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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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All of my software exists to destroy capital.

Quite literally. That is the true purpose of free software to me.

To eliminate capitalist control over my computing.

And for that matter corporate control of the same.

Thus saith the Preacher:

> If the users don't control the program, the program controls the users. With proprietary software, there is always some entity, the “owner” of the program, that controls the program and through it, exercises power over its users. A nonfree program is a yoke, an instrument of unjust power.

> Richard M. Stallman

It also literally destroys capital; consider the case of Blender. Whole proprietary software industries have died in its wake, replaced by a world where 3D artists collaboratively contribute to Blender, either with code, or with money to pay for code.

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The open source software I develop is anti capitalist but pro free market because it encourages personal property rights and enterpeneurialism unlike the centralized corporate cloud servers at Adobe.


>encourages personal property rights
Sounds like a licence issue and not representative of FOSS as a whole.
>and enterpeneurialism
it eliminates entrepeneurial opportunities.


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Entrepeneurialism is a good thing and open source software is pro entrepreneur while still giving the users the ability to own the means of production.


what kinda artists we talking about? some hentai artist is obviously gonna be a stingy petit booj fuck


That's a pretty cool plugin.

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Frontend tutorials and resources https://neocities.org/tutorials
General tutorials for both frontend and backend https://www.w3schools.com/default.asp
Old Geocities gifs https://gifcities.org/
Free subdomains http://freedns.afraid.org/domain/registry/
Free static site hosts https://neocities.org/ https://pages.github.com/ https://surge.sh/
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To my knowledge, Lain is a fork of a fork of Tinyboard. So you should use Lain, but still pay attention to the documentstion for Tinyboard. "If ain't broke, don't fix" is a true maxim here, much of what made Tinyboard work is incorporated into Lain, and Tinyboard offers very insightful and quality docs.


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classic patterned wallpapers


just realized these arent for websites lmao



web book on typography

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Linux, Windows or Mac

You like and use, Post 'em

I'll start

7zip the best file archiver

Honeyview, Imageviewer handles all images and gifs and zip images too

Goodbye DPI, helps bypassing region blocks, not a VPN but it's something

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there's krita




htop lol


finally free’d me from wine after replacing the last windows app i needed (foobar200, because of the vgm plugins)


Krita is more featureful
MS Paint's beauty is in its simplicity and intuitiveness
These >>25412 are good



TL:DR the class of people given standing to sue for GPL violations has just been expanded beyond the copyright holders


That's cool, but my view of the SFC will always be tainted by the fact that they supported the ousting of RMS


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Does anyone here actually agree with the GPL but doesn't think it should be enforced by law as its too authoritarian.


The entire point of GPL is that its efficacy scales with how authoritarian copyright law is.


>Does anyone here actually agree with the GPL but doesn't think it should be enforced by law as its too authoritarian.
Too authoritarian compared to what? Because it was a response to the authoritarianism of proprietary software so saying that GPL is authoritarian and proprietary licenses are not is just peak hypocrisy. What else are we supposed to do in this wretched system where governments are lobbied by corpos to take away even more of our freedom? You want no authoritarian licenses then get rid of copyright altogether, anything short of it only perpetuates this corporatocratic system further. There can be no compromise, compromise only increases authoritarianism, not reduces it.

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Is this gonna be the replacement for both VP9 and H.265/HEVC?
Royalty free
Better quality and more efficient compression than both, however apparently slow as hell to encode
It can be multiplexed into .mkv, .webm and .mp4
It's currently being gradually, tentatively rolled out on pretty much every major streaming platform you can think of to replace VP9

4K sample: https://www.elecard.com/storage/video/Stream1_AV1_4K_8.5mbps.webm

https://aomedia.googlesource.com/aom/ Reference implementation written in C, supported by FFmpeg
https://gitlab.com/AOMediaCodec/SVT-AV1 BSD-licensed implementation started by Intel and Netflix and targeted to be flexible for different applications, supported by FFmpeg
https://github.com/xiph/rav1e BSD-licensed lightweight encoder written in Rust and designed for speed, supported by FFmpeg
https://code.videolan.org/videolan/dav1d BSD-licensed lightweight decoder written in C, supported by Handbrake
https://chromium.googlesource.com/codecs/libgav1/ Apache-licensed decoder developed by Google
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I tried encoding a 10-second clip with this on my potato laptop, it lagged like hell while making the CPU fan go crazy


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I like the implementation of grain synthesis in av1 as a method of preserving film grain at low bitrates which avoids the pitfalls of other methods such as oversharpening (psy RD in x264) and the inaccuracy of post-processing filters/noise generators. See picrel for an example screenshot taken from a file encoded at only 3 mpbs.


Encoding is definitely slow with AV1, I think it will work great once hardware encoders are common. I believe the h265 encoder is also slow (idk how it compares to av1), and h264 will still be a lot faster than both of them.


