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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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I am thinking of doing a video project based around news and history from a leftist slant in the format of 'shorts', as seen on tiktok and on youtube. Can anyone recommend what the best direction is in regards to the best Text-to-Voice softwares and projects out there in terms of narration?
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Have a look at the FestVox project (http://festvox.org/) or the carnival gui (https://carnival.sourceforge.net/).

Thank you anon. I'll try these out and see if they are good enough for a product. :)
I have no idea and don't really care. It would not be very useful if so.

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As far as TTS goes, elevenlabs is the platinum standard. Fantastic, ultra realistic (99% of the time anyway) voices. Has free and paid versions.

Capcut is free, has a web version, and automatically makes text to captions

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thansk! I did not have much luck before but i will try these too!
There is so much low quality content that utilizes TTS on youtube that still gets a lot of views, it is kind of insane.
Probably the market will be saturated soon but i think it seems a good idea to get in whilst can.

TTS sounds horrible, use your voice. I hate the spongebob sounding one from TT especially


I had to buy some train ticket the other day, and the website let me do it without needing an account, it just emailed me a pdf of the ticket that I showed to the conductor from my phone using a random pdf reader from F-Droid. Why can't everything be this convenient, why do everything else force you to register and account and download their malware ridden apps just to do something so simple?
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>For buses and tram you have to download the app and scan some qr code while boarding
That's different than a plane ticket.

I give them a 2e coin and say my destination

Some time ago I had to buy some computer parts, I looked online, put the thing I needed into the virtual "shopping cart", and when I tried to pay it asked me if I wanted to log in, register, or continue as a guest. I clicked to continue, filled in the billing stuff, paid by card… and then got an email that everything is in order and they thank me for buying there and oh by the way, they made an account for me, here's my password.

Why let me buy stuff without registration if buying automatically registers me?? If I knew it would do that I would have just bought the thing in person.

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Amtrak anon?

buses here let you put coins into a machine

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<I once rolled out emergency patches for millions of people by posting the game files in D1scord and copy-pasting that link
<So this is basically the worst news I've ever heard
What's funnier than d1scord being a complete shitshow is the batallion of braindead imbeciles who thought using an impermanent chat protocol as a filehost or as ANY sort of info preservation was a good idea. And then, beyond all expectations, you have these motherfuckers
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It can be tough to get people to switch to less harmful alternatives.

’d like to interject for a moment…

…What you’re referring to as windows, is in fact, NSA/windows, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, NSA plus Windows. Windows is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning NSA system made useful by the NSA corelibs, spyware and data collection system components comprising a full surveillance system.

Many computer users run a modified version of the NSA system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of the NSA data collection system which is widely used today is often called Windows, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the NSA system, developed by the NSA.

There really is a Windows, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Windows is the piece of trash: the program in the system that steals the system resources from the other programs that you run. This piece of crap is an essential part of an NSA system, but useless in practice; it can only function in the context of a complete NSA system. Windows is normally used in combination with the NSA surveillance system: the whole system is basically NSA with Windows added, or NSA/Windows. All the so-called Windows systems are really distributions of NSA/Windows!

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But there's no bait and switch, people were doing this precisely expecting this to force fbi.gov to take such measures. This is (albiet stupid) direct action working.
Oh thank god linux won't have to deal with Agent Kochinskioids.

>person whose entire life is dedicated to grifting through a computer acts like using linux is some high maintenance thing
LMAO'ing rn

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i'm a boomer but for some reason i don't feel nostalgia for old technology. hard drives suck, floppies sucked, optical media sucked, computers were noisy af, CRTs were bulky and burned your retinas. i probably only miss the games. and windows 2000 was nice i guess.
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yeah, i just emulate stuff and use shaders for recreating the CRT look

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Most retro collectors upgrade their old rigs with solid state devices that emulate harddrives and floppies. Yet they do like hot rodding these old rigs and making them sing as it is a fraction of the cost of getting impressive modern over clocked hardware and you can get massive gains.

as always nostalgia is really just pining for youth. as a boomer, OP would have been a grown-ass adult when these things first got on the scene. no wonder there's little nostalgia for shitty tech
and yeah there were some dope games. even on the PC, the DOS era was immensely creative. there was a lot of shit too of course, we only remember the good stuff
amiga people are something special

don't come calling the next time you need a game with it's original ost. plus computers still sound like vacuum cleaners at high stress.

