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R: 451 / I: 157
>'We were the real Nazis all along' edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread: >>2119182
R: 391 / I: 78

/ukr/ - Russia-Ukraine War General #203: "LET ME IN!!!" Edition

Remember: It's a big club and you ain't in it.

Previous thread: >>2110816


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine



Live maps and updates
DeepStateMap: https://deepstatemap.live
Events in Ukraine: https://eventsinukraine.substack.com/
SouthFront: https://southfront.press/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/

Watch Together
📺 News/events: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash
📺 Hangout/chill: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast

Watch By Yourself
>Video Essays / Historical Background
📺 • Ukraine: The Avoidable War - Boy Boy

📺 • Ukraine's Nazi Problem - The Marxist Project

📺 • America, Russia, and Ukraine's Far Right - Gravel Institute

📺 • Crimea vs Taiwan: Who Gets Self-Determination? - BadEmpanada

📺 • The Nature of Putin's Russia and Its Causes (3-Part Series) - 1Dime

<Current Happenings

📺 • The Grayzone: https://www.youtube.com/@thegrayzone7996
📺 • DDGeopolitics: https://www.youtube.com/@DDGeopolitics
📺 • Defense Politics Asia: https://www.youtube.com/@DefensePoliticsAsia
📺 • The Duran: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdeMVChrumySxV9N1w0Au-w
📺 • The News Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/c/thenewatlas
📺 • Military Summary: https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary


Social media



Thread guidelines:
• Please remember to add a spoiler to NSFW and extreme content such as graphic violence and gore.
• Try your best to not derail discussion too much from the main events and relevant places where the war is taken place, as well as other happenings, groups and public figures related to it.
• Meta discussion of the historical, philosophical and ideological background of the war is fine as long as its done in good faith and comradely.
• In the event the meta discussion overstays its welcome, participating users will be referred to take the conversation to the INTERNATIONALISM general thread: >>2080603
• Quality shitposting and original content is encouraged! Spamming glowie memes is low effort.
• this is /isg/ for people who treat geopolitics like shitty map games.
R: 500 / I: 193

/DPRK/ - Democratic People's Republic of Korea General

Thread for news and discussions of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, its material conditions, the status and health of its socialist tradition, disproving common myths about it, etc.

Archive of the previous DPRK thread:
R: 20 / I: 4

Free Trade

Is free trade actually good or not? And I'm not talking about just quoting Marx but an actual analysis of its effects?

Obviously some international trade must occur because most countries don't have every resource they need.

However unlimited no barrier free trade is criticized as being exploitative to the third world, and in the first world used as a way to undercut unions and the organized working class?
R: 18 / I: 3

The Crisis of Soviet History of the Stalin Period and What We Should Do About It


Speech by Grover Furr

The history of the first workers’ state, the USSR, during its heroic period, when it was led by Joseph Stalin – that history is withheld from us. It is smothered by lies from dishonest and very influential sources.

How do we know this is so? What is the situation? Who are the liars? Why is this important? Finally, what should we do about it? The future of the world’s working class and the fight for an egalitarian world of what Marxist researcher Charles Andrews has called “No Rich, No Poor,” depends on what we do.

I began to discuss this question in an earlier article titled “Marxists Behaving Badly” which you can download from my Home Page. However, that was a very partial discussion of this enormous challenge to all of us. In my talk today I intend to confront this crisis more directly.

The Anti-Stalin Paradigm (ASP)

What I call the ASP is a special case of the anticommunist paradigm of history (ACP). In its basic formulation, the ACP frames the history of the last century upside down. The Western, imperialist countries are, supposedly, “democratic,” “free,” stand for “human rights.” The former socialist bloc countries, especially the Stalin-era Soviet Union, were “dictatorships,” “totalitarian,” “unfree,” “against human rights.” In reality, the opposite is the case.

According to the ASP Stalin was a bloodthirsty dictator who killed millions of Soviet citizens, engineered frameups against many communists, and committed innumerable “crimes.” This is all false. This paradigm is strictly enforced in the academic field of Soviet history and through it into the intellectual and semi-popular media, and then into the popular mass media. According to the ASP, it is considered illegitimate— outside the limits of respectable discussion – to disprove any crime of which Stalin has been accused.

One example of this is an article by Professor Matthew Lenoe, “Did Stalin Kill Kirov and Does It Matter?”, Journal of Modern History 74 (2), 2002. Lenoe insists that it “doesn’t matter” because, even though Stalin did not kill Kirov, Stalin was so evil that the fact that he was not guilty of killing this one man, Sergei Kirov, was insignificant.

In his 2010 book The Kirov Murder and Soviet History Lenoe spends almost a page and a half assuring his readers that, although he himself has concluded that Stalin did not murder Kirov he, Lenoe, loves freedom and democracy, and hates dictatorship, so much that no one should think for a minute that he, Lenoe, is “pro-Stalin” – something Lenoe is clearly afraid of, since he is violating the unwritten but universally understood ASP by stating that Stalin did not commit this particular crime.

My Own Path to Soviet History

I want to explain briefly how I came to do research on the Stalin era in the USSR. My story illustrates a number of important issues that I’ll discuss in more detail later: the influence of anticommunism; the need for objectivity in the search for the truth, the utter bankruptcy of the profession of Soviet history – a corruption that even the best historians of this field cannot entirely escape.

In 1967, while I was watching a demonstration against the Vietnam War in Manhattan, a friend of mine remarked to me that he and I should be marching with the contingent that was passing by carrying the flag of the “Viet Cong.” At that moment another onlooker told us that we should not oppose the US war in Vietnam. We asked him: Why not? He replied: “Because the NLF is led and controlled by the Vietnamese Communist Party; the VCP is led by Ho Chi Minh, Ho had been trained by Joseph Stalin, and Stalin had killed 20 million people.”

This claim stuck in my mind. I did not “believe” it. I also did not “disbelieve” it. Instead, I resolved that someday, when I had completed my doctoral dissertation in Medieval comparative literature and had a job, I would look into the questions about Joseph Stalin.
R: 500 / I: 124

/isg/ - Internet Spectacle General

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blq9sCIyXgA

>The Culture Industry from Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944) by Theodore Adorno & Max Horkheimer

📓 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/adorno/1944/culture-industry.htm
📖 • https://libcom.org/article/dialectic-enlightenment-philosophical-fragments-theodor-adorno-and-marx-horkheimer
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hSLdd8R8mY

<Understanding Media (1964) by Marshall McLuhan

📖 • https://designopendata.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/understanding-media-mcluhan.pdf
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09ML9n5f1fE

>One-Dimensional Man (1964) by Herbert Marcuse

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/one-dimensional-man-studies-ideology-advanced-industrial-society-herbert-marcuse
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZCoLbEkAqs

<Discipline and Punish (1975) by Michel Foucault

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michel-foucault-discipline-and-punishment
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s82uU4iRuko

>Simulacra and Simulation (1981) by Jean Baudrillard

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=DBF3E860993373223D72E98FADF0F2DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yxg2_6_YLs

<Manufacturing Consent (1988) by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/manufacturing-consent-political-economy-mass-media-noam-chomsky-and-edward-s-herman
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M

>The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989) by Slavoj Zizek

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=054E022C8BD24EE2C5595B575BCED7DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtIckkHsUQ4

<Postscript on the Societies of Control (1990) by Gilles Deleuze

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/gilles-deleuze-postscript-on-the-societies-of-control
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4Cq_-bLlY

>Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1991) by Fredric Jameson

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=5BD20E0E22FC8BC2CB4F8A7760D57027
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RtV0oO8Pmg

<Spectres of Marx (1993) by Jacques Derrida

📖 • https://libcom.org/library/specters-marx-jacques-derrida
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJr0NwXWb6Q

>Capitalist Realism (2009) by Mark Fisher

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/capitalist-realism-mark-fisher
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cb5XJH4NMI



>Precursor Material to Post-modernity and Critical Theory

📖 • Karl Marx - Book 1, Chapter 4 of Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844)
📺 • Why Marx Was Right: Alienation - PlasticPills

📖 • Georg Lukács - Chapter 4 of History and Class Consciousness (1923)
📺 • Marxism After Marx: Reification - The Marxist Project

📖 • Antonio Gramsci - Book 1, Chapter 1 of Selections from the Prison Notebooks (1929)
📺 • Hegemony: WTF? An introduction to Gramsci and cultural hegemony - Tom Nicholas

📖 • Louis Althusser - Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (1970)
📺 • Althusser's Concept of Ideology: A Discussion with Anthony Gavin - Acid Horizon


The Society of the Spectacle (1974) by Guy Debord

Manufacturing Consent (1992) by Mark Achbar & Peter Wintonick, with Noam Chomsky

The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (2006) and The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012) by Sophie Fiennes, with Slavoj Zizek

HyperNormalisation (2006) by Adam Curtis

>Easy-Bake Breadtube (for absolute beginners)

We're All Fake Now - Wisecrack

Are Cell Phones Replacing Reality? - PBS Idea Channel

The Cultural Significance of Cyberpunk - Cuck Philosophy

Introduction to Critical Theory for the 21st Century - NATHANOLOGY

<Situationist Archives



I Don’t Want to Be an Internet Person by Ginevra Davis

Pluralistic: Tiktok's enshittification by Cory Doctorow

Facebook's Threads is so depressing by Jason O. Gilbert
R: 117 / I: 25

Capital by Marx thread

Well, I never read Capital by Marx, I read couple of more short works of his, but still something is bothering me, Marx wrote in the XIX century, so his work are maybe outdated from my point of view, I think, but I'm open minded, does anyone here actually read Capital can tell me if still worth reading Capital or is relevant to the modern economics theories?
R: 1 / I: 0

Is religion a form of schizophrenia?

