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he's gay so jot that down

he's just a hero

he‘s a gay villainous anti-hero protagonist

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What's your least favorite little girl Chinese cartoon? Mine is Gantz. Has some of the most unlikeable characters I've ever seen. The rapey creep vibe the MC gives off doesn't help either.
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I don't need to explain why.

Fate, such a badly written show, with such good animation, that could actually be spent animating something decent. It has also been exploited to a cape-shit/ mavel movie level, I wouldn't mind if it was smaller, or worse animated, but it is literally burning garbage

You're absolutely insane by even taking Gantz seriously by 10 chapters in. When you look at it as a nonsensical piece of shit written by a pretentious narcissist whose idea of complex characters comes from Michael Bay movies, it's so much fucking fun
That part where the guy paints himself to look like a black guy in order to commit a mass shooting is etched into my brain, who the actual fuck comes up with this shit. There's also a point about halfway through where it almost gets unironically good for a bit and then slides right back into complete shlock territory

>That part where the guy paints himself to look like a black guy in order to commit a mass shooting
tf, that was one of the best parts

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The original is an LN, but it has a manga, so whatever. By Allah, I implore you not to read this fucking steaming pile of shit. It's somehow a synthesis of every trope I hate:
>"i have slaves but i treat them well therefore they wanna fuck me"
>"utility class = LE BAD therefore we are sending you to die faggot-kun"
>le secretly op skill and op cuck class that everyone thinks is trash (because they're fucking stupid 43 iq isekai characters)
>mc doesn't give a shit about anything bad going on around him because he's le edgy
>gods go "fufufu omoshiroi" and help mc survive because apparently faggot-kun dying in a forest is so interesting
>girl of the week haremshit (harem girls aren't even fun to be around, obnoxious whenever they speak due to mc wank)
>muuuuuh revengerino somehow manages to occupy the story and not at the same time, gets shitty resolution
>ending so forgettable i can't even complain about it

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What did he mean by this?
3 posts omitted.

It's fake, do you really think Land would mention GNU Social? He's a Twitter user.

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the fact that this has a (presumably genuine) ifunny watermark is terrifying to me

dude's a schizo speed junky just read Fisher.

the Ifunny nick land CCRU accelerationist arc is inevitable

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Mangadex is finally back but now they've got a full-JS UI, god damn it.
Is it really so hard to make websites that still work with javascript disabled?
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Is there any real issue with JavaScript or is it just something programmers of other languages like to sperg out about?

No a problem per se, but it's overused.
Adding js to a website just mean that your browser will hoard your resources because now it doesn't just need to render a simple html file with some css, but to interpret js code on the fly too.
That doesn't that mean is useless but some sites that could function perfectly without it will instead end up loading slower because of it. If you want to see it by yourself just try going to https://yewtu.be/ and compare it to youtube.
Then there's the security and privacy issues about it, because loading arbitrary code without knowledge of what's doing isn't a good idea.

If a website fetches images over js, the most trivial method of archival is to copy the url of every image while reading and paste it into something like:
j=0; for i in `cat`; do wget -O $j.`echo $i | sed 's/.*\.//'` $i;done

https://dynasty-scans.com has a nice structure, so I often rip from it with the following script.
curl "$1" |
for i in `grep 'var pages' | sed 's/.*var pages = \[//' | sed 's/];.*//' | tr -s '",{:' '	' | tr '}' '
'`; do
    a=`echo $i | cut -f 3`
    wget -O `echo $i | cut -f 5 | ncanon`.`echo $a | cut -d . -f 2` https://dynasty-scans.com/$a

I will also link to the script I made for old mangadex and many other websites >>13741

It should still have an API, at least native applications will still work JS-free.
This is one of the things that bother me with the Minecraft community migrating from curseforge to modrinth. Modrinth is way better by a long shot, Open source, faster, no ads, no comment sections, no twitch accounts, no locking mods out of mod pack usage for no reason, ect… But it's pointlessly a JavaScript application.
Plain HTML will always be easier to serve up than JS. JavaScript, if used at all, should be for actual functioning web applications like games, not just displaying documents, media and links. Most things you could use JS for are better fit for CSS. Marx/Lenin/Mao/etc didn't say to misuse the tools available to you.

