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Which anime movie/series would you say it's superior to its manga?
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I can't say there is any anime that improved on the manga truthfully.


>muh animation
>muh voice acting
>muh music
Comic book fans, we're already lost.


Yugioh, or really any anime series made before its manga


can you say that again without memes


>Midori Days
>Louise the Zero
Off the top of my head.

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anyone watching this? seems like a way more creative anime than anything that previously involved hiro mashima
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>posts 4/10 pg13 porn
Get some standards. You're bringing the whole board down. At least post some actually worthwhile breasts. Something actually drawn in less than 5 seconds flat.


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…relax dude.


Is it just me or do the female characters of Demon Slayer look like Fairy Tail females? Vid related is literally like Mirajane. Has the copy-format spread from Fairy Tail and Edens Zero to other media?


Despite kinda being mediocre its gotten a Season 2. At least its better than Samurai 8.


What the hell even happened to this show? With how popular Fairy Tail was and how similar Eden's Zero is, you'd think it'd share a larger fanbase.

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just got thru watching this and a bunch of youtube videos trying to explain it. still fucking confused by this series, is lain god or not?
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I finished Cyberia and lmfao what a waste of time.
Anarchists, man. Useless petit-bourgeois retards.
Thinking that discovering how everything interacts with everything else is incompatible with Materialism when they really just haven't read Marx and Engels, so they resort to the stupidest celebrations of incoherence.
I'm somehow reforming society at large by taking drugs in my room but we say we're actually changing the Morphogenetic field so its revolutionary.
Making a big deal out of spray painting "Elect" on a billboard poster into "ERect" and pretending you're toppling capitalism and literally accepting an interview to talk about doing it.
Anarchists are such a joke.


>Thinking that discovering how everything interacts with everything else is incompatible with Materialism when they really just haven't read Marx and Engels, so they resort to the stupidest celebrations of incoherence.
Wait until they find about Deleuze.


Honestly Lain and .Hack bored me after a while, not because it's terrible, but because it's pacing is so disjointed it throws me off and I can never make it past the first few episodes.


>I am ballin i am faded
name for anyone if the Embed dies.


The disjointedness and so on is reminiscent of a lot of anime adaptations of Light Novels, where they skip or cut material leading to broken up story telling. The only thing is that .Hack wasn't based on a light novel so I guess it was just how they made it.

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>but jet, you are black and you are male
<everything about Vicious
<all of faye's soy-banter dialogue
<Ed's actor getting done dirty with cringe direction and cringe costume design
<tying everything in to the syndicate unintentionally making the world feel that much smaller and therefore less interesting
<dutch angles fucking everywhere
<Julia becomes a power-hungry asshole with almost no in-universe character motivation given
<the entire sequence of mad pierrot hacking into ein's brain
<Vicious magically knows about Jet's daughter when we're given every indication to believe he's been obsessively focused on his coup d'etat leaving all of his dealings regarding looking for Spike and his associates entirely to the viewer's speculation
<the green screen for spike falling out the church window looks like absolute ass
<the hilariously placed "PORN" sign during the rooftop fight with Hakim
<the scene in the S&M dungeon that felt like something out of a 2000s National Lampoon comedy
<detailing the spike/vicious/julia backstory ends up backfiring because it takes what was initially something mysterious and partially left to viewer interpretation and turns it into something that comes off incredibly ham-fisted and unjustifiably stupid on every single character's part

why, anons
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It's the same production company doing the One Piece live action that drops in two weeks btw.


One Piece leaks are already out on torrents, though the company is shutting them down fast.

The One Piece trailer is a mixed bag, but it's probably gonna be more fun.


So 2 years later was the Cowboy Bebop Live Action really that bad?


I really liked the anime, so I kind of enjoyed the live action. Some of the sets and the acting was nice. It was missing that element that made cowboy bebop feel so melancholic but filled with energy simultanously.

I absolutely loved One Piece's live action. Sure it isn't the anime, but it's as best as it could've been. And as I mentioned in another thread, I cried every epsiode at least once. That's quality shit. It had it's issues, sure, but at least it perserved a lot of what makes the one piece anime nice.


No. Just really mediocre and poorly following the original. It's not horrendously terrible, just boring.

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Can someone explain this anime to me? I watched it and I'm completely lost.
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this looks really bad and European but i also think that toonami anime millenials deserve to eat terrible slop forever as punishment for their complacency


The girl in glasses seems cute.


>Why do they keep remaking FLCL
Nostalgia because the original was kind of a hit
>how do they keep making it shittier each time
different times, different mentalities - they can't replicate the good parts properly because there is a disconnect to aspects of life reflected in the original, that cannot just be aesthetically copied over.


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If you liked FLCL I think people here would like Birdy the Mighty


>this looks really bad and European
Huh? How?
>toonami anime millenials deserve to eat terrible slop forever as punishment for their complacency
The fuck does this mean, and the toonami millenials aren't the one consuming the slop, it's the next generation that does.

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What the fuck even is the point of harem series? Aren't most of them just romance but with an even greater chance of blueballing you?
Yeah, it SEEMS like pure wish fulfillment, but it isn't even good at that because in most shows there's only relentless teasing instead of any actual romance and the MC only ends up with one of the candidates anyway.
The only explanation I can come up with is that it's just a way to increase the appeal (and thus commercial potential) of a standard romance series by cramming it with different archetypes. Either that or anime fans just love getting teased with no real guarantee of a reward, which would explain a lot, actually.
(Also) This thread is for all the harem anime, manga, light novels/virtual novels etc. Post your Favorite Anime, Favorite Scenes, What you like about them, memes, discussion, lewds and anything in between.
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Hot Take: the name of Dokyuu HxEros and Masō Gakuen HxH are trying to play on the fame of HS DxD using the LetterxLetter nameplay.


