This is why an /lgbt/ board in this site is a must, in /siberia/, queer folk are often subject of constant homophobic harassment from straight male hazcel losers pestering that board, not only that but straight porn is constantly spammed there but god forbids if a queer folk post a midly sexy picture of some guy
I suspect this site's moderation are also """"patsoc""" hazcels who agree with this sort of thinking, pic related is some scumbag agreeing with a screenshot from Haz calling queer folk "mentally ill" and "sexual deviants", IN THE LGBT THREAD nonenthless
It was fishy enough that /LGBT/ was forcefully relocated to /siberia/ from the main board, obviously as an attempt to erase queer ppl existance from this space but now we're also forced to accept hateful attacks in our only supposedly space?
6 posts omitted.>>37603Cheating has nothing to do with being queer.
>materialist boardMaterialism doesn't justify lifestyles pseud.
>>37605I just loaded the image (lynx user) and have no idea why OP used that image. I can't find this in the cheating thread.
I assumed you were just being a schizo, and I was right.
>>37606Thought you were baiting, but you really didn't see his replies…
Jsyk OP's text has little to do with the anon on the screenshot (if its even the same anon who I'm almost sure is). Nothing against the contents of the text.