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Some breakthroughs have led me to finally and definitively abandon microshit's spyware.
I had been staying on wangblows for the audio software but had no idea Linux production had come so far.

My DAW [Renoise] has a fucking excellent native linux version that exceeds WIndows performance in some cases. Grabbing audio to feed into its sampler is easier than ever with youtube-dl and ffmpeg.
yabridge lets you convert Windows VSTs to run through Wine, the ones I've tried have worked seamlessly albeit with a little overhead.
Takes a tiny bit of elbow grease to get it optimized enough for serious use, but it's pretty simple once you get past initial setup and it even supports VST3.

Feels pretty good to be making music on a system I have so much control over, it's actually given me a lot of inspiration to work on new material.
Are you a composer or producer who runs Linux? What's your workflow/software?
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anyone produce on arch? and is pipewire worth replacing normal JACK with?


>Ctrl-F Tracker
>Only rutracker
Really no trackerchads in the linux musician thread? Crispy 8bit PCM is all you need. No LADSPA or Dirty Nonfree VSTs. So which will it be
>Schism Tracker

One of my friends from highschool turned into this, and it's sad to watch his decline into failson white rapper. He made decent techno and trance back in the day…


renoise was brought up


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Thank you for your service

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how do i scrape images/webm/videos from imageboards like this one or any other using wget, how?

bin doin 4cha using this
wget –wait=1 -P qwerty -nd -r -l 1 -H -D archived.moe -A png,gif,jpg,jpeg,webm https://archived.moe/w/thread/2202966/

pls halp
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Someone archive this shit and jannies merge redundant threads I reported so I can post mine.
billions must hoard


nah, none of them work since they require a captcha and my script can't get past any of them. i need fixes bros


bump of shame


you have to hire iranians to do the captchas for your bot


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Fun fact, WiFi is a major security risk. I recently turned it off, and even when I had it on, it was on a separate, heavily firewalled VLAN that only guests use. None of my computers were connected to it.

If you can, you should use ethernet exclusively. Run cables in your house.
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you should be very worried about the gigs of unread pdfs you have on your device. what if an evil hacker gets them, it would be terrible


>You need to turn on airplane mode on your phone in order to stop being tracked.

1000% wrong. Read Snowden's PDF about the introspection engine.


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The Thing was designed in 1945 at the latest.
The psyop isn't about being unheard. The psyop is about talking directly to the federal agent handling your case.
It probably isn't even a human agent anymore. I'm pretty sure they just dump all the info into some bot and wait for a light to flash red and spit out a name.


>the guy who became rich and successful 'on the lam'


do you want to watch retardens Netflix movie with me guys

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<People voluntarily line up to have their retinas scanned with a "worldcoin orb" to get a "universal" digital ID. In exchange for a small amount of "worldcoin" cryptocurrency.
The faggot behind "Open"AI is now trying to have biometric data of the whole world for cryptopennies. Very cool.
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Silicon entrepreneurs are incompetent retards who throw shit at the wall and hope someone even more clueless invests in it.

I wouldn't worry that much, most of this shit will fail to stick, at least outside of the US.


Yeh they swabbed me. It's oger for me and anyone related to me. But myncousin did 23andme so she already fucked me.


Really not that dumb if you think about. Iris scan is whatever and at least they got paid, people actually PAY to have their DNA uploaded to the FBI database.


democracy is lovely


>I wouldn't worry that much, most of this shit will fail to stick, at least outside of the US.

You are either coping or you are just naive. Governments are currently in the process of creating techno-totalitarianism all around the world. From the US, the EU up to China. The dead internet theory is becoming real, it's all happening right now.


Your opinions on Lunduke? I think, his articles seem well researched and convincing.

>Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla


>6 Dirty Secrets of the Linux and Open Source Industry


>Microsoft's growing control of Linux

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Why are all prominent open source nerds right wing pieces of shit?


>right wing pieces of shit?
Damn, this board is infested with woke bidenites.


>woke bidenism is when you dont validate my freeze peach rants about west fallen because of diversity hiring, transhumanist thing and the jab


> His articles are straight to the point and can be easily understood by non-nerds like myself. Reading his articles about Linux and Mozilla felt like reading some investigative techno-thriller. This quote really struck me:
>>Think you're being rebellious — and staying clear of Big Tech — by using Linux? Think again.

Is this a joke?


CVEs can contain almost anything, going by the number is useless

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Apparently one of the maintainers have been adding backdoors to xz/liblzma for who knows how long. Because it was coming from a "trusted" source (upstream), nobody noticed it until now. Does this mean the end of the open-source security myth?
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i imagine that the greatest challenge comes from the sneaky-sneaky glowies digging years old rabbit holes to push backdoors into code. due to the open source nature of xz, malicious code must be very well hidden, difficult for the ai to detect, see >>23973 for a tl;dr of the very lengthy process. plus, its not like you can just grep the source code and find a boolean response to some given string whether its malicious or not. although i imagine these aren't huge limitations, as the plot was foiled pretty easily by, of all people, a Microsoft dev and I would imagine after this fiasco more effort will be concentrating on ravaging through rabbit-holes for malicious code.


