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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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The Web Crawler Has Fallen

Billions Must Surf and Manually Index

unironically love it

retvrn to webrings and topic-specific fora

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Since US tech embargo on China is still in effect and US plans to squeeze Chinese tech companies by restricting their access to computer chips. China's reaction to this was to make one of their goals to have a home-grown alternative for Intel, AMD, TSMC and the like to decrease dependence on the US. So I was wondering what kind of progress have they been making lately and what are their prospects of ever having a viable alternative to Intel and AMD?

There is all this talk about SMIC, Loongson and Zhaoxin and that in early 2020 Zhaoxin allegedly published a chip comparable to 2017 level intel and AMD tech and they are planning to have parity with Intel in a few years. Then there are Some sources are saying that China is failing horribly at acquiring manufacturing tech for more advanced processors. And I really can't make any real sense out of it.

So when will I be able to buy a computer that uses a hardware that dunks on burger made tech and sends my personal data to Beijing instead of Washington, if ever?
110 posts and 17 image replies omitted.

the j20 uses windows xp

Is the argument that the Chinese doesn't actually even need to catch up in terms of R&D, that "Made in China 2025", and China's 14th five-year plan has already been a success? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Made_in_China_2025#Funding_and_evaluation

Or even better the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" is actually the second "Starwars", and coming "Third AI Winter". Side with the least comprehensive and effective government investment wins because the objectives are of dubious utility.

>Or even better the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" is actually the second "Starwars", and coming "Third AI Winter".
Think now this mostly can't be the case. If cost of automating services like tellers or cashiers, and logistics industries (of course logistics came to mind even before) drops to the point where these things could be reasonably automated it would have a significant impact. The odd thing to me is that these could largely already be automated by simple web-apps or button panels and scanners, or in the case of logistics by train yards. Is natural language processing, or sophisticated image recognition really necessary for such automation - or more compellingly, would they be sufficient for such a realization? Capital simply systematically undervalues labor and so such an automation has only been partial; and it may be that reducing the cost of implementing these services would be such that it could cause radical shifts in industry. In some industries, like logistics, this is nearly a guarantee maybe starting 2027 it looks like.

Is StarFive (https://www.starfivetech.com/en/site/company) really Chinese or no? If they count then might they already have a cool Chinese RISC-V: https://milkv.io/mars#buy (Shenzhen MilkV Technology Co., Ltd (Milk-V)) can take a SATA SSD with an adapter which was always an issue with older SBC.

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Frontend tutorials and resources https://neocities.org/tutorials
General tutorials for both frontend and backend https://www.w3schools.com/default.asp
Old Geocities gifs https://gifcities.org/
Free subdomains http://freedns.afraid.org/domain/registry/
Free static site hosts https://neocities.org/ https://pages.github.com/ https://surge.sh/
16 posts and 5 image replies omitted.

web book on typography

you can just use one of the various codebases out there and install it on a server, unless you're talking about programming

You can easily convert .xbm to .png with imagemagick to use it as a background

convert image.xbm image.png

Seemed like it was more consolidation under React as the new JQuery and then some competition from other frameworks.

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Will there ever be an alternative video platform that matches its ability to let you regularly put out content to a large audience?
Vimeo comes close but you have to pay to exceed the limits and the audience is definitely more limited.
70 posts and 8 image replies omitted.

>time to yt-dlp some journalism
>don't call it a podcast plz
>ERROR: [youtube] Sign in to confirm you’re not a bot. This helps protect our community. Learn more
Is it ovir for yt-dlp chads? Other sites still work.

just update yt-dlp. devs have already found a workaround.

No, they haven't. It's not a yt-dlp issue. The workaround is to log in or use a different network.

>The workaround is to log in or use a different network.
I haven't seen the message since last post. There does seem to be some change in video formats on some videos on some channels. '-f worst' no longer always returns a download, requiring checking available formats '-F' and merging video and audio files. yt-dlp devs are chads, I haven't opened a youtube page in years.

>>25967 (samefag)
lol started seeing the login requirement again just after posting that. It's intermittent. Probably a slow rollout to avoid mass awareness. Resetting the internet connection fixed it and allowed download. I've started using rumble and other sites when possible when using yt-dlp.