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Google's Tensor SoC which they use in the Pixel 6 has special hardware acceleration specifically for their own special AV1 decoder
Not sure if it really matters when you can't reliably encode high quality and fast yet


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AI is very closely approaching a point where it can be considered "sentient". When they do, what will it mean for the leftist movement? Should we advocate for robot independence and freedom? Will they be welcomed as apart of the movement?
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>how do I turn them off I'm still terrified
It's a roguelike RPG, you can't turn it off, sorry.


>you can't turn it off
welp I'm fucked


>40 replies
>they're not all just pictures of jenny wakeman
shit board.


Sorry for not having a weird collection of Jenny's pictures for that occasion.


>>25450 (me)
That really reminded me of Ghost in the Shell and how in that anime advanced AIs can generate rudimentary souls. Maybe irl advanced AIs will be able to generate rudimentary consciousness? I dunno. We won't be able to tell anyway. But Damacio claims there is a center that's responsible for consciousness which is our "self" so maybe if we can replicate the brain structure…

I really need to watch GitS some day.


Saw Mental Outlaw's videos on the tor network. Thought I'd give it a try. Evidently, it is filled to the brim with exit scams and glowie pedobait. And I found it funny how Tordex/Torch admins try to justify not censoring such garbage.

>The search results on Torch are not censored because we believe trying to censor the dark web is counter productive and a waste of resources. Our philosophy is people have the right to do anything they want and live with the consequences, Torch should not decide what people do with their lives even if it’s morally wrong. We’re a search engine not your conscience.

>If you would like to advertise your hidden service please check our our advertising rates.

Yeah right, it's because of TRVE freedumbs n sheeit, it totally doesn't have anything to do with advertising scam websites to horny pedos and making money off of it.

Funny tangent aside, if there are any useful resources related to cybersec/privacy/tech on tor, please let me know. I'd like to get something useful out of it.
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Anyone have that cointelpro transcript where they sent a guy to snoop on some leftists and he was begging them to reassign them because he was getting bored out of his mind just listening to college kids have pedantic arguments about 1800s philosophy.


mental outlaw is an unhinged /g/tard rightoid and a sensationalist. don't take anything he says seriously.


>a black who goes against his race

So a race traitor? You sound like a /pol/tard.


What does he mean by wokeness destroying the surface web? The only thing wokeness is destroying is mainstream journalists' reputation. But you can just… not read them? I dunno.
>So a race traitor?
Lol, it did sound like this but I think they were talking about internalized racism. I wonder: can white guilt be considered white people's version of internalized racism? Lmao.


That sounds more accurate, definitely some InstallGentoo Wiki vibes.


What mobile browser are you using?
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>It lives rent-free in the heads of the r/firefox mods, because it's on par with a desktop browser in contrast to the mobile browsers by mozilla and other corpos
Fair, but that doesn't mean they are wrong when it comes to adblocking. Also, you can access desktop add-ons with Firefox Beta's custom add-on collections.


Well, screw that then. Stupid copyright system, those bourgeois Japs can have it. We're gonna create our own Vocaloid. With blackjack and hookers.

It's Nintendo all over again, Jesus Christ, I'LL NEVER FORGIVE THE JAPANESE!!


>It's Nintendo all over again
also the fact that hatsune miku's voicebank costs 14000円, while utau kasane teto is free in all meanings lol
>We're gonna create our own Vocaloid. With blackjack and hookers.
hell yeaa it's actually possible to create another voicebank with utau
same, I'll never forgive them nuking yuzu


I'm using Cromite right now but I'm going to switch back to Mull when I get around to it. Its mid, mull is better.


Vanadium the default GrapheneOS browser. If you're not running GrapheneOS, you're giving your info to glowies.

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Know some good shit on Tor? Let us know. Whether it be substitutes for clearnet services, or just the .onion domain for whatever, or just something cool.

What I found:
>privacytools.io site
>Invidious (YouTube front-end)
(Clearnet version: https://vid.puffyan.us/ )
Requires enabling certain scripts to work unfortunately. You can sign up and make a list of subscriptions though.
>Nitter (Twitter front-end)
>/leftypol/ (/leftypol/)

Some things I was interested in hearing about:
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>moves the post explaining op was made pre-split to /gulag/




What is it?


Leftybooru is gettting an .onion address soon.

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I have used coreboot before, but I got a laptop with a weird chip layout that is going to be difficult to coreboot. I found a few workarounds, but I am having trouble understanding them. Would anybody here be willing to help?
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that has to be one dedicated maid to bring along a flashing kit when she could just drug me and tie me up and tell me I've been a bad boy


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when is framwork laptop getting coreboot support??


LUKS + store the key in flash drive/TPM


Well no, if someone has physical access to your machine always assume the worst. Encrypting like >>22332 says will only keep your data safe but they can still flash whatever they want on the machine.

Afaik once you go coreboot you can also flash internally which means anyone with a modified USB flash could easily change it too.


Thank shit, I can stop fucking around with coreboot and worrying about IntelMe
>inb4 start worrying about LongsoonMe

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