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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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File: 1666367217176-0.mp4 (5.39 MB, 720x1280, Pet-the-Kerfuś.mp4)

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File: 1666367217176-2.mp4 (3.75 MB, 576x1024, Kerfuś-Chile.mp4)

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I'm obsessed with these little Polish robot cats. They're adorable and I want to make one to have a little garage buddy.

Seems like it's a shelf with a roomba on the bottom, a computer (raspberry pi, screen, sensors, ect…) on top, some RGB lights, and a shell on top with cat ears. Is anyone in the process of trying to make one at home yet? What's some FOSS software I could use for such a project?
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where is the translation in the comments?


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"In one of the Carrefour shops in Poland an incident with the "Kerfuś" mascot happened. A 28 year old man decided to have a sexual intercourse in the back of the shop. The police had to intervene, and they are still figuring out the details. The man will face 5 years in prison."


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Oh the topic of making one at home, I wonder if these things use a gyroscope to keep balance. There's no loud whirring noise, but it could be like a phone gyroscope for making corrections. Or they're just light on top and weighted on the bottom.

Could make the bulk of it out of wood, which could look cool. Perhaps a steampunk vibe.


>>17343 (me)
Oh, sheet metal could be a good option too, if you know how to weld.


Based poles


Is this the only way to rice windows files? .ico files?
It's so over

remember rainmeter? good times
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ur a cat



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what compels a man to program this much? love

i found some more stuff


apparently this is open source foss live wallpaper program





i will literally never not attribute, bruh
i feel so bad

i hate capitalism for making artists starve

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Is it better to shut your PC, and Monitor down? And turn them on every morning?

Or keep the PC in sleep and monitor powered off
Or simply turn the monitor off only
OR just let the machines be, and use them like that, and restart or power off every week or so?

Keep in mind I've kept them attached through a UPS also
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All CPUs can withstand being on all the time and even the most expensive GPU is just as vulnerable as the rest to use.


Sever CPUs send to be clocked lower for lower thermals out of the box thus like running consumer CPUs in eco presets by default and tend to withstand more use hours on then your average consumer CPU. Which is why it is far more common when data centres decommissions servers their CPUs still have lots of life in them while gaming and mining rigs not so much. (That and larger data centres have massive industrial scale water loops on top of AC).


Ok saw na, Turning off your PC (as long it is just once a day) and Turning it on daily
Seems like the way to go

I don't use mine as a server
Also there was a computer plague? Damn


It's been like this since I spilled water on it around a decade ago.


>It's doubly stupid if their drives are encrypted
Why? It's free security, all you have to do is offer a second password. You don't need to be chased by a three letter agency to use it

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post manmade horrors beyond your comprehension
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blow it up with a grenade


The Corpse of Queen Minos.


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The fucker


new silent hill enemy just dropped

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It took 8 years for this joke to go from extreme paranoia to practical tip.


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"Alexa, set search engine to duckduckgo."
"Alexa, look up how to make a bomb using meth and child swimsuit magazines."


Paranoia, even if justified, is not healthy.


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Time and time again, PayPal has proven itself to be a garbage service, but what are the alternatives?
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so you buy the coins, then you cash them in for the same currency that you bought them in?


To do what? Online you can just pay directly with your card. Transferring money to people my bank has Zelle built in and I don't think it has any fees and it transfer immediately.


don't do this. bitcoin isn't really anonymous. it isn't really untraceable. it is subject to taxation. Also crypto mining is basically the equivalent of burning half a forest for a gram of iron


i'm not OP, but I'd like to hijack this thread and ask specifically about online wallets which you can receive money to and send from without a bank card attached (like paypal used to be…)

Is this a thing nowadays? It's such a useful feature but idk any alternatives to paypal and paypal has clamped down recently



I bought a ryzen 5600g and 3200mhz ram, but it runs at 2133Mhz

Should I go into bios and make it run at 3200mhz,
Will it last longer if i keep it under clocked according to the JDEC code?

Is it still overclocking if I'm making it run under it's told spec


>Will it last longer if i keep it under clocked according to the JDEC code?


