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/music/ - Music

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loved seeing them and M.O.T.O.

rock against Israel, baby


Love this song, such a banger, so catchy.
It's a sad in fact they are not in fact still here. :(

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Rap is extremely politically incorrect, liberally uses the gamer word, glorifies guns, thug, culture, and misogyny. It's everything /pol/ loves. Is it just because they hate blacks more?
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You have zero way of knowing that.


I dont think they actually hate rap. They probably dont care for it musically but in reality raps a /polacks best friend. Rap shows black americans at our absolute worse more often than not. I'm pretty sure they love it


NTA but there are hundreds of rappers that were fairly popular in the 90s that nobody remembers anymore, hell people are already forgetting about people like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and other YA pop-stars from a decade ago who aren't that active anymore.


Nas and Kendrick are highly acclaimed though.


>Nas and Kendrick are highly acclaimed though.
According to pop media. Hell I haven't even given those two a passing thought in years until you brought up their names. I know both youths and adults who've never even heard of them and don't care to know about them. It's all hype.

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With this one, you can make actual songs.
Hearing right now to the international as an anime opening.

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it's already created viral memes lol


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I made an anti-war and anti-capitalist rap song in Finnish because we're sorely lacking those over here.


[Intro, Spoken]
Masa Mainio tässä vain, ja mulla on tänään vähän sanottavaa koskien suomen valtion asehankintoja. Jees, let's go.

[Verse 1]
Valtion kirstu tyhjä, meille aina hoetaan,
Kun hoivaa tarvittaisiin, rahat puuttuu taas.
Mut yllättäen löytyy budjetista fyrkkaa, hävittäjiin, tankkeihin, ja ohjuksiin.
Mihin katosi kaikki ne lupaukset, hyvinvointivaltion hankkeisiin?

Rahaa aina löytyy aseisiin, muttei koskaan meille,
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Made a song about Grace beating Alunya in a duel + love songs


^to make your own songs using prompts.
(I advise not using key words mainly, but a synopsis or prompt like "Alunya beats Grace in a duel") with an addition of key words & descriptions like "Grace has emerald eyes").
(you get 5 songs per day)
To get a genre, write it in front of the prompt like gangsta rap or diss rap or diss track or rap battle or rap song or ballad or medieval ballad or musical or punk or blues or happy pop song or bluegrass – (there are more I think).


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To download your song, click the 3 dots & click video. Sometimes you have to wait or refresh the page to get the video download ready.

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Post music to cry to.
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If you're into metal, basically everything Insomnium makes. If you're not, their stuff isn't really that heavy and is really accessible to listen to. I reccomend Across the Dark. Also The Great Cold Distance by Katatonia is pretty sad as well and is more like alternative rock.




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Post in this thread every time you come to this board. Post music you like here, whatever it may be.
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This girl is amazing



post jungle and drum and bass music. Anything from the 90s to today.
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>no good jungle past 1998
yes because after that it got renamed drum and bass


i wish that anon posting the songs would learn to embed


Drum & Bass - Vinyl Reality


Shout-out to stonerchan

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I don’t get it. Five years ago we were told this girl was going to save pop music. She made an album where she blended art pop with trap, industrial and dark ambient. She was single-handedly usurping the control if the major labels. She is also extremely socially conscious and leftist, basically the zoomer Joan Baez. Now she’s only released one song in the past two years and it’s bland as hell. Why
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Okay, everything aside can we get a REAL Marxist analysis of Billie Eilish and her shitty, overrated music?


Even the mediocre can spread there wings if they have the leisure and connections.


People are losing interest in her. It's not just because she dropped an album only a few weeks after Beyoncé and TayTay did but also because no one wants to hear a sad white girl whisper into a mic anymore.

Between 2013-2021ish pop music was very low-tempo, dark, and melancholy. Distorted 808s and eerie synths were commonplace (think: trap, SoundCloud rap, all the pop singers who sounded like Lorde or Sia during that time). Now, that style of music already sounds dated and no one wants it anymore. Billie Eilish was very much a part of that wave and she's stuck in it. The Weeknd doesn't make that style of music anymore. 21 Savage raps over soul samples that sound like they were made by The Alchemist now and has become more socially conscious. Jazz rap is fashionable. Snoop, Nas, and Common are doing better numbers than SoundCloud dweebs. The reason Taylor Swift and Beyoncé are selling like hotcakes is because both of them are universal pop stars whose music appeals to a universal audience and can both put on epic live shows with all sorts of bells and whistles. Anyone who's seen Billie live will know she's awful at performing and can barely stay on-key. The only reason she's still around is because the machine she has is huge.


Not really no.


The only place I hear her music anymore is TikTok and IG. Her whole album was Reels-fodder.


Music made by non-human fauna, flora, fungi, ect…


Red Winged Blackbird official soundtrack of any waterbody near me


Zionist “memorial exhibit” was creation of Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande’s manager:


Should we add every artist managed by Scooter Braun to the BDS list?
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kill all israelis


I love how BDS has gone from pragmatic and reasonable:
>”boycott Starbucks and Coke and divest from weapons manufacturers”

To outright bullshit:
>”you’re not allowed to be friends with a Zionist”


well why would you be?


you're really mad nobody likes your genocide beneficiary friend, aren't you.


How does not being friends with a Zionist stop the genocide in Palestine? What good does it do?


is this a pro-zionist album?

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