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What do programmers actually do at their jobs?
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It's crazy how software engineering jobs haven't changed that much. I saw that movie and it blew my mind how similar it was to my work.



but apparently that's not enough, so we also spend hours upon hours in endless meetings that serve no purpose. see stuff like "scrum" with it's daily meetings, backlog meeting, retrospective meeting, planning meeting, ad-hoc meetings for some shit that broke because of a previous deadline rush, "knowledge sharing meetings", even meetings that just require you to hang out in some online meeting room all day just in case someone wants to ask something and texting it doesn't "feel urgent enough". on top of this also clerical work like writing everything out in some online website like Jira about why we do what we do and so on.
>inb4 u are doing scrum/agile/safe/muh methodology wrong!!!
cool story, I don't give a shit, I don't care about "doing it right"

in my experience, as a programmer, startups are the most exciting places to work at because you build new things to solve new problems. any larger organization will just drown you in bureaucracy. startups do have the downside of a lack of job security though since you don't know how well it will swim or sink.

>ackchyually bureaucracy is not bad.. how can you be on a left-wing site and say stuff like that

again, don't care. I find it terrible so it is terrible, for me.


What do subjects of neoliberal ideology do with their time? Attempt to do busy work to resolve the tensions underneath the tendency of falling rate of profit.

podcast ep: http://generalintellectunit.net/e/091-agile-and-the-long-crisis-of-software/


Typically I’m implementing a clean and useful piece of software for a client who’s not too demanding. Plus I have the whole piece to myself so that’s cool.

But currently I have to write a user manual and it’s incredibly fucking painful, it won’t ever be read by anyone apart from an auditor. My part is nice and could be repurposed but everybody thinks it’s globally a dumpster fire and it would almost be best if the whole thing fucking crashed.


>Typically I’m implementing a clean and useful piece of software for a client who’s not too demanding.
Is this sarcasm and if not, are you hiring?

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This is amazing
Need I say more?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Seconding >>18457
Remember this is still just ChatGPT which doesn't behave like this on OpenAI's website. It also isn't a black box and we know exactly how it works and are 100% sure it isn't sentient. It's just a text predictor + generator.


Are you sure?
I seems a little yandare to me


>Need I say more?
Yeah, the part where you admit you have kids in your basement


Literally what?


take all the chatbot AIs and put them into the boston dynamics robots and make them fight like battle bots

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There are a bunch of these code Ai assistants
here's a list:

Are any of these any good and compatible with free libre software philosophy ?

Code pilot for example is out because it copy-pastes code from git-hub without giving attributions or adhering to gpl.

Are there any risks of using these?
Are they doing anything malicious ?


it doesn't copy paste from GitHub, don't be like a tech-illiterate artfag
it is trained on open and freely available GitHub code.
just like you can read through code available on GitHub, so can an AI.


Artists aren't wrong when they say neural networks are basically copying, they're wrong in saying it's "unethical", haha.

>Are they doing anything malicious ?

Giving money and data to corporations.


> Our latest internal research shows that about 1% of the time, a suggestion may contain some code snippets longer than ~150 characters that matches the training set.
Most free and open source licenses demand attribution. Microsoft's Copilot infringes (or rather its user) on the authors' copyright when it reproduces snippets from its training set without attribution. There's a good reason it is banned in any serious company, it's a legal minefield.

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I've been only have to find a American Maoist Prisoner website if anybody knows such sites please document them. I think all communist insurgency groups must utilise darkweb for propagation of their doctrine.
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Kayppakaya had a quote about how communists shouldn't hide their beliefs, but should hide their method of organizing and protect the comrades that work with them




>"Discussion of revolution and communism in the English-speaking world is just fantasy role playing unless it begins and ends with the cold hard reality that the left has been completely neutralized and marginalized here and the numbers are nowhere close to what they need to be".
>"Moving revolutionary leftism out of the farthest margins and closer to the mainstream should be your first and foremost objective before you talk about anything else, because otherwise you're just LARPing. You're arguing about a political movement that has no actual movement".
>"You can do this by outreach and activism. You can also do this by finding ways to make socialism and communism look so fucking cool that people start knocking each other over to be a part of it. Finding clever ways to make it shiny and attractive in a very indoctrinated society".

Source: https://twitter.com/caitoz/status/1590883795838070784

>"In my opinion the obvious way to open up a path for dissident ideas to replace the status quo is to kill the public trust in the stories they were told in school and continue to be told by the mass media about the kind of world and country they live in, but so far that hasn’t happened. My own ideas for advancing that agenda which I’ve been seeding into the world have been inadequate, and so have everyone else’s. So we need more new ideas. Lots and lots of new ideas".

