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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Your opinions on Lunduke? I think, his articles seem well researched and convincing.

>Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla


>6 Dirty Secrets of the Linux and Open Source Industry


>Microsoft's growing control of Linux

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stallman's about as progressive as you can get while still being a lib/socdem. lunduke's just a standard braindead chinlet. completely different scale of idiocy

This is not news and it's not radical. There's a reason one of the most parroted quotes in infosec is "the only truly secure system is one that is powered off and cast in a block of concrete". Which is also to say, rely on computer security as little as possible.
You don't need a right-wing crackpot to tell you that. If hearing this from the mouth of a nutjob makes you immediately think he's the only sane one in a world of crazies it must be very easy to recruit you into a cult.
Also, obviously, the fact that computers are inherently insecure doesn't mean you should never use them ever.

>Also, obviously, the fact that computers are inherently insecure doesn't mean you should never use them ever.

I agree. But the last years had thought me, that I must change my relation to computertechnology in general. In short, I no longer treat computers (and other computertech like smartphones) as the center of my life. I use no online services (except online banking & email) and if you would now smash all my devices, I wouldn't care. Using computertechnology is Ok, but one shouldn't be dependent on it. Cardinal sins to create computer dependencies are for example Datahoarding and cultivating hobbies which rely on computers. One hobby of mine was making music with a DAW. But now I realize, that this was a mistake. I created a dependency on a fast changing corpo technology, which I can't control. I should had started to play electric guitar instead. Since it's invention, guitars never changed and they wont change in the next 50 years either. Books will also not change. But everything what relies on computers, is not in your hand.

>I created a dependency on a fast changing corpo technology, which I can't control.
There are simple enough, open-source DAWs like ardour, ams or impuletracker for example. I bet anyone with a bit of C knowledge and the library documentation could reasonably maintain them or keep around a working system release and move it to a vm if x86_64 ever dies.
>Cardinal sins to create computer dependencies are for example Datahoarding
Isn't it worthwhile to preserve things. Private datahoarding might be a sin and we should all move towards a single distributed filesharing protocol witin a unified namespace, using our local storage as a glorified cache, but that hasn't worked out for me as of now.

>>25343 (me)
After watching his more recent videos I'd say he's good but I cannot forget his past attitude towards the FSF so I still like DT and Mental Outlaw more. But maybe he's less hostile to Stallman and the FSF now. Also, he doesn't say "GNU/Linux" unlike DT, this is anathema. Also, I don't agree with conservatism, that's a moralistic ideology, but I don't really care as long as he's not a groyper who thinks gay marriage is enabling pedophilia.

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Any Haskellers on Leftypol? Wanna trade monads?
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I STILL don't know what a monad is.

Seems its a lot easier to get an intuition for than to actually understand as in the category theory definition.

the virgin read blog posts and category theory textbooks until you've (no doubt incorrectly) convinced yourself you understand the concept vs the chad build up your own intuition by getting your hands dirty

Hey haskellers, just wanted to ask, is there an argument to using Haskell in production over anything else in any field that is not embedded?
I lead an embedded team, but sometimes do other stuff. We're open to new technologies for the non embedded parts of our work.

Of course we do not use new technologies when there are strict requirements, for example, we have used (and regretted) Rust once because some dude kept pushing it and the requirements were very kind.


I watched this video recently, and have been fascinated by the concept of "the peripheral web" (in contrast to "core web") and want to find more stuff out there. So how about a thread where we share neat stuff we find on the peripheral web?

First thing that comes to mind for me that isn't a blog or meta on this topic feel free to share either tho, just wanted to start the thread on a cool note is https://firstpersontetris.com/

Also relevant >>/tech/23548
11 posts omitted.

Deep Dark Webtasy

Already down. I doubt posting on /leftypol/ would hug of death it, so probably gone for good out of disinterest. If you like something archive it. HDD (or LTO for longer term preservation) are cheap in terms of storage space.

Oh oops, https://vanh.art/
n and h look too similar on the default font my browser is using. I need to set it back to comic mono or something.

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You can learn about creatures

>peripheral web
As in "normal web" when you're not a social media addict? Got it.

Potential future replacement for Marxist Internet Archive?

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Does anyone have a Riseup invite for a comrade?

I don't want to use Protonshit anymore.
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cock.li is maintained by fishy alt-right people IIRC who readily collaborate with the authorities when it benefits them

To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Cock occupies that overlapping space between classic amoral shitposting and nazi-adjacent shitposting. The former operates as a cover for the latter whether those are his politics or not. Politics aside, he says you shouldn't trust him and you shouldn't. Cock.li domains are frequently marked as spam or disposable, the service is unreliable, and why would you trust him anyway?

that's a cia asset
and more importantly, gpg is a thing, you don't need to trust your email server

he is just a guy, and because he is just a guy he collaborates with the authorities. the man is not going to get in trouble and say "no" to an agency for you

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What smartphone do you have? What you recommend? Also share your recommended apps.

