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this motherfucker's been around for 50 years and nobody can agree on what exactly his hair is supposed to be


It's a toupee


honestly the more I think about this the more in-character it is

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In what order do I watch this?

Is there a common sense order in anime? show->movie->ova?

which usually gets made first?
do all of them have lori fanservice


Always go with release order, no matter the type of media.

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What a let down. First Sonny Boy… now this… why are the japes so bad at finishing up a story?


The japanese seem to be mired in a cultural incapability of breaking away from their own tropes without it being heavy handed and then going back on it.
The only recent examples that aren't overdosed on tropes is hayashida q's, fukumoto nobuyuki, togashi yoshiro and fujimoto tatsuki


If it's merely a trope, that means they should understand it conceptually, and capable of proper execution.


chicken is bad if it tastes like chicken. a sign should shoot out of it that says "meat is murder" for chicken to be an intellectual experience

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Most criticism of weaboos is either thinly-veiled racism (when done by westerners) or self-hatred (when done by diasporoids)
Well-adjusted humans are flattered when foreigners display good faith interest in their culture. People like talking about things they enjoy.
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The problem is that most of the time super weebs aren't interested in much more than fetishistic and consumeristic parody of Japanese culture. The adulation becomes Orientalist and disrespectful. It's similar to how interracial fetish porn like Blacked is in reality very racist and even how Western leftoids unintentionally disrespect historical communists when they claim that those people were like wokeist radlibs or whatever.


More like cultural imperialism. They want Japan to be a more "woke" Burgerstan.


deranged take


opposite typically.


weaboos are not an ethnicity you ignorant liberal, you're thinking of Otaku.
>display good faith interest in their culture.
Nice bait

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Everyone's favorite conglomerate Crunchyroll/Funimation is back at it again with not wanting to pay their VAs

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>do a bunch of advertising telling people "support the studios"
>refuses to pay their employees


How are you surprised by this shit at this point? Who tf still uses streaming services these days beyond retards that don’t know what kissanime and the pirate bay are


If you aren't pirating anime you're not a real fan


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>B-but it was a voluntary contract!


>So, uh, how did it happen?
<You ever seen Detective Conan? Yeah, that.
>Really? Even the mafia part?
<Yes. *Head Explodes*


dropped all sexual thoughts as soon as i saw the tattoos, it's like warning coloration



The setup of the world is original, the lore is interesting as fuck, the uncensored brutality showcases an interesting take on violence that feels genuine to what something like this in real life could occur and the plot is overall entertaining

But fuck the amount of other garbage in this pretty much “makes a perfectly baked caked bathed in the shittiest frosting you could’ve gotten”. Child nudity that only exists to satisfy the authors god awful fetishes, crying and death when it isn’t needed or doesn’t do anything to contribute to any form of character development, major figures like bondrewd, wazukyan and his crew or just reg and his origin in general either gets sidelined completely or just flat out abondoned after less than a single episode and it fucking sucks and makes trying to be entertained or even gain any cool ideas like how ethics are considered when the promise of discovery is near or how people respond and develop tools to new threats or just how nature itself adapts to the geography that surrounds it doesn’t truly feel like it got the attention it deserved in a series that felt like it was made for it
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No I’m not assuming anything about you as a person
But you think people finding child nudity and gore discomforting is a byproduct of social conditioning??)


Nudity is a neutral thing and very natural. Before the 80s in the US, no one thought anything about parents letting their very young children play naked outside, or parents taking naked pictures of their children. The stigmatization of nudity in general and child nudity specifically is a very recent, very American thing.

It's not normal or good to look at child nudity and feel disgust, any more than it's normal or good to feel lust.