I was reading about Terry A. Davis and this thought striked me, he was an atheist guy whose schizophrenia made him starting having divine visions telling him to build an operating system to serve as God's third temple. Schizophrenic people in general seem to be very religious.
R: 4 / I: 1

Trump Scam worries other scamers that Trump scam will make other scams look bad

>The crypto industry eagerly awaited Donald Trump’s return to the White House. Now, it’s reeling after the president and first lady launched a pair of meme coins.
>Dubbed $TRUMP and $MELANIA, the tokens have no economic purpose—their value is largely based on the popularity of internet memes. The market cap of the president’s coin has soared to $7.8 billion since Friday night’s launch, while the first lady’s token is worth about $800 million, according to CoinMarketCap.
>By selling coins known for their speculative nature and extreme volatility, the president has undermined the credibility that the industry has worked hard to build in recent years, some crypto executives and investors say.
>They also point to the brazen conflict of interest: Trump benefits directly from the sale of the tokens while setting the policy that affects how markets are valued and regulated.
>Meme coins are still the wild west of crypto, operating largely without regulation.
>Ryan Selkis, the former chief executive of crypto research firm Messari and a vocal supporter of Trump, urged the president to fire the adviser who recommended going forward with the launch of the second coin.
>“1. They don’t know what they’re doing. 2. They cost you a lot of $ and goodwill. 3. They don’t have your interests in mind,” said Selkis in a social-media post shortly after the $MELANIA token launch.
>The $TRUMP token lost almost half its value after first lady Melania Trump’s coin was unveiled. Traders say demand for the tokens overlapped—$TRUMP token holders had to unload some of their holdings to buy her meme coin. Prices have since regained some ground, but the market value of the $TRUMP coin peaked Sunday at almost $15 billion.
>Some crypto enthusiasts questioned if the coins were a scam and if Trump’s accounts had been hacked. The mechanisms on the token reminded some of a rug pull, crypto parlance for a project that is launched and quickly abandoned, leaving investors with steep losses.
>One point of criticism: 80% of the $TRUMP token’s supply is owned by Fight Fight Fight and CIC Digital, an affiliate of the Trump Organization, according to the website associated with the token. The terms and conditions of both $TRUMP and $MELANIA bar buyers from joining class-action lawsuits against the project and indemnify the project against any claims.
Say what you will about past genrations of porkies, at least they sold stuff that was real. Contemporary porkies are just scam artists, especially Trump.
R: 27 / I: 5


Youtube is relentlessly attacking all proxies, from yt-dlp to invidious to materialious

Google/Chrome/Chromium is attacking adblocking infrastructure via base software design

This thread is for tracking this development and the hacked solutions produced by the resistance
R: 263 / I: 52 (sticky)

/edu/ checkpoint

Everytime you visit /edu/, post in this thread. Tell us about what you're thinking about, what you're reading, an interesting thing you have learned today, anything! Just be sure to pop in and say hi.

Previous thread >>>/leftypol_archive/580500
Archive of previous thread

Excuse me coming through
A quick note on the video @ >>>/leftypol/1538283
Also [vid related] for archival purposes

Around the 29 minute mark Peterson criticizes Marx and Engel's for assuming that workers would magically become more productive once they took over.

This actually happened historically, most of the actually effective productivity tricks work places use now were developed by Stakhanovites.


Reality has a Marxist bias
R: 473 / I: 230


Seeing how there’s multiple /co/ related threads on the board. I think we should just put all of them into one general just for clarity’s sake.

Discuss anything related to comics and animations from comic recs, leftist animations to comic writers’ attempts to larp as leftists.

Seriously is there a worse anarchist in the UK than Alan Moore?
R: 458 / I: 70

Palestine vs The Zionist Entity #113


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨
Sites that have active live-blogs:
• Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/

• Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

• The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

• Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


Our own wiki. Be sure to add to it and create branching articles:
https://wiki.leftypol.org/wiki/2023_Israel–Gaza_war [Currently Down]



From the UK, single issue long time Palestinian investigative and general reporting, critical source

From the USA

Regional news from an anti-imperialist perspective

Premier Human Rights org

Left news and opinion webzine from Tel-Aviv

A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine

Known anti-zionist academic Norman Finkelstein's blog



al-Qassam Brigades








(This includes blatantly obvious concern failtrolling/fedposting, painfully unfunny/nuclear misanthropic autism [ie. /pol/] and derailing/hyper sectarian schizophrenia, excessive doomer and jewish-blood-quantum posting)

Always remember to double-check your sources, as well as provide access to it.

الله أكبر
.الى جميع الكادحين في الشرق، ان مصيركم في ايديكم
!يا عمال العالم ويا شعوبه المضطهدة، اتحدوا
R: 613 / I: 133 (full)

/brg/ - Brazil General

Edição Alunya chega ao Brasilsilsil!!! (+natal/ano novo talvez)

O lugar mais web-revolucionário para discutir as idas e vindas de nossa amada pindorama que irá revoluciona em aproximadamente xxxxx

Edição anterior: >>1641
R: 276 / I: 44


Get The Pensioner's Starved Edition


UK Labour government refuses to pay pension compensation to millions of women

< […] Starmer said, “The taxpayer simply cannot afford the tens of billions of pounds in compensation when the evidence does show that 90 percent of those impacted did know about it [changes to pensions]. That is because of the state of our economy.”
R: 242 / I: 78

Socialist realism sucks

The early Soviet Union under Lenin had one of the best avant-garde art movements in Europe, then comes Stalin and does away with it in favor of "socialist realism" which was nothing more than traditional art with a proletarian theme. It reached a point where the CIA started financing artists like Jackson Pollock to show the US had greater artistic freedom than the USSR.
R: 19 / I: 1

Politics Ego Death Thread

How old were you when you realized that politics is as boring as you remembered it to be as a kid, and that all practical politics inevitably devolve into reading and discussing everyday legal disputes and weird crimes? For me, it was eighteen.
R: 17 / I: 4

Is The Red Flag Flying?

Have you read the book Is The Red Flag Flying? The Political Economy of the Soviet Union Today by Albert Szymanski? The most commonly recurring debate on here is whether X country can be classified as socialist or not. This book is about post-Stalin USSR in particular but you could apply similar analysis to modern day China. Thoughts?
R: 19 / I: 3

Ukraine is genuinely fucked and it’s europes fault

It’s not Ukraine that will be at fault for its demise, but it will be the west in general. Ukraine is doing anything it can to stay alive. However, watching the absolute dumpster fire of infantilism and populism that is politics near the North Atlantic was a sobering experience. There’s no way you can tell me that Ukraine stands a chance when their biggest arms manufacturer currently has a fascist man child that larps as his son getting other infantilized billionaires into politics. European politics in general is a licentious clusterfuck of contrarianism and populist garbage that is somehow more obnoxious than what I’ve seen in South America.

You’re having people using fucking TikTok video edits as actual campaign material, blatant nazi propaganda plastered in ads just to rile people up, fallacies and bad intent everywhere in public discussions, and the intentional use of bots and algorithms in online discussions. How the fuck is anyone supposed to take the North Atlantic countries seriously? How the hell can Ukrainians expect those countries to do anything to save them.

These days, fucking nazis of all people cannot blame Jews anymore for Europe's failures.
R: 400 / I: 120

/Political Economy/ General 1 - Marx Edition

A general thread dedicated to political economy. Discuss political economy and related concepts, including geopolitical economy. Will be posting links in a subsequent post since thread openers now have an upper limit for text that is lower than replies (some kind of bug reported in /meta/ already).
R: 395 / I: 89

/prc/ - Peoples Republic of China general

"Little Red Book (Rednote)" edition.

Original threads:
leftypol.org archives:
bunekrchan.xyz archives:

previous thread: >>2099405
R: 5 / I: 0

News 1/21/25

Billionaire wealth surges to ‘unimaginable’ levels in 2024 as Oxfam predicts emergence of five trillionaires within a decade
The combined wealth of the world’s most wealthy rose from $13 trillion to $15 trillion in just 12 months, the global charity said Sunday. It marks the second largest annual increase in billionaire wealth since Oxfam records started. Meanwhile, the number of people living in poverty has barely changed since 1990, the charity said, citing World Bank Data. The richest 1% of people own nearly 45% of all wealth, while 44% of humanity are living below the World Bank poverty line of $6.85 per day, the data showed.

Economic grievances fuel support for hostile actions, Edelman global survey shows
Four in 10 respondents approved of hostile acts to bring about change, including violence or threats, online attacks, intentionally spreading disinformation and damaging property, the survey showed. Among respondents aged 18 to 34, support for hostile actions was even higher at 53%.

Amid Sri Lanka’s austerity drive, Rajapaksa brothers must vacate deluxe government mansions
The government has decided to convert the stately homes into upmarket boutique hotels or museums, Information Minister Nalinda Jayatissa told reporters in Colombo. He said the state would pay former leaders rent totalling US$107 a month, as they are entitled to under a 1986 law, instead of providing government housing.

Trump to pull nearly 1,660 Afghan refugees from flights, say US official, advocate
Nearly 1,660 Afghans cleared by the U.S. government to resettle in the U.S., including family members of active-duty U.S. military personnel, are having their flights canceled under President Donald Trump's order suspending U.S. refugee programs, a U.S. official and a leading refugee resettlement advocate said on Monday.

‘There’s this double feeling’: Freed Palestinian prisoner tells of joy and pain after release=
The 90 Palestinian prisoners freed by Israel on Sunday as part of the Gaza ceasefire deal included 69 women and 21 teenage boys, according to Hamas. None had been convicted of murder. Among those released, 76 were from the West Bank and 14 from East Jerusalem, which were occupied by Israel in 1967. All but seven were arrested after the October 2023 attack on Israel by Hamas.

Iraq Parliament Adopts Revised Bill After Outcry Over Underage Marriage
a revised version reinstated clauses of the old law that set the age of marriage at 18 – or 15 with the consent of legal guardians and a judge, MP Mohamed Anouz told AFP. Under the new amendment, couples can opt for Shiite Muslim or Sunni Muslim rules, and clerics and lawyers will have four months to establish community-specific regulations. In October, Amnesty International warned the amendments could strip women and girls of protections regarding divorce and inheritance.

Strike Houthis while Iran is weak, UN-backed Yemeni government urges west
He said Yemen ground forces should work in cooperation with western airstrikes as part of a multi-pronged strategy. Speaking from the World Economic Forum in Davos, he also called on the new US administration to designate the Houthis a foreign terrorist organisation, and praised Donald Trump for showing “decisive leadership”.

At least 20 killed in clashes between FARC dissidents in southern Colombia
The fighting broke out months after units loyal to former FARC commander “Calarca” broke with those loyal to the EMC’s top commander, “Ivan Mordisco” over peace talks with the government. The turf war between the EMC and Calarca’s dissident organization, the EMB, erupted a day after guerrilla group ELN embarked on a major offensive against the EMB in the northeastern Catatumbo province.

Argentine governor blames Chubut fires on Indigenous community
The governor of Chubut, Ignacio Torres, blamed the fires in the province on the Mapuche communities evicted last week by order of the national government. In response, residents of the town of Epuyén came out to deny it and point out that it is a media campaign to confuse the population and turn them against the families who lived on those lands.

