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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Snowden pushed Tor (among other products) under the guise that they helped dodge NSA surveillance which ended up being entirely untrue. This guy is a fraud and he likely always was. Everything he pushes is a honeypot presented as haxxor liberation. Snowden is an Islamaphobic Ayn Rand libertarian who helped spread a mass surveillance tool on behalf of the National Security state and this was branded as a valiant effort for liberation by a network of left liberals cultivated by Omidyar, Thiel, & other Big Tech fascists.

TOR, the epic anti-establishment crypto whatever that Snowden & Assange shilled as hard as they possibly could as the answer to government surveillance (but not corporate data collection, which is fine & anti-statist) was developed in part as one digital tool against China

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I for one welcome some lib shit burger going over my records and having their brain broken


there is certainly a discussion to be had around the DNS rootzone and its libness. the same goes for the CA system for TLS certs, where a web of trust model may be better. another option is to use SSH keys. or I2P. or petnames.


>One can as easily point to any number of anarchist projects and expose the ways in which they reproduce the very alienation they aim to overcome. Cooperative business, radical commodities, independent media, social spaces, Food Not Bombs: when positive anarchist projects aren’t doing social work to stave off collapse or upheaval, they are developing the innovations (self-management, decentralized production, crowd-sourcing, social networking) that will help to extend capital’s reign into the next century.


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lol really? you think the future of capitalism will be decentralised and crowdsourced? uygha you goofy


read marx

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Thoughts on Starlink? I'm in the third world and I keep seeing people buying into the hype.
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>I'm in the third world
lol wtf? I didn't think we had a second one.


hell yeah dude
let's build 3rd world infrastructure on the basis of a single private company run by a capricious manchild


We have a LatAm and SEA general.


You don't have to like Henry Ford or his company to recognize he was at the vanguard of mass car production and an innovative industrial model. It's the same for SpaceX, they're simply the first to do it.


people that live in cities getting hyped about starlink are just uninformed

there aren't many "thoughts" to be had. if you are in a remote area without proper internet infrastructure (like a ship in the ocean, for example), your only option is satellite internet. there are technical differences between starlink and other satellite internet providers, but the economics of it boil down to starlink (spacex) being more competitive because of vertical integration and government subsidies. it's the monopolization of yet another market, but in this case it doesn't really affect urban populations

fiber is always going to be cheaper and overall better in densely populated areas. with enough data on the costs and some effort, you could even approximate the densities and extensions at which satellite becomes cheaper than fiber

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These are the only cell phones that are acceptable to use without having to rely on Soygle. As of 2019, all commercial cell phones came with a proprietary baseband chip which is basically backdoored spyware. As for GrapheneOS? Don't even think about. There is so much blobbed sources plus the ARM Trustzone backdoor that they claim they fixed (which is horseshit). Oh, and you have to always consoom the newest Goooooooooogle products like an iToddler because of device support issues and the small number of people who work for the project. There is no real guarantee of safety on an Android unless you were running it on a VM.

Pinephones/Librems are horseshit too. Same goes with dumb phones. Your carrier can always log your shit. And 2G/3G getting discontinued in favor of VoLTE spyware. You can probably substitute this with software that helps you change voices, spoof nunbers and so on for the calls. I'd installl Tails OS on it.
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I've never seen someone shittalking grapheneos who actually knew what he was talking about.

That's like saying windows telemetry is still spying on you after you installed linux, retard.

>you have to always consoom the newest Goooooooooogle products

But you can still use old pixels and install grapheneos on them? It's the same as being unable to upgrade android on older phones.


OK what's the actual fucking deal with grapheneOS tho? Most open source and secure when paired with pixel? Honeypot?
Lmao wat? Is it actually fully amnesiac on a phone? How would it disconnect the ram from long term memory and shit? Otherwise way are you doing? Idk IG rn I am leaning towards no full security and privacy unless you have like a burner phone that you only connect to public WiFi far from your house and data over prepaid bought with cash and no idea in a random location with no facial recognition or whatever the fuck. Then jailbreak and strip everything down and install some relatively secure OS and only ever use it for whatever shit you need security for. And disable the camera and mic or keep it powered off airgapped from you and your devices. Then like have a main phone/daily driver with less sus setup that you minimize data leaking on and never the two shall meet.


