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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Why do physicists use Python so much and prefer it to most other languages? Is there something special about Python in physics/biology/science in general that makes it better for scientists?
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It's cause of libraries like numpy pandas and scipy which are implemented in C that let you process humongous amount of data and do simulations quickly even in a scripting language


I agree OP. These heathens should be using Common Lisp and emacs because that's what reddit and lainchan use, or Julia because Paul Cockshott uses it. If Paul Cockshott uses Julia, that means Julia is communist, and that would mean real communists would use Julia. How dare she use a language for its shorter learning curve and massive library ecosystem.


bro it was just a question chill 💀


python is for noobs and its good for processing data
i like python btw


look at this dude lmao


Hactivist and cyber security researcher finds exposed servers containing the No Fly list


Also why do so many facilities with sensitive documents seem to never configure their shit properly? Why do they keep getting trusted with said documents? Especially schools and hospitals.
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If it's a block quote, who said "quotes around the word hacker" and "maia arson crimew"? Fucking hypocritical retard.


she isnt gonna fuck you bro


>who said "quotes around the word hacker" and "maia arson crimew"?
And Maia is the author of article and hacker in question, so…



As someone from the fediverse I find her so fucking annoying.

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would it be possible to set up a non-spying reverse image search service
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I'm not American and they don't treat collaborators as nicely.


Use Yandex, it's the best one and the Russians are the last people who will snitch on you assuming you're living in NATO


not enough armpit pussy


I will second that yandex's reverse image search is pretty good. Don't know how well vetted it is on the mass surveillance/ data collection front, but handy is handy.


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Like saucenao?

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Is there a reason why a person studying and trying to get into the industry shouldn't learn legacy stuff?

Namely is there a potential for a sort of job specialising in it?
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legacy tech is for older devs who never updated their skills and instead decided to snowbird on the tech they learned when young. Its not that 22 year old grads learn cobol, its that they retain the same guys who programmed a pdp-11 back in the 70s to stay on and keep consulting to fix all the arcane errors with that one program that the state government is still using since 1977 but is in charge of all payroll for government employees and absolutely must keep working.

The only exception ive seen to this is mainframers, z/os programming and so forth, where I actually have seen new grads hired.


I don't think software that is actively maintained should be considered "legacy". But there is no widely accepted definition of what legacy actually means. For example, there's a popular book called "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" which defines "legacy code" as any piece of code that (try guessing before you read the spoiler) has no tests.


Seems like the most common advice and really reflects >>18210
Huh til


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im trying to get into electronics and architecture via my own interest in the NES system. using it as a way to educate myself on various programming and electronics topics via a system i have an unending amount of motivation and interest in picking apart and learning. i know its almost 40 years old, i know it uses assembly and the 6502 microprocessor, i know its been obsolete longer than ive been alive. is it a waste of time for me to learn about all these things by understanding the myriad intricacies of this system? does being that obsolete make the knowledge gained too hard/impossible to apply to modern systems and technology?


I guess the fundamentals are still there, so imo I'd say it's still worth playing around with and learning how to max it out.

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honestly if you can't solve problems like this, you shouldn't be in tech
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Maths notation is optimized for writing on chalkboards.
Today people use computers for maths, maybe it's time to change the notation to some kind of syntax for a math-centric script language.


>Maths notation is optimized for writing on chalkboards.
How so? I was under the impression that most of the symbols come from written works.


nta but peak performance evropean high school goer here, never even heard of that symbol
did you take long or short math yourself





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Currently, the best you can hope for when looking for a secure XMPP client is Pidgin and Gajim, which is not ideal. Aside from rampant security issues and lackluster development/maintenance, there is no integrated OTR and OMEMO support.
Historically, the reason for this disappointing selection has been due to the sabotage of porkies like at AOL or Microsoft who purposefully killed the project so their own software could hold a monopoly.

So, in the spirit of communism, I'd like to propose an autonomous community project for developing and maintaining a client:
- Multiplatform (Linux, Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android)
- Modern, default features for stuff like end-to-end encryption and media sharing, etc.
- Proper delegation of dev duties according to principle of mutual aid. Individuals contribute what they can and the group determines how it fits into the project and how the individual could be supported in their contribution
- Up to date with https://xmpp.org/extensions/
- In-built default OTR, and for groupchats, OMEMO. The client shouldn't generate keys for the user though

Pointless, confusing modularity on the user's end can instead be done for them by a smart, mutualistic development team that are themselves users that want a proper chat client.

Let the ruling classes tremble at a communistic secure chat client!
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you should be a patronizing techlord elsewhere


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>the user thinks they have anything important to say


Simple PGP could be better than OTR


conversations.im is great for android (for free on fossdroid) - managed to convince my tech-normie friends to switch thanks to this one.
As for desktop, it becomes a bit more difficult. All of the clients suck, but as of now I'm on Gajim (even done a full translation for my native language), but I got to admit it's a python clusterfuck. I even started reporting bugs on their gitlab (which I never did prior to this) but it's fucked nonetheless. Anyway it works (mostly), for encryption you will have to install plugins - they're either included, or in repos, or if you're (god forbid) on windows you'll have to install them from within the client. Best of luck.


