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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Facebook flags Linux topics as 'cybersecurity threats' — posts and users being blocked

And a bit prior to that:
Meta Blocks Links to Pixelfed, a Decentralized Instagram Alternative

and eases up a bit after being called out, pretends it was an accident:
Meta Responds To Accusations Of Deleting Links To Instagram Rival Pixelfed
But the new linux ban pretty much confirms it wasn't.

It says a lot about Trump if he surrounds himself with people like Zuckerberg. The lolberts who cheered for him becoming president are going to regret this soon, no matter how many SJW compilations it has produced.

the market was being kept afloat at the end of trump's last term by tech companies, and this time around his biggest backers are tech hypebros like musk and now those who have jumped ship like gates/openai angling for $500 billion and zuckerberg.

he is being fed the narrative of AI is teh new nuclear tech and we need full govt backing to make america great again with AI tech over china and everyone else, and he is going to buy it wholesale and sell everything to the tech guys because that's what he likes to hear. captains of industry driving america to greatness just like the good old days.

>Facebook flags Linux topics as 'cybersecurity threats' — posts and users being blocked
evangelical christian technopriesthood by 2050

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This Thread Has Been Re-appropriated for leftypol.org Usage.

General thread meant for the discussion of the mobile app for browsing leftypol.org, known as clover.

Releases can be found here:
298 posts and 43 image replies omitted.

I am thrilled to report I can now phonepost to my heart's content.

Videos aren't working. 403 errors. Bumner

Anyone else having issues with Cloudflare on KurobaEx still? Raised an issue with the dev and I can at least browse on the beta branch, can't post though.

Never had a cloudflare challenge on leftypol

has anyone managed to post threads from phone ? I cant do it from the app the captcha/2 doesnt appear

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Recommend me some tech/privacy youtubers/bloggers. I prefer unhinged people, who have extreme opinions on privacy. I enjoy the works of Rob Braxman, the hated one. But I want to see some very deep and dark tech thoughts. Thanks!
6 posts omitted.

it was always the case
normies were told repeatedly to not put their personal shit online, not centralize around internet media run by corps, keep using decentralized protocols like email, self-hosted chat servers, etc instead of all signing up with facebook and google and they said we were being weird nerds. now they're crying about all their data being taken and sold back to them as ads and AI slop.
all of it is thoroughly deserved by every normie. they worked hard to willingly hand over all of there for a few clicks on heart icons. fuck them.

There's really not much to say/vlog about other than get off social media, encrypt your system and self-host where possible

is now a vtuber called mii beta i think

what happened to /user/?

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Have we moved past the post-digital era of the internet? According to Cramer in 2013, "‘Post-digital’ thus refers to a state in which the disruption brought upon by digital information technology has already occurred. […] this technology is no longer perceived as disruptive." At the time of writing, in 2013, this seemed to be a realistic appraisal of the situation, as digital forms of communication (social media, internet news, Wikipedia, etc.) were viewed as a part of life. The post-digital was a rejection of the techno-optimism of Kurzweil and SV, opposing the techno-hegelian view that the digital era was a simple moment on the path to the idealized singularity. Post-digitalism was coined at a time when the internet had started to lose its own foggy idealism, and was understood as having been captured in large part by corporate and state interests. DIY communities and counter-cultural trends existed, but the term 'digital' was not a disruptive element at the macro scale of society.
It seems pertinent in 2025 to reassess the term, and the era that we find ourselves in. Has internet culture become uniquely disruptive again? Media institutions have largely acclimated themselves to digital existence after the sink-or-swim period of the 2010s. Social media is seamlessly integrated into the social fabric. Baby boomer policymakes int he EU and US ahve spent thousands of hours debating cryptocurrencies, cryptography, social media, etc.
I'd like to suggest that we find ourselves instead in an era *after* the post-digital era of the 2010s, which is far more in line with the original technic/cybernetic ideals of the 1950s and 1960s. The 2010s were rapid and choatic, as was expected, but after some shuffling around, the digital and analogue components of society can no longer be differentiated, except for on the superfluous technological and material levels. In fact, it could be argued that the entirety of the human experience has been captured by digital systems. I'm hesitant to claim this is a truly cybernetic society, but it does seems that in the imperial core, systems of control and capture have become fully digital, abstract, and everpresent. The I/O systems for the information feedback loop of a cybernetic apparatus have all been established. Should we rehabilitate the field of cybernetics to understand macro systems? Obviously there is a socialist root in classical cybernetics (Cybersyn, etc.), but it might be worthwhile to reappraise Big CompPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
4 posts omitted.

>academic wank thread with tired meme imagery
oh joy

the problem of, say, the ussr was not that they didnt have better computers, you know

Cybersyn worked :^)

Communism isn't a matter of computer power and Allende was just some random socdem, both loved by some and vilified by others because of aesthetics.

>Communism isn't a matter of computer power
No, but modern governance is, and communism is (among other things, of course) concerned with governance.

wonderful wordcelling
here's a grant of $30000 for some more research into the sociological effects of post-cyber-proto-AI influence on pxple's bxdies and how it is leading us to mind-machine duality.

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Linux, Windows or Mac

You like and use, Post 'em

I'll start

7zip the best file archiver

Honeyview, Imageviewer handles all images and gifs and zip images too

Goodbye DPI, helps bypassing region blocks, not a VPN but it's something

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
42 posts and 4 image replies omitted.

