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It's been long overdue. I've worn out my welcome on leftypol.org, and although i have struggled to impress people and try to remain within the site's good graces by effortposting here and there, it's clear to me that nobody actually likes me here, and it's also clear that most of you guys are yankee collaborators if not outright US nationalists. I'm sick of being constantly ridiculed and mocked and it's probably better if i just focus on writing my second book and trying to stabilize my life, because my "comrades" sure as shit couldn't care less about any of it. I'm still going to be using element but i don't care about the site anymore, especially because the fucking staff can't fucking figure out that maybe instead of trying to constantly engage in the sisyphean task of banning reactionaries they should have been improving the site. I put forth proposals to improve the site myself, such as having an overboard that focuses mainly on collecting effortposts from /edu/ and /leftypol/ to reduce the theorylet problem, or having an overboard that focuses mainly on current events, like a dedicated NewsAnon section. I don't care to flesh out these ideas, i felt like i did a pretty good job explaining them in a thread that nobody cared enough to archive about 2 years ago. I understand that the jannies are understaffed but stop fucking wasting your time on cleaning up pepes and maybe focus on coding the fucking site idfk. Anyway goodbye guys. I thought maybe i'd have earned some respect by now but whatever. Despite the mockery and disrespect, i promise that when Socialism is established in the south, i will give all of you guys a position as indoor slaves where you can at least have air conditioning. You won't be mistreated.
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Shut the fuck up. 90% of your posts are shitposts and porn pics, you're a tourist from /pol/ who supports white supremacists and segregationists so stop victim playing. You were funny at first but your act got tiring. I guess you're friends with the mods or something, because in another era you've would have permabanned from /leftypol/ in under a day. I think you have some serious problem with porn, too. Good riddance.


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Much anger you have, against our resident Confederate clown. Take a chill pill, you should.


>Socialism is established
<indoor slaves
I cant think anything less socialist than slavery.


Everybody gets to do a little revisionism once in a while as a treat.


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Goodbye shay, may you find temporary relief in your dreams

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So we all agree this is going nowhere, right? There are no meaningful agreements here, no progress, no development. It‘s just eternal disagreements with no productive resolution. We are just passing time until whatever happens with this species happens, are we on the same page?
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>This is the failure of your thinking
well EXCUSE ME mr smarty pants
exploitation is the process in which the bourgeois extract surplus value from labor, it doesnt distinguish between salaries and working conditions
>That very productivity is wrapped up in the commodity-form.
sure, but commodities existed before capitalism
the application of machinery and technology to satisfy needs responds to a social form of production. its not an unchangeable, omnipotent, perpetual mystical essence. if anything, a needs-based social form of production could further perfection efficiency and the distribution of resources, since, for example, people who would otherwise break their backs trying to make ends meet would be able to receive technological training
>You can imagine differently but thats my total belief.
fascists are wackos and scammers. they are outside the political spectrum, even the material form! SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION or something. but at the same time, the world just be like that, nothing to be done about it
>The stage of nationalising profits is desirable as a sublation of private profits
this is just a change of hands. patriotic corporations are totally different from international financiers, trust me bro
>central planning is communist retardation.
didnt your mom teach you manners? planification already occurs in the private sphere, what matters is who plans and what for


>A guy behind a counter doesnt PRODUCE anything
oh and i agree with this, but thats a different issue than what we were talking about


Central planning of the economy is fundamental for a functioning economy


>exploitation is the process in which the bourgeois extract surplus value from labor
And its not possible to extract more or less surplus value by unpaid Value realised in the sale of commodities? If i pay one guy $5/hr and another $10/hr for the same job im not exploiting one more?
I would argue that all societies (all economies) as built on this very reserve of unpaid labour, whether its in the workplace or the home.
>sure, but commodities existed before capitalism
Yes ofc. They are a transhistorical fact of economic life, and the idea of overcoming them by overcoming exchange and thus returning to communist conditions of creating mere use-values is pithy speculation and marx's weakest area of conceptualising history.
>a needs-based social form of production could further perfection efficiency and the distribution of resources
We already have public services which sublate aspects of the market. Whats unfortunate though is that a lot of them are shit, not in principle, but in practice, because there is no social/national self-conception.
The japanese for example have universal healthcare, but thats because they are a "people" proper and promote a healthy culture (diet wise), so dont fill up waiting lists and so on. Other cultural things like the unpaid labour of students cleaning their school up or their domestic gerontocracy bypassing needs for pension funds also add to the integral wholeness of their economy. I dont think my country should be like japan, but its always good to learn.
>planification already occurs in the private sphere, what matters is who plans and what for
Uh, sorting accounts isnt "central planning". Its regulation, which is a further sublation of market contradictions. I support regulations, does that make me a commie goon? Be critical.
Its exactly what we've been discussing.