As a marxist, you should be anti-JS. As a user, it feels so much worse when modern tech is used on a project.

It makes me think that my prole PC is not worth it.

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why are these pipes always stock fixtures in city anime in the ground where children play???

what's the explanation anons? do you know?
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Am I the only one here who would enjoy an adult sized version of this? Just seems it would be cozy to sit inside or lay inside a tube.

Sewers exist.

We have undersea gas pipes in a park here, very fun for all ages

thank you based anon-chan

Japan's mode of production shifted into a more modern capitalistic context after it became a colony of Amerikkka, what is capitalism if not endlessly building and rebuilding cities to justify real estate rents finance accumulation?

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I refuse to elaborate

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i agree

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Is it because of pizza hut?

>Pizza Hut
>Not CiCi's Pizza
Lost oppunortunity

post pizza butt

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Anyone into NTR? Is this accurate?
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I think NTR or at least ugly bastard hentai is beyond even self insertion for ugly men but just a recollection of the fact that looks doesn't equal to sex appeal. Like you have Danny Devito who has a powerful sex aura and then you have Keanu Reeves who doesn't really have much of it despite them technically being on two opposite sides of physical aesthetics (I wouldn't even say attractiveness)
like I mean there are a lot of people out there who'd rather see a muscle bound, fat guy slamming a girl or even twink rather than a typical shonen protag for example.

>Danny Devito who has a powerful sex aura


which anime girl would you guys say, out of all the animes youve seen, is the most netorare and blackedpilled?

what's that supposed to mean

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how do we fix the anime industry
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>learning how to draw good
>learning how make a cartoon
Do weebs really think these two are the same thing?

they used to be, you can't deny that Disney animation was pretty amazing during certain decades like the 40s and the 90s.

you can say the second is an extension of the first,but the technical know-how is not the same

this is just false, pick up old school animation books - those people were masters and it shows even in their simple use of forms.

you seem to want to disparage the talent of the majority of these arists (japanese animators have excellent anatomical knowledge) for really no reason.

>you cannot draw things extremely outside of your specialty therefore no skill


4kids ops are kino


can we talk about how shitty of a deck Jaden Yuki had in GX. They had to make every single duelist he went up against use a troll deck to make his look OP in comparison.

if you look at the cards in the gx sets, theres just nothing playable except dark world lmao


>rejects conventional morality
>disrespects bourgeois property rights
>die-hard individualist
>theft is cool
>does shit for others simply because he wants to, not out of any spooky obligation
>kind of a dandy
>long face
>tacky sideburns
>prominent widow's peak
>dysfunctional relationships with women
>kind of a loser when you really get down to it
>noticeable popularity among Italians

<never seen in the same room together
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There is a theory/meme that argues that Engels created Stirner to troll Marx, the only proof is that the only images of Stirner we have are drawings made by Engels.

I suppose we're talking about anime lupin,and not the sociopath that is manga lupin right ?

What’s the difference?

straight up murdering people,steal shit because he can and actual SEX on-screen for a start
it's the lupin from Goemon's Blood Spray and Fujiko's Lie basically,and the Takeshi Koike specials (you know the anime gif with a woman hitting a bong ? it's from that)

I wouldn't say Koike's characterization is the manga characterization. It definitely leans in a darker direction akin to the manga, but Lupin's actions in the Koike specials still aren't anywhere near as openly monstrous as the manga - he doesn't rape people and he doesn't really kill without being provoked

Lupin's an interesting IP because the way different creators characterize Lupin always seems to say more about them than the character, like just compare Koike's characterization to Miyazaki's

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