Some threads are made on siberia because other boards are /sfw/
Yeah, take the hint.
And you are exactly asking for a second dump board if you want a smut one. Think before posting, retard.


>debating what is /siberia/ - Off-Topic content
literally everything which doesn't break global rules and doesn't fit on another board. In fact, many /siberia/ threads should actually be on /leftypol/.


Further, lmao @ pornbrains who think there's some special reason for leftypol.org needs to be the site their fetish thread is hosted on and not using the dedicated boards on other imageboards instead.


can we have a guro board please?


>bad-faith samefag bumps thread again
Ok retard.


Some rando burger mod banned me for posting Russian news about Hinkle.

That,s okay, but I can't even appeal the ban, because it gives me this error message.

1) we are not all burgers. hinkle for the rest of us is someone who appears on rt.
2)at least have the decency to allow us to appeal your idiotic bans, ffs
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>forever banned

dude it was 3 days


In function, not in impressiveness




Found the issue: apparently the maximum length on an IPv6 address is 61 bytes and not 16, since it gets saved as text and not as binary and may include a char and the linux interface.
Will deploy the fix in the next 48 hours


Fixed in in another way

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If I hide/report some nasty shit in the list, it should also be hidden in the catalog. I don't know how easy this fix would be to implement code wise, but I hope this request makes sense.

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