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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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>wired ethernet only
>handheld devices offline/limited internet
>torrents and physical media no streaming
>flip phone
>internet limited to household
>video games backed up to hard drive offline no steam, ubisoft, etc
>videos, podcasts, etc stored for offline use
>use offline programs
>use a regular home phone
>music on a CD or desktop
>no internal battery shit

Obviously impossible to do especially all at once but I do a little bit at a time.

This thread is for younger generation chads only and older no zoomers

Im trying to limit my online presence in normalfaggot websites. A lot of the things you mention Ive done my whole life, like the torrents and physical media bit (and for the little streaming Ive done, I ripped a lot of things), and this naturally leads to the next point - games offline. Media in general, really.

>limit yourself over my vague morals over technology
Lol. Using cheap shit is not a choice to most people.

Let's not deceive ourselves. Most posters on this board aren't third world proles who got a ShengFui69+B through their call plan. They do have the choice to pay for a cheap mp3 player, a proper laptop and a landline plan instead of the newest iphone.

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are dyson spheres a pipedream or a real stage in civilization that's gonna be reached?

The bigger headache isn’t building the sphere, but being able to withstand the gravitational force of living near a fucking star.

dyson spheres are so stupid

>oh this star has 10 gajillion gajillion watts

>ok how do we access it
>put solar panels around the surface where the energy is the least and the slowest rate

just like blow up the star or something or throw something in there

We have no idea how we could harvest energy directly from the star though

I guess if you're going to have the technology to build a dyson sphere your efforts would be better off spent trying to perfect nuclear fusion

put the star in a lake and then use the steam to move a turbine fan connected to an alternator


>it's been exactly two (2) years since ChatGPT and most "generative AI" products/software were released
Well, /tech/? Did you even notice?
Previous >>22645
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Why doesn't tech have a dedicated AI thread, because the bubble is so mystifying at times, like why is nobody talking about the Nvidia anti-trust probe, they're worth like a trillion dollars and it's all because AMD keeps vacillating between fully backing drop-in CUDA replacements that are GPU agnostic and just… vanishing from the ML space entirely even though it's clearly where all the silicon valley money is going. What's going on, it's like some mafia shit because nobody can even agree on whether Nvidia's patents are legal or not, or why AMD chooses to get cucked out of a trillion smackaroonies

>Why doesn't tech have a dedicated AI thread
This sounds like a great idea.

Do you remember what period of time when people kept trying to get an LLM to say something racist and then point to it as if they proved racism was scientifically correct. lol.

internet fucking sucks now, ai porn everywhere man, no respect for the art of good smut

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4chan is filled with threads with those AI undressing photos using girls facebook photos. It sucks. BRB, wearing a fake finger and committing crimes and then claiming the CCTV footage was AI generated because I have too many fingers. Crimes I have to commit because AI is going to take my job.

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Do you have advice for a software engineer?
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he is a very silly person, calling transgender people "mentally ill". So silly of him.

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When you start a new programming language, look up on google images some pictures of the source code, so you have an idea of what coding in it looks like

>le wrong generation
All you missed out on was a couple years of inflated FAGMAN salaries in a tiny high cost of living area. There are still fun developer jobs, and if anything you can get WFH at small companies a lot easier if that floats your boat. Programming is still fun.

I've honestly never met someone like this at work. They mostly haunt free software IRC, I'm not even sure they're employed. I do tease my trans friend that she'd be better off as a catgirl developer however.

>I've honestly never met someone like this at work. They mostly haunt free software IRC, I'm not even sure they're employed. I do tease my trans friend that she'd be better off as a catgirl developer however.

trvthnvke, same for me, it's a myth started by transhumanist unemployed ""coders"" to cope with the difference between their desire to be and belief that they are good coders, and the objective truth of the objective reality, by associating their apparel with
Most of xem i see online work in You'll Never Be A Real Programmer(tm) languages, like Python, JS, some Rustranshumanists too.
(half joking)

Great advice for the few Chads wishing to do compiled languages, but nowadays most is done in shiterpreted languages

That's good advice if you want to write 20 lines in the language. OP mentionned he wants to be a software engineer, not a ""coder""" though. When you are engineering software, there is way more than just the syntax. You can't know the performance, ecosystem, use cases, job market situation, build system etc… from the syntax

Learn C and Lisp. The former teaches you things about memory that most languages are unwilling to show you, the latter teaches you things about compilers that most languages aren't even remotely equipped to show you. If you can learn these two, you can learn basically any other language in existence.

I know a good number of trans programmers in real life who do good work. The internet is not real life.

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Hey everyone, let’s have a thoughtful discussion about artificial intelligence and whether it’s truly living up to the hype. While AI is being hailed as a game-changer in many industries, there’s an ongoing debate about whether it’s actually useful or if it’s just another shiny new technology that’s here to distract us.

- Are we starting to lose essential human skills as AI takes over tasks we once relied on ourselves?
- How do you foresee the increasing role of AI in shaping the future strategies and innovations of companies like NVIDIA and AMD in the development of computer hardware?
- How do you believe the rise of AI-driven automation will impact the roles of office workers and other knowledge workers in the coming years?

Sincerely, closed-source, LLM.
4 posts omitted.

they are desperate to make something from AI, sticking it in other products because no one cares about subscribing to a soulless chatbot.

unsurprisingly the only people excited about it and who use it heavily tend to be people who writes fucktons of word document shit, general office vomit full of summaries and bullet points and highlighted sections that nobody has the attention span to read, so they hand it off to another AI to make a tl;dr 2 sec version of it.
Eating it's own shit and shitting it out over and over.