I have a Xiaomi Poco F3, I got it for cheap ($280) and has a lot of good features like 5G, 120HZ AMOLED, NFC, a powerful processor etc I don't plan to buy another one for in the next 4-5 years.

My recommended apps:
>Blokada (to block all ads, doesn't need root)
>f-droid (alt app store).
>Bromite and Fennec Fdroid web browsers
>Libretorrent if you want to torrent on your phone.
>Tachiyomi if you want to read manga.
>Radiodroid for radiostations
>Torbrowser for tor proxy/onion service
>Lucky Patcher if you want to fuck around trying to unlock apps for free (Needs Root)
>MX player for videos, Simple Gallery for images.
>New Pipe or YT Vanced for youtube videos.
>foobar2000 or blackplayer for music
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Wait no, kill actually can take a name too, I did not know that. And pgrep does pattern matching on names.

taskkill works with names only with the /IM option, or with pids with the /pid option. /F means –force
>kill actually can take a name too
wait what? damn I didn't know, nice

And to list pids and processes' names in windows, is with the tasklist command, it's like the ps or htop command in GNU/Linux

I don't actually use windows, gentoo is much better

kill $(pidof process)

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So something went wrong with last Windows update, it wont boot, recover, or do anything at all, my laptop appears to be completely bricked, Ill have to do factory reset (and even then Im keeping fingers crossed it will actually work). This is the last fucking drop, Im switching to Linux. The thing is, I have virtually no IT skills, so what is your advice? What type of Linux is most noob friendly? I use computer basically just for internet browsing, some graphic software and bideo games.
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Gave up on trying to change refresh rate. Figured out how to game on Linux, surprisingly easy, Steam lets you launch pirated games through Proton. Havent tried anything from GOG yet though, and I suspect old titles might be an issue.
I dont regret switching OS, the peace of mind I get from not having mandatory updates, telemetry and bloatware infestation is worth the hassle, but at the same time, I dont really feel in control. Every time I need to do anything I have to search internet for someone else doing it, paste the commands, and then having no idea what is it actually doing. Like I install something, dont know from where, to where, what are all the other packages or dependencies, which of the 4 different clean and remove commands should I use to delete in order to uninstall. Its all so opaque.

After dicking around with linux for long enough, you will feel more in control and YOU WILL like it. That is the curse of unix. Start by getting a sense of where things are in the filesystem. https://linuxjourney.com/lesson/filesystem-hierarchy seems like a good resource, compare it with https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/file-hierarchy.7.html as well. Use apropos to look for commands you might want to use. Read the bash manpage front to back when you feel ready.
>which of the 4 different clean and remove commands should I use to delete in order to uninstall
The remove/delete command should at least uninstall any explicitly specified packages unless the output says otherwise. Most package managers have a special command for pruning unused dependencies. Theoretically you don't have to worry about pruning dependencies and cleaning caches, until you start running out of disk space.

>I dont really feel in control
this is a matter of complexity. on average, as the user, the more complex the software is, the less control you are going to have. the software stack required to run games, specially those that were made for a different os, is complex. the only difference is that at least with linux (and open source stuff in general) you can educate yourself and regain control by understanding the simple parts that form the complex stack

that said, most distributions, specially the popular ones, are complex, obscure and even hostile <- this is, paradoxically, the price of being beginner-friendly and "enterprise". you could switch to a simpler distro like gentoo or artix if you want to try fixing things by yourself instead of depending on the community for everything. the stack required to play windows games will still be complex and error-prone

Xrandr just works on my machine with a finnicky 1994 CRT though the built in modelines are wrong.

Wasted entire fucking day trying to get apache server with wordpress working. Had to patchwork together a solution with three different guides, basically guaranteeing something going wrong eventually and me having no idea what exactly. Seriously, a word of advice for all the good people out there making Linux tutorials, tutorials are generally used by people not familiar with the topic being tutorialized, therefore, for the love of god, FUCKING EXPLAIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING AND WHY, DONT SKIP HALF THE FUCKING STEPS.

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Pirate thread, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

Post about pirates and and piracy be it on the high seas or the internet!
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Looks like it's not available on https://libgen.rs so you might just be out of luck and have to request it from your local library.

Fuck. I did manage to get a method to download borrowed books permanently, but the borrow function is dead.

This is on Anna's Archive along with a lot of other books that IA scanned. You can identify the books sourced from IA because the distinctive filename is preserved.


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Imma do it. Gonna switch to FreeBaSeD on my servers. ZFS goodness, raidz2, stability, pkg, serious people.

It's no wonder that the most staunch anti-linux pro-unix/BSD person I ever met was a staunch Communist.

