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Im posting this from my ereader


Very cool, one with ink?


>very cool
>one with ink
The tolino vision 6


>*makes websites unusable in your path*
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I mean they're not the ones DDOSing everyone so far as I know


"this is a dangerous neighborhood" says the cloudflare henchman "there was a ddos attack not far from here the other day"


leftypol was actually DDOSed multiple times though


Humiliation ritual


How do i install it on my router

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Of course they're all just CIA honeypots.
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It's not a honeypot. Protonmail is not an anonymity service. Nobody will ever go to jail for you.


TBF what country could an email server be based in that WOULDNT have to do this shit legally?

If the alternative is hand over the IP address or go to prison im not surprised this shit is what happens


Just use gorilla mail


>Just use gorilla mail
most of their domains is blocked by companies in the kno. plus, their website throttled sending capacities for tempmail. it's good for a throwaway, bu i wouldnt advise any furthr.
also side-note tbh- if ur usin Protonmail for shady shit (ion kno what the Spanish guy didnt i aint read the article), u gotta b usin PGP in all ur emails, no questions round it. it'll b hard 4 glowies to book u w/ jus a random series of letters and numbers tied to ur name.
>Of course they're all just CIA honeypots.
orrrrrrrrrr normal websites that jus conceed to the heel of the boot? sounds more likely.


>opsec? nah, I just trust company X lol
most people are like that
ultimately any email provider can work as long as you assume they're an adversary and act accordingly


Are IT certifications any good? either for getting a job or just using the study materials to learn? If so, which ones?


surpised no-one hasn't responded yet. my knee jerk response is sec+, bu it rly depends, what field of work r u lookin to get into Anon? ur intentions w/ certs shld reflect the fields of work u want to get into. if pen testing and bug bounties (my personal recommendation), most of the study materials come from self-taught and yt vids (and various websites to help beginers, i.e. overthewire.org, hackthebox, etc.)


Former Israeli Malware Distributor Kape Technologies Now Owns ExpressVPN, CyberGhost, Private Internet Access, Zenmate, and a Collection of VPN “Review” Websites.

Do NOT use ExpressVPN! It is not only an Israeli company that does work for the IDF, it is also a slimy company that auto renews your subscription without your consent even if you turn off auto renew.
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.onions are also great for punching through NATs and it's anonymous. That's how onionshare works.


mb itz the burger in me, i type weird. i mus admit i can't be much help to u here as ion use Mullvad vpn, but i'm doin my own research rn on their website, accessible here: https://mullvad.net/en/servers
<issues of physical safety
when i peruse their server list, it seems a majority of their servers r in the five eyes nations, and/or European countires. my concern lies w/ the physical security of these locations. sure, myb mullvad could decline indicments an fed requests for data from their personal logs, but can mullvad personally ensure the safety of the physical server locations? ik in the past darnket websites, such as AlphaBay and Hansa, housed they servrs in Europe and these were eazily seized by Euro-Glowies. with hoppin on Asian-none-of-the-above countries proxies listed on spys.one for instance, i can atleast kno that there's a very probability they won't be physically raided.
>issues of digital safety
i would imagine that due to the paid nature of Mullvad, it would be safer for communicatin w/ another anon ur criminal stuff. bu again, threat models r important here. if ur worried about encryption and keepin ur mssgs to other Anons safe, employ PGP an don't rly on ur client's encryption methods!! the recent icognito market scam is a good example of this.


Thanks a lot, anon. You did a good job.


I kneel


exactly what i thought looking at their server list. recently adding thailand and indonesia is comical. oh well, at least it was good for torrenting before port forwarding was removed. i didn't even work through the media backlog by the time i needed to torrent again and noticed how much slower it was


Linux, Wikipedia, Mozilla Firefox, Signal… I've always believed, that these were the "good guys" in the tech world. I have believed, that there is a countermovement against BigTech. I remember, ten years ago, I actually donated regularly to Wikipedia, because I believed in their mission of free knowledge and shit. But in the last months, I found out that all these "alternative" and "non-profit" projects and organizations are deeply intertwined with BigTech. It's over. There was a time, when people thought, that television would bring light to the world. It didn't, it actually brought darkness to the world. And I was one of those people, who believed, the internet would bring light to the world. Now I realize, it was a mistake, just like television.
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Wikipedia only allows information from "trustworthy sources" (mainly mainstream media). Caring about wikipedia's conflict of interest instead of those of its sources is rather pointless.


I think, Snowden should apologize for shilling this glowware so hard. I don't even think he did it on purpose, but he clearly made a mistake.


I think Signal works for a lot of people. I just don't trust it personally
the reason Snowden isn't dead likely has more to do with him being protected by the FSB since it's in Russia's geopolitical interests


>le epic unibomber
how did i know this was gonna be /g/ tier anti-FOSS FUD even before i read the text


>le epic unibomber
how did i know this was gonna be /g/ tier anti-FOSS FUD even before i read the text


So you have this technology that is effectively electronic cash, you get to send any amount of money with all the benefits of cash and without all the problems of a centralized middle man service. but still after about a decade not enough people believe in crypto as a currency. the hate from the left is especially strange.
>muh energy crisis
YouTube alone is more of an energy blackhole than all of crypto combined. you think streaming 4K@60fps video 24/7 world wide is sustainable? or even 1080p?
instead of fighting the banks, normalfags keep voting for laws that restrict crypto, because of muh think of the children!
93 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>electronic cash
>all the benefits of cash
Real QQ, are you retarded? Are you allowed to leave your home? Are you over the age of, idk, 15?


