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ban at least commercial pornography
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Should just limit it to one containment thread tbh


>>masturbation causes Alzheimer’s
<Lacking reading comprehension to own the anti-porn posters
<Same but this time defending the porn industry


>open /siberia/ for the first time in a month
>first non-pinned thread is this:
very based, very communist


Banning pornography is communist.
Deal with it.


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Wow so true!!!.

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Posting Pepes or Wojaks should be an autoban.


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No because /leftypol/ made the best wojak of recent times

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>Almost 800 daily IP's
>342 PPH

HOOOREY SHIEEET I wish we could get monthly wars and happenings to keep those high numbers.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


anyone that doesn't have uncritical support for the continuation of white russia's warmongering is the glowies


Look again


Half these tourists are reactionary faggots bringing their """culture"""


More like one third are /pol/tards and the other third is glowies.


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there should be a single containment thread of discussion of right wing politics on /leftypol
it's fun taking the piss out of them and all but it's not too important
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We have considered this idea numerous times, but I personally feel it isn't viable because no rightwinger is actually going to use a containment thread like that - I mean put yourself in their shoes, if you went to post on /liberty/ would you go seek out a dedicated free speech zone first? Or would you just make a topic?


no, i mean for dunking on them and discussing their “movements” and stuff from a leftist perspective


Absolutely fucking based but I'd also add an explicit ban on misandry to be more neutral and avoid other forms of idpol.
It's fucking incredible that there are people on this supposedly leftist site calling you a "moralfag" for being against the shit that goes on in /siberia/ as if there was absolutely no other reason to be anti-porn and anti-edgy incel shit. Those "leftists" obviously came from other sites recently.
>Low effort posting spreads around the site. Siberia is the breeding grounds for retard posting.


bumping. at least half of discourse on /leftypol/ is non-leftist shit


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Why is /siberia/ completely locked?

I want post monke
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Wait till 22.22 UTC and you will see



this is pure autism




They're fixing it



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i can't change the theme. i go to options, hit general, and don't see anything. please help


It's currently at the bottom of the normal page, where the auto-update counter is then to the right.



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Let me post pictures on Siberia (and delete the thread when you do).




Hello, we forgot to properly schedule a vote on what to do with /roulette/ this month so I will make those votes here;

Vote: Create /lounge/ as a board now that its tenure as a /roulette/ has ended.
50 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>A board solely for images (an image board, if you will).
I know you're joking but American newfaggots really believe that's why they're called imageboards and will use it as a defense for dumping trash on discussion boards.


assuming it doesn't pose any major legal problems, a piracy board seems like the most likely to succeed of the non-gimmick boards. images only seems like the most likely gimmick to succeed or to play out in interesting ways and is the one i'd vote for.

most discussion boards could really do with a "business plan", some sort of idea of who they're aimed at and why existing boards are insufficient. especially to target the question of "is this a board for existing users to talk about a topic, or a board to bring in people who want to talk about that topic?" - if the former, making a case that it can't really be discussed on existing boards, and if the latter, suggesting how people can be brought in.
although /roulette/ is fine when it's just casually throwing up topics, there's a longer term risk of having a large number of neglected boards be nodded through because 2-3 people were using them.
although i'm not against /roulette/, it might be useful to look at ways to vitalize existing smaller boards. perhaps by making people off-site aware they exist, trying to attract (say) artists to /draw/ even if they're only left-leaning, not particularly interested in posting on /leftypol/ proper.
(though that raises a longer-term question over the site's aims: should /leftypol/ always be a politics website, or is it a general discussion website that leans left and has a left-wing politics board?)

i'd be remiss not to mention an idea that may or may not be mad: create a new board if someone (or a group) volunteers to moderate/administer it, then assign them the responsibility for getting it up to speed within a trial period, ideally with quantifiable targets of success/failure agreed in advance, perhaps with intermittent review. i can see how the targets might be gamed, or how a decision to terminate the board might lead to drama, or how a board mod could go mad or whatever, but it might open up some innovative approaches for running a small board without much extra work being needed from the existing mod team. (assuming this is possible with existing software)


more like board of the 3 months


I agree on making /spoox/ its own board. There's still discussion to be had. The USSR did have intelligence agencies investigating the "paranormal," not the same extent as the US did, but it existed so there's some precedence for discussing it here.

I vote strong yes on /t/ since i have been downloading a lot lately, also 17 since /dead/ is a bit too niche for crime discussion, soft yes on 2,3 cause I think urban design could be a fun roulette topic.

I'm fine with /lgbtqiaa2s+/ but only if "Rate Me" threads are banned


Rate me includes "do I pass?" and "Am I hon?"
"Is it long enough for me to top?" Etc

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a thread to discuss the moderation of this website. Jannies can move it to /meta/, if it belongs there.

what do we do to curb behaviour in pic related?
107 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I'm being serious. This board is just a waste of time for everyone if you come here with that attitude. It's a waste of time for users because we spend time writing posts and it's a waste of time for you because you're obligated to respond to our posts.


I will take it into consideration.


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>I will take it into consideration.
same energy


projection m80


Incredible thread

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It's discussing immigration from an actual left wing standpoint not any stupidpol reactionary bullshit.
12 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Get a hobby or some shit


>says the guy wearing out his F5 button


We have a recent posts screen that auto updates
you spammy faggot
tell your friends


also I am doing theory right now


no longer anchored


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