Mexico expands regional migrant aid to Latin America as Trump inauguration nears
Mexico agreed Friday to expand support to other Latin American and Caribbean nations as part of a regional migratory response, days before U.S. President-elect Donald Trump takes office with a promise to carry out mass deportations.
R: 11 / I: 2

The Noble Proletarian Myth Thread

What's the noble proletarian myth? Glad you asked! The noble proletarian myth is to deny any moral accountability of working class people on the basis of denying their agency under capitalism. The reasoning is usually that proletarians are basically like zombies who were directly brain controlled by the bourgeosie as if anyone never had a choice to not participate in building concentration camps, building arms, etc. It also sometimes comes in the form of pretending no proletarian is X bad thing and acting as if solely bourgeosie are like that. For example saying that only rich white people are racist but poor white people are generally not which is ridiculous to say because for whom was the ideology of oppression created if working class people were impervious to it while capitalists themselves made it up to justify the exploitation? It's all to indoctrinate working class people. Looking at history it has clearly it has worked.
R: 9 / I: 1
I would never forgive this overrated reactionary weak-chinned motherfucker for ruining fantasy forever via choosing the word "race" to describe difference between elves, orcs, dwarfs and hobbits, instead of "kind", "kindred", "ilk" or something other. Now all speculative fiction (no, really, not just fantasy) that deals with multiple sapient species co-existing in the same setting is connected with a real-world race theory/white supremacy, which is absolutely monstrous. You're a fucking linguist, Professor, you SHOULD have known better!
R: 108 / I: 16


I wonder what consequences the SK military will face. If the South Korean had any balls, which they haven't, they would probably amend the constitution to make them fall under parliamentary control instead of the president.

>The government of south korea inexplicably collapsed into full on military martial law, on a random fucking Tuesday in december

what in the geopolitical FUCK is going on rn?
how did this happen?
of all possible (insert nation collapsed) SK wouldnt have been on the bingo card for me

I'm glad anons are finally learning what a tin pot republic South Korea is.
For most its history, it was barely less repressive than North Korea. You could be "disappeared" for saying something negative about the president. They even kidnapped a democracy activist from Tokyo and threw him in prison despite not actually doing much of substance against the government besides advocating for democracy.
R: 51 / I: 4

Modern Art Hate Thread

How can people listen to jazz or look at modern cinematography or other contemporary western art without feeling utter disgust and an urge to vomit. Everything that middle-class society brands as some great product of man's will reeks and oozes nihilistic life-negating ideology. I can't stand to walk down the street without wanting to fall over and cry when I see an art exhibition or an antiquariat. How bourgeois.
R: 5 / I: 5

Parasites are the most common form of life on Earth. Scientists believe that over 80% of all living

Modern parasitologists recognize that they have not found all human parasites. They estimate that hundreds if not thousands of human parasites will be found in the coming years.
The most deadly human parasites besides top-ranking corporate executives are protozoa, which are single-celled organisms. Some of these tiny creatures (there are over 80,000) have brought humans more misery and death than anything else in history(again, besides CEOs), including wars and famine. The most well known deadly parasitic protozoa is plasmodium, which causes malaria.

Parasites are separated into four main groups: 1) protozoa, which are tiny, one-celled organisms; 2) helminths, or worm parasites, such as tapeworms and pinworms; 3) arthropods, which aren’t parasites themselves, but these insects and spiders are common hosts of parasitic diseases; and 4) top-ranking corporate executives.

Most parasitic infections happen in warm climates or capitalistic societies, such as tropic or subtropic regions or the US healthcare system.
R: 38 / I: 5

freeze peach

why is a bourgeois right like "free speech" vigorously defended by right and left in principle, yet neither support it in practice? because it ultimately serves impractical aims. the "freer" speech becomes (on unfortunate platforms like twitter), the worse that public discourse also becomes. why give rights to the wrong? because you want to larp as an 18th century secularist separating church and state?

i personally do not believe in free speech, neither for my friends or enemies, because im sane. same way i dont believe in democracy for its own sake, because thats retarded. there are things i should have no power over, as a citizen. there are things which should not be allowed to be said. controversy only arises when you are dishonest about such issues and pretend that all things are born in freedom. they are not. shake the cage and you will get bitten. at the end of words is a fist or a gun, and this is speech's internal limits. talk shit, get hit.

this is also why i think we must move away from anonymity as a culture. irl all these twitter trolls would cower under the light of the sun. they are judged in their essence as losers, and that to me is only right. it is regrettable that the biggest cowards talk the loudest (like a small dog yapping behind a fence), but that is precisely why i oppose free speech. nothing of value would be lost in censoring these fools. the tiktok ban is a good start.
R: 43 / I: 3


Its on siberia again
R: 44 / I: 6 (sticky)

Welcome to /roulette/!

Welcome to /roulette/, leftypol's roulette board! This board will be used for testing out new board ideas. The guidelines are as follows:

- The countdown will begin as soon as the board is added to the announcement bar and will last for one month.
- After a month, if the board has garnered enough posts on that month's topic, it will be made into a new board (barring any legitimate objections by the moderation team) and the threads will be moved there. Off-topic and spam posts will not count. Board ideas that do not meet this requirement will be shelved, with the possibility of being revisited later.
- New board ideas can be suggested in the /meta/ thread for /roulette/.

This month's board topic is: /babel/ - Languages, creoles and dialects
­Last month's board topic /spoox/ - Paranormal, horror and the occult.

- /babel/ is a board for discussing anything without English!
- You can discuss anything but English is prohibited.
- Brief comments can be made in English as long as it is spoilered
- General rules of the site apply, see : https://leftypol.org/rules.html
R: 3 / I: 2

Oneyplays autistic faggot centre

Has Oneyplays fell off. Cause all the new videos are kinda mid to the old videos. The old ding dong and Julian videos are timeless while the new stuff is barely remember-able. They don't even have Zack. And i know he's busy with smiling friends but he's kinda of a big part of Oneyplays. Chris also hasn't made any new animations in a while. Also i know about Bolwbo and i heard it's cancelled but i might be wrong so yeah idk. But it just starting to feel alot more worse. Do you guys also feel like this?
R: 7 / I: 1

Class analysis and post-Marxism

What do you think about class analysis (especially Marxian and Weberian class analysis)? What do you think about Stirnerite Marxism (not to be confused with ego-communism) and post-Marxism? What do you think about DZ Rowan, Alfredo M. Bonanno, Raoul Vaneigem, George Batalle and Jean Baudrillard? And do you think Marx's populism is stupid? What do you think about the concepts of "class interests," "false consciousness" and "cultural hegemony."
R: 96 / I: 20

I am skeptical of Cybercommunism

In my opinion, cyber-communism still has the same problems as Soviet planning, i.e. problems in relation to prices, due to the idea of ​​currency based on time worked, or money given based on this, which reminds me a lot of the energy accounting of 20th century technocrats.

There would be two possible failures:

The first is that if the state sets prices for acquiring products based on supposedly objective costs, this can again cause prices not to adjust to scarcity, and added to the fact that wages are fixed to work, the fact that this is totally arbitrary based on time, can cause it not to reflect the exact quantity of what is produced. I know that linear programming and other mathematical methods can be used, however, we still do not guarantee the dilemma of scarcity, since prices are information mechanisms. This would only work in an economy that pays in kind.

Demand, although it would be democratically determined by the people, generating real demand data, there being again no dynamic price system, there could be shortages, because regardless of demand, the famous objective costs based on labor time, or objective costs of production, are not really based on the flexibility of market prices, and it is quite limiting. Who assures us that such a supposedly objective cost is not flawed or does not cover the complexity of a flexible system?

I am absolutely skeptical that a calculation based on objective costs that is derived from the currency of labor time can coordinate the dilemma of scarcity and determine prices reliably. All this would be nothing more than another elaborate way of setting prices, which would cause the problems I point out throughout the essay.

Example: If a critical resource like lithium for batteries becomes scarcer, the time-based target cost or supposed objective costs may fail to set the price, since it is likely that it will not adjust to the scarcity, unlike the supply and demand curve, where a good when its inputs increase in price occurs due to scarcity, and its price tends to offset the production costs of those same inputs, for example, labor, capital inputs, land, etc. That is to say that when a good or raw material becomes scarce for whatever reason, then producers raise prices, because they cannot sell the same quantity of goods at the previous price, since that would generate scarcity in the consumer, and there is nothing left but to raise prices to recover the investment, it is basic microeconomics.

It reminds me a lot of the time-work currency of the old Mutualists until Carson, who wanted to determine the cost as a limit on the price, and they distributed time-work vouchers. In the end, all of this is unnecessary, with free markets and the elimination of monopolies such as patents, with their due incentives for this, such as leaving the 1% of sales that do not belong to the creator, for the creator, so that prices can be substantially lowered close to cost, with the right incentives. It would have to be tested.

The second flaw is that it eliminates the incentives for innovation or creative destruction, since it does not allow investment or profit for workers or innovators, since everything is based on an arbitrary time-work, instead of participation in the market allowing everyone to earn income.

This is too cumbersome and dangerous, it can lead to the same economic problems that the countries of the socialist camp had.

A Cyber-Communism can only work when automation frees people from work and everything is done by machines, then it will be possible to pay on the basis of a universal income, and there will be no need to calculate time and work, while planning can be reduced to consumer cooperatives in communities, just as I plan in Mutualism, that communities can create Consumer Cooperatives to order production based on need, paying the respective money, thus saving resources. Imitating the democratic planning of Cyber-Communism. Another way is without money, with democratic planning in kind, but that is only possible again through automation.

How would you solve this problem? I am skeptical, but I am open to debate. The Cybcom model would be interesting for an experiment, but it seems too dangerous to apply in a country without everything going to hell

I lean towards markets, not because I like them, but because they are easy, so I prefer market socialism, then we can do, I don't know, cybcom economic planning zones and see what happens
R: 18 / I: 3
Why are gamers salesfags these days? Seems like everyone is obsessed with game popularity, like it's the only thing that matters is whether or not other people play the same games you do
R: 56 / I: 5 (sticky)

/ttg/ - Tech Team General

This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues (bug reports, suggestions).

