There is no organization going on on leftypol. In truth, there is only an ongoing process of atomization. Every day our numbers dwindle and our site loses users. The fact that we are so unwilling to recognize leftypol, not as a silly hangout spot, but as a military base surrounded by enemies on all sides, is probably why glowies even keep this website from going offline completely. We're an utterly worthless leftist organization. What is all the philosophy for if all of it is stupid edrama bullshit and attempts to explain an outside world we never explore ourselves? How exactly can leftypol have any purpose in this world if we don't convert people, or seek out comrades to befriend in person, or find leftist communities we can ally ourselves with, not that there are many of those. Why can't we have raids into other online spaces, or form communities on other websites that represent our interests as online leftists? Even twitteroid leftists do more activism online. Not to mention that there's a decrepit atmosphere of paranoia and existential dread, as well as everyone on leftypol being a piece of shit fossil who denounces porn addiction and criticizes everyone who actually makes an attempt to post something interesting for once. We practically do the glowies' work for them. If 4chan can organize real life attempts to steal a flag from shia labeouf's private residence then why cant we, i dunno, form cliques and networks of people willing to actually do shit? I wanted comrades from this place and all ive ever gotten were parasocial relationships with people who only share philosophy and poke and prod at anybody who suggests doing anything at all without giving anything in return. Fuck the air of critique here. Why cant you people propose projects? What's wrong with a 5 year plan? This is why the third world is the only hope of progress in the world. You firsties all gave an internet connnection and pretend to be "socialists" but you are the most antisocial people that could have ever pretended to be "comrades". This place is designed to lull leftists into a false sense of security and community. Wake up. Start organizing on a regional basis and stop focusing on the internet. You wont find any cameraderie online and your online comrades are pure fiction. Go outside.
56 posts and 10 image replies omitted.>>33113Cool, thanks.
btw, not sure if you've used leftybooru before, and it's probably about to migrate to a new software soon which will make uploading easier, but its a great resource for sharing and tagging /leftypol/ images. Love me some language barriers. (
>>>/music/14 )