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I am having an obsession with Code Geass, i watched it four months ago and i keep imagining lelouch inside of my brain, because he is the most badass antihero protagonist i've seen in any anime.

what's your thoughts on this anime? is it leftist?
22 posts and 10 image replies omitted.

>that second pic

code geass is the most bisexual show ever made. the camera wants to fuck every main character present at a given moment

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I've never seen Code Geass but it does look like the best hentai ever.

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It has its moments

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what do you think about RWBY as an anime
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>spiked cat dick
whitegirl pls go

The Schnees must suffer.

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RWBY might be put into Multiversus. At the very least Ruby is already in backstring for the game as are some ready voice lines (vid rel)

>The pastebin: https://rwbyg.com/
Now that Roosterteeth is dead all RWBY & RT content including previously unreleased and Behind The Scene's stuff can now be found at https://rtarchive.org/ at least for the time being. Dunno if VIZ's acquisition will change this or if they just leave it be, so if people want, they ought to save the content that you can, maybe make some catbox files. I might drop by the rwbyg servers and send the site owner the files if need be.

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One Piece is leftist
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The plot is about a government conspiracy doing historical revisionism and covering up all sorts of exploitation and genocide. The fismen used to be a slave race and presently live under an apartheid. One of the heroic groups are a revolutionary army, and all the heroic Marines are heroic because they defy orders. There's an aristocratic ruling class that kills for fun with impunity. Franky literally tells Robin "no person is illegal" just in different words.

One Piece is broadly Leftist. I doubt he's ever read Marx however, and it's a children's comic book series after all.

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>That shark girl from way back was good too
Do you mean the Shark Mermaid oracle, Madame Shyarly or the daughter of Big Mom, Charlotte Praline? Either way, agreed.

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Shanks is HIM

>Shanks is HIM
He's a Finnish Gothic Rock Band?


Is it just Ayn Rand for weebs or is there a redeemable message in it?
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God, that sound like Goblin Slayer-tier dogshit.

It's designed to be uberedgy slop, which has a certain kind of appeal. Personally I like stories with villain protagonists. Naofumi kind of tries to act like one but imo he's too much of a pussy to commit to the bit.

Egdy has its appeal, slop does not. Or I guess it does to some people, but I reserve my right to critique. Edginess is supposed to be violation of conventions, but fetishistic power fantasy is ironically the most conventional kind of clique in the industry.

>>25376 only good part was when the princess' sister got her pussy ate and it looked like she may possibly pissed herself. Other than that who cares

>Goblin Slayer-tier dogshit.
<Denigrating Goblin-slayer to the level of that fantasy murder-rapist protag sewage.

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Is it the best Shonen?
I like to think so. What are your opinions about HxH and Shone in General
91 posts and 25 image replies omitted.

wake up, togashi posting new pages

wake me up when he finishes a chapter.

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1999 HXH is objectively better than the 2011 vers.

1) The art and mood building is much better
2) Kite introduced at the beginning
3) Killua and Kurapika get multiple designs
4) Characters are built upon in a meaningful way through filler
5) OP/EDs are gorgeous and use amazing music

>b-but 1999 has filler!!!11!@!

Newsflash: IF THE FILLER IS GOOD THEN WHO THE FUCK CARES? The three episode filler-arc in the middle of the hunter exam arc was masterfully done and served to develop the background characters and make us actually care about them. Kurapika also gets time to shine in a role that suits him well. The brief filler scene when Killua goes to Whale Island and tries to kill a wounded animal to "put it out of its misery" instead of trying to nurse it to health was a NECESSARY scene to show some of the fundamental differences between Killua and Gon's outlooks on life, and Killua's struggle to acclimate.

>2011 has better animation

all the character art is bland as fuck, which completely detracts from any quality animation. not to mention there's plenty of AMAZING animation in the 1999 version as well, specifically the fight between Gon and Hisoka at Heavens Arena and Kurapika vs Uvogin in the york new city arc

Post-Ryodan Arc 2011 = 1999 TV anime + Ryodan OVA >>> 2011 up to Greed Island.

This is the correct opinion.