For RAM speeds it is not going to change longevity a significant amount, it is a more stability thing.


The igpu in that processor will have a significant performance loss at that memory speed, if you intend to use the fairly capable onboard graphics for graphically intense tasks like games or productivity software, set the ram to 3200mhz.

>Should I go into bios and make it run at 3200mhz,

I would do that.
Optionally you can test your memory for stability to make sure your pc doesn't crash
On Linux you can use the memtester package (it's in the standard repositories)

>Will it last longer if i keep it under clocked according to the JDEC code?

JEDEC is just some kind of a lowest common denominator industry standard, it's not the limit for your component.
Technically it will last longer but, RAM is unlikely to crap out, your motherboard will likely die first.

If you are concerned about extending the life expectancy of your computer the number one thing to do is make it have a low temperature.

>Is it still overclocking if I'm making it run under it's told spec



ok i'm gonna make the jump, if there's no performance difference i'll just go back to 2133mhz


this was just a 2 second tune up

there's no way ram can fuck up and destroy the set-up right? unbelievable how such a simple thing can fasten up shit

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Wow the botnet is so benevolent for tracking everything I do to make sure I'm not suicidal.


>Wow the botnet is so benevolent for tracking everything I do to make sure I'm not suicidal.
No they just want to detect when is the best time to sell you rope.


porky trying to close off the last escape from this hellscape


this is why I use an ungoogled Android ROM, so that no one will be able to stop me from killing myself



Any one of us who has ever used LinkedIn is probably familiar with the experience of receiving a notification for whenever your profile appears in a search. At least a month or two ago I joined a radical political organization. I did not post anything indicating as much on LinkedIn or on Facebook. I went on LinkedIn today and found the following:
>you appeared in 7 searches this week
normally I would ignore this, but I saw the Harvard Coat of Arms and was intrigued. See pic 1
So I clicked, curious what I'd see next
As expected, I didn't get to see who exactly searched for me but I did see something that kind of intrigued me. See pic 2
>>Where your searchers work

Do you think the FBI was just looking for people to hire, or do you think this was the act of some analyst trying to find dirt on me?
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Enterprise Holdings


The FBI knew you would get the notification. They undesrtand how LinkedIn works. They wanted to sniff out how perceptive you are to see if you would [Notice] them. Or maybe someone there is actually spying on people using regular user-end tools instead of the backdoors provided to them by these companies lol.



There's probably a career-minded analyst or a team assigned to monitor and influence your radical political organization. They probably have the biometrics and any other data they need on everyone even associated with the org. They probably knew you would get the notification and are monitoring responses to the notification.

We give all our data away folks, to organizations with effectively infinite resources. Infinite.

What did we expect? If only there was a genre of dystopian movies or something to educate people.

The Israeli's are rolling out "remote operated crowd control devices" in Hebron. Time to get organized or it's coming to a food court near you.


>I joined a radical political organization
What did you expect? It's asking to get put on a list.


yeah i dont think this is an actual agent but it could be, i mean they literally got the silk road guy by searching him on linkedin

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Does any of you know of any good rooms to join? I already created my own. Plan on making the website and paying for the enterprise plan tomorrow. But right now I'm using the free trial version. Here's a tutorial on how you can self-host your own workspace on Android:

Step #1.) Download the 2019 release APK from Github.


Step 2.) Set up your own server. Use desktop to make your burner email (like temp-mail.org) along with a secure password (like the strong ones you can generate from xkpasswd.net). Then set up your account and workspace and now you're finished with that.

Step 3.) Now you can download the updated RocketChat app from Google Play or Fdroid, enter the workspace URL that was generated for you when signing in to the app, along with your login credentials you created and now you should be in.

Step 4.) Now you just pay up for an enterprise plan (it's $7 I think).

Step 5.) Now you just create your own website. Just say DreamHost. Then CDN services (like Vanwa).

Steo 6.) Next just hook everything up and set up your website and you're good to go.
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what even is this, just a FLOSS version of slack?

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