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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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You can't, it's not implemented


I am thrilled to report I can now phonepost to my heart's content.


Videos aren't working. 403 errors. Bumner


Anyone else having issues with Cloudflare on KurobaEx still? Raised an issue with the dev and I can at least browse on the beta branch, can't post though.


Never had a cloudflare challenge on leftypol

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Stallman is OUT!

Anyone defending, mentioning, or promoting Stallman, and his liberal capitalist "free" software philosophy is a liberal.
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Stallman doesn't actually oppose anything that you said. He actually said Steam is a net positive for GNU/Linux adoption, even though he doesn't like it.

What most Stallman haters refer to as "Stallmanism" is a strawman they themselves invented based on a vocal minority that is more extreme than Stallman is. Stallman advocates for LibreJS and JShelter ffs, he isn't even inherently opposed to JavaScript (I am however). Stallman restricts himself more than anyone else, he doesn't want to force anyone to go as far as he does, even though he takes this very seriously.

The libre software philosophy doesn't equal isolationism so saying that it's irrelevant is completely missing its point. Standing for software freedom is standing for the user empowerment, remix culture and privacy, the Open Source movement is a non-movement, it only cares about development, not privacy or user freedom, those things are completely secondary to them, same with the copyfree advocates (the two things are pretty much synonymous in my eyes, it's just semantics). Emphasizing the four freedoms is enough to be considered a software freedom activist in my view, you don't need to be a hermit. Neither Mako nor Snowden are and yet they are the more outspoken FSF allies.


gnome is a poxy, corporate-controlled locked-down featureless "productivity" drudgery software on par with the likes of outlook and jira.
I couldn't care less if it died, I'd rather do everything from the command line than use it.


What is the problem with isolationism? In our current time, this is the smartest thing you can do.


I'm a comp sci student currently taking web dev classes. What technologies would you recommend if I wanna go about it the right way for personal projects?


Leave Stallman alone, the old man has cancer.
If your goal is to get ready for a job, learn React for the frontend, Java with Spring Boot for the backend, and use a SQL database (Postgres/MariaDB/MySQL).
If your goal is to do a personal project simply to learn more or for fun, you can use whatever you want, as long as you do things, you will learn stuff that is applicable to other technologies, and you can always recode stuff later on if there are too many problems.

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You know what would actually be a useful AI? One that crawls through the text of the entire written works of an author, isolates each logical assertion that author makes, and cross-checks it against other logical assertions for contradictions, to see if that author ever contradicts themselves. Is such a thing possible using LLMs? Does such a thing already exist?
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Funny how Abrahamic religions rely on the validity of their religious texts so much. Really shows that they can't stand on their own and have no real practical advantage over other worldviews, it's just constant self-validation.


This doesn't just require understanding pronouns and antecedents. It also requires understanding what the nouns actually designate, in terms of their qualities with respect to each other, what "fit" actually describes in the relationship between the two things.
>Current AI is very flaky at this.
From my understanding it doesn't do it at all and can only occasionally imitate it passably out of luck and because people tend not to intentionally throw curveballs. The chatbot AI we have now isn't even supposed to be able to do this, either. The way people are asking it questions to get real answers fundamentally misunderstands the problems it's designed to solve. At the same time, the way people are trying to use the chatbots does show that they are succeeding at what they are supposed to do, which is produce text that looks like something a human would produce. The problem here isn't that the AI sucks, but that people misunderstand what tool they're using and aren't trying to verify or fact check things.


It's Wilton. Robert Anton Wilson.


AI doesn't understand the meaning of statements or words, it's only a statistical analysis of recurring sequences of symbols.

Not to mentions that statements made by some author are not necessarily unambigious in their meaning, so even humans can't achieve what you ask.


PrivateGPT has a feature like this (querying documents) and you can run it locally in a docker container. But it’s not that good with massive volumes of text.

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What kind of advances in computer science could help programmers deal with highly rare and irregular events like leap days?
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You can still test for stuff like that, you just need to know that such a thing can happen.


Kind of funny how Star Trek completely handwaves this. Accounting for communication delays and relativistic time warp would be a fucking nightmare.


How would you make a calendar without leap days, oh euphoric anon?


anon its not the fault of our standards that the earth spins ~365,25 times for one trip around the sun


Have a quarter day every year

Eh no wait that wouldn't work lol

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Firefox recently got a translation feature for Bulgarian, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, based on the public-funded EU project https://browser.mt/ and this works WITHOUT SENDING DATA.

Very soon we will have specs showing subtitles with free software running 100 % OFFLINE. Imagine what this will do for organizing the working class.
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> rule-based machine translation
That sounds like it needs insane amounts of work to get right.