I'll admit the series has good music at least. File ver

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Manga prominently featuring female characters and perspectives. I recently read some Tomoko Yamashitas works, and would appreciate if anyone has recommendations for more. Can also serve as a yuri thread, since old one is full.
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No, I just despise marketing. Not all shoujo works are pandering, just as not all shonen works are. It's just that many of them are due to the nature of the capitalist spectacle. I have no issues with actual shoujo works, in fact I think Nana is cool, even if I'm not a fimel.

lucky star, azumanga daioh, nichijou……..

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Reposting because Zankaria apparently hates lesbians so much that they ignore the details of Rule 10 that they cited me for.
>any pornography on these boards should be hidden using the Spoiler Image option
It was spoilered, I made sure of it.
>Pornography should not be posted on them without good reason
It's lezdom which is relevant to the thread. The previous Lesbian/Yuri/Woman-centric thread was 50% literal PORN spam, most of it unspoilered, yet the mods didn't even warn that guy for posting, despite other users literally asking them not to image-dump massive amounts of porn. Hentai threads and other lewd posting is allowed on /anime/ in part because it's fucking ANIME, ecchi comes with the territory FFS.

A random selection of paired girls including 420Chan

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Also of possible interest to y'all is the futa thread >>>/siberia/528164

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So much animosity towards moe here, so why not a moe thread. I like taking solace from the cruelty of the real in this.
post your favourite moe anime & manga
What i mean: Non Non Biyori, K-On!, and stuff.
I'll start with my favourites:
>1. Haibane Renmei
Very relaxing melancholic anime that alludes to the afterlife and themes of self acceptance, emotional but not dramatic.
>2. Girls' Last Tour
End of the earth slice of life, episodic and lonely but warm in spite of the cold landscape, absurdist narrative.
>3. Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Like GLT this manga is a slice of life at the end of time, but this time its only humanity that is. Set in the twilight of the human time, with a continuous accumulating decline with no grand ending whatsoever, in contrast to GLT where it's more like the lonely midnight where it's all ending soon.
>4. Game Club
Manga by the GOAT mangaka imitation crystal, transient and wistful but also cheerful, you will also feel like a game nerd reading it. Great characters, a bunch of weirdos that might have mental health issues.
>5. Sora no Woto
Like K-On! but millitary but also All Quiet on the Western Front without the traumatic experience except for flashbacks, it's very rough as a whole, messy pace too but I really like the strong theme of anti-war in it. The world building seems too detailed to be in a slice of life anime but it's also what i like about it. Bonus for good soundtrack, but all the animes i wrote here also has good soundtrack lol.
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is yuukankurabu okay?

It's a pretentious snorefest that's for sure. Babby's first "tragedy" manga.

Yuru Camp S3 was pretty good despite the artstyle change.

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I've lost my taste for the majority of these genres, but one I found quite sweet and simple was Space Family Carlvinson


I like the moekko archetype when it's not overdone but tbh I don't like CGDCT and SoL because there are no stakes and nothing interesting ever happens. You can only keep my attention with cuteness for so long. Maybe my attention span is fucked or maybe I'm allergic to sweetness overdose. Or maybe I'm just a neurotic dopamine junkie who cannot take a rest ever.


Tomoko thread… why? Because I like the character… and other reasons…
Post lewds (spoilered), memes, edits, pics and anything else related to the subject
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What made Watamote so good that despite only ever having a single season more than a decade ago, people still talk about it?

It having a single season helps alot.

Quality shows have like 3 seasons max, the less season a show has the better it is most of the time

She's just like me frfr

holy fuck i also feel hot and sweaty during hot summer days wtf!!


Wake up honey, the world's first non-fascist manga is about to drop!
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YES. So what? also they should fight using robots and they should all have big butts and fight in bikinis.

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What about this though?

hope i'm able to read it

we don't talk about this one…

I guess I'll have to read it first to give proper judgement but if this series is just another manga promoting militarism, gun wankery and le hecking cute girls fighting for their country (basically girls und panzer) then it's going to be fascist even if features Red Army women as protags.

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itt hueg fricken 2d oppai
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Yeah but it's kinda speciated between more conventional AMVs and fancams, with both being referred to quite non-descriptively as "edits."

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