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What would a dialectical materialist programming language look like?
15 posts omitted.

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>>25961 (me)
Oh wait this is /tech/
Something like bash where you can execute other programs and pipe the output into others, like a rube goldberg machine.
This can make every bit of the program in whatever language seems like it'd be the easiest or best fit for the task.

BASIC is the language of the people. Historically speaking.

Basic for the most part has been replaced by Python. The different dialects many of them lacking basic features gave Basic a bad image to programmers. For example the simple act of reading input is not standard across the dialects of Basic.

The language of Capital is not the language of the Manifesto. You probably need different languages for different tasks. Maybe what you use to organize programmers is not the same as what you use to make intellectual tooling.

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Does anyone know if there are any active groups on Element that people can join to discuss Marxism?

Spent a while looking but can't find anything.

If I can't find one in a couple days, I'll make one and link it here.


In general, what are people's thoughts on using these types of services to compliment being involved in face to face IRL orgs?
2 posts omitted.

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Not the place to ask. Try tech.

Join the leftypol matrix (see header)

Unprotected sexual intercourse large volume of ejaculate straight up the asshole.

Leftypol Matrix.
>In general, what are people's thoughts on using these types of services to compliment being involved in face to face IRL orgs?
It's pure entertainment most of the time. If you're lucky you can review theory and get answers to your questions but don't count on it.

Thank you for the dignified contribution.


Hey comrades, I have some shitraeli, etc… government IPs.
They aren´t protected, so yall can ddos with us.
Posted by ЧВК Нгуен.

I'm more interested in your filename, Anon. Is that vietnamese? What do you guyz want?

Proof? Peer reviewed double blind study?


Somebody plz buy this book and upload it to libgen.

1 post omitted.

Bump, lets make it happen.

No, I'm unironically interested in it! I have listened to some of his lectures on metawar and I think its good. The reason I made this thread is simply, because I'm a shameless greedy cheapskate :P

Do you have any links to his previous work?

>An expert on electronic privacy shows how "information warriors" are able to gain access to and use computerized data on ordinary individuals, and the threat such use poses to citizens and to national security.

It's crazy, that this book is from 1996.

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Having a dark theme is optional.

I'm tired of duckduckgo's retard results and searx's confusing and non-related results (being a pain to use it private windows since all configuration is cleaned etc.)

Sorry for not elaborating much, I'm too tired and have a test tomorrow, see ya comrades.
55 posts and 3 image replies omitted.

>It's going like Brrrrr-ratatatata-brrrrr

It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon…for twelve seconds

New Korn album just dropped.

It usually stops while it is turned it off. Try keeping it like that.

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Google is down??

I just want to take a moment to complain how fucking bad search engines have become, it's almost impressive, it's borderline useless now

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How do you even protect yourself against your own ISP trying to fuck you over like this?
1 post omitted.

Every block downloaded on a torrent is verified against a checksum, the only way to get malware from a torrent is to download a malicious torrent file or magnet if everything worked as it should. What was the case here? did they spread a malware that affected torrent users, tricked their users into downloading malicious torrent files or did they exploit a vulnerability on a torrent client?

> How do you even protect yourself against your own ISP trying to fuck you over like this?
Lots of ISPs are untrustworthy. Use a VPN. Or Tor. Or git gud. In today's day and age, you should be treating your local network as a hostile environment, nevermind your Internet connection.

It's an exploit targeting a garbage proprietary Korean client. Imagine Western Digital MyCloud meets Dropbox with bittorrent integration for p2p distribution. It may not be as dumb as it sounds. It's popular enough that this ISP decided to break the law to stop it on their network.

install gentoo

This seems like a uniquely South Korean issue. South Korean law allows it to happen. In the States, I imagine this is yet to emerge as an issue. DMCA claims go largely unanswered.

USA law is retroactive though. Unless the exact same situation has happened before somewhere else, it goes to court years after the alleged crime and it gets appealed over the course of a year or two too before it's decided whether precedent applies to this case.

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