>we don’t get off on wasting our time pointlessly antagonizing other communities

And this is a bad thing how? I got shit to do, I’m not wasting my time with dumbfuck meme war bullshit

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>no /work/ /worker/ /wagie/ board
>no resources or help for workers aside from one shitty career thread that gets buried
>even weebs have their own /anime/ board

this is the prime example of modern leftism.
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thats not how it works. not everyone on career is going to find those interesting and theyre topics that should have their own post each


either merge akm tech with edu. And games anime music draw with hobby. or give me my /labor/ board


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there that look so bad


No but there should be a /gulag/ and I will personally shove you into it.


/meta/ used to be called gulag

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The "home" page still says Bunkerchan: https://leftypol.org/


It no longer does.


Ok, so here is my rant about the "information culture" on leftypol:
You know what's funny? People on this site who want to strengthen their arguments by sharing links to Youtube videos. No, I will not watch your "educational" video. If you want to convince me, post a link to an article! Yes, text is superior to video. We should actually ostracise people who post here links to Youtube videos. Video is the medium of emotional manipulation, while acquiring information via text is much more analytic and distraction free. Text is pure information, video is a huge neon pile of shit which contains nearly no informational value. In short: Fuck video posters.
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text can be emotional and can manipulate info, too


hell yeah


Embeds are good so you don't needlessly waste this website's storage space and bandwidth on your 70 mb mp4s.


Speaking of, can the devs expand the embed system? Is it possible to get Twitter embedded as well? I saw on crystal.cafe they have tik tok embeds.


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As someone who occasionally links to video to back up my points, I strongly agree that text is preferable.
I guess I have the itch to link to my first source I got the information from, since that is my source in a strict sense. The little bit of effort needed to find something in text that conveys that same point would absolutely be worth it though; from an accessability standpoint, and just having multiple sources is a good practice regardless of medium. If I don't have the energy to do that, I probably shouldn't be having discussions that require linking to sources when I should be resting.

I suppose a comprimize would be to link to an article AND the video you originally got your point from, so the other party can take their pick. Do this enough and you may get most of your opinions originally from text sources, and thus no longer have this issue.


I have been banned for a month for saying Al Shifa has not been destroyed when the rocket chimpout haplened. I have been banned for stating an obvious fact that everyvody knew was true. Arent mods supposed to be impartial and not ban people based on what they dont like hearing but those who break rules? Literally why was I banned?

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What's the deal? I used to use 420chan (and coincidentally this site too) a lot in my faggy embittered youth and now I've found when you type in 420chan.org you get redirected to here. What's the deal?


Mate I don't bloody know. Ask Fred.


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I forgotten where I kept the June meeting notes, so I decided to just post all meeting notes from here on out.

Derail this thread at your own peril. I will not play nice like the other mods.

Meeting Report 03/07/22

New Moderation Drive to be determined soon. To ease burden on active members

-Make mod posts in LATAM and Africa threads to encourage applicants from these regions as their NA and EU counterparts are most active
-Must be done before American Midterms really begins to counter the flood of new users in NA region

Finalization of Ban Lengths.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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We have succeeded in debunking anarchism and converting them.over to the truth. Seethe, liberal


>If you guys want to react to the meetings, can you at least make a separate thread for it? I won’t entertain any more discussion in a thread that is meant to be an archive.
Communication is key - if this is meant to be an archive, can you also adjust the OP to state that?
Before making a new thread, is there any existing place where users can not merely react, but discuss and make suggestions towards the direction of the site, if not the meeting thread? The moderation thread sticky is clearly no good because only about two or three mods bother reading it, with one seemingly just on the board to troll anyone who got collateral'd by rangebans. It's just frustrating seeing this site taking the time to get together just to act like an out-of-touch manager, ordering pizzas to placate the complaints about exposed wires and leaky roofs, because someone's gone through the complaint box and burned the all ones they don't like.


wait I read that as manager of a pizza place
meh doesn't matter


>Can you post some screenshots or make a new thread?
Plz not another thread. Simple suggestions months ago to make tor posts text only (when necessary) or to pre-approve them were ignored or never got any traction. Instead spam and drama was allowed to happen on the tor node. Now tor users are singled out with a tag which ridiculously defeats the purpose of using the node. Could someone take responsibility for this because it seems like an unnecessary drama?


We are already working on making a Big Brother (working title)
He will take responsibility for everything.

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This mod has been consistently banning people unfairly, excessively, while only providing vague reasons for it.
For me, I always get bans only from him on bogus nonesense, which gets immediately revoked, when other mods look at it. Seeing picrel, I'm not the only one, who has complained about this.
It's aggravating getting all my posts in a thread, including the effort ones, deleted. Even after unbanning, they remain gone.

This guy is clearly unqualified for moderation, since he abuses his power constantly to silence people he doesn't personally like.
Please, PLEASE do something finally! 🙏
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>scat porn and gore
Sorry, but I am not insane enough to save such shit on my devices.


Copy-pasted images aren't saved


die mad about it
master blaster runs barter town


Ah yes sounds like something I'd say




hey, just wanted to congratulate the mods (more like gods(?!!??!)) on ur good job, and on the ghostbuster stirner thing, which amused me. Round of applause 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


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All according to plan

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