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The biggest thing that changed was users were far less babied in the beginning. A bunch of users early on looked at how expensive word processors were and simply cloned Electric Pencil themselves thus why you have hundreds of cheap knock offs all very similar as users just programmed their own word processor so they didn't have to pay $100 for one then they turned around and put it on the market. Also why you had the dos war on the TRS-80 as instead of just dealing with TRS-Dos being shit the users base just wrote their own improved clone and again put it on the market. I mean back in the late 70s the idea of a computer that shipped without a programming language and machine code monitor packed in was unthinkable.

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I just want eyewear that acts as a monitor. I don't want "smart glasses" that have their own OS, apps, etc. I just want some eyewear that lets me see whatever is playing on my phone or my PC while I walk around the house, work out, do dishes, etc.

Is there anything like this?

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pdf on left wing hacktivism
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Yes, officer. My favorite website to discuss all the leftist hactivism I do is www.iadmitttocommittingacrime.com

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Ok anons, here's a subject we should discuss without glowing all over ourselves: What would you recommend a third year CS uni student (not me btw) to get on to the path of becoming le hackermmanzz? Is knowing a lot about Computer Networking useful? Cause I've put a lot of focus points into that as of late…

1 - take a networking class if your university cs program has one as an elective
2 - You usually cant get into hacking right away, usually that happens after being a cybersecurity analyst or something first.
3 - Certifications: You have to get some cybersecurity (and possibly general IT) certifications. OSCP is a good one. You have to do your own research here as there are a ton of cybersec certifications and there are new ones being made. Try to focus on the ones you see most commonly in job postings

addendum: you probably need to learn scripting/coding to an extent as well, usually bash/linux shell and python

kind of a grab bag of different stuff, but includes a lot of public propaganda stuff

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It wasn't supposed to be like this.
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It is more bloat, even what Active Worlds sent back to clients during the 2000s for its 3D world was tiny compared to what a normal webpage is. Also Amiga OS 3.1 fully installed is less then megabytes thus still tiny compared to a modern webpage.

I wish Gopher or Gemini would be more popular. They are much simpler and they put the focus on content instead of looks. You can use Lynx or Gopherus for accessing Gopher and Amfora for Gemini.

Read these for more info:
>https://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/ (use the Veronica-2 search engine to find gopher servers, there is also a listing that contains all known Gopher servers)

Looks are important, the protocol just shouldn't be a feature-creep mess.

it was hilarious reading threads on places like hackernews when gemini was getting some hype. the captains of industry entrepreneurs there were seething that their entire identity built around making some js transpilation 2ms faster for their FAGMAN master was being threatened by this incompatible version of the web.
too bad gemini couldn't appeal to the normies much but i still like it, maintain a page there and still read what people post there. it's refreshing to be free of the gazillion social web tie-ins and irrelevant tracking and other trash on every www page.
gemini is not free from the threat of webification though. it could easily support javascript by having the server just serve js and popular clients would just need to add an interpreter for it, bringing us back to square one. so gemini wouldn't have been the saviour even if it became more popular.

they flooded the standards bodies with their people too, making it more unwieldy and complex just so they could serve web "apps" through it, not just pages.

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"I don't know how to torrent. It's too complicated and scary for me, so I'm happy to pay corporations a regular fee for temporary access to their content" is exactly the learned helplessness corporations have been pushing for years with their UI streamlining and walled gardens. It's symptomatic of a bigger problem: "The internet shifted and I don't know (or never learned) how to seek valid information in this new environment." Adding "reddit" to every Google search you make isn't a sustainable solution, it's just one most people landed on for now.

