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Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.



Free onions:

Previous thread >>36480

MODS why is it that when i spam the report button NOTHING HAPPENS. especially for the fucking nonce shit its disgusting, you mught aswell make me mod so i can just fucking remove it myself.
https://leftypol.org/siberia/res/622889.html#624998 <- is literally the fucking loli gore torture porn gif and its been up for a whole fucking day
theres also the gross tomoko thread on the anime board with incel moids lusting over a 16 year old girls feet
clean it up jannies.

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Hello /leftypol/ users. This is a thread to post ordinances, i.e. ad hoc rules voted on by the modocracy, which are not covered explicitly by the rules in rules.html, though most are arguably applications or clarifications of actions prohibited by the existing rules. Any posts violating these ordinances will be removed, and possibly banned at the mods discretion. This post will be periodically updated to reflect new ordinances, or to remove old ones.

  1. H*z is banned. Any mention of, depiction of, video, audio, or image (including memes) of, or related to, the individual known as Adam Tahir (more commonly known as Haz Al-Din), including associated projects such as the media collective "Infrared", or the US-based "American Communist Party" founded in 2024, etc. are BANNED.
  2. No non O.C. Wojaks, Pepes, or Groypers. Any Wojaks, pepes, groypers, etc. which are not /leftypol/ original content are considered spam.
  3. The Wojakifcation/wojak script is banned. This is a bit of javascript, commonly used on bunkerchan, which takes a post one is replying to and posts a greentext version of it in a pre-made wojak template, which is used as a reaction image.
  4. 'Real Proletarian' rhetoric which implies a large percentage of wage workers are not proletarians is banned - per modocracy vote passed on 2024-12-25
  5. For original posts outside of /siberia/, "coomer bait" images which are sexual, sexualizing, or appeal to the prurient interest in any way are BANNED and will be spoilered or removed. - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02
  6. Evading original post word minimum outside /siberia/ is BANNED. - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02
  7. Incel posts are banned site wide (i.e. incel talking points and making 9999 threads complaining about women, saying all women are bourgeoise/sluts/etc.) - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02
  8. "Feral" furry porn (i.e. drawn or cartoon pornography depicting a character that is a four-legged animal, or to a significant degree non-anthropomorphic) is BANNED, and will be spoilered or removed at the moderator's discretion - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-11 Superseded by extension of rule 10 on 2025-02-17
  9. Climate change denial, especially to the extent of excessive doomerism and BP shill tier takes, is banned - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-11
93 posts and 15 image replies omitted.

>Who cares about upholding Marx's own flawed logic in the matter which he probably pulled out of his ass without ever talking to anyone he accused of being lumpenproletariat.
the absolute state of this fucking board

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This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues (bug reports, suggestions).

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible
118 posts and 23 image replies omitted.

How is it that the .onion address for this site was less buggy and more usable 4 years ago, just months after the site's creation, than it is now? You managed to take something that worked fine and run it into the ground for no good reason.

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Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.



Free onions:
659 posts and 120 image replies omitted.

Not the mod who handled the ban, so I don't have the complete context. But if I understood the issue correctly, you posted NSFW loli content, which we cover under rule 1.
I already pinged the responsable mod for more info.

Mosto f the main board is twitter screenshots.
Please do what you're here to do and enforce your own rules.

>who is not a loli, but my criteria for "loli" here, is simply that the character is of legal age canonically
As far as I know, the staff does not have an established definition of what constitutes a loli. Having taken a look at the other images however, I suspect that the mod in question operated under the framework of "if it looks like a loli it's functionally one".
>the only difference between the art i had posted and art that has been previously posted, is that previous art had ridiculously large penises
…and giants boobs bigger than her head…?

For the readers: we have extended rule 10 to cover cases like this

New thread >>39778


Its on siberia again
47 posts and 3 image replies omitted.

theres a fucking poltard gore thread on the main board
wake up

it's back on siberia

it's on the futa general >>>/siberia/572760
pls remove it and permaban ip pls

Where? I don't see any. It's drawings and not even realistic ones at that. You have the autistic liberal mental disease.

it got deleted, it was one post above the 5 glownonymous sages(it wasn't a drawing)


Jannies, where is the banlist? Can you link the hidden banlist page?

I am saying this because people want to check if someone's banned for anything so they can understand if some people should have followed the rules. Also these lists are fun to look at.

you're looking for the modlog. it's in the stickies iirc. /log.php?board=leftypol



>because 420chan.org redirects here.
>it serves as an alternate to IRC…

If you don't like discord, post in this thread, fellow 420channers.

We are refugees here… please respect us, you don't have to like us.

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420chan refugee thread located in /siberia/


new flag art

too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short too shorttoo short too short too short too short too short too short too short too short
5 posts and 6 image replies omitted.

Wow, thats mean..

Damn these are really good

you're literally part of the cancer in leftypol. and leftypol is in a constant stage 2 cancer disease


hell yeah


Is there an effortpost archive? If not, should there be?
I think it would be good to have a place where the worthwhile posts would be archived and accessible, not just screenshots but properly published in article form, sort of like leftypol's own small magazine. It would encourage userbase to put more though and effort into their posts, knowing that what they write has a chance of not getting eternally buried within couple hours of hitting New Reply.
2 posts omitted.

I like that idea. It would be helpful to have when you're trying to go back and look at a post that's 404'd, and the idea of just having an effortpost magazine sounds kinda nice

MODS, could you give some feedback what you think about this idea? Is it something that could be implemented?

Text is not exactly a lot of data to store, would probably be better than relying on individuals to screencap.

What would be nice is a little metadata too that would tell you things like the OP or any other posts it's replying to directly so people have context.



Maybe I'm just more perceptive then I was a few weeks ago but it feels like there's way more borderline Demcel and Radlib threads than before. Maybe it's just Trump's victory making some people who didn't care about the election before snap into Lost-Dem brain, but a lot of it started before the votes were counted.
1 post omitted.

>Maybe it's just Trump's victory making some people who didn't care about the election before snap into Lost-Dem brain
That's almost certainly exactly what happened.

>but a lot of it started before the votes were counted.

Lib hysteria is one of the most potent substances on the internet. Of course it'd start up before the election was over; they were chomping at the bit.

For me, the big sign of a psyop isn't a bunch of people behaving a certain way out of seemingly nowhere, but rather people behaving inorganically. For example, there's been multiple instances of people dumping an unsolicited opinion in a thread that has nothing to do with said opinion, and then making no real attempt at rebuttal beyond repeating their initial statement and very simplistic namecalling. There's also been cases where a small number of posters will express a somewhat unusual viewpoint incessantly and as if it was common on the site for a short period of time, only to vanish within the month. To me, these kinds of behaviors glow more than anything. I'm not saying that there's zero actual human beings who post this way, but the behaviors are definitely symptomatic of someone who's goal is to push something.

>Did Glowies Win?
I'm afraid yes.

Moved to >>>/leftypol/2148679.

Moved to >>>/leftypol/2150848.

To address the schizoposters who belive this thread was shadowbanned or anything (feature which vichan doesn't even have): the thread isn't moving due to a bug in vichan.
And for whatever reason it doesn't produce an error.

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