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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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uh, why the fuck is MISATO deleting pictures from my posts? Is picrel officially banned on /leftypol/ or something?
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sorry this isn't good enough - unless there is an official policy banning this image (like the wojak script) there is no good reason to delete only one specific reaction image, because presumably it annoys you. Are we living under the rules which are merely enforced by mods, or does every post have to cater to individual mods specific "tastes".

it's spammy and somehow worse than users that post with an avatar.
You deserve it for being obnoxious.
rare mod w

anyone who posts pics of lena denham should be banned

t. crypto mod

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just watch GIRLS and relax anon


I hate reactionaries, man. I fucking hate them.
I hate the way they slither around everywhere trying to "JQ" everyone. It's so fucking cynical and evil.
I thought as I grew older I'd simmer down about wanting to kill every Nazi on earth, but I didn't. In fact with years of life experience my hatred has grown stronger, my contempt more profound. If I found out one of my neighbors was a Nazi smearing his propaganda all over the internet I'd kill him (in minecraft). I'd go to prison just to know one less Nazi walked the earth (in Sim City 2).

I mean, just look at the posts in picrelated. Take a moment to think about how slimy this is, to try and bait-and-switch people into your fucked up cult of jew hate by appealing to the proletarian revolution. The cowardice of it all. God. Fuck.
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>you nearly died fighting for the bourgoisie
Anon, I…

>The USSR fighting CIA funded Mujaheds and Islamic fanatics is fighting for the bourgs
>Fighting the Nazis and taking Berlin is fighting for the Bourgs

>Russians use American military speak
did you forget how this conversation started? take that American cock out of your mouth, diaspo.

1) Yes Russians do use some American lingo, including military lingo - it's called loan-words.
2) Reread my post
>every country with a standing army has veterans and people that sign up for service and later discharged
>Army speak flows out into the population naturally, veterans or servicemen leave their posts and use this language irl.
My point being that this is universal for all countries with a military, has military lingo become part of common language, English, Russian, Chinese, etc. and it's not cringe, it's consistent with how language develops and grows over time. A specific usage becomes more widespread with exposure and time if it is relevant. Acronyms, slang and terminology spread naturally, regardless of origin.

Just an example of military lingo commonly used today
>Loose Cannon
This term is naval slang and originated regarding the muzzle-loading black-powder cannons used for centuries. These cannons were tied with ropes as a primitive method of recoil shock absorbtion and keeping them from moving around in heavy seas when the deck was pitching back and forth. An iron cannon weighed up to half a ton and so a poorly-tied down one could be devastating if it went flying as it could maim and kill it's owners easily. Thus the term loose cannon. This was later first used in civilian literature during the late 19th century and spread from there. There is nothing cringe about this, because it's literary progression, the same thing happens with modern military lingo, but because of TV, radio and later the internet, such terminology spreads into the civilian sphere much faster and so becomes part of the slang faster. Acceleration through technological progress.

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Why is there no thread on /leftypol/ about the United Auto Workers strike
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This. Workers strikes dont work anymore.

t. Self deluded idealist


There should be, it's a really huge strike going on. Although I'm guessing the auto industry will be bailed out, just like every other major insolvent compromised institution and enterprise is these days. Although, taking into consideration the economic realities due to massive increases in the cost of living - price inflation - that is not so much the fault of employers or businesses. It's a currency issue: insolvency. And currency issues have to do with unsustainable governmental budgets and bad central banking monetary policies.

nice cat

its in the general

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The anti-sectarian rule on this board is problematic. There are too many libs calling themselves "socialists" and yet they reject Marxism-Leninism outright in favour of liberal theory. You can see this most in the multipolarity threads. There needs to be a board, or even leftypol needs to undo the anti-sectarianism rule, in order for us to get to the root of how these anti-Marxist libshits think. Otherwise they have free reign to smear every anti-imperialist force as fascist and imperialist based on "muh capitalism" which spits in the face of the continuation of Marxist-Leninist theory which cemented imperialism as a definite phenomenon in the contemporary age.
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Multipolarity is inevitable. Multipolarity under capitalism is war and a rewind in the falling rate of profit. Only socialism can survive a multipolar world. You can't promote the inevitable. Become a socialist

>I've seen blatant Nazi posts stay up for hours
Which means they were taken down, so this is just complaining about moderation being slow.