Ratpoison. It just works. I find having a prefix key (like in Tmux) helps remember keybindings for some reason. Manual tiling is also the best way to tile because everything works just like I want. Ratpoison gets bonus points for being extra lightweight and easy to configure! Are there any other similar window managers/wayland compositors? Cagebreak is missing some features that I need (I can't remember anymore what exactly, since I haven't used it much). I also like emacs a lot! Also, some terminal programs that are useful for scripts include ripgrep, fd, gnu parallel, aria2c

pcmanfm-qt rocks!

I also considered using Midnight Commander with libtrash alias (from Arch Linux wiki). It's a free software clone of Norton Commander.

Have you tried Pinta?

What does it have over SpaceFM I know SpaceFM hasn't been updated for half a decade now but it just works for the most part. That has a gtk2 build in the aur but it doesn't have non udev mount tools as additional dependencies like SpaceFM. Pmount only works sometimes on SpaceFM. There's another fork which is actually maintained called SpaceFM thermitegod but it fucked up the keybindings adding more key chords also mouse support was also fucked on the AUR build but I don't know if it's intentional cause it works on some parts and those key chords seem to point that is has a more "keyboard driven" interface. zzzFM also hasn't been updated for a few years it seems.

like an RDP client?

vnc stuff

How is honeyview compared to nomacs?

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Recently my asshole father installed a bunch of cameras all over the house, after a sleepless night where he threatened to kick me out and accused me of stealing his iphone and razor. So it was either cameras or a homeless shelter. With how little privacy I have now (I used to cook food and talk to myself for hours in the kitchen, dont feel comfortable doing that anymore with big brother watching), this got me thinking about all of those unprotected security cameras that anyone can easily figure out the passwords to, and play creepy sounds/noise music to mess with people. I'm seriously considering doing this to scare the fuarrrk out of him nonstop so he'll return them.

Does anyone still dabble in this sport? I'm assuming the same methods of finding ip cameras still apply.
1 post omitted.

Uh you should probably get help from the authorities instead of trying to make the situation worst

Alot of parents want to put GPS trackers on their kids but then want to ban them from having social media accounts due to "privacy" concerns

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Did he find his phone and shaving equipment? I can't imagine my parents installing cameras in the home. I wouldn't do that either. That's FUCKED UP.

What comic is that again.

Also get out


Who the fuck was it that says Lunduke was a good guy? He's a rightoid now which I already knew due to his petit bourgeois class status and that debate with Stallman on free software.

Now all his videos are about h1b and discrimination against whites and pronouns and shit.

Feels good to be vindicated as opposed to the people on /tech/ who said hes a good guy or whatevr.
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Well both of those are ramifications. They exist because it's been normalized, and thus the problem sustains itself.

software devs aren't PB. But Lunduke, specifically is. He owned his own software company for a while

>He owned his own software company for a while
Did this company produce proprietary software?

it did. until he got bullied into making it open source and then it went out of business and he was forced to get a real job and he blamed the open source community for it which is why he raged at stallman

Lunduke discovering the reality of small business under capitalism for the first time.

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so how did google just make a tld?
did they buy it or smth? does it relate to the dns somehow? im genuinely curious how the process for something like that would go and i thought i'd hit up you guys to see if there was any collective answer

It's part of the gTLD new shit
They had to apply to ICANN iirc, and pay $185,000 registration fee and then they pay renewal fee every year.
Next round of applications is next year.

I think it's just the same process as others nTLDs like ".xyz", ".fun", etc
They just chose to not resell domains under their .google and don't make any profit from it.

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Just wondering if you use any android app (preferably open-source) to browse on leftypol and/or getchan.

I heard about `Clover` but it seems dead for a while and kuroba only has support to nazi hellholes — as far as I know at least; is there a way to add another chan there btw? I've been wanting to lurk while at the college since there are a lot of libs and a few right wingers (almost nazi fucks) and I'm too lazy to try to engage in conversation. Anyway do you know an app?
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Crazy, finally a comfy app for leftypol.

Finally. I can rest and be more active.

Actually on topic: https://git.leftypol.org/leftypol/leftypol/issues/138
Contributions are welcome, even just a list of stuff that would need to be addressed.
Lately I've had so little free time…

Looks like we may get support from Chance soon, now that clover and kurobaex are dead

My kuroba ex fork is starting to shit itself now


people need to shut the fuck up about gaming being 'easy' on linux. its not.

you cant play a game without installing like 3 billion random software or scripts, spending 6 hours reading poorly written documentation and blogs to try to figure out how to configure it all, only to find out that you still cant actually run the games you want. wanna install a fitgirl repack? "get fuarrrked!", says wine! "im gonna be impossible to understand and you wont be able to configure soykaf to get it working and we will never actually tell you how to fix anything that goes wrong!"
wanna play deus ex that you bought on gog? too bad! the game requires modifications to actually run properly, and you cant get it working either and good luck finding an answer to some generic error code, or even worse getting no message at all.

nothing works, nothing is explained well. all the software is like kicking dead whales down the beach. im probably gonna have to give up on games entirely with the exception of minecraft, because its the only game that actually seems to work without a bunch of effort that shouldnt be necessary to get something working.
40 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

It is easy when you got some more experience using Linux like LMDE or else.

As for installing Deus Ex via a GOG installer? Literally use the latest version of Wine Staging, and make sure you have winetricks to also install the necessary components, dlls and language fonts or whatever it is called.

You can first use wine staging to run the installer and install the game, where then you use steam proton's 9.0* stable and run the actual game itself.

or if youwho? don't want wine to bloat the system I recommend using a vm

With windows 10/11/7 enterprise(best version) or any other gnu/linux distro with wine, just to avoid bloat

>all the software is like kicking dead whales down the beach.
That proves that you have copy+paste'd the whole post from L*inchan…

Troubleshooting these things is more fun than most of the games.

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