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible
R: 3 / I: 1 (sticky)  

Welcome Thread

Search the catalog before starting a new thread to avoid duplicates: https://www.leftypol.org/leftypol/catalog.html
An FAQ including formatting and style guide and simplified rules can be found here: https://leftypol.org/faq.html & https://leftypol.org/rules.html

For technical issues use >>>/meta/34491
Dispute bans using the ban appeal form or >>>/meta/34464

Read This Before Posting:
If this is your first visit, lurk for a while before posting. /leftypol/ is an imageboard for non-sectarian leftist political discussion. The staff aims to allow everything within these bounds. To that end there are some critical rules (for /leftypol/):
* No Spam
* No New Threads for Topics with an existing General thread (e.g. USA politics, COVID-19, online personalities, etc.)
* No Reactionary or Identity Politics
* No Explicit Images including Porn without spoiler warning
Low quality threads are subject to be anchored or locked at volunteers discretion.

You may dispute actions taken by the staff or offer suggestions in >>>/meta/

Useful Links:
Search function - Find your favorite (or least favorite) posts!

Leftypol Twitter - Follow us on Twitter for status updates and leftist memes

Leftypol TikTok - Because this place is not giving you enough dopamine rushes

/leftypol/ Cytube Community - Watch news, riot porn, or movies with comrades!

Onion Link - Connect anonymously via Onion!

Board Logs - Global and /leftypol/ logs

Matrix Congress - Public Moderation Room
NOTE: Due to recent cyber-attacks, please ask for an invitation to the congress in the public waiting room: https://matrix.to/#/#leftypolantechamber:matrix.org

Matrix General Chat - Leftypol General Chat
If you don't want to use matrix you can interact with the chat through #[email protected] too.

Leftybooru - To upload, tag, and organize images

Leftypedia - A wiki project
-coming soon-
R: 17 / I: 2

Leftist News Sites?

Can someone recommend me some leftist news sites? I want to stay on top of things, but all of the news outlets I'm aware of either buy heavily into mainstream American idpol and politics a-la Fox News and CNN, are really sloppy "independent journalism" that reads more like a blog than news, or some combination of the two. And right now, I'm getting most of my news from browsing threads on Leftypol, which is probably worse than either.

I'm really looking for something that separates the wheet from the chaff and analyzes things from a Marxist perspective. Thanks in advance.

>inb4 erm leftism isn't

You know what I mean smartass.
R: 143 / I: 52

Visual Novels

Im making a thread about VNs because there isnt one on the catalogue and i wanna talk about my experience. I just finished danganronpa 2, which im not certain counts as a VN or if it's a point and click murder mystery social deduction game, and i think im pretty confident to say that it presents a pretty interesting moral dilemma. On one hand, the hope faction is pretty clearly a technocratic organization who obsesses over "Ultimates", or people who possess immense talent in a particular field or study, for example the world's best scientist, or the world's best doctor. It is revealed in the story of goodbye despair that before despair took over, hope's peak academy created a method of artificially forcing someone to become extremely talented, which dialectically had the potential to equalize mankind and develop the talents of anyone, which would make the idea of meritocracy, or ruling over others due to better talents or knowledge, completely obsolete. Despair on the other hand spawned as a result of the mass movement of reserve students, malcontents who became disaffected with the idea that people with talent mattered more than the rest, since hope's peak academy was formed to research peoples' talents and how to cultivate them.
I think it would be pretty easy to side with the latter out of frustration, especially if you're talentless like i am, but i think the idea that talent could be forcibly cultivated out of someone who never realized it before would be the "productive forces" argument. Not to mention that junko destroyed civilization, which is dialectically bad.
Your turn to die is a great game too, very similar to danganronpa on a surface level, i finished it a while ago and im glad i played it. Free btw. Anyone got visual novel recommendations? I need a weeb fix.
R: 156 / I: 41

HoI4 + HoI4 modding thread

Operation Deep Sneed edition

Made a new thread since the other one is full. You know the drill folks, gather here to discuss and/or complain about Hearts of Iron 4 and all the alt history mods that make the game relevant. From green natpops to sicko mode Savinkov we've got a lot of exciting stuff coming in the next Kaiserreich update, one which will make the LKMT look like pre-rework Germany by comparison. But dont worry TNOomers, you're getting some new content too! After a year and a half and three focus trees that only last for four years, we finally have something new and that's…

…three years of fucking Antarctica
R: 5 / I: 0
I do not care about the /leftypol/ mob, I love reading Thomas Piketty.
>waaaah but his solutions are too soft
Blah blah blah. The thick of his work, 99% of it, is just compiling and analyzing heaps of data, which he does exceptionally well.
R: 117 / I: 16

Communist Myths/Propaganda/Slander Thread

>When you call your political enemies bitches and edgelords 100 years later think you wanted to kill prostitutes.
What are some other examples of communist myths/propaganda/slander that are accepted as fact by some communists nowadays?
R: 5 / I: 0

Everyone else has shittier taste in lifestyle and aesthetic

But why come so many things that look good always become appropriated by retarded normies at that? It's like originality is either bound to be resented or appropriated. People are fucking garbage.
And the worst part is that people who claim to be on my side don't like the same aesthetic I do. They are incapable of originality.
R: 282 / I: 31

They say AI will take over people's jobs, how do we fight against it?

So, I'm a musician, who wants to have a musical career (a lot of communist musicians had stable careers) and meanwhile stupid porkies tell me that "no, we'd prefer if you were replaced, prole, because there if no place for people like you" and I hear, not only music, but other art, computer science, programming etc. will be replaced by AI. How do we stop this, so people are still prosperous in the real socialst societies?
R: 457 / I: 138

/leftydeutschpol/ - US Wahl Edition

>"Wie kriegen wir diesen Krieg zu einem Ende?" könnte mit Trump tatsächlich eher erfolgen.
>Wie positionieren wir uns jetzt als Europäer und Deutsche? Darauf sind wir zu wenig vorbereitet.
>Was passiert wie verhalten wir uns? Haben wir irgendeinen Plan in der Schublade, wenn Trump jetzt in einem halben Jahr sagt hier ist mein Friedensplan?
>Und was sagen wir Europäer. Nein sagen wir dann? Putin darf nicht gewinnen? Wir Europäer unterstützen weiter die Ukraine?
>Die Mittel dazu haben wir ohne die Amerikaner nicht. Dann geht uns irgendwann tatsächlich die Luft aus
<USA-Experte der ARD Stefan Fröhlich
R: 55 / I: 12 (sticky)

Board description & Reulz

Welcome to /dead/, the endless magical nihilist gulag. This is not 8/grim/, but it is the continuation 8/grim/. Think of it as partly an /r9k/ for anti-capitalists, partly /dprk/ with skeltals, and otherwise whatever you make of it.

Now in amazing Techni-nocolors!

>1. Global rules apply
<2. Please keep /r9k/-tier & tfw no gf shitposts to one thread. Capitalism is only one of the many, many reasons why you don't have a gf.
>3. Meta posts belong in this thread
<4. This is a #SAFE space_ for anarkiddies and nihilists; cheka yr authoritarian privilege fam
R: 180 / I: 30

Third Worldism has Christian Guilt at its Root

Third Worldism, as a strain of Marxist thought, has carved out a critique of imperialism that focuses almost exclusively on the revolutionary potential of the Global South, often at the expense of the Western proletariat. But beneath it lies an unacknowledged Christian residue—ideas of guilt, penance, and redemption that distort its analysis. The problem begins with how Third Worldism treats the Western working class. It views workers in the imperial core as irredeemably complicit in global exploitation, not because of their actions but by their association with imperialist economies. This line of reasoning mirrors the Christian idea of original sin, where guilt is inherited rather than earned. The Western proletariat is cast as the sinner, its redemption possible only through acts of penance toward the oppressed peoples of the Global South.

This moralistic lens is a diversion from Marxism’s focus on material conditions. Revolutionary potential isn’t a question of moral/historical purity but of class relations and the ability to challenge capital. Third Worldism, by contrast, assigns revolutionary agency solely to the Global South, treating the Western proletariat as an inert, corrupted class. This view is simplistic and ultimately idealist, reducing the complexity of global class dynamics to a binary of oppressors and oppressed without regard for class. Third Worldism romanticizes the Global South in a way that ironically echoes Eurocentric tropes. By idealizing the oppressed as inherently revolutionary, it erases the material and historical contradictions within these societies. It’s a view that treats the Global South less as a collection of real, diverse struggles and more as a moral counterweight to the failures of the Western proletariat. This is not solidarity—it’s condescension.

By framing the struggle against imperialism in moral terms, Third Worldism undermines the possibility of global solidarity. Revolutionary change isn’t about confessing guilt or seeking redemption; it’s about organizing internationally and confronting capitalism as a global system. The Western working class is not a uniform bloc of privilege. It, too, contains contradictions and potentials that cannot simply be dismissed.
R: 39 / I: 4

In the case of revolution, shall we execute the elite families?

Most nations are controlled by rich families, from Latin America to Japan and South Korea, a few families control the corporations and government. Should we eliminate the families to avoid a counter revolution? If yes, do we include the children?
R: 59 / I: 0  

Proles will NEVER overcome False Consciousness

The first and most important understanding all contemporary communists must have is that climate change IS our ally!

And no, NOT because of anything nonsensical like it will increase awareness of the contradictions because they won’t. The human race will not ever overcome false consciousness. The average human is a literal illiterate moron, a subhuman at its core, the proletariat doesn’t exist as a class as every living prole is drowning deep in petit bourgeois consciousness. The absolute dream of most proles is to murder and enslave the majority of their own class. Look at this comment, this is the furthest proles will ever get, they will admit capitalism makes life hellish, and then reject communism anyway, acknowledging Capital must continue its rampant drive, with a few partial tweaks

The proletariat is a pathetic, vile, barely human mass; worthy as such of Marx’s lowly appraisal of the corpulent peasant masses of France; the proletariat is not capable of anything, not even organizing its own thoughts let alone anything else, communism is fully impossible and the proletariat will end when they tear each other’s throats out to make sure Zuck and the rest can escape to their doomsday bunkers.
R: 2 / I: 1


Anyone else here play this kino update? It fixed alot of issues I had with the base game, like the slow combat, the story is much clearer as well and learns into the schizo visuals the first game was lacking in which was nice
R: 1 / I: 0 (sage)

Queer furry and proud!

