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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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We need to make it hard for proprietary software to exist in certain sectors in life. if not outright illegal.
RMS used to talk about how schools should only teach using free software, have you made any effort to get your local school to use GNU/Linux?
other sectors include the government and public places.
we could start campaigning with other techies to get public terminals to use GNU such as public library computers for example (not sure who still goes there now a days kek)
but above all I think we should push for the private commercial sector, we need to make it so that certain kinds of software have to be open. software that can easily end up being monopolized should be made only available as free software. such as office tools and perhaps only serviced for money.
post more ideas comrades
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It's only a bandaid until open and free hardware becomes a thing which is only possible when workers control the means of production, software can't exist in a vacuum, it's like ying without the yang so to speak.




yeah, it's a shame. Why kind of cruel person would want to demoralize the handicapped? Their programmers can't code, their users do nothing useful and they erect arbitrary barriers to cope about their shit products. Be kind, anon, and let them have their autistic playpen.


good thing libre silicon is a thing then, and China is churning out millions if not billions of RISC-V CPUs among other things
besides RISC-V there are also projects like OpenRAM: https://openram.org/
on top of this you have yosys, and it would probably not be too difficult to design a completely libre FPGA


That's actually pretty nice if that's actually true. But are RISK-V and FPGA ready for daily driving? And how does one get a laptop with one?

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Are computers a branch of state/defense/power within the context of a communist party?
It seems they are only treated as tools for mass propaganda and outreach for most I've come into contact with (and with questionable results – amounting to retweeting each other or posting take downs as Facebook posts with hardly any engagement). Is this way of using the technology maybe a huge mistake setting us back currently, especially considering the media platforms often are confirmed police/SIGINT tools where our groups are indisputably targeted/sabotaged?




also useful for storing, disseminating, and discussing educational material. Beyond mass propaganda, building repository of info relevant to your org, etc.



Is this from the author of ELIZA? Didn't he write a book like this, I can't remember the names.

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How accurate is this video?

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Keeping up to date silicon fab is over for the west
China owns the high end fabs all of it now


China’s semiconductor industry is still driven by western capital


Not so much now zoom zoom


I just realized, do you even know what capital is?


Bump or is there another thread on Soviet computing that this one could be merged into?

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incredible the frequency we see these retarded price shocks, random consumer goods doubling in cost in 4 months… neoliberalism is truly the end of history, JIT supply chains based on shipping individual components back and forth across the pacific 10 times to save pennies on manufacturing labor are truly the pinnacle of human development


Just swap the tapes manually if you don't want to pay that much. You will need a tape drive though.


Good luck finding anything that reads these formats in a few years.


I think most people recognize that neoliberalism is trash, they just think the class struggle is dead or will lead to something even worse like HOLODOMOR or VUVUZELA.

Regarding the supply chains. This is truly garbage, I always supported localism instead of this bullshit (I hate nationalism though).


You should be using HDDs for your long-term storage anyway.
I don't know why you'd need a 2TB SSD unless you're a gaymer that wants to play all the new 200 GB AAA garbage.

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I'm getting tired of relying on this website to log stuff that I watch
The social aspect is horrendous, full of Twitter personalities and reactionaries and wanna-be professional film critics
I want to be able to log films according to a calendar like the diary feature in Letterboxd, as well as put together a watchlist, all from a good comprehensive database
I'd also like to be able to "heart" or "like" films since numerical scales like 5 stars are kind of pointless, but I won't complain if I can't
FOSS is preferred
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this. I never understood the compulsion to log media consumption. Who cares


I just rate everything I watch on imdb, nobody's ever gonna read my reviews


Forced humility is cringe. There's nothing wrong with sharing your thoughts or keeping a record for yourself.


Forced humility is a spook and revisiting your collection of video games is based, they are works of art, you don't just throw Mona Lisa into the trash after you looked at it for, like, 5 minutes.

Ideally there should be public libraries with hundreds of SSDs stored to back up all this goodness. Or something like Project Guttenberg but for games but for that to be viable people need to have a lightspeed Internet connection so they can download anything in mere nanoseconds and SSDs that can withstand millions of rewrites. Books are way easier to delete off of your drive since they're very light, games can weight 10 gigs or more.


I just use trakt because it's easy to automate my watches from plex and jellyfin. If you want FOSS though maybe check out something like ryot. https://github.com/IgnisDa/ryot


I bought a framework laptop because my previous one was so cheaply constructed that it literally disintegrated from use.

I quite like it. I'm not going to pretend that buying a product will solve any systemic capitalist evils like ending e-waste or granting a right to repair, but on a personal level, I'm hopeful to be able to avoid some common pitfalls with consumer products like disposability and planned obsolescence by being able to repair this thing myself or replace parts on it. Plus it seems pretty sturdily constructed in the first place. The keyboard's very crisp by laptop standards and is backlit (which is thoroughly unremarkable, but my previous laptop wasn't, because I lived in the stone age), the trackpad's nice, the screen is annoyingly glossy, though it is high resolution with a large color gamut. Hopefully they release a matte screen at some point. And being able to choose where the ports are on it is a bit of a godsend to deal with cable mess.