>in the 80s and 90s parents wouldn’t care about letting their children go outside in public naked in the USA
I’m not from burgerstan but even by their dumbass standards that’s hard to believe they’d do something like that considering the 90s had a massive fucking wave against pedastry of all forms with the internet thing and gays


Oh no no no no
This ngga genuinely believes this shit. Seeing family members naked is a lot different than shoving a naked child in public for everyone to see ahahahahah no way this fucking nonce is that creepy and retarded simultaneously ahahahahhaahhahahhahahahhahaha



Anon was obviously talking about very young kids at the beach or at the park when it's hot or whatever. Not parents sending kids out naked to walk down the street. Anons seem to be over reacting.

edit: ofuck this is an anime thread. 95% of it shouldn't exist.

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Which do you think is better?
Is there a silent appreciation in the black and white

I love the vibrancy of the color ones, but also think there's something lost in the enjoyment of the anime then

The colorless ones can have a certain, afternoon reading vibe to it and help enjoy the anime and manga in separate ways. I don't know much anymore, tell me your insights
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i wish we colored manga is the states


Something about color in comics really bothers me. I find it a bit irritating. One of the few exceptions is Akira (despite, as >>16832 said, it was originally published in black and white).


>Did they fully do the series?
Not only did they do the full series, but they serialized it issue by issue just like a western comic. Those 38 floppies sell for a pretty penny. Trade paperback versions also exist from Marvel's (now defunct) Epic Comics imprint as we as Kodansha so that might be cheaper if you wanna collect.


I'm a sicko, I think I ONLY liked color manga now,

Nice, Gonna read it in colour then
I've always wondered the colouring process for digital manga

It sounds easy but you'd also have to remember all the colours for each existing item for them to not have to clash

Still no excuse how DBZ is only painted upto the Freeza Saga


this; if the author is involved it can be cool but generally it's just mass produced which results in pure trash, or mediocrity at best. dragon ball for example is so huge and yet the official colorization just uses default "on-model" tones along with darker & lighter versions of the same color for lighting & shading (a surefire way to make stuff look like boring cold garbage).

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Spice and Wolf is the only good right-wing piece of Japanese media.


I wouldn't call it right wing


It's pretty much just free-market apologia. But korbo is cute so it's fine.


I love Korbo


I don't remember the market being very free at all or hailed as a great system either. Its just the mc is a trader and they drop economy 101 lesson along the way.


IIRC World End Economica was somewhat pro-capitalist because it dealt with macroeconomics.

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Pixiv added a harassment policy to their workplace after a sexual assault case occured in their Tokyo office and western otaku are flipping their shit about le woke because they can't fucking read.
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because the point of greentexting has always been reductio ad absurdum and misrepresenting the other argument


i hate liberals but damn do they rule when they trigger my enemy


Why is teaching your employees idpol (which is what "diversity training" likely is) a good apology for having an employee who molested a trans person REPETEADLY and refusing to fire him immediately? Did the guy do that cuz he wasn't taught queer acceptance enough? Don't buy that; he's just an awful person.

Even if the lessons they'll give out are reasonable, it's a dumb followup; but I'm very much willing to bet it's stupid corporate idpol & not the good humanistic kind of acceptance lessons.


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>stupid corporate idpol
that's the growing trend
>the good humanistic kind of acceptance lessons.
that's the declining trend

The left is losing that battle pretty hard, but there is no self-criticism. Just people who think doing the same ineffective strategy but harder will somehow change the result. Not to mention all the people who are still trapped in the liberal bourgeoisie political spectacle. It's disheartening.


yea I'm not saying that responding to an employee molesting a minority is bad but if you nonconsensually put your face in the crotch of someone who works under you and take photos, your issues go way beyond "not respecting trans identities". yeah the "haha you're a guy, you should be ok with this xD" made it worse cuz it added being a dick about gender to the mix but, y'know, the dude is a sex pest to begin with

if one of your employees molested a black woman at work and went "what? you negress sistaz love that shit" and your answer after refusing to fire the guy for a long time was to give everyone corporate anti-racism lessons that would be goofy too

"the rapist misgendered his victim WE NEED TO ADDRESS THIS" yea he's a rapist. you didn't immediately fire him.

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