When i present furry or are seen with furry, this always be:
Fasch idiot: "Ew furries are zoophile degenerates"

Me: ζζζζφ🐾

Hehe i made it in a random anarchy minecraft server
R: 34 / I: 9

/latamu/ - Música Latina

>Compartilhe e discuta músicas da América Latina que você encontrou, gosta, ou está escutando.
<Comparte y comenta las músicas de América Latina que has encontrado, que te gusta o que estás escuchando.

recentemente encontrei essa banda punk só de garotas BR, achei bem legal e parece meio underground, o que acham? já conheciam?
R: 6 / I: 2

Latam BanHammer

Some people are racebaiting and posting shit on /latam/ that came straight out of other inc*l imageboards, probably taking advantage of the fact that mods probably don't speak Portuguese or Spanish. I'm constantly reporting the posts/threads but with no success.

We urgently need at least 1 mod to take care of /latam/ to make sure these idiots don't find a safe space there to proliferate.
R: 507 / I: 202
Post in this thread every time you come to this board. Post music you like here, whatever it may be.
R: 86 / I: 47

/SEA/ - Southeast Asia General SAG


A lot of images and posts of the last general got broken. So I think it's better to make a new one.

Discuss anything on Southeast Asian politics. Coming 2024 Elections, open orgs, People that should be dead for different reasons running in Malaysia's elections or just random shit. There are still dozens of us… hopefully! Starting off this general with massive wave of cult sex camps.
Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#!YeYeuZuLSYkegWssey:matrix.org

Last threads:
R: 33 / I: 2 (sticky)

Welcome to /leftymu/ sticky (WIP)

Discuss what info, links, resources, etc. to add on this sticky as well as drop ideas and suggestions to the /leftymu/ board at large

Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#leftymusic:matrix.org
R: 58 / I: 0

Proles will NEVER overcome False Consciousness

The first and most important understanding all contemporary communists must have is that climate change IS our ally!

And no, NOT because of anything nonsensical like it will increase awareness of the contradictions because they won’t. The human race will not ever overcome false consciousness. The average human is a literal illiterate moron, a subhuman at its core, the proletariat doesn’t exist as a class as every living prole is drowning deep in petit bourgeois consciousness. The absolute dream of most proles is to murder and enslave the majority of their own class. Look at this comment, this is the furthest proles will ever get, they will admit capitalism makes life hellish, and then reject communism anyway, acknowledging Capital must continue its rampant drive, with a few partial tweaks

The proletariat is a pathetic, vile, barely human mass; worthy as such of Marx’s lowly appraisal of the corpulent peasant masses of France; the proletariat is not capable of anything, not even organizing its own thoughts let alone anything else, communism is fully impossible and the proletariat will end when they tear each other’s throats out to make sure Zuck and the rest can escape to their doomsday bunkers.
R: 217 / I: 181

OC Thread 17.0 - A New Beginning

Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

If your original content is good enough, it would most likely be shared on the /leftypol/ twitter account!
Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

previous thread: >>1762168
>>>/leftypol_archive/1762168 (if it gets archived by mods)

New Booru:

R: 5 / I: 0

Haitian reinforcements (seriously pay the fuck attention)

The Kenyan government is currently boosting its efforts in Haiti. Currently another two hundred police officers have been deployed to the island in the midst of other anti cartel and anti bandit violence. The island has seen small but significant regains in its territorial integrity.

Future updates may see the deployment of African union soldiers to Haiti. This would situate an armed presence in the Caribbean to fight against the drug war, and it would host a militarized presence directly adjacent to US arms suppliers.
R: 60 / I: 3

Why did holocaust happen?

Nazis had obvious practical reasons for scapegoating jews, but my question is specifically why was there an effort to systemically exterminate them, along with other ethnic and sexual groups? Holocaust started well after the Nazi rule was solidified, it was done in secret, or at the very least not openly propagandized, so it wasnt just another part of shifting blame for Germany's problems in public eye, and intensified as Nazi defeat was drawing near, to the detriment of war effort (labour being liquidated, soldiers assigned to rounding up civilians, equipment and troops shipments being delayed because railroads were used to transport people to camps instead, active antagonisation of occupied population). Now the generally accepted explanations lean psychoanalytically, which from what I understand isnt a popular position here, so my question is, what is the materialist, dialectical, historical, proletarian, actually existing explanation for holocaust?
R: 337 / I: 96

/rus/ - Russia General

Трясемся от грядущей мобки, охуеваем с пиздеца и ждем левого поворота пыни вместе.
R: 617 / I: 199 (full)
>Hail liberty! edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread: >>2117556
R: 29 / I: 12
asushin thread

R: 11 / I: 0
Recommend me some tech/privacy youtubers/bloggers. I prefer unhinged people, who have extreme opinions on privacy. I enjoy the works of Rob Braxman, the hated one. But I want to see some very deep and dark tech thoughts. Thanks!
R: 27 / I: 7
Hey everyone, so I was told it would be for the best to make a new thread and that's what I'll do. I'll upload some updated artwork too and some other stuff that I'm sure you'll like

Old OP:
Sup everyone, for a while I've been working on this comic idea and I would like to share some stuff I've been cooking up for it.

The setting is in Mexico City and the protagonist is a working-class, Nahua girl, living in a working-class neighborhood. This comic will explore issues regarding gentrification, child labor, systemic violence, class struggle, and different kinds of discrimination. Think of it as a social commentary and slice-of-life comic.

Sadly, I'm drawing this on my free time in between work and my studies, so the process is slow, but I'll try to release the first chapter sooner than later.

Here are the character sheets of the three protagonists, I posted them in the previous thread but they are now all complete and updated. Also, a neat drawing I did some time ago as an extra.

Finally, I will try to do the comic both in English and Spanish.
R: 115 / I: 16

/ita/ - Spaghetti Communism

La situazione è tragica ma non seria

Nuovo filo perché il precedente - dopo solo due anni e mezzo - ha raggiunto il limite.
Prego astenersi drogati delle polemiche da gallinaio televisivo, feticisti della costituzione del quarantotto (in fila per sei senza resto), raccoglitori di firme per improbabili referendum destinati a fallire, tirapiedi dei "sindacati" confederali gialli, accoliti del culto di Sant'Enrico B., piddini e parapiddini, stronzi in generale.
Se proprio dobbiamo fare pettegolezzi, facciamoli su qualche bella fica o su cose divertenti.
E ricordate che alla prossima polemica sul "saluto romano", l'unico autentico è il classico
>Bella, fratè!
Tutto il resto è solo un pallido tentativo d'imitazione.
R: 70 / I: 9

/ career /

Career - job/career advice and other related stuff from a leftist perspective. EX: How to get a job, promotion, skill, switch companies, resume, life hacks, etc.
R: 120 / I: 27
Reminder that Marx tried to dedicate the 2nd Volume of Capital to Darwin. Reminder that Marx and Engels saw On the Origin of Species as a correct understanding of reality. Reminder that evolution is effectively a dialectical materialist theory even if Darwin didn't intend it to be. Reminder that religion is a cope at best, and usually deeply reactionary in its manifestions. Reminder that nationality, ethnicity, race, religion, sex, sexuality, gender, asexuality, etc. are spooks to divide the proletariat. Reminder that the proletariat has no country. Reminder that commodity fetishism is alive and well in the "AES" countries. Reminder that there is a finite amount of time to establish Communism. Reminder that not all resources are renewable. Reminder that you need a habitable planet for the human species to continue. Reminder that being against liberal identity politics (more gay girlbosses pls!!!!) is not an excuse to do reactionary identity politics (keep women in the kitchen pls!!!!) . Reminder that if you live to be 100 years old (unlikely) that's only ~36,500 days. Reminder that it's not just a matter of having the right ideas but actually doing things every day. Reminder that your immediate tasks shouldn't be VAPID (vague, amorphous, pie-in-the-sky, irrelevant, delayed) but SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound). Reminder that you should be in an org. Reminder that unions are good but only if they're class conscious unions and not unions with narrow trade or craft consciousness. Reminder that strikes have to be prepared for in advance and not simply declared. Reminder that Communists are not idealists but materialists. Reminder that philosophers have hirtherto only interpreted the world, but the point is to change it.
R: 27 / I: 0


My story is simple: I entered the work force and realize how unfair the power of boss had on worker, and how fragile the work life is, any moment a worker can fired and destroying the life of that person, and many bosses do that without a second thought, and still the question on the whole capitalistic system is built around the idea of competition and anarchy of the market that rally shook to mind.
R: 16 / I: 4


This 1st chapter for new manga came out and it has certainly made a impression on western anime fandom. They are claiming it is racist, xenophobic, etc. And honestly, I can see it, with the characters saying some similar language to said people. But someone also brought up as an anti-west or anti-colonialist themes, with them being against the occupation of their planet. Ultimately, its barley 1 chapter out, so I don't want to judge it just on this
R: 2 / I: 0

Go play Friday Night Funkin'

It's one of the best rhythm games on PC, with great artstyle and music. It's FLOSS so it's blessed by St. iGNUsius and has an amazing modding support as well. What are you waiting for?

I also wanted to recommend the Funkadelix mod which features real vocals and a cool aesthetic but unfortunately it's proprietary. Maybe the devs will release the source code when the full version comes out? At least keep an eye on it. If you have a Twitter acc you can ask the devs directly.

Also recommend other FLOSS rhythm games such as Osu! and Stepmania.
R: 528 / I: 100 (sticky)

Moderation Feedback

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.



Free onions:
R: 85 / I: 9 (sage)
Not good. I’m autistic and trans and I might not survive the next four years. This is literal eugenics against us. Trump and his goons like RFK want us to be fully eradicated. I will literally die and no one cares.
R: 2 / I: 0

David Lynch dead at 78


RIP you glorious maniac. May you forever chill in the big Bob's Big Boy in the sky
R: 25 / I: 1

1) Trump will fully implement PROJECT 2025 and use the INSURECTION ACT to declare MARTIAL LAW on day one of his presidency and send TANKS IN THE STREETS of every major City in order to round up all Leftists (The Republican Congress will pass a law which will have the CPUSA, DSA, Green Party, PSL, etc. all be banned and declared Terrorist organizations and have all their members be arrested, with every Republican and half the Democrats voting for this), Undocumented Immigrants, Muslims, Feminists, LGBTQIA+ (The Supreme Court will strike down the Gay Marriage and Sodomy rulings, so every Red State will outlaw Gay Marriage, Homosexuality, and Transgenders, with the Congress eventually passing a federal law doing this on a mostly Party line vote), Union Workers, Homeless People, etc, and throw them in CONCENTRATION CAMPS, and Trump will force the Senate Republicans to abolish the Filibuster so they can pass a National Six-Week Abortion Ban, Ban Labor Unions, Outlaw Communism, Anarchism, Socialism, Islam, Atheism, Homosexuality, Transgenders, Gay Marriage, Ban the teaching of Evolution and the Big Bang Theory, Ban all Vaccines, Abolish Section 230 in order to ban all Social Media, Abolish Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment Insurance, and Food Stamps, and Abolish the Income Tax and replace it with a 20% Tariff on all imported goods, 😂🤣🤢🤮!