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>After almost 7 years of operation, due to a combination of internal and external factors, we have made the difficult decision to close our platform.
>We're extremely thankful for the love and support we've received over the years. We couldn't have done it without you. We love you all ♥
>LocalMonero has been around for most of Monero's life. Fortunately, the Monero ecosystem has matured a lot over these years, and with the imminent launch of Haveno and other DEXs like Serai, atomic swaps, the coming addition of FCMP (full blockchain anonymity set replacing rings of 16) as well as the continuing and rapidly accelerating development of the Monero protocol, we're confident that Monero's future is bright, with or without our platform.

R.I.P. king


saw a video on this, big ripz. placd a numbr of ordrs via this site, shit suckz. tho i imagin via the nature of the decentralized, peer-to-peer nature of the site, another will emerge. itz jus a matta of time.
in addition, to any Anons hve any recommend alternatives 2 the site? thx.


Computer-cash is dark magic, 99.9999% do not understand, how it functions. You can't control, what you don't understand. It is even in the name, "crypto" means you don't know what is going on. Only the top elite knows how it functions, the crypto-priests. Stay away from dark cyber-magic, you can't compete with the crypto-priests.


>Computer-cash is dark magic
wait til anon discvrs crytpo currency is jus decades-old math and encryption an there's a multitude of resources online to educate themselves, haha. srzly tho anon, it's not a dark magic. sure it may be complex, bu id hapy to point u in the right direction twrds educational resources.
>Only the top elite knows how it functions, the crypto-priests. Stay away from dark cyber-magic, you can't compete with the crypto-priests.
lulz, r u familiar w/ the gentleman who burnt himself in midtown-manhattan? u may b a fan of his research.

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Comrades, we need a thread on privacy. Any decent activist should try ways of staying anonymous on the web and prevent being tracked by governments and corporations.General tips===* Use free software as much as you can.* Use GNU/Linux and keep it up-to-date, to be sure that you don't have unpatched security exploits* Don't use Flash Player, use youtube-dl instead for watching streaming videos online* Do not use Google, use DuckDuckGo or StartPage instead* Use a password manager like Keepass or for GNU/Linux users keepassx. Create new passwords for every site that you visit and use a strong password as a master password. A tip for easy remembering of your master password is to use a sentence. "i fucking love cookies and tits!" with extra capital characters etc. is easier to remember than some random characters and long enough to prevent brute force attacks of any kind.* Use the Tor Browser Bundle if you really want to stay anonymous.Firefox====* Go to Preferences -> History and set History to "Never remember history". * See for additional tweaks: https://github.com/amq/firefox-debloat and https://vikingvpn.com/cybersecurity-wiki/browser-security/guide-hardening-mozilla-firefox-for-privacy-and-securityAdd-ons-----------* Use uBlock Origin for preventing tracking etc. Bonus: use hard-mode to manually whitelist external domains on sites. Don't use uBlock but be sure to use uBlock Origin https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Blocking-mode:-hard-mode* HTTPS Everywhere* DecentralEyes: prevents CDN hosting from tracking you (Google for Jquery etc.)* Self Destructing Cookies: only allow cookies that you choose to allowOS==* Encrypt your hard drive or home partition at least* If you use GNU/Linux, you can try to restrict systemd or syslog from logging. * Use a distribution which takes security seriously. Also, be sure that you don't install a lot of things outside the repository. It will cover most of your needs.Real life tips===* Pay with cash if you canFeel free to provide tips to each other comrades!
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lol is this true? vry funny if so. however i dont see y israel/NSO needs a backdoor for the phones. they already own all the celullar towers. so in a theoretical world were hamas ain't an Israel proxy, and they rly is playin cat and mouse, can't they jus man-in-middle crack the channels and chats? is there sum insane Chinese-encryption scheme im unaware of?


Go back, feds.
Is it as safe as an i2p outproxy?


very good tip indeed.


>>24744 (me)
Wait a sec. Why not just use an i2p outproxy instead of a VPN or proxychains? VPN leaks your IP address to your VPN provider and your VPN usage to your ISP provider. And VPN through i2p adds an extra performance hit. And proxychains are static unless you constantly change them yourself, neither do they provide encryption. And VPNs and proxies weren't designed for anonymity in the first place. So what do VPN through i2p and proxychains do better that an i2p outproxy does not?


>lol is this true?
yeah there was some reports at the time
>they already own all the celullar towers
exactly, which is why the reports seemed like bullshit
>very good tip indeed.
what is a very good tip?



Tumblr is going to joining the fediverse soon.
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I think wordpress has proprietary modules. Threads has some retarded algorithm right? Is it "open source" software interfacing with unknown server shit like other Meta open source stuff is AFAIK?


>>full of glowies, defence contractors, libertarians, zoophiles and pedophiles
And the difference with regular social media is…?


I think wordpress has proprietary modules. Threads has some retarded algorithm right? Is it "open source" software interfacing with unknown server shit like other Meta open source stuff is AFAIK?


wikipedia says ostatus turned into gnusocial, which is the ancestor of fediverse activitypub


even if Threads was open source that's like saying you're fine with having AIDS because its DNA has been sequenced

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I want to tighten my opsec. I figured the best way is to try to get experienced hackers to try to bust me, as unwise as that might sound. is there a website, forum or community where you can ask people to pwn you?

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