>* Snikket on mobile ( https://snikket.org/ )
Is this just Conversations with a slightly modified version of XMPP? Confusing website

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This article shows a plethora of holes in Linux, problems which even Windows has methods to curb. It seems like the current model for linux kernel development somehow is failing (either in lacking funding, or something else). What will it take for Linux to catch up to corporate alternatives?
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tanenbaum was right about microkernels. having separate containers and systems that don't rely on each other is the most important thing in security right now. QubesOS literally runs a bunch of VMs, sandboxing sensitive ones from the safer ones (AdminVM, VaultVM…). Of course that won't happen to Linux because it's already a huge bloated codebase with millions of lines of code, so the only way out is doing something closer to OpenBSD, QubesOS or MINIX, if you don't want to contribute to those directly for some reason


also, using a memory safe language is a must. C is completely outdated for modern OS development


Linux was never designed to be a super duper tight-asshole security magic pill. If you want that, go deal with OpenBSD or whatever.
C can be memory-safe, it just requires a skilled eye for vulnerabilities instead of relying on a run-time program to handle it for you.


HURD is already a functional OS!! It's microkerneled and modular all the way down


Well I wouldn't call it catch up. Linux is still secure in a lot of ways that it's corporate competition lags behind in. So like the user is in a pickle rn of chosing between a bunch of OSes that are all vulnerable in some glaring, publicly known way.

I assume these are the case for linux-hardened too, or is this just for the vanilla kernel?

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Linux, Windows or Mac

You like and use, Post 'em

I'll start

7zip the best file archiver

Honeyview, Imageviewer handles all images and gifs and zip images too

Goodbye DPI, helps bypassing region blocks, not a VPN but it's something

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pretty is subjective, which is why quod libet with a GTK theme that you like and a customized layout is best


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https://lzone.de/liferea/ RSS/Atom reader in GTK
https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard RSS/Atom reader in Qt


https://gajim.org/ for XMPP only chat


If you're on Android poweramp is pretty great with luminous dark skin it fits pretty well with amoled displays.


Why is MS Paint so fucking good, and why can't a single FOSS programmer replicate its simple genius


>Australian schools are “flying blind” and lagging globally on the use of artificial technology in classrooms, the author of a report on edtech has argued.
As long as the teacher critiques the text in dialogue with each student individually it's fine and likely more beneficial for each student than a world without automatic text generation however flawed
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ChatGPT is unreliable, it makes things up all the time. It was made to produce convincingly looking text, which makes the bullshit harder to spot. It is not useful as a learning tool, especially not for children. If you want to improve educational outcomes, the single most effective (and actually backed by science) policy is providing students with free meals. All edtech nonsense is just a way to funnel public money into private hands while making education worse for both student and teacher.


>it makes things up all the time
So no change from the current educators


If that was true, a lot more people would fail standardized tests. Unless you believe that students can learn the curriculum despite their teachers misleading them.


There's a serious point I'm making here if the student cracks the bullshit code, and education is largely lies to children and this is not a bad thing because they need to learn those simple lies to have a hope in hell of learning complex truths, by and large the teacher is upset if they're not overworked and utterly stressed then they'll give a good educational response if they are we'll…

Robot nanny doesn't have feelings or an ego and sometimes for the student cracking the bullshit code will get very interesting responses >>20353

The first subsaharan PhD at a German university delivered their thesis orally with few to no notes

They passed inb4 hurrdurr affirmative action
This was in the 17th century or so, if anything
the bias would be in the opposite direction

Automatic text generators can pass medical exams education will change for the better or it will become even more disconnected from reality

Most factories have multiple break shifts and the break shifts aren't governed by a bell btw


It can pass the (written) medical exam because there are canned answers for it. It's a fault of the exam, not an achievement of ChatGPT. It would absolutely fail an oral exam. The examiner would very quickly figure out that it does not actually understand anything it says.


>Software architecture refers to the fundamental structures of a software system and the discipline of creating such structures and systems. Each structure comprises software elements, relations among them, and properties of both elements and relations. The architecture of a software system is a metaphor, analogous to the architecture of a building. It functions as a blueprint for the system and the developing project, which project management can later use to extrapolate the tasks necessary to be executed by the teams and people involved. Software architecture is about making fundamental structural choices that are costly to change once implemented. Software architecture choices include specific structural options from possibilities in the design of the software.

This is a thread for general discussion of software architecture, the high level design of software and software systems. PDF dumps also appreciated.

Note: Software architecture is separate and at a higher level of abstraction that for example, object oriented design. There are specific patterns, methodologies, etc. for software architecture just as there are design patterns for OOAD.
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Update. Predictably did like shit actually designing the system. It was a very naive approach, but I dropped more buzzwords than a clickbait tik tok video, but the engineer was pretty smart, so probably not impressed.

The hardest part was gathering requirements correctly. I stumbled through that and my requirements were shit. Then the design was half-baked, not thought through and mediocre. The engineer was cool and helped me along at least.

The most significant barrier to acing this was probably practicing. The problem was rather easy, tbh, and it didn't require any of the fancy shit you see on the design interview questions while studying. Still I struggled to design it. I was also nervous and figuratively shitting my pants all, so it could have been worse.

All things considered I'd say I did 6/10. At least my other interviews were strong so hopefully they balance out.


>has different study plans depending on how much time you have left
You're going to die in seven days, why did you watch that cursed vhs tape anon???
>In a world with infinite labor power, the solution would be to simply do it, and then check where you fucked up with your unknown assumptions, delete everything and start again with a better understanding. Obviously, this is never practical nor feasible in real life.
Feasibility is a bourgeois metric. In reality any rushed product is trash. Actual historical progress is only achieved through dialectical struggle through contradictions.


GJ anon, especially on short notice


Thanks :) much appreciated.



repo containing a bunch of diagrams for common system design questions

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