2) Trump will begin a massive Air Campaign on Iran in which U$ B-2 Stealth Bombers dropping Smart Bombs (including Bunker Busters) combined with JASSMs launched by B-52 and B-1 Bombers and Tomahawk Cruise Missiles launched by Destroyers, Cruisers, and Submarines, will destroy all Iranian Air Bases, MRBM/SRBM launchers, SAM Sites, Naval Bases, Nuclear Facilities, and Command and Control sites (including decapitation strikes on Irans entire Political/Military leadership using Bunker Busters dropped by B-2 Stealth Bombers), followed by a Full-blown U$ Ground Invasion coordinated with Kurdish, Arab, Balochi, and Azeri ethnic separatist uprisings, the last of which will include a joint Turkish/Azerbaijani invasion of Iranian Azerbaijan, will overthrow the “Islamic Republic of Iran”, with Iran Balkanized on Ethnic lines, with Iranian Azerbaijan annexed by Azerbaijan, a Independent Iranian Kurdistan (which will unite with the autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region to create a independent “Republic of Kurdistan” ruled by the Pro-U$/Zionist/Turkish Barzani family), a Independent Arabistan (the Arab-majority Khuzestan province), a Independent Iranian Balochistan, and the remaining Persian-majority Iranian provinces will be a Pro-U$/Zionist/Turkish/Saudi puppet state ruled by the last Shahs son called the “Shahdom of Persia” in a restored Pahlavi dynasty, and as a result of these events, the Zionist State will officially Annex both the West Bank and Gaza, and order the Ethnic Cleansing/Mass Deportation of the Palestinian Arab population, with the Arab World agreeing to accept them in exchange for permanent normalization with the Zionist State under the belief that after successful Genocide of Palestine, the Zionist State will not expand any further, with this combined with the Zionist destruction of the Al-Asqa Mosque in order to rebuild the Temple of Solomon (Saudi Arabia secretly supports this as it means the only major Islamic holy sites will be in Mecca and Medina) where Trump will publicly proclaim himself the Jewish Messiah in accordance with the Hebrew Gematria that says his name equals 424, which means Messiah, son of David, 😂🤣🤢🤮!

3) Trump will force Putin and Zelensky to agree to an immediate Ceasefire in Ukraine along the current line of contact, which will be transformed into a heavily fortified DMZ that will be the new De Facto Russia-Ukraine border, with Ukrainian NATO membership placed on indefinite hiatus and Russian control of both Crimea and the Land bridge De Facto acknowledged by Ukraine, and all Sanctions placed on Russia after the Invasion lifted, with the caveat that the U$ will still send weapons to Ukraine and the new borders will not be De Jure recognized by each side (thus allowing both sides to claim victory in the War), thus transforming the Ukraine war into a Frozen Conflict similar to the situation in the Korean Peninsula, with this benefiting Trump, Zelensky, and Putin, because it allows Trump to devote all of his International attention to the Invasion of Iran, Latin American Interventions, and the inedible World War III with China, it allows Zelensky to end the War while Ukraine still controls most of its territory, and it allows Putin to end the War with De Facto recognize of the annexed territories, the lifting of most sanctions, and the end of Ukraines bid for NATO membership, with this essentially marking the De Facto start of a secret U$-Russia Non-aggression pact in which Russia agrees to withdraw all forces from the Middle East, cut ties with both Iran and the Leftist Latin American States (ie. Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, etc.), and remain Neutral when World War III breaks out between the U$ and China (this even includes cutting off Oil/Gas exports to China once the War begins, with Exxon-Mobil and Chevron buying 50% shares in Gasprom making the U$ less opposed to Russian Oil/Gas exports to Europe), in exchange for the U$ De Facto acknowledgment of a Russian sphere of influence in the Non-Baltic Former Soviet Countries, 😂🤣🤢🤮!

4) Trump will successfully threaten Panama with an Invasion if they don’t give the U$ full control of the Panama Canal, thus leaving Panama with no choice but to give the Canal back to the U$, while he will initiate a campaign of Drone strikes and special forces operations against the imaginary “Mexican Cartel” threat, which will escalate into a U$ occupation of Northern Mexico, with Mexico doing nothing to stop this due to their weak military and the fact that they are a comparator U$ puppet state, and CIA-backed Coups will overthrow all the Leftist governments of Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia, and north of the U$ border the landslide election of the Conservative Party in Canada will lead to them holding a referendum on whether to be annexed by the U$ and become its 51st State (this was done on Trumps orders, who threatened to end all Trade Relations with Canada if they refused), which sparks a massive Leftist uprising in French-majority Quebec, but Annexation wins a narrow majority anyway due to its massive support amongst Anglo-Canadians (English-speaking Canadians of European ancestry that are essentially the same as U$ Whites) and the Hindu Nationalist Indian Diaspora (these people are rabid Islamophobic Zionist Fascists who worship Trump as a reincarnation of Vishnu), with the US congress voting to make Canada U$ State and Canada ceasing to exist as an independent country by the middle of 2025, 😂🤣🤢🤮!

5) The 20% U$ Tariff on all imported goods will collapse the European Economy which combined with the massive renewed Refugee crisis causes by the U$ Invasion of Iran and the Zionist Annexation of the West Bank and Gaza, will cause Right-wing Populist/Crypto-Fascists to take power throughout Europe, with the AFD winning in Germany and the National Rally winning in France, who will proceed to implement massive Austerity in order to eliminate the Social Safety net, throw all Muslims in Concentration Camps, and begin the process of ending Social Progressivism in Europe by proposing to ban Abortion, Birth Control, and LGBTQIA+ in order to raise White European Birth Rates, thus making it more obvious then ever that the EU is essentially a weak federation of U$/Zionist Vassal States, 😂🤣🤢🤮!

6) Trump will end all Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China, thus causing the implementation of a 60% Tariff on all Chinese goods which will force all U$ companies to pull out of China (including Apple and Tesla, who will close down the Foxconn Factory and the Shanghai Factory, respectively, with both being replaced by new factories in India), which will cause a massive collapse of the Chinese economy, including a massive Stock Market Crash (over 50% collapse in asset prices within 30 days of Trump ending Trade Relations) and over 20% Unemployment rate, which will lead to mass impoverishment and civil unrest due to the fact that Dengism destroyed the Maoist Social Safety Net, thus forcing Xi Jinping to have to reverse the failed Dengist policy of being a Factory for the U$ (now that the U$ will not buy Chinese-made goods anymore, and everyone working at those Factories is now unemployed and the Chinese companies that ran them are going bankrupt) and start Nationalizing large sections of the Bankrupt Privatized Economy (including closing down the collapsed Stock Exchange and reopening the State Planning Agency) and rebuild the Maoist Social Safety Net (implement Free Housing, Healthcare, and Education, a Job Guarantee and UBI) in order to prevent mass impoverishment and civil unrest from collapsing the country, with this also meaning that by the end of 2025, China will launch an Invasion of Taiwan to complete the Reunification of China and end the Chinese Civil War with a Communist victory, now that they have been cut out of the Global Capitalist Economy by the U$ ending Permanent Normal Trade Relations and forced to transition back to Socialism, with the U$ using the Chinese Invasion of Taiwan as a Casus Belli to fight World War III against China, with Trump ordering a massive Air and Naval Campaign against China with B-2 Stealth Bombers, JASSMs launched by B-52 and B-1 Bombers, and Tomahawk Cruise Missiles launched by Ships and Submarines used in an attempt to destroy Chinese Air Bases, Naval Bases, SRBM/MRBM/IRBM/GLCM launchers, and SAM sites, while LRASMs launched by B-1 Bombers and Tomahawk Cruise Missiles launched by Ships and Submarines are used in an attempt to sink Chinese Destroyers, Cruisers, Aircraft Carriers, and Amphibious Assault Ships, however though this inflicts serious losses on the PLA (they lose Dozens of Ships and Hundreds of Combat Aircraft in the first Few days of combat), it is nowhere near as effective as the U$ Air Campaign against Iran, as China is able to hit back against the U$ with DF-21/26 MRBMs/IRBMs and CJ-10 Cruise Missiles launched by H-6 Bombers, Type 052D Destroyers and Type 055 Cruisers, Type 93 Submarines, and TELs, that severely damage most U$ Air Bases and Naval Bases in Japan and South Korea (which faces a simultaneous North Korean invasion), destroying Dozens of U$ fighter jets on the ground and destroying multiple U$ Warships in port, along with sinking several U$ Destroyers and Cruisers with Anti-Ship Missiles launched by Type 052D Destroyers, Type 055 Cruisers, and H-6 Bombers, and even the sinking of a U$ Aircraft Carrier by a DF-21D Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile, which causes Trump to overreact and launch a Nuclear First Strike on China using Minuteman III ICBMs, Trident II SLBMs, B61 Nuclear Bunker Busters dropped by B-2 Stealth Bombers, and Nuclear-tipped AGM-86 ALCMs launched by B-52 Bombers to destroy all Chinese ICBM Silos and Launchers, Ballistic Missile Submarine Bases, and Bomber Bases, combined with the bunkers housing the Chinese Politburo under Beijing, however despite the U$ Nuclear First Strike accomplishing most of its objectives (including wiping out the entire Chinese Politburo and destroying almost all of their Nuclear Triad), a couple dozen MIRVed DF-41 ICBMs manage to launch on warning (before U$ ICBMs/SLBMs destroyed their Silos/Launchers) with around a dozen Nuclear Warheads penetrating the U$ ABM system, destroying Los Angeles, New York City, and Washington DC, killing 10 million U$ citizens (several DF-41s were also launched at Russia, India, the Zionist State, Britain, and France, with several warheads penetrating their ABM systems and destroying Moscow, New Delhi, London, Paris, and Tel Aviv, wiping out the leadership of these countries, including Putin, Netanyahu, and Modi, and killing another 20 million people), including most of the U$ chain of command (Trump ironically survived because he was at Mar-a-lago instead of DC and thus proceeds to secretly flee on his yacht amidst the chaos to some Caribbean island where he lives the rest of his life in exile, with his supporters believing that he will come back one day to “Make America Great Again”, with this eventually merging with Domininionst Evangelical Protestant Christian Zionism to create a new Religion called Trumpism, which is Qanon on steroids), with the U$ essentially collapsing into a Civil War as various Military Commanders and Governors attempt to become Warlords and fight each other over ruins of the former U$ Empire (World War III killed around 100 million people, and left the entire Northern Hemisphere in chaos), with this allowing for Maoist PPWs to be waged to liberate New Afrika, Aztlan, and the First Nations, which once successful will combine with the Maoist PPWs throughout the Periphery/Semi-Periphery and former Imperial Core to create a World Maoist PPW to Place the Workers and Oppressed Nations of the World on the Shining Path to Communism, ✊😜🇨🇳🇰🇵🇨🇺🇵🇸🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🚀☢️!
R: 10 / I: 0
Ranking installments of everyone's favorite transphobic white angloid attempt at writing shonen with antisemitic undertones because my 50 y.o. mom is a Rickman/Snape fan and forces our entire family to rewatch all of the movies each holiday season.