What I think gets often lost is that it's not a personal individual failure as much as it's a deliberate behavioral curation by corporations on the populace. Internet corporations do not want savvy internet users. They want to create mass consumers who value convenience.
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the doomer in me sometimes thinks you can't save those who don't want to be, so I take comfort in the availability at least of decentralized and anonymized infrastructure of the internet and try to keep up with it when I can.

convenience is efficiency

Why pay to get around copyright protection when you just fire up a debugger and step through the machine code to find the DRM code then just edit the assembly so the DRM never triggers. This is far from convenient the end result is your program running much faster without the DRM code while all those that paid complain the DRM screws up their game due to false positive (or just get a copy from someone that did all that work). Hell even the retro scene doesn't like dealing with ancient DRM and many will modify their vintage consoles to run rip out lockout protection for example a jail broken PS3 is far more useful then stock.

I mean, download qbittorrent and the rest you should be able to figure out on your own, takes a bit of exploration, but I promise you, in less than 10 minutes you'll have it working. The reason people don't learn things is laziness, not a big conspiracy.

I think the only thing keeping that which can be pirated relevant is piracy, they need enough people to steal it and talk about it to generate intrigue so people buy it.
Streaming services are an insurmountable expense for the vast majority of 'oomers except a handful of giga-whales, and they will fall for the same reason TV did: better entertainment is freely available online or at most a one time purchase from independent people / teams that have no anylytics to overoptimize their creative decisions to death over.
Streaming services are the final stand for an antiquated way of media circulation that has no place in the current material conditions. Dare I say it's blasphemous to capitalism itself that these companies persist.


>In the fall of 2020, gig workers in Venezuela posted a series of images to online forums where they gathered to talk shop. The photos were mundane, if sometimes intimate, household scenes captured from low angles—including some you really wouldn’t want shared on the Internet.
>In one particularly revealing shot, a young woman in a lavender T-shirt sits on the toilet, her shorts pulled down to mid-thigh.
>The images were not taken by a person, but by development versions of iRobot’s Roomba J7 series robot vacuum. They were then sent to Scale AI, a startup that contracts workers around the world to label audio, photo, and video data used to train artificial intelligence.

I wanted a robot vacuum but now I'm not so sure.
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>whole green post making up quotes
channers are so predictable

gadget malfunction. Sorry, I forgot to quote you
>cheap gadget
Just because it is cheap doesn't mean it is good or that you should buy it. What happens when it inevitably breaks? You have to buy a new one or spend time fixing it. Now multiply that with all the gadgets you learned to rely on, and what do you get? An alienated gadget maintenance specialist.

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you should waste your precious time cleaning your room all by yourself because some loser still stuck in his 4chan phase is going to call you a lot of -oomer and -oid words lol

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This thread has been bought out by the IRobot and Amazon digital marketing divisions
Any presence that is not conducive to the purposes of the Corporation (TM) and its affiliates is not allowed on the premises, trespassers will be fined.

>you should waste your precious time cleaning your room
so true!! it leaves you more precious time to waste on an imageboard. it takes me a whole hour to clean the floors of my apartment. imagine all the shitposts I could read and write in that time. truly a waste.

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Does anyone know where I can get one of these bad boys on my PC and without limitations? One of the ones that can actually do faces obviously.

I also archived the old AI thread from leftypol.


Or as a short term thing can anyone put in a prompt for me, I said I would do my D&D character art today and I ran out of time to look into it lol.

I guess the prompt would be 'balding medieval monk petting wolf' or something like that. Thanks a lot in advance.

>Does anyone know where I can get one of these bad boys on my PC and without limitations?
Never tried, but look up a FOSS one like Stable Distribution. If you're lucky, it has an easy way to install using python in a venv, like just copypasting a set of commands.
>I also archived the old AI thread from leftypol.
Ew, gross.

You can also just use the online ones at huggingface.co and see how far they get you.

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You probably won't be able to make it do concept art for you, but it does make some trippy abstract art

This looks like more of a >>>/draw/ thread tbh

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