Frankly I'd like more villainess romcoms in anime, they're cute and funny and there's not enough of it to be tiresome.


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>everyone calling you a pol convert
who, where, what?
>right on the money
<I trolled 4/pol/ about their waifu-fagging for fun
<If you shit on the nazis you become the nazis


>What the fuck even is the point of harem series? Aren't most of them just romance but with an even greater chance of blueballing you?
A plain SoL Harem is usually boring unless you spice it up with something; devils, monsters, aliens, alien-devil monsters, world-ending disasters, magic settings, sci-fi settings etc.
From a clinical and cynical point of view it's a Power Fantasy pure an simple - the guy gets the girls and becomes the hero.
However if written well it becomes an opporutnity for worldbuilding and action along with fan-service and romcom plots, which is a fun bit of escapism as long as you're not being a retard about it.


I'm both surprised and unsurprised that reverse harems are uncommon

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I mean, just imagine that shit.

You have a cast of unique and unforgettable characters with their own unique personalities.
>Emiliano Zapata
>Pancho Villa
>Porfirio Diaz
>Felix Diaz
>Victoriano Huerta
>The US Ambassador who orchestrated the Ten Tragic days
>countless more generals and noteworthy people
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foxgirls, and you ought to see the anime. It's moeshit, yes, but it has enough restraint in the hijinx not to go full retard like Dragon Maid does. Also it's not quite out of nowhere. It is implied in the anime and stated in the original source that he's a reincarnation of someone the foxes are attached to. Moreover it actually has a subtle social commentary of the shittiness of Japanese bachelor life and work life. Finally it's shorter and so doesn't overstay its welcome.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


I think that los Niños Héroes could be a good story for an adaptation in terms of Mexican 'anime' as it resembles similar stories in the USSR regarding Soviet youths and cadets fighting against the German invasion to their last breath. A somber but potentially interesting story.


>I think that los Niños Héroes could be a good story for an adaptation in terms of Mexican 'anime'
True, but its obscure even within Mexican society today tbh.


>but it has enough restraint in the hijinx not to go full retard like Dragon Maid does
this is exactly why its boring m8


Eh I disagree, it'd be boring if it was like 5 seasons of the same shit, but its not. Dragon Maid just feels retarded and I get no pleasure out of it, hence why I didn't bother.

Senko-san works as a single or maybe 2 season anime with some rom-com elements, not for long-form unless a proper, overarching plot is given.

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Well that was bad. Wasted potential as it's usual with many shows.

Most baffling parts were the deuteragonist working the big rich mafia guy that pits the poor to kill each other as a sport among other things and the "if you kill him you'll be as bad as him" at the end. Then there's the convenient powers the main couple exhibit to solve the big issue at the end.

Trigger hasn't been good since it was called Gainax, huh.
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>strawman schizopost cope because I said normalcy is a real concept
LMAO, seethe harder


normal people dont talk like this :)




Kek the same problem of Zootopia happens again. This is why furry stuff being used for political messaging gets way too muddled LMAO.

>my pure japanese blood is the vaccine


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>>Trigger hasn't been good since it was called Gainax
>so, never


Rather than watch new shitty seasonals, I'm going to rewatch Elfen Lied DUBBED while working out and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
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Your textwall is hot garbage, learn to format your paragraphs or use imageboard posting.
>'kids' wouldn't be there long enough to grow up?
<holiday camps
Hello /pol/ see pic related and fuck off you cunt.
>Your lack of actual ww2 knowledge
<posts literal holocaust denial shite.
Fuck off.
>You're anecdotal evidence
No it is not. It is a goddamn fact that kids and most people are not active sadists in such a manner and that its a shitty fucking edgelord scene that has no pretext of happening. This is literal high-school tier animal-killing and bullying, not something that happens to elementary school children. Also you have no argument, yet attempt to present yourself as "le smarter man"… even as you fuck up basic grammar.
>You don't take my argument serious
Because you have no argument, "muh not reel!" is not a fucking argument. Human beings don't suddenly become psychopaths in an orphanage, and a setting fictional or not needs to have internal consistency, otherwise its just poor writing.
>Jews weren't chosen to survive based on how well they did in mentally complex tests.
You're bringing up random fucking nonsense. Unironically check yourself into an institution, you're not addressing anything I said and just randomly go on schizophrenic tangents about your personal ignorance of WW2 that you project onto it historiography. No wonder you like this show, it appeals to the terrible or rather lack of taste you have. Your tangents about "le 3letter agencies" is fucking laughable given that I literally created the /edu/ CIA thread and numerous effortposts on the subject debunking their nonsense and posting sources on the subject. You need to touch grass and reassess your intelligence, or rather lack of it.


>Nothing wrong with the formatting
<D-do ur rsearch u didn't refute me!
Yeah, no, go back to /pol/ you schizo faggot


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I never watched this anime past the first episodes because it wasn't my thing, although I've gone back and seen various parts of it over time. I do recall the AMVs for Elfen Lied though, they were hardcore.

Also I think the "freak child meets a normal human boy that she imprints on" literally got stolen by Darling in the Franxx.


I'm trying to find an Elfen Lied AMV with an electro remix of Grieg's Mountain King.


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>I thought that it was pronounced Elfen "leed"…
It's Elfen Lied
Full of Filthy Deeds

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Greatest love story ever told.
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Extremely based


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>I prefer the doujin adaptation


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Jesus christ those eyes are demonic.

>Embedding error.

>white album 2
What kind of music is that?


What was the actual video URL tho?


That face gives me massive uncanny valley vibes, christ.

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