Worst - Prisoner of Azkaban. Really unpopular opinion, but I feel this is the messiest out of the early books, with a generic "believe in yourself to deafeat a monster (dementor)" shonen message told with the help of the atrocious time travel subplot (JKR's worst mistake besides, y'know, becaming a far-right grifter) and untolerable for me at least amount of quidditch padding.

5th place - Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows (ranked as one book because HBP is just a set-up for DH's story, it would have pretty much zero literary value as a standalone book) A dissapointing end to the series. Voldermort fully turns into a cartoon villain and stops being a credible threeat to any minimally adult reader (despite showing signs of being capable of more in GoF and OoF). Also I hate how Voldemort invokes Hitler symbolism despite, if anything, having more in common with Grand Wizard (pun intended) of the Klan. The story becames irredeemably reactionary, with Voldemort being defeated by the mystical "power of love", Dumbledore being venerated as a saint by the narrative (despite there being a fucking perfect set-up to make him a "second main villain"), Hermione accepting the naturality of the House Elves' slavery and Harry becaming a wizarding cop treated as a happy ending.

4th place - Philosopher's Stone. I know it was intended as purely children's book originally, but it still looks intolerably cartoony and cheesy compared to the later parts.
R: 1 / I: 0
Explain this song dichromatically. Ain't this it? All you need implying all modern music. Ba duh duh duh duh duh duh good vibrations. The body was too short or too empty. The body was too short or too empty.
R: 123 / I: 296 (sticky)

PDF/EPUB post outage thread

drop them PDFs, we will rebuild edition
R: 632 / I: 185 (full)


>Innauguration Eve edition,

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us
R: 303 / I: 119

Hazbin Hotel

How do you feel about it (and its creator)?
also please spam Charlie pics
R: 5 / I: 1

News 1/20/25

Panamanian movements vow to resist Trump’s threats to their sovereignty
Panamanian movements have expressed their readiness to resist US President Donald Trump’s threats to Panama’s sovereignty. On January 20, as part of a mobilization of trade unions and social movements in Panama City in defense of the public pension system, they will also denounce the expansionist threats of Trump.

Colombia’s second outbreak of guerrilla violence brings death toll to 100
According to Ombudsman’s Office, among the dead are multiple demobilized former FARC guerrillas and at least one farmers’ representative from Catatumbo. In a statement, the ELN’s Northeastern Bloc said that the people killed by their guerrillas were members or associates of the 33rd Front of FARC dissident group EMCB.

Pope dissolves Peru-based Catholic movement after Vatican investigation
Pope Francis has taken the remarkable step of dissolving a Peruvian-based Catholic movement, the Sodalitium of Christian Life (SCV), after years of attempts at reform and a Vatican investigation. The investigation uncovered sexual abuses by its founder, financial mismanagement by its leaders and spiritual abuses by its top members.

Hundreds protest new mining laws in El Salvador
Protesters in San Salvador, who staged a sit-in on the steps of the National Library, also warned that the mining would endanger the water sources that supply more than 50 per cent of Salvadorans, such as the River Lempa, the largest in the country.

Israel's Netanyahu fragile government on edge over Ben-Gvir's Gaza exit
Jewish Power, led by Ben-Gvir, was one of a number of parties that made up Netanyahu's coalition, the most far-right in Israel's history. Another party in government is the Religious Zionist Party led by far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who also voted against the ceasefire, although he has not yet resigned.

Yemen’s Houthis to only target Israel-linked ships following Gaza ceasefire
The Sanaa-based Humanitarian Operations Coordination Centre (HOCC), which liaises between Houthi forces and commercial shipping operators, said on Sunday that it was stopping “sanctions” against vessels owned by United States and British entities, as well as ships sailing under the two countries’ flags.

Commander Mazloum Abdi: We need a roadmap with the Damascus government
"In response to those who accuse us of dividing and fragmenting Syria, we state once again that we will act according to our principles. We are in favor of granting rights and roles to all Syrians on the basis of equality without any discrimination. We are also in favour of the territorial integrity of Syria and the unity of all its components. We support the Damascus government and welcome the spread of the Syrian state administration, of which we will be a part, throughout the country."

Palestine Solidarity Campaign director Ben Jamal charged after London protest
Ben Jamal, director of the UK-based Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), has been charged with public order offences after a major pro-Palestine rally in London on Saturday that saw 77 people arrested.

Coalition negotiations in Austria: Right-wing government to implement drastic austerity measures
Immediately after the start of negotiations, both parties began to put together an extensive austerity budget. Containing drastic cuts, the budget deficit is to be reduced to below 3 percent, as required by the EU. Currently, depending on the estimate, it is up to 3.7 percent. The dispute over how and over what period the savings will be implemented had led to the failure of the coalition negotiations between the ÖVP, SPÖ and Neos.

Yale HRL report: ‘Chinese UAVs identified at RSF-controlled South Darfur airport’
These findings coincide with ongoing discussions in Washington about arms transfers to Sudan and whether the UAE, an alleged RSF sponsor, is continuing their supply of weaponry to the group. Radio Dabanga reported on Monday, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) alleged that the RSF carried out drone strikes in on the hydroelectric Merowe Dam in Sudan’s Northern State.

Tiger hunt: Police launch manhunt for alleged kingpin of illegal mining at Stilfontein
The alleged kingpin resurfaced from shaft 11 in Stilfontein last week during a rescue mission to get the miners out. The government-funded rescue mission, led by the Mine Rescue Services (MRS), ended on Thursday after community volunteers confirmed no further signs of miners in the disused mine.

Myanmar junta and major ethnic rebel group sign formal ceasefire, China says
It is the second such pact in little over a year, a previous one in January last year not having been honoured by either side. The new ceasefire was brokered by China in mid-January, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said yesterday at a daily briefing in Beijing.
R: 47 / I: 12

Time to admit 100% of "terrorist" attacks are false-flags

The Las Vegas and New Orleans crimes are obvious false flags. The New Orleans driver had the ISIS flag upside down(any Muslim would immediately know it was upside down because the words on it are upside down) and the feds gave some ultra-zionist female media personality (worked for AIPAC) wearing yoga pants a tour of his house(an alleged crime scene under active investigation) https://xcancel.com/Villgecrazylady/status/1875006647250129288#m here is video of her(?) tour of the active crime scene. If you watch the video it is obviously a setup.

The Las Vegas truck bomb. The manifesto is just plain bullshit and noise, it alleges that Chinese weather balloon incident was an intentional spy balloon message. The alleged bomber was
>“very patriotic, “loved Trump,” and was a “supersoldier” who could have “fashioned a bomb that would have half obliterated that hotel.”

https://www.newsweek.com/matthew-livelsberger-could-have-obliterated-hotel-if-he-wanted-uncle-says-2009050 It makes no sense that someone who was a Trump Supporter would kill himself in front of the Trump hotel days before his candidate becomes president. The source for the alleged “manifesto” is a guy who is an obvious glowie, shilling zio-glowie talking points(Iranians sending missiles into the US through Mexico https://xcancel.com/ShawnRyan762/status/1875366325154963712). Some good questions about the letter

>Why was it forwarded?

>Who else received it?
>Who was the recipient of this one?
>Why did he say he was heading for the border but stopped at a Trump building whilst pro >Trump and ended his trip there?
>Why is he calling a teenager style explosive as an IED when he has the skill level to create something huge?
>Why risk lives if your phone states you’re ended it all because of the lives you’ve taken?
>How was his phone accessed?
>Why put an IED in a bullet proof vehicle?
>How does an IED go off once you’re unalived?
>Why would FBI know he has this info and an IED and track him without arrest?

also the explosive went off 15-20 seconds after the truck parked itself(and the driver was presumably alive) https://www.newsnationnow.com/crime/what-we-know-about-the-cybertruck-explosion-at-las-vegas-trump-hotel

>Police tracked the truck through cameras at Tesla charging stations and found that it arrived in Las Vegas around 7:30 a.m. The truck then drove up and down Las Vegas Boulevard for about an hour before pulling into the Trump Hotel entrance. The truck sat in front of the hotel for about 15 to 20 seconds before it exploded, Sheriff Kevin McMahill said
R: 13 / I: 3
>Today, the situation of the workers’ movement appears a thousand times worse than after the vertiginous collapse of the Second International at the outbreak of the first World War.

Just wait!
R: 9 / I: 0

Let’s just value the importance of studying capitalism and class

Without analyzing what the hell is wrong with this economic system, most people would be and are completely oblivious to capitalism’s effects.

I’ll admit, I only learned about shopping addiction now after so many years have gone by. Imagine how much more damaged I overlooked. Imagine how bad it is for those who never got the chance to read as well as I do…
R: 64 / I: 19

International Volunteering

A thread to discuss methods and means to assist with with Volunteer work

>PUK Calls on Socialist International to Support Kurds in Fighting Terrorism & Extremism

>PUK urged Socialist International (SI) parties to assist the Kurds in combating terrorism and extremism during the Council of SI Meeting, which culminated with the adoption of the Rabat Declaration.

>The Council of SI Meeting took place in Rabat, the capital of Morocco, on December 22 and 23, 2024, with members from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) in attendance. The meeting was also attended by SI President Pedro Sánchez, and 196 parties from 116 world countries.