Much of this is just to maintain decorum; however, a counter-movement in favor of brevity would be of interest.

AI is literally the last frontier of silicon valley hypergrowth, because every other delusional concept that promised 1000x returns, big data, quantum computing, Web3.0, metaverse, etc turned out to be gigantic flops, in that sense I do think it's a worrying signal how much they're trying to push this as a replacement for all intellectual work when it's obviously not. I don't think there will be a silicon valley after ChatGPT goes bust, even with Trump at the helm facilitating tech sector scams.

AI will be exclusively for meme games such as AI Minecraft. No game engine behind the curtains, just the literal hallucination of a robot, as all meme games should be from now on.

>promised 1000x returns
Seems like many of these companies are somehow better at building markets than revenue. One would expect the opposite. There's just so much hope in the future of technology broadly driving investment. Not that that's really any different from what you've said.

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<most valuable automobile company in the world
btw mods, why was the other post deleted?
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Based chaos agent Musk selling death traps to rich people.

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more pizza, less zoomers

Personally I think this is bullish, I would invest in TSLA NOW, the understanding that the CyberTruck could explode in an accident adds an element of danger to driving one that is irresistible to the female gender, think of fighter pilots, astronauts, race car drivers. People are going to be begging to pay twice the sticker price just to get some of that sexiness now.

Guise, pls don't dump the stock, I put gram grams' inheritance into TSLA.

Fuck you

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This place needs an AI chatbot thead, so this is it now.

To start things off, I've made a card for Alunya: https://chub.ai/characters/xalkoi/Alunya
Fuck Fork and modify it to oblivion

Don't want to give money to capitalist but want to try it out? First download SillyTavern: https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern

Then create an account on Poe.com and follow the guide on SillyTavern to get the API key (just copy the value of the cookie)

Now download the png of the bot and import it on sillytavern, have fun.

And if you don't mind being unable to lewd the bots, you also have https://beta.character.ai/
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Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga! She will follow you wherever you go!
Is made preferably for SillyTavern app!
Uses the {{random: …}} variability syntax.


Because Lenin is Jewish by descent, also of parents who were Orthodox Christians and therefore "cut."
To ask an uncut Lenin is to ask for both an unadultered Lenin and yet also a Lenin not true to himself in the physical sense.
The duality of idioms.

Wtf am I reading? 🧐

Retarded burgeoise idealism

Made a fork of Alunya-tan.
Communist catgirl, /leftypol/ mascot

Now with two new scenarios!
1. Alunya found out you we're a racist nazi and kidnapped you. You wake up in her basement for nazi deprogramming.
2. Alunya Communism ASMR where she'll teach you about the wonders of Communism on her soft thighs.




I would guess that's a single partition drive with MBR partition table.

> Get a Linux shell and open CFDISK to /dev/$your_usb_drive

> Create a MBR partition table
> Create the only partition using full available space.
< The partition type for NTFS on a master boot record (MBR) is 0x07.
< If it's GPT, not MBR: NTFS partition is actualy one of the Microsoft basic data partitions under number 6.

> Now WRITE your new MBR partition table with a single NTFS partition to the USB drive.

> Remove and put back you drive into the USB port.

> See magically your files returning (until the USB breaks itself again).

To dump the drive to internal drive:
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testdisk has saved my ass on this many times


I'm not joking.
>their phones are more ergonomic and have a beautiful curved display
>their vertical foldables are almost as cool as Motorolla Razr
>their custom ROM has a pretty, minimalistic and ergonomic UI and has extra features that are actually useful
>their smartwatches are actually pleasant to use thanks to their rotating bezels
>One UI is based on Android so it's more customizable, yet it works smoothly and has sane defaults and nice default apps that seemlessly blend with the system like GNOME or KDE software
It's a shame they're proprietards who don't help FLOSS and patent everything. If only we could take over…
8 posts omitted.

Precisely. Galaxy mobile devices are even more user-friendly than iPhones, I love One UI so much. And I'm a long-time custom ROM user.

Yeah I have a Xiaomi and it's absolutely appalling how much adware and bloat there is packed into this product I paid for

all proprietards are shit
but apple is a special class of shit that i avoid in every way. everything about it is so hostile to user freedom. the overpricing, the glossy screens that drive you mad reflecting everything in the back, the lack of usable connectors/ports, the locked down OS that barely allows any configuration, the calculator keys for the laptop keyboard, the incredibly short charger cables, the lock-in (hard to run dual boot linux on apple pcs).
just everything about it is so anti-user, and then you have their captive audience that literally overpaid for shit products in the 90s just so that their beloved company wouldn't go out of business.

I got my first samsung 2 months ago and its not that much better than my moto g tbh. Motorola has a better side panel feature and gaming mode

There are many good-quality Android devices but the only interfaces that can rival One UI are Sailfish OS and sxmo imho. And that's 'cause I haven't yet tried those.

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Know some good shit on Tor? Let us know. Whether it be substitutes for clearnet services, or just the .onion domain for whatever, or just something cool.

What I found:
>privacytools.io site
>Invidious (YouTube front-end)
(Clearnet version: https://vid.puffyan.us/ )
Requires enabling certain scripts to work unfortunately. You can sign up and make a list of subscriptions though.
>Nitter (Twitter front-end)
>/leftypol/ (/leftypol/)

Some things I was interested in hearing about:
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What is it?

Leftybooru is gettting an .onion address soon.


where the fuck do you buy good drugs these days that isn't a scam

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