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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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> find new software
> check out their Microsoft GIthub
< it's just translations and issue tracking, no actual source code
Proprietary software should be required to put large warnings about it being proprietary like those warnings on cigarette.

>find neat looking project on shithub
<all commits are readme edits
there was this guy who had like five repositories of this and spammed links to his "firefox fork" on reddit and hn

I hope he died tbqh

90% of accounts I see on github are just people forking highly starred repos or posting their homework assignments. There's this idea that github is a community of artisans sharing and reacting to each others work but it just isn't true

You're just mad you can't code for shit

What, are you browsing? I just look at software I use, usually checking minecraft mods are actually open source before installing them. Like I assumed minecraft has had enough malware scares to swear off closed source stuff entirely, but nah 1 in 100 mods you find in both repos are still closed source.

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>4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images anonymously.
>blocks VPN's and Tor
what the fuck is their problem?
13 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

Apperantly 4chan has a problem(?) with AI generated threads/posts. How will leftypil prepare to the bots? I'm quite surprised, that there isn't even a captcha here.

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Yeah but you gotta fucking verify you're human on cloudflare every 2 minutes.

There is a guy that said he had proofs that there are actual bots doing bot stuff in >>>/siberia/523120

What if… this is only the tip of the iceberg…?

old school internet anonymity is slowly going extinct isn't it?
and the worst part is that no one cares.

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>government app necessary for functioning in society
<requires google play store to be enabled in your phone
>uni also uses google shit for everything
I can't escape Google no matter what I do. Should I just bite the bullet and integrate into their workspace then?
1 post omitted.

Just have a dedicated device for it

It's possible to install apps in isolated profiles in GrapheneOS and some other phone OS afaik. Another option might be to install the apps in Android VMs on a laptop.

>>government app necessary for functioning in society
There are mirrors for google play apks and installing malicious apps on android is manageable. Any google service should have a secure, compatible alternative somewhere (see https://microg.org/).
>>uni also uses google shit for everything
Elaborate. I'm interested in how dystopian shit has gotten in your 'stan.

The megacorps are the eyes and ears of the surveillance state, what did you expect?


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All nitter instances are rate limited now
67 posts and 7 image replies omitted.

It's been that way for about a decade. As always, for "security" purposes.

no point in accessing this shithole anymore
it's just bots and chvddies now

>nitter.poast.org now displays without full nitter style formatting
>somewhat unreadable
what do

B-but my hentai…

their style and media arent loading and almost always show a 403 error because their blacklist is super aggressive to deter crawlers


/leftypol/ was instrumental in helping me make my personal site. An eternal thank you.

I've added a guestbook and would be honored if someone from here would sign it.

Here's the URL: darigo.su

To access the guestbook, click the pokeball in the bottom right, then walk to the computer and open Netscape.

Love you leftypol

I made the guestbook in the style of an imageboard in honor of this site helping me reach my goals

Very Cool website OP 👍. Bookmarked


aw thanks. don't forget to sign the guestbook with an interesting image!

>/leftypol/ was instrumental in helping me make my personal site


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Real or hysterical? Things have already been quite bad for decades now, so…

don't Google and AT&T already give the government all their data? but sure things can always be worse

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Here's the bill that was proposed. It looks concerning, but that's just from these spooky scary headlines I found from searching it. I'll start to read it now and share my thoughts.

>expand the number of businesses that the US government can force to eavesdrop on Americans without a warrant
they already had this for years in the bush era on the patriot act, warrentless wiretaps were fully legal, and not indirectly forcing businesses to hand over data but actually doing it directly.

I guess this is just a return to form.

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With most phones not having a microSD slot or even an audio jack these days you'd think projects like Rockbox would be more popular but it's almost abandoned.
6 posts omitted.

works on my machine

it's because music streaming completely killed dedicated audio players obviously. not only that but phones carry like 1TB ootb that's a lot more than the 256GB we were used to back in the day, so it's completely irrelevant technology. if you have specific audiofile needs and an aversion to spotify, you'd be spending your cash on a plex box and plexamp on your phone.

