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>he hasn't seen this japo-american masterpiece

<The Hobbit is a 1977 American animated musical television special created by Rankin/Bass, a studio known for their holiday specials, and animated by Topcraft, a precursor to Studio Ghibli.
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Something that has similar asthetic to the stuff mentioned here is The BFG from 1989


Another classic


Funny thing is that there's the hobbit and the Lord of the Rings animations that are entirely separate productions but are so similar in style that people conflate the two as being from the same source.


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>TFW nobody mentions Flight of Dragons
Absolutely wonderful film. It's too bad the animated remake that the original creators were planning never got off the ground. I actually spoke to one of them and he was telling me about how they had basically written and story-boarded it all out, but it got the plug pulled on it because of funding and lack of popular interest.


Anyone remember what video this was?

>Roald Dahl's The BFG (1989) - Full Movie (FULLY RESTORED)

>"I am Gandalf…and Gandalf means…ME!"

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So what's your opinion on Inuyasha and Yashahime?
T. Lad who was born on the 2000 and doesn't know jack shit.
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ummmmmmmmmm YIKES????????????????????????


>So what's your opinion on Inuyasha and Yashahime?
<T. Lad who was born on the 2000 and doesn't know jack shit.
Inuyasha can drag in places, but it's worth watching and has a lot of fun (including the films). Yashahime is like Boruto, poorly thought out and contrived.


>Yashahime is like Boruto, poorly thought out and contrived.
Yep, I only watched it because of the tomboy.


Which one?


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One thing about Inuyasha that bothered me is that Kirara is heavily implied to be the companion of the original Demon-Slayer (Priestess Midoriko, who created the Shikon jewel, yet it's NEVER addressed.

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there hasn't been a single korean comic that I've read, regardless of genre, where korea isn't depicted as the worst shithole imaginable with seemingly the worst aspects of western and eastern cultures
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I think its Lev Gulimev who said that humans just have a desire for religion and something grander to believe in, which can be your religion, your specific ethnic identity, your state and in this your special kpop "group" it comes from the same place


Part-Korean Anon here; S.Korea is the most predatory place you could live in. Of course if you're a Westerner that moved there you'll have it a bit easier because colonialism and Russians often get a pass because we're crazy.


Why is so much of Manhwa webcomics full of horny stuff? Like even actually plot driven stories have anime tier gags and fanservice that sometimes disrupts the tone of the story.


It helps draw eyeballs in what is a massively super saturated market.


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>Cromartie High School
LMAO my first association with Cromartie is the Terminator.

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>one of the only openly pro-communist manga
>fan translators dropped it halfway through
Making this thread just to shed some light on it
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>anyone could make those mistakes
The claim was that he is pro-communist and does his research. If he describes WWII exactly as porky propaganda describes it, then neither is true, isn't it?
>take your meds
Already took them. The red (as in communist) pill. Left is an ubiquitous term, which doesn't really mean anything since even democratic party of the burgerstan calls themself such. So him calling himself a lefty doesn't really tell us anything of value about his actual views.


>he's against russia in the russo-ukranian war, but he seems to be a leftist
I got this from his twitter back in March, seems like he was even in Russia during it
>i'm glad he makes manga outside of the usual wehraboo and rightoid shittery because i really like his artstyle
Yeah, the bitching ITT is why the genocidal empire is seen as cute and quirky anime fodder while the soviets are still seen as "too far" by some cucks
The guy himself seems to be into history in general


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>It is usual rightoid shittery with plots straight out from "Enemy at the gate"
The Soviets are depicted sympathetic and more human with some typical stereotypes while the Nazis are generally more generally cartoonish villains, including the elf bitch. One of the main characters is a Jewish atheist, I'm not the one who thinks the creator is some hardened leftist, it's usually hard to tell, but I wouldn't call this "rightoid shittery".
This case of puritanism is interesting because you don't really see it in the opposite case. In Hellsing the Nazis are depicted as literal psychotic vampires but that never stops rightoids from adopting it


Very underrated thread and manga, even if it uses Soviet aesthetics in partiality for LARP aesthetics.


>kutsuzure sensen
The art design for this small series reminds me of Jmantime's style of illustration.
Edit: forgot the fuckin' image

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Is Attack on Titan fash?
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Ending ruined all the themes, show was ruined as soon as Eldia didn't follow through on the Azoumabuto Clans plans.

Could have done the rumbling pre warning, then attempt diplomatic relations with Nations who were colonized by Marley, create an anti-colonial alliance and show discrimination against the Eldians is not needed, with the ending following the themes of a better world rid of imperialism or genocide, not bullshit fascist movement on the Eldian Island which ruined the direction of the story, but would've been good if the volunteers won that battle.