Only after people report the shit out of them and post in /meta/ about it, and the libshit stuff stays up regardless, which is blatant favoritism, given the official "idpol neutral" stance of leftypol demanding that if bad faith nazi bait ought to be removed, so should liberal bait.

ITT: butthurt "MLs" can't handle different opinions proceed to shit up the board and cry(many such cases)

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So, what's the official stance on the two competing PRC threads on /leftypol/? Is one going to be locked or are they both going to continue to co-exist?

We have a Two Chinas policy

baizuo jannies add the taiwan province to the /PRC/ map already 😤😤😤😤

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Can the mods please implement a minimum word requirement on all boards (including /siberia/)
It will greatly improve the quality of discussions
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mods please do this

mods please don't do this. ;)

my time is worth more than yours, be concise or be ignored. if your opinions were more important than the few minutes lost reading a wall of text, you would be a published author

>anon wants to eliminate single-word responses
>"this must mean he wants every post to be a wall of text!!!!"

Adding on to this, the posting system shouldn't be so anglo-centric. I have to throw in English words into a post in a language that isn't English just so that it doesn't get caught by the "flood" filter. So if I want to post a reply or a quote in Russian or Japanese, I have to throw in English language characters.

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I understand that mods like encouraging theoretical debates, and I understand that the war is slow and that "happenings" don't happening often, but over the past few threads Zigger vs both siders bickering seem to be reaching about 85 to 90% of the /ukraine/ thread content.
See following threads for examples:
It seems pretty ridiculous considering most of this "content" is just rephrasing of the same few talking points that have been talked to death over the course of a year. Maybe early on exposure to these talking points may sway people to ziggerism or both-sidism, but after a year no one is going to be changing sides anymore and this debate is largely redundant imo.

Obviously I don't want to ban debate about multi-polarity vs socialism, but having to shift through 80 paragraphs just to find information about developing events about the war is annoying to say the least. I propose a separate thread to this debate so that the /Ukraine/ thread can be more orientated to the actual war and a seperate containment thread for those who want to waste there time writing 30000 word essays that will not change anyone's opinion

<but anon that will make the actual /ukraine/ thread really slow

imo thats desirable, less shifting through essays so you can find what you want

pic unrelated
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containment is actually not effective whatsoever. any time there is a question of containment the question inevitably shifts towards "removal". the ukraine thread is not at that state (yet) but we do try to trim away the excesses of retarded sectarianism. thankfully its mostly just a few anons of either side appointing themselves as the golden arbiters of everything which is righteous and good in the world (mostly on the ukraine side), and a handful of trolls / insane people who just go on those threads to post insanity (more equal distribution).

>the ukraine thread is not at that state (yet)
Thanks for the laugh!

shut up lib. Z!


Hah I trooled you


To to mod who runs the Twitter (misato I believe). Here’s a chance for promotion lol. Qrt or reply should suffice. I would probably put something dumb like “We remember 😉”. Also a May Day tweet should be made today maybe
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Misato… what have you done!?

misato here
im really sorry i missed this, i was probably awol when this thread/tweet dropped
ill make it up somehow :(

appreciate the kind comments, it is kinda overwhelming and draining sometimes (hence why i burn out and go absent sometimes)

does more than one person have access to the twitter account? would make it easier for it to be responsive if it's not entirely shouldered by one person.

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>shouldered by one person.

It's okay Misato, you're still the best mod we've got

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Can I ask, what's the rationale for having different boards, when most are barely used? /akm/ and /tech/ for example?

As for /siberia/, what's the point?
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I know, I was pointing out OP’s false logic

>only keep the main board and meta

That's exactly what should happen.

/siberia/ attracts people who think communism is a joke and meme

Tbf so does the main board to an extent. I still think the problem with siberia is the sex and relationship general, it attracts too many incels and pedos

idc either way but ya Ive definitely wondered why like every board into merged into either leftypol or siberia and maybe hobby. edu is basically just an excuse to turn leftypol into siberia and now siberia feels pointless no? again tho im a relative new fag so take my analysis with a grain of salt.

/siberia/ is the renamed /b/ board, made for exactly that purpose, random, and less moderated posting

/AKM/ is the /k/ board for guns and weapons and shieet.

/tech/ is the board for IT work and development of the site by users as well as addressing tech issues or giving advice regarding computer problems.

The side boards are slow but they're still filled with meaningful entries and their slowness it to their advantage.

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