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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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>try to download some series I came upon that looks cool
>grab the magnet link
>click on qbittorrent, specifically set to never ask for updates so that windows won't recognize anything
>pop up: windows has blocked the execution of malicious software
>even the qbittorrent icon disappears in an instant from my desktop after clicking ok
Linuxsigmas… I kneel


that's weird, I have a fresh windows 11 install and I can run qbittorent fine lol


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I accidentally deleted my whole vault home dir because I'm stupid, with all my important passwords, keys, etc.

I was looking for ways to fix it and found out that with qubes by default keeps snapshots from the last shutdowns of each vm, at least for the private partition. I just reverted and it was fine. The end.
This is just a PSA i guess. I never knew qubes was good for keeping your data safe from yourself even. Try it if you haven't used it


dayum what a qt

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>Alexa has been around for 10 years and has been a trailblazing voice assistant that was copied quite a bit by Google and Apple. Alexa never managed to create an ongoing revenue stream, though, so Alexa doesn't really make any money. The Alexa division is part of the "Worldwide Digital" group along with Amazon Prime video, and Business Insider says that division lost $3 billion in just the first quarter of 2022, with "the vast majority" of the losses blamed on Alexa. That is apparently double the losses of any other division, and the report says the hardware team is on pace to lose $10 billion this year. It sounds like Amazon is tired of burning through all that cash.

>We have to wonder: Is time running out for Big Tech voice assistants? Everyone seems to be struggling with them. Google expressed basically identical problems with the Google Assistant business model last month. There's an inability to monetize the simple voice commands most consumers actually want to make, and all of Google's attempts to monetize assistants with display ads and company partnerships haven't worked. With the product sucking up server time and being a big money loser, Google responded just like Amazon by cutting resources to the division.

All the questions people ask are about the weather or to play music. No one buys shit on alexa which is what they hoped for. Millions of dollars burnt for nothing creating a solution to a problem no one had.
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Eeh. I want good capabilities out of the box when only running offline mode. The talk on r/mycroft r/homeassistant is rather negative. Their Mark II uses a different software and the user-written tools for the older model (which they aren't selling anymore) are incompatible with the new one. Maybe in two months the situation will be much better, but for this Christmas season they screwed themselves in my impression.


Hubris, and to be fair, many big tech experiments have worked. But yeah, the idea that people will just buy the first product recommended by their digital spyware assistant with no investigation is pretty whack.


>>17803 (NTC)
On one hand, I want to support Mycroft, on the other I don't want their shitty… lets be nice and call them prototypes.

Should I just donate a hundred?


Heh, found this picroft mod on the subreddit

Any other cool projects you've seen? something more original than a magic mirror, please


<Since starting here in early 2020 I’ve had to make some of the toughest decisions I’ve ever faced, and none more so than at the end of last year. At the end of November, just after the Mark II entered production, I was faced with the reality that I had to lay off most of the Mycroft staff. At present, our staff is two developers, one customer service agent and one attorney.
Well shit.


Why do physicists use Python so much and prefer it to most other languages? Is there something special about Python in physics/biology/science in general that makes it better for scientists?
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It's cause of libraries like numpy pandas and scipy which are implemented in C that let you process humongous amount of data and do simulations quickly even in a scripting language


I agree OP. These heathens should be using Common Lisp and emacs because that's what reddit and lainchan use, or Julia because Paul Cockshott uses it. If Paul Cockshott uses Julia, that means Julia is communist, and that would mean real communists would use Julia. How dare she use a language for its shorter learning curve and massive library ecosystem.


bro it was just a question chill 💀


python is for noobs and its good for processing data
i like python btw


look at this dude lmao


Hactivist and cyber security researcher finds exposed servers containing the No Fly list


Also why do so many facilities with sensitive documents seem to never configure their shit properly? Why do they keep getting trusted with said documents? Especially schools and hospitals.
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If it's a block quote, who said "quotes around the word hacker" and "maia arson crimew"? Fucking hypocritical retard.


she isnt gonna fuck you bro


>who said "quotes around the word hacker" and "maia arson crimew"?
And Maia is the author of article and hacker in question, so…



As someone from the fediverse I find her so fucking annoying.

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would it be possible to set up a non-spying reverse image search service
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I'm not American and they don't treat collaborators as nicely.


Use Yandex, it's the best one and the Russians are the last people who will snitch on you assuming you're living in NATO


not enough armpit pussy


I will second that yandex's reverse image search is pretty good. Don't know how well vetted it is on the mass surveillance/ data collection front, but handy is handy.


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Like saucenao?

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Is there a reason why a person studying and trying to get into the industry shouldn't learn legacy stuff?

Namely is there a potential for a sort of job specialising in it?
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legacy tech is for older devs who never updated their skills and instead decided to snowbird on the tech they learned when young. Its not that 22 year old grads learn cobol, its that they retain the same guys who programmed a pdp-11 back in the 70s to stay on and keep consulting to fix all the arcane errors with that one program that the state government is still using since 1977 but is in charge of all payroll for government employees and absolutely must keep working.

The only exception ive seen to this is mainframers, z/os programming and so forth, where I actually have seen new grads hired.


I don't think software that is actively maintained should be considered "legacy". But there is no widely accepted definition of what legacy actually means. For example, there's a popular book called "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" which defines "legacy code" as any piece of code that (try guessing before you read the spoiler) has no tests.


Seems like the most common advice and really reflects >>18210
Huh til


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im trying to get into electronics and architecture via my own interest in the NES system. using it as a way to educate myself on various programming and electronics topics via a system i have an unending amount of motivation and interest in picking apart and learning. i know its almost 40 years old, i know it uses assembly and the 6502 microprocessor, i know its been obsolete longer than ive been alive. is it a waste of time for me to learn about all these things by understanding the myriad intricacies of this system? does being that obsolete make the knowledge gained too hard/impossible to apply to modern systems and technology?


I guess the fundamentals are still there, so imo I'd say it's still worth playing around with and learning how to max it out.

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honestly if you can't solve problems like this, you shouldn't be in tech
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Maths notation is optimized for writing on chalkboards.
Today people use computers for maths, maybe it's time to change the notation to some kind of syntax for a math-centric script language.


>Maths notation is optimized for writing on chalkboards.
How so? I was under the impression that most of the symbols come from written works.


nta but peak performance evropean high school goer here, never even heard of that symbol
did you take long or short math yourself





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