If they'd have user removable batteries and an SD card, they'd be worth it, since you could use them for 10 years + with custom ROMs. Or put Linux on them, and use them as a regular PC


Finally, a detailed security audit of a security ROM linked on the ROM creators page
There should be a lot of talk about this for compatible phones, it seems like the best ROM for non graphene capable


Graphene as a project eventually wants to make their own hardware, which they'll give longterm support to. (Current Pixel devices only have 3 year support.)

Recently it was revealed that the EU wants readily removable batteries, so future phones sold in that market may have that functionality.

The SD card is a big pain point and seeing how little storage is included nowadays it'd be really great to have it back.


Title gives my conclusion from empirical events I witnessed and inside info. PSP runs on the same circuit, but isn't the backdoor per se, which has been around for much longer.

Just like AMD was able to change the crypto algorithms for the Zen chip they licensed to China, they can change how the CPU behaves at any system, even those already deployed. This can be used to sabotage any program or computation, making BadBIOS (uses radio, not sound) vastly nastier than StuxNet.

American military made a grave mistake by giving access to the morons of the Brazilian military, who are letting knowledge of this spread like a fire (and misusing it for petty profit and inside jobs to justify a police state). Israel, UK and France also have access, but are much more professional.
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all AMD processor before AMD FX and AMD FX itself are safe, since they don't have the AMD PSP backdoor.
if you use an AMD FX cpu or older, you're safe

all Intel CPUs before Intel core2 or core2 itself are safe, since they don't have Intel IME
if you use core2 or older, you're safe
sometimes core2 is called "intel core2 duo" like on the sticker of my notebook

RISC-V is going to solve this security nightmare…. hopefully…..


you can flash me_cleaner to older intel processors with ime too. also amd's psp is a lot milder than ime


but that's like the hardest thing to do and only documentation for specific thinkpads exists.


flashing motherboards isnt hard


it's super hard (maybe not with god-like documentation), might as well play the sonic 3 final boss fight music while you're at it (笑)

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Post them all
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nice 1 m8



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What's that painting about? Looks like a Comintern convention, and Lenin is speaking



haven't seen any talk about OpenStreetMap on here. any other users/contributors?
I like to contribute using StreetComplete when I'm on walks and JOSM when I'm at home and bored
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Probably not


What app for android to use for hiking and google maps replacement?


I use OsmAnd~ it can show trails and you can download the maps offline: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/net.osmand.plus/

But the quality of the map will depend a lot on where you are.


I use it, but it lacks public transport data in most places google maps has it. This includes state owned public transport, so you'd think that data would be easy enough to integrate.


so add it then
it'd be best of course if we could get goberment employees to OSM


What's the best way to share files in a small group using a browser, like Google Drive, but not using Google?
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Forgot to mention that the effect that –symmetric has is that the same password will be used for decrypting and encrypting and you don't need to generate or manage any encryption keys.


Depends what you're trying to do. Are these shares mostly one off? Do they need to be retained for a long time and/or have a system of ownership/checking in an out/changes made over history? How large do the files need to go up to each?

>I need to use a service that is proprietary and has privacy concerns for one reason or another, be it GoogleDrive, Dropbox etc. Can it be safer?

Cryptomator is a simple way to use a big name service while also basically encrypting everything before uploading, without a lot of manual fucking around. Just something to keep in mind if for whatever reason you end up stuck on Google Drive .

>Files for immediate download with shared links and without account requirement

Something based on Pomf / Uguu (linked by anon above) or an instance of Send (like https://send.ephemeral.land/ ,) which is end to end encrypted. Note many of these have expiration and file size limits ,or the instances can often go down if the owner runs into some issue, can't afford to pay etc. Not for long term storage of important stuff.
>Account focused (if not necessarily required) hosts
ProtonDrive is almost exactly a drop in replacement for GoogleDrive, but not hosted by Google and goes along with Proton's expanding assortment of There are others; Mega is popular. Filen is up and coming and a nice alternative. There are many other end to end encrypted hosts with differing amounts of storage, costs, and features.
>Self-hosting or multiple host potential, FOSS encrypted solutions
All of these you can host on your own hardware, install it on a site you own/config, rent hosting with a pre-config instance, or sometimes use an existing instance. NextCloud has a ton of features that you can enable as you wish. CryptPad can do storage or collab stuff . There are others as well.
>FOSS encrypted Utility that's distributed, peer to peer, or require prearranged nodes/endpoints
Syncthing is great for syncing between known endpoints but you need to have storage, set it up etc. Can be used for collab but its not its main thing. OnionShare sends stuff through TOR among other features. RetroShare has a lot of features so long as you can invite the users you wPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Don't you need a static IP for that? My ISP sells static IPs to registered businesses. It's what stops me from doing something actually useful with my rpi4


