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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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If you can't call libshit faggots you're retarded
This board is so backwards that even when you bring the issue to the central point you have to add it some bullshit filler.
Enjoy yourselves

This board is so backwards that even when you bring the issue to the central point you have to add it some bullshit filler.
This board is so backwards that even when you bring the issue to the central point you have to add it some bullshit filler.
This board is so backwards that even when you bring the issue to the central point you have to add it some bullshit filler.

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Almost half the threads in /siberia/ are sex/idpol/incel shit
There's also an uptick in frog/jak OPs both on /siberia/ and /leftypol/

Please enforce the rules and clean it up (one sex general, one lgbt general, no jaks/frogs)
fixed the OP
13 posts and 4 image replies omitted.

dice 1d100 = 27

You are gorgeous 😍

back to containment >>>/siberia/
>siberia is supposed to be a shithole though?
<tfw it's bad by design

>back to containment >>>/siberia/
Make a thread there so I can flirt with you in it (I will be typing one-handed if you know what I mean 😉)

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You asked, I delivered.
Not cyberbarbarian though.
It will be exactly the experience you're looking for.

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/mf/ (marxist feminism)
something like this

Would need a lot of moderation and would absolutely be an uphill battle but that's the point. No where else has a space to discuss feminism from an actual left, marxist angle. Yes the board would probably be overrun by chuds/chauvists/incels/terfs at first, but just making the space should attract people who fit the culture we want to build for this site better. Liberals so thoroughly control this space that even people here don't think of feminism as someone compatible with Marxism, despite the absolute wealth of works it has produced on the matter.

Also merge /games/ /hobby/ and /music
32 posts and 5 image replies omitted.

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>and that was the story of how leftypol got nuked by the feds after being mentioned in the manifesto of some zoomer femcel shooter

bruh the jannies here are more misandrist here than anything

ban "moid" too

where is /fem/ board?

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ITT retrieve old and currently-missing /leftypol/ flags that would be good to add back.
I found the Technocrat and snibetti snab flags. I know the Anarcho-Transhumanism flag is missing and I want to find it and have it added back if possible (t. anarcho transhumanist anon). Pics related

P.S. the "Athiesm" flag is misspelled, it's spelled Atheism.
419 posts and 378 image replies omitted.

I swiped the design it from the r/LibertarianSocialism subreddit. I don't actually use Reddit; I wanted to use a prexisting design for the flag (coming up with my own felt too egotistical), and they happened to have the best one

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Can we have a MLN Tupamaros flag? There's many flags whose movements are mainly inspired by the MLN (T) here.

How should it be called?


I know it's kinda conflicting with the venezuelan Tupamaro organization, but that one is also based of the MLN.

godless american

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let me make long posts again. I can't make long posts. This seems to be a problem that happened simultaneously with the reimposed 200 character minimum. There is some kind of unknown maximum that is killing effortposts.

> unknown maximum
Retard. It's absoloutely known, they did it on purpose for 'spam prevention'.
Kill all jannies. flush all jannies.

protip. cut out the copy paste and only post your original ideas

>protip. cut out the copy paste and only post your original ideas
That's a shit take.
If you'd prefer the board to be only retarded monkies repeatedly typing PUTIN JUST FLEW OVER MY HOUSE, HAPPENING, HAPPENING, FIZZELLING, BASED! over and over again then their is always /siberia/.

> There is some kind of unknown maximum that is killing effortposts.
Currently 6k, but I guess I'll increase it to 10

>you didn't write that.
yes i did.

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This is why an /lgbt/ board in this site is a must, in /siberia/, queer folk are often subject of constant homophobic harassment from straight male hazcel losers pestering that board, not only that but straight porn is constantly spammed there but god forbids if a queer folk post a midly sexy picture of some guy

I suspect this site's moderation are also """"patsoc""" hazcels who agree with this sort of thinking, pic related is some scumbag agreeing with a screenshot from Haz calling queer folk "mentally ill" and "sexual deviants", IN THE LGBT THREAD nonenthless

It was fishy enough that /LGBT/ was forcefully relocated to /siberia/ from the main board, obviously as an attempt to erase queer ppl existance from this space but now we're also forced to accept hateful attacks in our only supposedly space?
6 posts omitted.

Queerphobia is morality and has no place in a materialist board.

Cheating has nothing to do with being queer.
>materialist board
Materialism doesn't justify lifestyles pseud.

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I just loaded the image (lynx user) and have no idea why OP used that image. I can't find this in the cheating thread.
I assumed you were just being a schizo, and I was right.

Thought you were baiting, but you really didn't see his replies…
Jsyk OP's text has little to do with the anon on the screenshot (if its even the same anon who I'm almost sure is). Nothing against the contents of the text.

Ah okie

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With the recent election, there's a good chance that cornography will be banned in the USA pretty soon. If this happens, does the mod team have a plan in place to deal with NSFW material?
7 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

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>cornography will be banned

It's not gonna happen. It's just another Heritage Foundation wish-list item

>With the recent election, there's a good chance that cornography will be banned in the USA pretty soon
Is there? I have my doubts. The anti-pornography movement has been around since before I was born, Trump was president before, so I really don't see what's changed.

Trying to ban porn in the US is like trying to ban guns in the US, and porn is way easier to make.

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>corn ban
For fucks's sake. You can say "pornography", "suicide", and all the other naughty words here.

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Why do all urbanvpn ips come up as banned "spam ips"?
What the fuck happened yesterday night? I don't wanna bother using tor. I have to use a shitty browser vpn addon because my workplace employer has blocked all the sites. Is it over for that add-on?

Apparently some still work but the mass majority got fucked

Another great addon shit up by pedos

Mods JSYK (although I expect you know) that multiple posts made by the same IP can be different people. If you see any good posts made by the same IP as a poltard, hazoid, pedo, gore spammer and such - odds are that its a VPN service like this and that the regular posters were using the same IP from the VPN as the raiders.

I'm writing this because I've seen some of my replies disappear and the usual countries I pick from the VPN list being mostly banned IPs.
I used to use this VPN service because my work pc blocks sites.

Last happening was a magacom spammimg scat

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Mods JSYK (although I expect you know) that multiple posts made by the same IP can be different people. If you see any good posts made by the same IP as a poltard, hazoid, pedo, gore spammer and such - odds are that its a VPN service like this (urbanvpn) and that the regular posters were using the same IP from the VPN as the raiders.

I'm writing this because I've seen some of my replies disappear and the usual countries I pick from the VPN list being mostly banned IPs.
I used to use this VPN service because my work pc blocks sites.

So I'm asking to please be careful when purging replies / threads. I understand that there's probably like an option to purge posts by IP by a certain time period and that it might be necessary at times when there's excessive spam, but please be considerate.

the problem if you just ban one node of a vpn then the spammer will simply switch nodes and continue.

unless we want to create login accounts for users, its just part of the hazard of an anonymous medium like an imageboard

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I got banned for "be spam" for posting exactly this clip >>>/leftypol/2080559
The body was too short or empty.
The body was too short or empty.
The body was too short or empty.
The body was too short or empty.

People spam that clout demons videos every time he shits out a new contrarian take, stop posting them

why do I get banned for posting something, but a guy that posts exactly the same thing a couple hours later does not

It was a 1 hour ban, a slap on the wrist basically, but mods don't see all posts, and mods have different opinions so not every post is treated the same. This was me giving my official explanation BTW, apologies I forgot to tag myself. >>37450

shit site; sloppy moderation

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