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You see a lot of westerners saying shit like "Japan only acknowledges what happened to them, you'll never see any type of Japanese media talking about their crimes", but even Baki's Itagaki who's a big patriot acknowledges the rape of Nanking.
Garouden is mainstream, Kakugo no Susume is mainstream, Yokoyama's Mars is mainstream.
When's the last time a MCU movie talked about US war crimes?
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>>22437 (me)
Here's my suggestion. Start a thread: "Understanding Japan" and just focus on answering other people's questions about the country and explaining what you see. Part of the description might be "you have to live in Japan to understand Japan."


>At the level of regular people, there might be acknowledgement, but at the level of government there isn't.



Anon, that thread (sort of) already exists. The Otaku /jp/ thread is literally about discussing Japan. >>4715
This thread is pointless.


Most Japanese people aren't into manga or anime like how most westerners aren't into comics or cartoons as a fandom


It doesn't matter if Murayama made a statement several decades ago if the more recent Prime Ministers like Shinzo Abe go out publicly and say that there was no such thing a forced prostitution, that its somehow not clear if Japan was an aggressor in WWII, etc.

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This film takes place in Manchester in 1866. I saw this fellow in a shot. Is that who I think it is?


He's not drunk and smashing street lights so probably not


It is. Others have spotted this, it's deliberate.

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>he's goin' ovah dat cliff!


what cliff


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People only think Monogatari is good because they want to fuck the con man, if they didn't want to fuck the con man they wouldn't like it.
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Everyone does


Monogatari is good fun because the conversations are interesting and quirky in a good way.
Compare that with something like Lucky Star where the chatting is an absolute chore that drags for far too long.


kinda true


I think it's good because there are many characters I would like to fug.

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You should be talking about dubs you believe are on par with the original, you should point to dubbed clips that made you feel something. Jesus christ anything other than "It sounds just as cringy in japanese as it does in english :))"


Was this meant to be a reply?


It just hits different in English

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Between people calling Cyberpunk Edgerunners an "American anime" despite being a collab between a Polish & Japanese studio, & people assuming that Lies of P is "western" despite being a Korean game, it's safe to say that people only view media as either being American or Japanese.
I've seen people get really into Chinese Donghua. China has its own animation industry with a lot of talented people over there, yet for some reason people insist on using a Japanese word to describe their output, which will just make people assume it's from Japan.
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>le -oomer chan shit
this is some unhinged christian projection. having watched only a single season of ops pic (its got like 8 seasons) it has a lot more fighting, romance and drama than anything remotely resembling porn lol


>this is some unhinged christian projection
Anyway, I have no idea what that anime is, it might be great for all I know, but if thats the case, that pic certainly doesnt do it justice.


Pretending that shit from Japan with actual origins in China as wholesale wholesome native Japanese is nothing new.
It's Fox Spirit Matchmaker or Huyao Xiao Hongnian. I have seen almost all translated seasons and it's the complete opposite of coomer shit. In fact, it's the lack of fanservice that makes it different from typical anime. It's a shonen style romcom, but instead of story arcs with fighting, it's about the titular Matchmakers trying to reconnect spirits and their reincarnated human lovers. Most arcs are clearly inpsired by tradtional Chinese folktales like Buttefly Lovers and Legend of the White Snake.


I mean you can generally separate animation into western and eastern so yes people use lazy cliches


both japan and america create dominate media in the culture industry, not everyone is educated in basic geography to understand other counties so naturally there is going to be ignorance in the consumers, even worse the publishers like netflix who don't care ether


Just found out season 2 of Kengan premiered couple weeks ago. Currently downloading it, hope it covers Kiryu vs Kuroki fight, that one was awesome in manga. How come there already wasnt a tread about this, do you guys not like buff men punching each other?


6 minutes and 30 seconds into first episode. Japanese age of consent is discussed.


Ok, so the first episode was filler/previous season recapitulation. The first fight of the season is going to be Wakatsiku vs Julius. Been years since I read the manga, so completely forgot what the order was. And briefly checking episode titles, yes, Kiryu fight is in a middle of a season.
The opening is pure buttrock excellence, its like watching bad AMV, missing only fraps logo and spanish subtitles.


I just watched Kiryu vs Kuroki episode. Disappointing I must say. 3DCG works really well for most of the fights, makes them look dynamic, fluid. But Kiryus fighting style specifically is heavily stylized in manga, and CG animation just fails to translate it.
Anyway, there was this youtuber who used to make Kengan MMVs, his channel is deleted but luckily all of the videos are archived, and his video does make the fight justice.


shonen manga has never again reached the peak that Sgt Frog did but thats ok there always needs to be the standard that everything else is compared against


im interested, quick rundown on sgt frog?


>Frogs from outer space come to invade
>Decide to live in a family's house
>Comic shenanigans ensure for more than 100 eps

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Many seiyuu can sing, dance, act onstage, AND voice act. Meantime American dub VAs can barely voice act.
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Sumipe can sing, dance, act onstage, voice act, draw, play videogames autistically, defend Molotov against the revisionist wreckers, drink strong alcohol and she's also cute and sexy. Other seiyuu simply can't compare.


>American dub VAs can barely voice act.
>Many seiyuu can sing, dance, act onstage, AND voice act.
Both blatantly untrue for a number of reasons.
1) The latter applies to big time VAs, most seiyuu are just ordinary people
2) I've seen plenty of excellent dubs, because it depends on the studio and the investment. You pay low prices, you get low-effort performances… unless it's really low, then you get excellent stuff like Ghost Stories dub or DxD's dub which had free-reign. I'm not even talking about some of the HORRENDOUS japanese dubs of western cartoons, barely emoting at all, and made worse with Japanese used in animation often being repetetive.


so theyre just pretty band kids


theatre kids**


I think OP got Japanese VAs and American VAs mixed up lol
A lot of Japanese VAs can just do a cute voice but can't do anything else
While a lot of American Dub VAs are Broadway singers and performers

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these dudes didn’t do anything, literally there to just stand around


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Not true, they: situate their national value with nutsack

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