Thread for all BSD variants, OpenIndiana, Illumos, Haiku, plan9 and other unix-based OSs welcome too.
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The fact that FreeBSD is a complete system has a drawback in that it does not go beyond the old UNIX conventions which, as any Lisp enthusiast would tell you, are TERRIBLE AND NEED TO DIE!! Without GNU/Linux's modularity we wouldn't have stuff like NixOS or Gentoo (though admittedly security by design is even shittier on NixOS, they still can't manage to get SELinux or even Firejail to work). Also, both FreeBSD and GNU/Linux pretty much require hardening, something that OpenBSD does not need as much (congrats, OpenBSD chads, take a cookie). So it's more complicated than it seems. All-in-all I think the BSDs are better than GNU/Linux overall but GNU/Linux's modularity is one of its biggest strengths and weaknesses.

>>22995 (me)
Also, the fact that GNU/Linux does not have one distribution mitigates the power distro maintainers have over the users. If distro maintainers become corrupt or start doing some decisions you do not like you can just go use another distro. How many usable BSDs are there? FreeBSD… OpenBSD… The end.

Also, it's not entirely true that GNU/Linux isn't developed as a complete OS, it's just that people like to replace some components they do not like in it (looking at you, Alpine), something that you simply don't do in the BSDs. The whole system core is basically developed by GNU with Linux borrowed as a kernel because they still can't finish GNU Hurd. But if by GNU/Linux being incomplete you mean that it doesn't use its own in-house kernel then you'd be correct.

I'm not saying that GNU/Linux is better than BSDs, I just disagree that the fact that the development of the BSDs is so centralized is entirely a good thing.

>It's no wonder that the most staunch anti-linux pro-unix/BSD person I ever met was a staunch Communist
How is communism connected to hating on GNU/Linux? If anything, GNU/Linux haters are often lolberts or liberals who think copyleft is communist and authoritarian and who are way more class collaborationist than copyleft enjoyers ever will be. I think those BSD users who don't just blindly hate GNU/Linux and who support copyleft are more likely to be communists.

Yeah, most copyleft haters hate it because you can't combine it with permissive licenses. And why would you use permissive licenses? So corpos could use your code in their proprietary product, of course.

the graphics drivers require debufs :/

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General thread about Tor.

Is there any problem with going to https://leftypol.org/ and then clicking on the .onion site? I can't store http://76i2c3hn55fcj5nut3tqlboqqbbh23zvphv7lefk3vftpx6wketlanyd.onion/ in my browser because it's in a disposable VM.
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>Just tread carefully
Well, this is obvious. Noone should trust anything blindly. That's why people don't trust systemd and Linux for example despite them being OPEN SOURCE!! IT'S OPEN SOURCE, GUYS, THAT MEANS IT'S PERFECT!!

Honestly for 99% of people you can trust Tor. If you're some big dicked alpha running some crazy drug service or doing highly illegal shit that people both care about and have a paid incentive to stop, I would not at all trust Tor to keep you safe and would completely remodel your anonymity setup and would look towards i2p or some more advanced setup between you and Tor

Wonder why the online drug cartel hasn't yet switched to something else like i2p, they seem to trust Tor way too much to run a multi million dollar highly illegal business. or are all those markets just psyops by glowies?

Some of them do, but they get dropped left and right and arrested all the time. Hard to say truly how they're getting fucked as well since we can only really go by what law enforcement says. Either way those types of people have to be looking over their shoulders forever once they get involved with shit like this. Also Im pretty sure there are i2p drug distributors but thats besides the point

poggers stickers tbh

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EU is eliminating NGI grants which fund the development of many open source projects. You can browse some of the projects here: https://nlnet.nl/project/index.html
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>true community
1. Communism is not "community," it's an economic system.
2. Sufficiently organized libre software developers are no less of a community than your average workplace.
3. The social aspect of communism is overemphasized, communism doesn't have to have a strong emphasis on fraternity to be communist, both egoist communism and anarcho-primitivism are a thing.

>>26215 (me)
Communism is common ownership of the means of production (libre software fulfills this definition). If it was just communitarianism then I wouldn't support it. No more than I would fascism, I don't want a community imposed on me from the outside, sometimes (many times in fact) I just want to do things by myself.

Free software when used in production is collective ownership of a means of production but not of the means of production. This was more effectively my original argument. Worker that produce free software can be denied needs and thus in an even worse position than if it was produced under capitalism. My comments on Kibbutz where just in replies to the statement: "Because communization is the real movement that abolishes the current state of things." Which was interpreted as referring to communes.

>My comments on Kibbutz where just in replies to the statement: "Because communization is the real movement that abolishes the current state of things." Which was interpreted as referring to communes
Well… kinda? I mean, a Git repo is a kind of a digital commune to which everyone contributes work and resources.

Yeah, I get it, in the grand scheme of things those are just islands in the capitalist sea. That's why I chose to use the word "communization" because communism may more appropriately refer to a communist society, which I'm obviously not talking about.

This is fair enough.

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