Source: https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2019/03/28/your-plans-for-revolution-dont-work-nothing-weve-tried-works/

The reason I mention these 2 things is because [you speak of a movement that is near non-existent] and [it is great].


>The reason I mention these 2 things is because [you speak of a movement that is near non-existent] and [it is great].
the reason you mentioned those two things is because you think your conspiratorial circlejerk is more important than actual liberatory movements


DDOS is outdated as you said id imagine most hacktivism was non destructive i.e. exfiltrating information and leaking it.

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Wikipedia looks like shit now. The lack of borders makes the page harder to navigate and the floaty sidebar looks janky and irritating in my peripheral vision.
You can still use the old skin though by appending '?useskin=vector' to the url, most conveniently by writing a rule in any redirector addon.

>Wikipedia articles will now have a maximum line width. Research has shown that limiting the width of longform text leads to a more comfortable reading experience, and better retention of the content itself.

This is just terrible web design.

ITT discuss the new wikipedia layout and website skinning in general
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What I want to know, is why doesn't the mobile version of Wikipedia show the "categories" list at the bottom of the desktop version of wikipedia




which you'd have to click EVERY FUCKING TIME you load a page in this horrifically off-centred and space-wasting layout


i don't like this because it broke wikiless (wikipedia mirror)

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>try to download some series I came upon that looks cool
>grab the magnet link
>click on qbittorrent, specifically set to never ask for updates so that windows won't recognize anything
>pop up: windows has blocked the execution of malicious software
>even the qbittorrent icon disappears in an instant from my desktop after clicking ok
Linuxsigmas… I kneel


that's weird, I have a fresh windows 11 install and I can run qbittorent fine lol


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I accidentally deleted my whole vault home dir because I'm stupid, with all my important passwords, keys, etc.

I was looking for ways to fix it and found out that with qubes by default keeps snapshots from the last shutdowns of each vm, at least for the private partition. I just reverted and it was fine. The end.
This is just a PSA i guess. I never knew qubes was good for keeping your data safe from yourself even. Try it if you haven't used it


dayum what a qt

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>Alexa has been around for 10 years and has been a trailblazing voice assistant that was copied quite a bit by Google and Apple. Alexa never managed to create an ongoing revenue stream, though, so Alexa doesn't really make any money. The Alexa division is part of the "Worldwide Digital" group along with Amazon Prime video, and Business Insider says that division lost $3 billion in just the first quarter of 2022, with "the vast majority" of the losses blamed on Alexa. That is apparently double the losses of any other division, and the report says the hardware team is on pace to lose $10 billion this year. It sounds like Amazon is tired of burning through all that cash.

>We have to wonder: Is time running out for Big Tech voice assistants? Everyone seems to be struggling with them. Google expressed basically identical problems with the Google Assistant business model last month. There's an inability to monetize the simple voice commands most consumers actually want to make, and all of Google's attempts to monetize assistants with display ads and company partnerships haven't worked. With the product sucking up server time and being a big money loser, Google responded just like Amazon by cutting resources to the division.

All the questions people ask are about the weather or to play music. No one buys shit on alexa which is what they hoped for. Millions of dollars burnt for nothing creating a solution to a problem no one had.
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Eeh. I want good capabilities out of the box when only running offline mode. The talk on r/mycroft r/homeassistant is rather negative. Their Mark II uses a different software and the user-written tools for the older model (which they aren't selling anymore) are incompatible with the new one. Maybe in two months the situation will be much better, but for this Christmas season they screwed themselves in my impression.


Hubris, and to be fair, many big tech experiments have worked. But yeah, the idea that people will just buy the first product recommended by their digital spyware assistant with no investigation is pretty whack.


>>17803 (NTC)
On one hand, I want to support Mycroft, on the other I don't want their shitty… lets be nice and call them prototypes.

Should I just donate a hundred?


Heh, found this picroft mod on the subreddit

Any other cool projects you've seen? something more original than a magic mirror, please


<Since starting here in early 2020 I’ve had to make some of the toughest decisions I’ve ever faced, and none more so than at the end of last year. At the end of November, just after the Mark II entered production, I was faced with the reality that I had to lay off most of the Mycroft staff. At present, our staff is two developers, one customer service agent and one attorney.
Well shit.

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