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>language barrier dying
Music to my ears :D


> rule-based machine translation
That actually sounds very based. If we automate most of the stuff machine learning does then it's more likely to give correct answers with less work… right?


>>23619 (me)
Wait, it says "machine translation" instead of "machine learning." Ohhhhhhhhhh…

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fucking SOAP2DAY is GONE!! I already got a warning letter from my ISP regarding torrents, I need alternatives
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Actual theft? This is fine. But PIRACY!!? NOW YOU'VE CROSSED THE LINE.

How much do you have to shill for porkies to be that pathetic?


die leach


Does this actually work?


stremio or you can probably find that film/show on soulseek


probably better to just torrent over one of the free vpns if you're in a country where it matters


Post quality RSS feeds for whatever. Blogs, news sites, even a YouTube channel RSS feed or other video content. As long as it has an RSS (or atom I guess) feed attached to it.

I'll go first and dump some of what I think are good ones:

>Grumpy Gamer

this one is rad, it's the personal blog of the lead developer behind The Secret of Monkey Island series (so basically my hero). He talks about a lot of cool random shit. Check it out.

>Niki Tonsky

Another personal blog, I've only read a few articles but they have to do with UI mainly which I like.

>Cosmonaut Magazine

Quintessential pretentious leftwing magazine. It's good, I like it. It's more insightful than I thought it would be and their articles even when I disagree with them (I usually don't) are always comfy reads.
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uygha's site is 3.5 MB just for some text.


QuiteRSS is no longer under development.


true, definitely needs optimization. Most of that's the background (2.5 MB), so that'd be worth tinkering with.



not every program needs to be further developed, except maybe fixing bugs

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Which one's better? OMEMO seems to be gaining more use than OTR. But leftist activists still use OTR. OMEMO users will claim OTR is outdated, but its PROVEN and TRUSTED.

I got setups for both for anyone who wants to chat with either.
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OMEMO is ubiquitous in the XMPP sphere and seems to work well. I haven't heard of any break of it. the biggest problem with it is that it's JSON, which is an abomination in a protocol like XMPP which is XML based
use Pidgin if you want a client that supports all the thing. but bear in mind libpurple has had oodles of 0days over the years


also Matrix is a memory hog from what I've heard


OMEMO, obviously
OTR is severely outdated
I even use OMEMO for 1-on-1 DMs
Gajim is decent


+1 on Gajim
Snikket is OK also


both are soon dead. MLS is the future


You will own nothing and you will be happy.
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>society wide censorship is for primitives. we just force them to use our protocols and nudge mass behaviors with our platforms


what the hell is RCS?


> Rich Communication Services (RCS) is a communication protocol between mobile telephone carriers and between phone and carrier, aiming at replacing SMS messages with a text-message system that is richer, provides phonebook polling (for service discovery), and can transmit in-call multimedia.


>reinvent MMS 6 years after MMS was introduced
>make it require an internet connection
did telcos really?


Eh, non-android Linux phones are a thing now. Rent seeking is usually an admittance of obsolescence. I see this as an unfortunate result of a net-good situation.

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Let's express our love for user freedom in this thread. Why do you love Free Software? Which Free Software do you love?
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>Why do you love Free Software?
It is the purest form of freedom yet attained by man
>Which Free Software do you love?
The number of free programs out there is as boundless as the grains of sand on a beach, and I love almost all of them. I love cool cutting edge/developmental software (GNU Hurd, GNUnet, Spritely Project, openXR, Arcan, IPFS), I love workhorse software that I use daily (KDE, Firefox, Linux, BTRFS, NFS), I love funny meme software (psdoom, supertux, supertuxkart, fortune, cowsay, sl), I love games (minetest, endless sky, unciv, mindustry, veloren, vircadia), I love exotic conceptual software (plan9, templeos, inferno, genode, barrelfish), I love powerful wizardy software (emacs, org-mode, nyxt, nix, guix), I love software I haven't tried but looks interesting (various WMs like awesome, gnustep, i3, suckless, matrix, nextcloud), I love reliable and feature rich utilities (GNU recutils, GNU stow, yt-dlp), i love creative software (psychosynth, ardour, stochas, mixxx, pipewire, linux studio plugins, vital synth), i love convenience software (shin, touchegg, darkreader, git-annex, homeassistant, openstreetmaps, ublock, sponsorblock, xclip), I love privacy software (tor, monero, macchanger, qubes, pfblocker), I love software that I want to create someday


I also love social networking/collaboration software (irc, mastodon, lemmy, forgejo)


Linux is fine but I honestly wish the GNU project went with the BSD kernel.

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