Bad ending, nice anime.


Zeke was right


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>some of the faces looked pretty goofy, story is shit, I am surprised how suddenly people started praising the ending since originally everyone hated it.
>One piece is better


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AoT is a confused mess and most of its /a/-fans are neo-fash, pic rel


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>Have you heard of a tragedy anon it's one of oldest genres of fiction, as the ancient Greeks invented it. And it's considered one of most popular genres of fiction, and is often considered the highest form of art.
Reading this I couldn't help hearing this with Palpatine's voice lol.


>No Black Lagoon thread
Time to fix this.spurdoSpurdo
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Didn't Badiou hate Deleuze tho?


Posthumous frenemies


How's the manga coming along?
Stopped two years ago when they caught some chick a year ago, and forgot to check up.

The series seems cool, it was just too slow on uploads despite feeling like a massive story that needs to be told.
Similar with Vinland Saga, but at least Vinland doesn't have a bad arc after its anime adaption.



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Black Lagoon has a ton of Revy fans and fan-art. Where the fuck is the love for Balalaika? Especially here.

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Artists are so mad about "AI art" that they're going to go after boorus now.
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Couldn't they use that as a graphics card powered steam engine? Use the computers to boil water which in turn powers the computers. Just supply water and graphics cards.


I doubt they are hot enough to boil the water.


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If it's too much water, continue the experiment of putting the computers underwater


The funny part about this is that this is similar to what some Mangaka and animation studios do to fanartists, it's part of the reason Mogudan stopped doing Rei.


I thought they use supercritical fluids as coolant for the servers.

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Man this feels like a 2000s anime in a good way.
I also checked the manga to get some more and the author is a god of pacing. Lots of development for a huge cast without feeling dragged out. Good shit.
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>a random video showing off the supposed amazing animation
I don't think anyone ITT claimed it ahs good animation
>The entire story has no purpose
Yeah at this point you're not making an argument, you're just making claims that are blatantly inaccurate. I'm not claiming it to be the story of the century, but saying it has no purpose is bad faith nonsense
>OP was applauding just how 2000s it made her feel
??? DId you copy-paste this or are you just 4channed? How is that a criticism.
>legit criticism is not dismissed by putting up a summary of the plot.
You didn't provide legitimate criticism, just opinionated statements.
>I can open wikipedia for that.
No wonder you're such a toxic personality.


Years late for this but:
This all sounds nonsensical. The clips you post do not demonstrate infantilism. A lack of some budget perhaps, but considering that it's a fairly obscure manga that makes sense, especially as this isn't uncommon in anime in general.
As for "fujos" I really don't get that, since the prime love interest is a strong amazonian girl, and only a fujo could perceive something else from the characters.


>Theres already 2 spin-offs to Iruma-kun.
The mangaka is really doing well, I'm surprised the series isn't more popular tbh considering how it balances fluff with actual interesting devil shit.


I used to keep up with this but I stopped a year ago, anyone know what the story is at now? Has Iruma finally revealed his humanity to his friends yet or what?


>Slice Of Life is infantile because it doesmt involve edgy adult males making random edgy jokes or thinking nihilistic poetry


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How about you little faggots stop watching garbage and go watch a real anime?
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>this board is basically a time machine
>gold saints move at the of light and their punches pack as much power as a supernova
Jesus, Joseph and Mary that's definitely in the top tier of DBZ power scaling.
I asked cause I read some fanfic long time ago that had Goku and Saint Seiya spar for fun and be evenly matched in a multi-crossover tournament.


>Blonde, Blue Eyed Russian
Nazi weebs be seething


Funny thing about Sant Seiya is that before I ever watched it or heard of it as a kid, I had an idea for a story where people would fight with god armors and that was their 'power-up'. I used to play pretend with my friends since we all loved mythology and kept coming up with new armors. Then I found about about this series and I was kinda amazed about how similar the ideas were.


Does anyone even remember Saint Seiya? I haven't heard it mentioned by almost anyone in literally years.


Apparently there's a 3D movie coming out for it.

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Have you only seen the animes, or have you read the mangas?

While Joseph is probably the best protagonist, (he's the reason if you even like part 2) – I think Johnny and Kira from "Dead men tell no tales", are really solid.


May as well post this


Maybe it's just me, but it feels like Jojo has, well not quite lost, but reduced in popularity on the internet. It feels like 2 or 3 years back you'd constantly get shit like "wuz dat a jojo reference" or any other meme and reaction images with the characters, and now it's just not as common. They still crop up from time to time, but not like before.


Isn't that a good thing?


I mean for me personally yes as I only liked the old OVA from a long time ago, and found the meme obsession boring.

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