It would cost money and companies use "open source" to save money.


There's fuzzing which tries to bruteforce malicious inputs, which is not exactly what you describe but the closest to it, and it was sabotaged by the backdoor's author: https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/pull/10667


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Maintainer's blogpost about the incident:


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>If you have infected version of liblzma in your system, it's already loaded into EVERY process that depends on libsystemd. systemd's dependency on liblzma *was literally* the attack vector.
lol pid 1

glad i dont use a distro that depends on poetteringware


Stalinists and many other types of leftists are about to be fully jettisoned into the fucking dustbin of history if they never manage to overcome their history LARP. You unironically have nighas on this board arguing the OGAS cybernetic system of the fucking 70s USSR was the last actual technological advancement meanwhile American and Chinese research firms are building general purpose humanoid robots (androids that can take any basic command and execute it), building the infrastructure for a fully digitized real world visible only through headsets, neuro-chips that control computers with thoughts, successful gene therapy, and successful eye transplants; but keep fapping to tech from a literal century ago
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You missed my point. In 1985 a consumer computer war more powerful then the top end workstation of 1984. That would be like today being able to buy a gaming rig that completely trounced the top end IBM Power10.


>>NVIDIA literally crunching the numbers faster than Moore's Law predicted with their new AI chips
What does this even mean

The number of transistors on the chips is very slightly off the predicted 2 year mark in the negative direction, and this has been the case for the last decade.
If you mean it literally, then you're forgetting that the arithmetic of AI accelerators is probabilistic and imprecise. This is good for neutral networks, but it's a completely different thing from and not comparable to chips not specialised for ML.


What is this?

A never-ending conversation between Bavarian director Werner Herzog and Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek. When you open this website, you are taken to a random point in the dialogue. Every day a new segment of the conversation is added. New segments can be generated at a faster speed than what it takes to listen to them. In theory, this conversation could continue until the end of time.



Guys they finally found a use for AI! It's genocide: https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/


At this point why not just drop bombs at random? Oh I know why, it's because it gives the IDF butchers some kind of rationalisation that they can tell themselves that they're taking out the bad guys.

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Has anyone heard about this new dating app called Duolicious? It's supposedly designed to help you meet like-minded individuals based on your personality. Sounds like a neat concept, but I can't help feeling a bit skeptical about it.

First off, how accurate can these personality assessments really be? I mean, are we reducing the complexity of human relationships to a mere algorithm? And what about privacy concerns? With all the data breaches happening these days, I'm wary of handing over intimate details of my personality to some tech company.

Plus, there's the whole capitalist angle. Is this just another way to monetize loneliness and exploit our desire for connection? It feels like these apps are more about making profits than genuinely helping people find meaningful relationships.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this. Do you think Duolicious is a step forward in online dating, or just another tech gimmick preying on our emotions?
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try leaving your house and talking to people


stop shilling your chvd dating app on the tech board
at least have the courtesy to dump it in /siberia/


When a third place is known for having single women, all the creepy guys will flood it and then either it shuts down or guys get banned.


Do you have any examples where this actually happened?


Sounds like a plot of one of those bitcoin wojak omegaverse cartoons on youtube

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Ignore my degenerate phoneposting


That's the kind of imperialism I would fully support


How did you manage to avoid the wordfilter for degenerate?


I watched this video recently, and have been fascinated by the concept of "the peripheral web" (in contrast to "core web") and want to find more stuff out there. So how about a thread where we share neat stuff we find on the peripheral web?

First thing that comes to mind for me that isn't a blog or meta on this topic feel free to share either tho, just wanted to start the thread on a cool note is https://firstpersontetris.com/

Also relevant >>/tech/23548
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You mean like, websites that aren't social media platforms?


It's a music player with a bunch of videogame music on it.


As an experiment, I am going to (at least try to) exclusively coom to art made by artists who have posted those works to their personal website.

If even core web sites can fall off due to lack of / difficulty to access NSFW content–Tumblr, for example–then that could be that's a factor in why people gravitate to the core, and one that seems immediately addressable if you can get people to make the habit of making pages linking to them.

Sites I've found so far:


Deep Dark Webtasy

Already down. I doubt posting on /leftypol/ would hug of death it, so probably gone for good out of disinterest. If you like something archive it. HDD (or LTO for longer term preservation) are cheap in terms of storage space.


Oh oops, https://vanh.art/
n and h look too similar on the default font my browser is using. I need to set it back to comic mono or something.

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