>What's the best way
impossible to answer without you detailing your requirements, metric of goodness etc
NextCloud should work well, but requires that you know how to host things


Any way of hosting my nextcloud instance on hardware I own if I don't have a static IP address? I mean can I use a VPS as a proxy for the server nextcloud is running on so the domain always redirects to my vps static addres, but that forwards it to my home dynamic address and somehow detects when it changes to a new one automatically? I have a 2TB HDD and a RPI laying around. Or maybe host next cloud on the cheapest VPS and then mount a network file system to it from my home, but I think I'd have to solve the same issue.

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host name



vnc server Url?

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We're on a new board, so why not a new desktop thread? Let's keep this board active. Hopefully a fresh thread will draw some activity.

You know the drill: post your desktops, talk rice, etc etc.gentooGentoo
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The closest analogue to activities i know of are cwm groups. In cwm they replace virtual desktops though:
By default windows spawn in the group 1. Windows may be moved to other groups based on the numbers 0-9. Any group besides group 0 can be toggled and there are settings to automatically assign new windows to the last toggled group or a specific group based on their name. Most cwm keybindings are keyboard-focused, so you might need to adjust key/mouse-bindings. It accomodates other desktop ui programs well with group 0 and an option to restrict the area where windows spawn. It requires you to edit a text configuration file, that is fairly self-explanatory.

tl;dr If you have 9 or less KDE activities without virtual desktops or KDE widgets, cwm might be for you.

You might also want a standalone session manager. It sounds like it does exactly what activities do, but i'm unsure having never used one.
The KDE wiki has no indication that activities do sandboxing. An open forum thread from 2019 has a brief discussion on integrating applications sandboxing into Plasma and an r/kde comment section from 2021 recommends bubblewrap or firejail.
I made separate user accounts for my browsers and share files in /tmp.


Does OpenSUSE package codecs in their repositories? Fedora doesn't and you need to add RPM Fusion to get them.

I think Kubuntu would be more stable but still easy to use. If you don't mind reading the wiki, you could also try Void Linux.


no time for love


Hi, this is me: >>19614
I have been trying out opensuse for a week now.

It's alright.
The performance of it is weirdly janky sometimes, but I am using btrfs for the first time.
My favorite part is the dedication of doing everything with a gui.

I originally used linux mint, but I switched since of crashes and bluetooth issues – but now in setting up this install, I realized the issue for both could've been low swap space (which linux mint made 2gb when I use 16gb of ram), and tlp being responsible for the bluetoother fuckery respectifully.

I was originally going to install Fedora, but the installation deeply pissed me off since I was trying to set it up so /home/ was a seperate partition, and Fedora was either refusing to cooperate, or is insanely un-intuitive.
Maybe I'll try it again down the line, or maybe >>19615 .
My philosphy of what distro I want to use (at the moment) is I want something that I can recommend to anyone.

>Does OpenSUSE package codecs in their repositories
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Anyone have a setup to play downloaded content on the TV?

My current top goal would be to have:
>VPN torrent downloads + easy web interface to add torrents or easy way to upload content via local network
>reasonably cheap

I was reading online and I'm thinking of getting a cheap raspberry pi, installing something nice, and getting an external HDD which are now very cheap.

Interested in learning what setup you have if any.
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>need to find the correct dvd in collection
>back start hurting
nah fam i prefer automating my movie experience it, my pi can stream in 4k + download the correct format and movie while a busy taking care of your aging mom.


I haven't seriously pirated shit in like 10 years but it's gotten so annoying. Please help me piracy chads in establishing a flow.

I have a Google Shield (just a device that has Android TV, capable of installing apps), a television and an external HDD.

I would love to simply add a torrent and have that downloaded/available on my device somehow. I remember their used to be this solution where you could add series names and they would be automatically downloaded/extracted/placed on your device.


My set-up used to be the tv which has a usb input and my harddrive

i watched so many seinfelds and thor movies on it


You can rip your own Blu-Rays and DVDs and watch them on Kodi instead


If you have space on a PC or spare laptop or whatever, you can set up a Jellyfin streaming server that can be accessed by a Kodi client on a Pi

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