>Fryal Abdullah, a member of the PUK Leadership Council and a party representative at the meeting, informed PUKMEDIA: "The declaration underscored the necessity of respecting state sovereignty and territorial integrity, the significance of international collaboration to address economic and climate challenges, and the emphasis on equality, social justice, and adherence to the Paris Climate Agreement."

>She emphasised that as the PUK, they underscored the significance of safeguarding democracy and human rights, upholding the rule of law, conducting transparent elections, and denouncing the manipulation of their outcomes.

>Concerning women's rights, she said: "We emphasised the necessity of promoting gender equality and empowering women to attain decision-making roles, while highlighting the importance of opposing factions that resist women's rights and incorporating women into peace processes to guarantee the comprehensiveness and efficacy of agreements that promote global peace."

>She asserted that "the PUK's address at the meeting effectively alerted attendees to the ongoing threats posed by terrorist organisations in Iraqi Kurdistan and the surrounding region, emphasising the necessity of continued support for combating extremism and terrorism, which have emerged as significant threats to regional security and stability."

>She further emphasised that the PUK members also mentioned "the Kurds in Syria, particularly in Rojava, oversee the largest prison for terrorists, and it is vital that this facility receives enhanced support to mitigate its potential dangers to neighbouring countries."

>Abdullah noted that "the PUK's proposals, which emphasise the adherence to democratic values, the respect for state sovereignty, and the enhancement of regional integration as a strategy to address the political and economic crises affecting the participating nations, as well as to confront the escalating violations of fundamental freedoms and to address armed conflicts, were acknowledged by the socialist parties attending the meeting."
R: 12 / I: 1

World of Warcraft ruined gaming for a lot of people

After the Activision buyout, Blizzard’s leading game designers would go on to ruin AAA gaming for millions of people. Personally, I think blizzard’s mentality for accessibility is what caused the problems.

Blizzard used to keep world of warcraft (WOW) easy. Old WOW used to be simple to learn and simple to play. The progression system was easy, so was the combat, and the quests were simple to understand. For most players, the game wasn’t too competitive and it was easy to make friends.

Milsims like Arma and Squad still have that “easy to learn, easy to make friends” kind of appeal. Even the early soulsborne series had that “simple in design, easy to find fun” appeal despite what the masochists claimed about the souls series. Most AAA games released by blizzard and other high-ranking studios abondoned this approach to game design.

Blizzard catered to the hardcore players too much and made WOW hard. I’m glad that the devs are going back on most of the changes, but the damage and legacy is all still there. Multiplayer shooters are worse than ever. It’s basically impossible to get into any new multiplayer game without being bombarded with endlessly convoluted systems and a hardcore player-base. Gaming is so much harder now. Even games that should feel easy like path of exile 2 play as if I need a manual again to understand what’s going on.
R: 19 / I: 7

Free games

Post any free games.
R: 187 / I: 59

==/sg/ - Syrian Civil War General #20 - Womp Womp edition

<vidrel: The SDF released footage of an incapacitated TFSA fighter getting run over by a Turkish-provided M113 APC in the recent fighting southeast of Manbij.
Recent news:
First statement by Bashar al-Assad ever since his ouster. Israel takes more land, this time south of the Golan. More sectarian incidents. US-mediated temporary truce between the SDF and Turkey + SNA, with an impending offensive on Ayn Isa, Sirrin and Kobani.

t.me/Medmannews - Well known channel (Egyptian owner). Posts frequently about MENA
t.me/Slavyangrad - Also posting a lot of news about Syria recently
t.me/Middle_East_Spectator - Iranian owner
t.me/Suriyak_maps - Posts maps/latest news. Less prone to hype/hysteria but slower.
t.me/rybar - Russian channel. Posts a lot about Syria too
https://nitter.poast.org/SAMSyria0 - Local Syrian army soldier. Used to post in Arabic. (Account deleted. RIP)
R: 121 / I: 27
how did Maoists in the west react to the Nixon and Mao visits and later trade agreements
R: 65 / I: 16


So, how do I get into anarchism, what the essential reading for a newbie on anarchism? What the main flaws of anarchism? I don't know much about it, but I do sympathize with the idea of no state or some form or "higher" power over people.
R: 112 / I: 6

/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread (leftypol edition)

(Copypasted from a previous 4chin /g/ thread as a foundation to making these generals on leftypol)
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

* Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread *

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/–help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?
R: 2 / I: 2

La Matanza

>La Matanza (Spanish for 'The Massacre') refers to a communist-Indigenous rebellion that took place in El Salvador between 22 and 25 January 1932. After the revolt was suppressed, it was followed by large-scale government killings in western El Salvador, which resulted in the deaths of 10,000 to 40,000 people. Another 100 soldiers were killed during the suppression of the revolt.

>On 22 January 1932, members of the Communist Party of El Salvador (PCES) and Pipil peasants launched a rebellion against the Salvadoran military government due to widespread social unrest and the suppression of democratic political freedoms, especially after the cancellation of the results of the 1932 legislative election.

>During the rebellion, the communist and Indigenous rebels, led by Farabundo Martí and Feliciano Ama, respectively, captured several towns and cities across western El Salvador, killing an estimated 2,000 people and causing over US$100,000 in property damage. The Salvadoran government, led by General Maximiliano Hernández Martínez, who had assumed power following the 1931 Salvadoran coup d'état, declared martial law, and ordered the suppression of the revolt.

>Most of the people who were killed during La Matanza, which has been described as an ethnocide, were Pipil peasants and non-combatants, causing the extermination of the majority of the Pipil-speaking population, which led to a near total loss of the spoken language in El Salvador. Many of the rebellion's leaders, including Martí and Ama, were executed by the military. The government's repression also forced several communist leaders to flee the country and go into exile.
R: 6 / I: 2

La Rinconada

This is the craziest most capitalist thing zi ever seen. All the guys making videos keep saying, dystopian, dystopian, dystopian.

La Rinconada: Human sacrifice and slave trade
>Known as the Lawless City of Peru. The highest mine in the world. A dangerous world where we find violence and crime of all kinds, from murdedrs and human sacrifice to slave trade. Life is worth nothing. Why would someone live in a place like this? The answer is simple: gold. Welcome to La Rinconada.
R: 29 / I: 5
> Everyone hates Isn'treal
> A generation of young, normal burgers are finding kinship with their Chinese counterparts
> Dems universally loathed with no viable future
> Military recruitment crisis with no end in sight
> Soulsborne fatigue setting in

I can't say we're winning but it sure feels good to be right all the time
R: 99 / I: 22
The thing that makes Japanese nation unique is that they were the only ones in our material reality to develop into a capitalist society independently* from Europe?

*Of course, Meiji restoration was prompted by USAmericans and actively used European capital and talent, but it's still a far cry even when comparing with a Chinese situation (where capitalism had come in the form of "century of humiliation" and Quings literally betraying their own people to the whites), let alone the rest of the world (where it was spread with a full-blown colonial conquest)
R: 9 / I: 0


Have we moved past the post-digital era of the internet? According to Cramer in 2013, "‘Post-digital’ thus refers to a state in which the disruption brought upon by digital information technology has already occurred. […] this technology is no longer perceived as disruptive." At the time of writing, in 2013, this seemed to be a realistic appraisal of the situation, as digital forms of communication (social media, internet news, Wikipedia, etc.) were viewed as a part of life. The post-digital was a rejection of the techno-optimism of Kurzweil and SV, opposing the techno-hegelian view that the digital era was a simple moment on the path to the idealized singularity. Post-digitalism was coined at a time when the internet had started to lose its own foggy idealism, and was understood as having been captured in large part by corporate and state interests. DIY communities and counter-cultural trends existed, but the term 'digital' was not a disruptive element at the macro scale of society.
It seems pertinent in 2025 to reassess the term, and the era that we find ourselves in. Has internet culture become uniquely disruptive again? Media institutions have largely acclimated themselves to digital existence after the sink-or-swim period of the 2010s. Social media is seamlessly integrated into the social fabric. Baby boomer policymakes int he EU and US ahve spent thousands of hours debating cryptocurrencies, cryptography, social media, etc.
I'd like to suggest that we find ourselves instead in an era *after* the post-digital era of the 2010s, which is far more in line with the original technic/cybernetic ideals of the 1950s and 1960s. The 2010s were rapid and choatic, as was expected, but after some shuffling around, the digital and analogue components of society can no longer be differentiated, except for on the superfluous technological and material levels. In fact, it could be argued that the entirety of the human experience has been captured by digital systems. I'm hesitant to claim this is a truly cybernetic society, but it does seems that in the imperial core, systems of control and capture have become fully digital, abstract, and everpresent. The I/O systems for the information feedback loop of a cybernetic apparatus have all been established. Should we rehabilitate the field of cybernetics to understand macro systems? Obviously there is a socialist root in classical cybernetics (Cybersyn, etc.), but it might be worthwhile to reappraise Big Computer as a transformative method for states like China. If the apparatus is already present for cybernetic management, it seems like something *we* should be analyzing, since it's blatantly obvious that the managerial class is analyzing them.
R: 383 / I: 161
Tomoko thread… why? Because I like the character… and other reasons…
Post lewds (spoilered), memes, edits, pics and anything else related to the subject
R: 8 / I: 0

Add board creation

8chan was basically the perfect website in that it combined the anonimity of 4chan with the community creation aspect of Reddit, it would be nice to see this feature implemented here.
R: 93 / I: 40

Fashion thread V

Previous thread: >>36889
R: 21 / I: 12

I think that poor people should live underground

Before I discuss my proposal, I want to talk about cities in general.

People tend to think of cities as being flat. There’s the ground, and everything that people use is built on top. That’s not true. Cities are becoming increasingly subterranean. Whether for military reason or just to compensate for land shortages, for park area, or what other reason, cities are providing a greater amount of subterranean space. A city is both what people see on the surface and what people see underground.

I think that leaving the poor underground is actually one of the nicest and most practical things we can do for them. Poor people are protected against the weather, wild animals, and other people when underground. If this wasn’t true, homeless people wouldn’t be seen frequently in basements and sewage systems. Dedicating formal space underground both prevents the poor from facing harassment from others and prevents the poor from harassing others. Coincidentally, city leaders would face less flak over the presence of poverty on the surface. It’s not even an impractical approach either.

Building downwards is objectively less environmentally damaging than building outwards. Coincidentally, building down is easier (in most cases) than building up.

What do you guys think?
R: 196 / I: 53


canada thread continuing from >>1878602

gonna try and make a cool OP for this involving a few party sites and news outlets (note it's not complete if theres other shit that should be added in the next thread post it)

