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Would you recommend Lucky Star in 2023 to /anime/?
3 posts omitted.

Check the TV Tropes page on it if you wanna cheat when it comes to that.

To a certain extent, but its still enjoyable without. Its not like Pani Poni Dash where the references build it entirely.

No, fuck that shit
watch Pop team Epic instead.

If it wasn't made in the within past 10 years, I don't recommend it.

lucky star is kinda boring sometimes. I would only recommend if you like pure slice of life anime


> 1975. Hikaru Conde, a young Japanese boy who had set out for Cambodia to win the Pulitzer Prize, was unable to take any photographs that would be bought by a news agency. One day while wandering in the forest, he came across a group of Khmer Rouge rebels. There, he saw an infant who buried them in an instant. A girl named Petit, who called Hikaru "chan" and adored him after her first time meeting him. In wartime Cambodia, the survival of a father and child, who are not blood related, begins.

i dont want to give them views, is this anticommunist or not

[proxy] is right there, zoomy one.

Only with js enabled. You should filter every youtube url to redirect.invidious.io though.

It's so funny to call someone a "zoomer" (already a post-2016 meme) for not knowing about a function specific to vichan that's, again, from only the past few years.

As a zoomer myself (or whatever -oomer 1999 is) I said it as a term of endearment.

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I feel old gushing over this manga about a salaryman and a supermarket employee smoking after shifts.

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ayyy i've just read that one. i'm excited for more releases, it's a good one

It's really nice, too bad releases are very slow.

>hot girl chasing after a meek personalityless guy
Another weeb wish fulfillment fantasy. Might as well have orcs and wizards in it.

Yeah I'm not falling for propaganda from the tobacco industry.

girl in her 20s falling for an older guy is very realistic :^)


I've only ever dipped my toes into anime, but I'd like to go further. I like fantasy, samurai, cyberpunk, and emotional stuff, and things with nature, shinto spirits, etc. I like:
Weathering With You
Samurai Champloo
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Vampire Hunter D
Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal
Digimon: Last Evolution Kizuna
Lupin III
Princess Mononoke
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well the ending was depressing but it wasnt quite what i was expecting. i didnt really get it. all i knew was the general direction that everything was headed towards, but i didnt really understand the culmination if that makes sense.

It's not about nihilism that's just the backdrop. It's about being a hero. This vid explains in depth of what's up with the setting and ending.

>mouse utopia
More like cringe LIBERALtopia.

the scientist that did this study is honestly such a fucking hack, he literally put mice in a retarded burger dystopia imagined version of gommunism just to prove an ideological point about how having food and shelter is le bad actually

I thought the point was more to do with population density and limit of resources not really some message about communism.


I don’t think I can actually recall any time action in an anime looked genuine outside of sword of the stranger and some shootouts in cowboy bebop. So many shows seem to gloss over the actual fighting part for overly long periods of exposition, random still panels to substitute for something meaningful happening and music so fucking loud my ears hurt. too much shits happening on screen but simultaneously nothing it feels awful
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Claymore had pretty good fights in it. Too bad something so good became a train wreck in the end due to original ending. They should have just waited for the manga.

what are our thoughts on penguin vietnam?

More care and intelligence was put into this than god knows how many of the last seasons of anime

Naruto sakuga is pretty good.

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Adding to OP's question: what's some good anime with quadruped character's fighting? I think seeing cats fight the way humans do in shonen anime would be cool.

src: chainsaw man, @cco00oo

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how do i handle it bros
should we do a watchalong or something

pokemon final adventure…
nostalgia really is ending, it's time for us zoomers to grow up
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professor oak's experiments have gone too far this time

i realize, i'm just saying that's so dark

what is wrong with you times a hundred

where is everyone else in the watchalong?
i'm in the pokemon orange islands with tracy

it's crazy how much they adapted from this season, female professor, regional variants, hawiian theme

the funny thing is, they recently came out and said that he might return again

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>when you read about capitalism's tendency towards overproduction and realize that's why there's a constant barrage of seasonal anime otaku feel pressured to keep up with
really hating this capitalism thing bros can we play another game
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who are you quoting

learn to read

learn to quote

>doesn't comprehend use of greentext in a chan setting
Go back.

this is an imageboard, not a chan, and greentext is a /v/ newfag thing


Okada claimed that animators are so poor even though the industry attracts more money than ever because the production committee caps the budgets on individual anime titles. This is apparently because of a culture of corporate collusion, where the lead investing company determines beforehand the highest amount every other company in the committee can spend proportionally.

Okada elaborated that because control over the copyright is proportional to the amount of investment, companies will bid to become the highest investor (this is usually 40%). Once they attain this status, they have the power to determine the budget. For example, if the lead investor spends $4 million, the budget would be capped at $10 million.

After the budget has been determined proportionally, production committees will not accept larger investments from outsider (usually foreign) companies. A large investment would be split into separate projects to keep those companies lower down in the production committee. For example, Okada said that if a Chinese company offered to pay for an entire $10 million budget, the production committee would turn their investment into $50,000 chunks across 20 different projects. In other words, to maintain control and profits, the Japanese companies on anime production committees are incentivized to use the surplus from foreign investment to fund other projects instead of increasing an individual title's budget.
3 posts omitted.

More anime is not bad, the problem is overextended studios that are not able to maintain quality, for this more money is needed yes. In this you are right, but simply increasing the investment cap would naturally lead to studios still over exploiting animators, but having shows look better, while possibly being more generic and Hollywood like. The real answer is unionization, which would lead to raising the investment cap and increasing quality, as workers are not over extended.

But since at this point unionization seems to be impossible, I'm going to go the tankie route, and say that a popular front with the petit bourgeois that wants to keep production budgets low is best, so animators will have to be sacrificed to maintain democracy 😞

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>last couple of good seasons was ~2 years ago i believe
ive been reading these exact same words for a over a decade already lmao

i'm really not joking though, winter 2021 was filled with kino

>at this point unionization seems to be impossible
where did we go wrong bros

Everyone focusing on the "more anime coming out" part and not on "animators get paid shit as usual".


I remember watching random episodes on adult swim 20 or so years ago and thinking it was cool, but damn, I didn’t realize this show was as interesting, deep, and meaningful with characters who grew or developed with such novel time appropriate scifi or western plots.

So it wasn’t just a theme song after all.

You might also enjoy Samurai Champloo

seconding this. i actually like samurai champloo better even though it has slightly worse animation quality due to being an early digital anime

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so I read the oldboy manga in one sitting after watching the movie. What a joke of an ending that was. Needless to say, I liked the film's interpretation far better. It would have been interesting to see the Spielberg-directed American adaptation that was supposedly going to faithfully adapt the manga, though.
The person who decided to do that shot-for-shot Hollywood remake of the Korean movie was fucking stupid.

Spike Lee's remake is hilarious. Don't know who decided the main antagonist should be a britbong. Hope the full 3 hour cut is released someday.

Also the twist, I feel I have to explain it so other people hopefully won't waste theirtime tie reading this crap

So the protagonist and villain were in the same elementary school together, the villain was ugly and lonely but genuinely didn't care what other kids said about him, But one day the antagonist had to sing in front of the whole class and other kids laughed at him but he didn't care, however the protagonist cried because he was moved by the song and could understand the loneliness behind it, the villain was then unable to function in society because he couldn't tolerate the idea of someone knowing how empty he felt and inside and it destroyed him as a person

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