>phones carry like 1TB ootb
fucking which ones? all the phones with good specs have like 128-256 gigs with absolutely no room for extra storage to force you to rely on streaming and cloud garbage

>an aversion to spotify

i have an aversion to paying for stuff that can be free, thanks

like every flagship lol wdym. even dirt cheap chinese phones have 256gb storage wtf lol, i use a fucking rooted poco as a dedicated media player it was a hundred bucks and that has 256gb, it's too bad that flagships dont have additional sd card storage like that one does, i'll give you that

im not in the "first world" tbf


I just have come across some money and I want to build a new gaming PC, my old pc is starting to show its age. Where do I start? I have a 3000 dollar budget. Looking for a high end gpu, The best cpu and and can carry a blueray player.

3000 is an insane amount lol. I recently upgraded and the most difficult thing to choose was the mobo actually. Huge differences in price and hard to discern for what reason.

Why don't you consult reddit?

I guess first choice to make would be if you are gonna go with Amd or intel and amd or nvidia. Thrn when you figure that out just get whatever the newest flagship is. Then pick mobo that works for the chipset. Whatever the best ssd is for your main drive. Ram highest clock speed. Probably want to go ddr5 but I hear there isn't much of an advantage currently. That's about it. Case doesn't matter just get one you think looks kewl.

>look it up
>top of the line geforce costs 1800 now
Damn. Well splurge on the graphics card more than the proccessor for gaming. Gaming doesn't need a super cpu. Also splurge on the ssd if you want better loading times.

if you want an internal blu ray drive, then you need a compatible SATA connector on the motherboard and a properly sized optical drive bay (5.25", half height) on the case, i think

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Would you use a window manager with anime mascot?
40 posts and 7 image replies omitted.

I don't care for the immature rightoid being banned. The precedent which the FDO "conduct enforcement board" set with their actions is worrying though.

Both sides seem to agree that vaxry acted entirely within the coc on the relevant platforms. Quite frankly he is right in that freedeskslop is playing internet police. They make vaxry accountable for his conduct as hyprland product manager, yet they are disputing his personal privileges as a contributor on the freedesktop gitlab. His resolve not to reply to future email of the kind, is then taken as a clear threat of ignoring future interventions on their platforms. In hindsight their entire justification for violating the conduct of their platforms is based on this uncharitable reading.

Vaxry is a prominent project leader who had it coming. Still i can't help but think they will transition to a more extensive type of "enforcement" in the future. Imagine if they banned all leftypol_vichan contributors on their platforms, because "hateful ideology" or similar contrived shit.

How could they play "internet police"? They can't ban you from sites they don't control.

Depending on how you see this, they either banned him for something he didn't do on any of their platforms or they did so on a flimsy justification likely for the former reason. If they had any further actions they could take for "violating" their coc, they obviously would. For the project leader of a wlroots compositor, being unable to contribute to upstream at all is not to be taken lightly.

Or think about it this way: When the USA imposed sanctions on Venezuela, were they playing world police or just being shitty in general?

Is he a rightoid though? I don't think he is very politically inclined and this drama is what's likely shoving him into political spheres now. The most political thing he wrote afaik was this: https://blog.vaxry.net/articles/2023-inclusiveActivists and it seems to be mostly against idpol nonsense.

In the first email he mentions that Redhat diversity hiring "scandal", Bryan Lunduke can't stop bringing up (see https://lunduke.locals.com/post/5515346/the-ibm-red-hat-leaks-what-weve-learned-so-far and >>23967).
Also from the log attached to drewdevaults entry:
>Lech Wałęsa vaxry — Today at 12:24 PM
>I like, have never said the n word online
>except for nice or no
>mentally disabled jacekpoz — Today at 12:24 PM
>ψ̴̈͘ ̸͐͘ — Today at 12:25 PM
>Lech Wałęsa vaxry — Today at 12:25 PM
>damn exposed


The community/the "com"/ scattered spider

is the hottest new hacking group on the block. Anyone heard of them?

Do they have a zine? Website?

no idea but i think theyre rightoids on fbi.gov

Probably. CIA wrote a warning about them, kek.

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