Thoughts on this thing?
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and an AMD version now, for that matter


All well-known Linux distros are either maintained by corporations or corporation-paid freelancers or are forks of the aforementioned distros with tiny changes and configurations
Same with the big 3 BSDs


if you feel you need to use an OS which had no corporation involved at any point in the development, then feel free to use templeOS or some meme shit like that. but the point of that comment was obviously about the lack of variety of OSes, which isn't much of a problem with linux because it's extremely configurable, documented, modular, and inspectable.


Hyperbola ( https://hyperbola.info ) is a distro that wants to purge corporate influence from their distro.

Doesn't help that now it's basically a one-man project and the dev's english seems p retty much broken. Hyperbola's reasoning builds on https://logicmag.io/failure/freedom-isnt-free/ ( or maybe they just plagiarized parts of it ). I don't recommend reading the hyperbola writeup, it's broken english all the way down.


dumb fucks disallowed freight forwarding and now I can't get their laptop. way to go framework!
what a bunch of fucking low lifers, they only ship to very specific countries and keep telling their international customers to just wait. it's going to take them years to ship their product legally to the rest of the world. people started freight forwarding their products but then framework banned any discussion on their forums and made it harder to freight forward. what a bunch of morons.


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In 2024 reddit will introduce heavenbanning, the hypothetical practice of banishing a user from a platform by causing everyone that they speak with to be replaced by AI models that constantly agree and praise them, but only from their own perspective, is entirely feasible with the current state of AI/LLMs.
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>causing everyone that they speak with to be replaced by AI models that constantly agree and praise them
Wake up, Neo. The Matrix has you.


It's functionally useless to us, but for them they get to brainwash every wholesome doggo lover and casual using the platform. If you go to those kinds of places not realizing what they are you're just primed for brainwashing, and then you take those views into the real world and this massive cycle of retardation perpetuates itself courtesy of big tech.

(I know this is probably obvious to all of you but I had to just say it) The real world implications are tragic


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>when shadowbanning isn't passive aggressive and cowardly enough for libs they trap you in a painting
Solar flare or nuclear war can't come soon enough.


it's too much work, involves too much server load and it's too expensive to implement per banned user.


its not real


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Muh entrepreneurship.
I just made the connection that entrepreneur worship is identical with fascist ideology on the theme of the heroic leader cutting through bureaucracy


i wonder what the common thread here is (liberalism)


Yup, he literally bribed her to shut up about it.


But Wikipedia says he's gay.


he's probably bisexual. either way his sister talking about it makes the entire situation very suspicious, I believe he did diddle his sister. if it was just money she was after I don't get why she would go to the trouble of lying about it, she could probably just ask for a favor once in a while. so something is definitely up with this guy.


Tech layoffs due to hyper-specialization?


They overhired during Covid and are shredding the excess.


It's the interest rates. The tech sector is extremely allergic to high rates because it relies on either the companies directly or VCs indirectly to impulsively borrow too much money.

These layoffs have been happening for 2 years now.


Is the button engineering thing real? It sounds like a strawman. Here's a clear explanation for why it makes sense for these big companies to have specialists: https://danluu.com/in-house/

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General thread about Tor.

Is there any problem with going to https://leftypol.org/ and then clicking on the .onion site? I can't store http://76i2c3hn55fcj5nut3tqlboqqbbh23zvphv7lefk3vftpx6wketlanyd.onion/ in my browser because it's in a disposable VM.
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There may not even be an alternative for the specific use case you have. Just tread carefully, I think the thread can be summed up with that


>Just tread carefully
Well, this is obvious. Noone should trust anything blindly. That's why people don't trust systemd and Linux for example despite them being OPEN SOURCE!! IT'S OPEN SOURCE, GUYS, THAT MEANS IT'S PERFECT!!


Honestly for 99% of people you can trust Tor. If you're some big dicked alpha running some crazy drug service or doing highly illegal shit that people both care about and have a paid incentive to stop, I would not at all trust Tor to keep you safe and would completely remodel your anonymity setup and would look towards i2p or some more advanced setup between you and Tor


Wonder why the online drug cartel hasn't yet switched to something else like i2p, they seem to trust Tor way too much to run a multi million dollar highly illegal business. or are all those markets just psyops by glowies?


Some of them do, but they get dropped left and right and arrested all the time. Hard to say truly how they're getting fucked as well since we can only really go by what law enforcement says. Either way those types of people have to be looking over their shoulders forever once they get involved with shit like this. Also Im pretty sure there are i2p drug distributors but thats besides the point

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