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This one's kino.
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mainstream anything is pretty generic most of the time, even books

>mainstream anything is pretty generic most of the time, even books
Well, of course. That's why I'm a hipster more into niche stuff.

To be fair its basically tradition at this point to make your first project have the same basic premise as Hoshi no Koe

This one's got a lot more traction than Vapor Trail and much more consistent animation but the choreography is much worse and the story is eh. It's very impressive especially since its made by students and I'm interested in what they'll make next.

Bros… what if people were LITERALLY glued to their screens like 1985…

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I only know of seitokai yakuindomo personally

Azumanga Daioh
Pop Team Epic

Bocchi the Rock

the bocchi manga is so fucking shitty compared to the adaptation

indigenous manga drawings would not like to be colonized by the concepts of animation and soundtracks and voice actors !!important!!

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Just read this, Is the one-shot this is based on, basically the same story?

Read the first chapter, scrolled thought couple more. Feels like a uninteresting Chainsaw Man knock-off, but it does feature the hottest woman ever.

thats how oneshots that get serialized usually work, yes

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"'90s Ghibli food" gif from a Shinkai film
"'90s tech" gif from Megazone 23 Part II
"'90s romance" gif from Kimagure Orange Road
"'90s anime women" all gifs from the same single character designer

Nostalgia is a mental disease.
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Read a big ass twitter thread earlier lamenting that character design trends have gone down the shitter and they just complained about vtubers and Genshin Impact lol. Vtubers affect nothing outside of the vtubing bubble, and basic anime twinks have been a thing for years.

Absolutely, it's a classic

>they just complained about vtubers and Genshin Impact lol
"I don't like this thing so nobody should."

amazing reading comprehension

My reading game is so high-level that I can read people's minds.

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I'm glad that Katawa Shoujo managed to shake the negative stigma it once had. It's honestly pretty all right, and in an age where most western VNs try to be ironic weeb garbage it's nice to be reminded that sometimes OELVNs can be made with some genuine passion behind them.
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BURUMA!!!! It's BURUMA!!!!

erm those are not japanese bloomers, theyre actually buruma you filthy gaijin

>BURUMA!!!! It's BURUMA!!!!

Act 2 is unironically one of the only things I'm looking forward to this year

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>in an age where most western VNs try to be ironic weeb garbage
It's so tiresome. A popular gaming outlet published a top dating sims ranking and it was exclusively low effort American "ironic" shit.

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top 5 animes you enjoyed the most
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TTGL is okay, I guess. But it kinda got worse after Kamina died as far as my brain remembers (which is bizarre since I wouldn't call myself a Kamina fan either, Joseph Joestar one love).

TTGL isn't on the list for quality, it's there because it was the fuckin' coolest shit I thought I'd ever seen in high school and all the quotes from the show were my friend group's little running jokes.

The anime I quote the most is also JoJo. Kono Dio da! Hinjaku, hinjaku! dies from cringe

All I know from jojo is
But again, this is because I am stuck in 2009 and can never escape.

>Goodbye, JoJo!
>And your next line is…
>Yare yare daze
>You thought it was Jonathan. But it was me, Dio!
>Because you pissed me off
>Kono dio da!
>Umchake, umchake!
>You bastard… DIO!
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Just finished this. Was not worth it.
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the end feels like it was on purpose to make the readers/watchers mad.

Varia and the arc right before it and even some of the sol were actually really, really good. It just doesn't develop afterwards. I'd say top-tier shonen.

When the imposter is sus

I liked it

I never understood why this show (Hitman Reborn)got so popular, the mechanics of abilities of reborn are fucking nonsense (not that means much in most anime but still), the character Reborn was basically the baby from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but made into even more of a Mafiosi stereotype. Boring ass series with boring stakes in my opinion and sprouted WAY too much shitty fanfiction. Like I have not read a Reborn related fanfic that could be called good, it's all either melodramatic purple prose or poorly written, thinly veiled authorial self insert. At least with stories like Naruto or Bleach or Inuyasha you'll get a good handful of good fics and a larger assortment of decent ones, but this was just mind-numbingly boring, and you get crossovers with it all over the net.

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Feels like we're overdue for a new idol mecha, when's the next Macross gonna be?

It's going to be a sequel to Macross Frontier given there was a short film about Ranka that was screened alongside the Macross Delta movie.

Macross Delta fucking sucked.

I hope it has giant girls again.

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The JSDF is trying to bait furry hikkis into enlisting with a femboy kemono mascot.
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noooo but he's so cute

If you really loved him you'd pull the trigger



more like little boy

If he was only a military otaku larper it'd be cute.

You have to do it to save him from himself. You know you got to pull the Trigger. You can't let him suffer anymore than he already is, let the tears flow knowing that you put an end to the tyranny to come.

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I just finished Boku wa Mari no Naka (also known as Inside Mari) and I thought I should write down my thoughts on it here.
The basic premise is about a NEET who wakes up in the body of a girl he pretty much stalked for a while. The story takes a lot of crazy psychological twists and turns (as expected from a manga by Oshimi), and it definitely isn't your typical gender-bender story. The subject material is certainly heavy and deeply personal, but I think it is handled quite well for the most part. (Spoilers for the ending) I really expected Yori and Mari to end up together though… maybe I misunderstood something? But it's nice to see Mari's alright.
Let's talk about this manga and the rest of Oshimi's work:
Aku no Hana (The Flowers of Evil)
Chi no Wadachi (Blood on the Tracks)
Okaeri Alice (Welcome Back, Alice)
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Look up what psychological projection means?

YouTube and Reddit have ruined media literacy forever. I strongly believe that people ruin shit for themselves by just refusing to meet it on its own terms. If you look at something from the perspective of "what was this trying to do" rather than "this is what I want it to do", you often get way more out of it.

People are more likely to project than to strawman and your posts seem weirdly specific to be a strawman

Dude what do you mean, I don't even browse Reddit. I thought the manga was shit, anon asked my reasons and I answered. What's with the butthurt?
> If you look at something from the perspective of "what was this trying to do" rather than "this is what I want it to do", you often get way more out of it.
I have absolutely no idea what this means

the ending was so rushed, altho the panels in the end sequence were unironically my favorite in that entire series

I'm going to have to concur with the others, you have no idea what projection even means.

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